Manage license statistics

The License Statistics page displays the number of users who are currently logged on and the overall usage of Station and Volume licenses for the development and production servers.

The Station and Volume license types are briefly explained:

  • Station Licenses: Includes the number of available licenses (licenses that are not yet used), the maximum number of licenses, and the expiration date for each license type.

  • Volume Licenses: Displays the full count of pages that you can scan annually, the remaining number of pages that you can scan this year, and the expiration date and renewal date for the licenses.

  1. On the Tenant Management System page, click License Statistics.

    The License Statistics page appears and displays the following details for production and development licenses:

    • Station licenses (Name | Available | Maximum | Expiration Date)

    • Volume licenses (Name | Remaining | Full Count | Expiration Date | Renewal Date)

  2. Activate licenses that are not yet activated. See Reactivate Licenses.
  3. Click Close.

View the license statistics of a tenant

You can view the development and production statistics for each tenant on all station and volume licenses. For example, if a customer bought a license with 10,000 users and a volume of 10,000,000 pages, you can see a list of tenants and the allocated users/volume for each tenant. For example:

  • Tenant A: 10 Users/20,000 Pages

  • Tenant B: 40 Users/100,000 Pages

  • Tenant C: 5 Users/50,000 Pages

You can also allocate more or remove users/page volume licenses. If you allocate more users/page volume licenses than those on the primary license, a warning appears.

Note As an administrator, you can allocate term-based volume to the tenants. Additionally, when using RTTS in an on-premise multi-tenant configuration, the consumed volume licenses is reflected for the tenant which is using it. This helps to ensure the licenses usage is charged to the appropriate tenant.
  1. On the License Statistics page, click the Tenants tab.
  2. Click the tenant name to display the tenant details.

    The Tenant Statistics page for the selected tenant appears and displays the following details for production and development licenses:

    • Station licenses (Name | Available | Allocated )

    • Volume licenses (Name | Available | Allocated )

  3. Click Close.