Define the Vendor ID Detection

The vendor ID is a unique numeric key in a database used to record invoice-data. This key is always database-related and never printed on an invoice.

The Invoice Group Locator can extract the Vendor ID and the Vendor Name if a document for that vendor was trained with that information. You can use this information in the Vendor Locator as well, especially if the Database Locator failed to detect the correct vendor due to an incomplete vendor database. If the Vendor ID was extracted from the Invoice Group Locator, the confidence reward and penalty are applied to all alternatives from the Database Locator. If the correct vendor was not detected by the Database Locator, a new result is inserted based on the trained information from the Invoice Group Locator. Most of the database fields are empty because the corresponding database record could not be found.

You can define the vendor ID detection by following these steps:

  1. Open the locator properties.
  2. On the General tab, in the Vendor ID Detection group, select a locator from the list.
  3. Adjust the Add this confidence reward if the vendor ID matches value.

    The value for this option is set to 10% by default.

  4. Adjust the Subtract this confidence penalty if the vendor ID does not match value.

    The value for this option is set to 10% by default.

  5. Adjust the other locator settings.
  6. Open a test document and click Test to test your settings.
  7. Optionally, click Close to close the locator properties window.
  8. Save the changes to your project.