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JobService Class Reference

Provides methods for creating jobs, updating the status of jobs and managing job properties. More...

Public Member Functions

void ActivateJob (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Activates a job with the specified job id. More...
void ActivateJobs (string sessionId, JobIdentityCollection jobIdentityCollection)
 Activates the jobs with the specified job id's. More...
void ActivateJobsWithSuspendReason (string sessionId, string suspendReason)
 Takes a suspend reason and reactivates all jobs that it finds with a matching suspend reason. More...
void AddJobDocumentRule (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, string name, bool restrictedDocument, string description, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity, DateTime?dateRequired, MilestoneIdentity milestoneIdentity, DocumentProcessBasicRule documentBasicRule, DocumentProcessBusinessRule documentBusinessRule, ProcessIdentity documentUploadProcess, bool allowDeletion, ProcessIdentity documentTypeDueProcess, int documentTypeDueExceptionDuration)
 Adds an adhoc basic rule into a job document rule. More...
void AddJobNote (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, NoteInfo noteInfo)
 Adds a note that will be associated with a job. More...
void AddRoleMember (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, RoleIdentity roleIdentity, ResourceIdentity resourceIdentity)
 Adds a member to a specified role. More...
void AddToNumericVarValue (string sessionId, VariableIdentity2 variableIdentity, object variableValueToAdd)
 Adds the value that has been passed to a specified variable. More...
void ArchiveJobs (string sessionId)
 Archives the jobs when archive settings is off. Archiving operation cannot run when Archive settings is Yes in Server Settings. Archiving operation cannot run when archiving is already in progress. This is an asynchronous operation and executes via worker task. More...
bool ConfirmJobDocument (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity)
 Use the ConfirmJobDocument method to evaluate particular rule of the document set, of the jobid, with the specific document type. The rule will only consider documents that are in an Accepted state. More...
JobDocumentTypeRuleResultCollection ConfirmJobDocuments (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DocumentTypeIdentityCollection documentTypeIdentityCollection)
 Use the ConfirmJobDocuments method to evaluate all the rules of the document set, of the jobid. The rule will only consider documents that are in an Accepted state. More...
string CreateCustomProcessForJob (string sessionId, string jobId, string categoryName, string newProcessName)
 Creates a new version of the process map based on existing one on a live job and associates job id with the newly created map. More...
JobIdentity CreateJob (string sessionId, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, JobInitialization jobInitialization)
 Creates a new instance (a job) for the specified process map. More...
JobProgressOutput CreateJobAndProgress (string sessionId, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, JobInitialization jobInitialization)
 This API executes all automatic activities and returns the pending manual activity if available, job id, and job status. More...
JobIdentity CreateJobAndStartAt (string sessionId, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, JobInitialization jobInitialization, ProcessActivityIdentity processActivityIdentity)
 Creates a job for a specified business process map and starts it at a specified activity. More...
JobIdentity CreateJobInCase (string sessionId, ProcessIdentity caseProcessIdentity, CaseIdentity caseJobIdentity, JobInitialization jobInitialization)
 This API provides the funtionality of CreateJobInCase, CreateJobInCaseUsingMapName, CreateJobInCaseUsingRef and CreateJobInCaseUsingRefMapName. More...
JobProgressOutput CreateJobInCaseAndProgress (string sessionId, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, CaseIdentity caseIdentity, JobInitialization jobInitialization)
 This API executes all automatic activities and returns the job id, job status and any pending manual activity of the case fragment job. More...
JobIdentity CreateJobInCaseWithDocuments (string sessionId, ProcessIdentity caseProcessIdentity, CaseIdentity caseJobIdentity, JobWithDocumentsInitialization jobWithDocsInitialization)
 This API provides the funtionality of CreateJobInCase, CreateJobInCaseUsingMapName, CreateJobInCaseUsingRef and CreateJobInCaseUsingRefMapName and also accepts documents. More...
JobWithDocumentsProgressOutput2 CreateJobInCaseWithDocumentsAndProgress2 (string sessionId, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, CaseIdentity caseIdentity, JobWithDocumentsInitialization jobWithDocsInitialization, VariableIdentityCollection variablesToReturn)
 Creates a new instance (a job) for the specified fragment with documents. In addition, if automatic activities are the first actviites of the job, they will be performed until the job is finished or only manual activities are pending. More...
SyncJob CreateJobSync (string sessionId, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, JobInitialization jobInitialization, VariableIdentityCollection variablesToReturn)
 Creates a synchronous job for a specified process map. More...
SyncJobWithDocument CreateJobSyncWithDocument (string sessionId, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, JobWithDocumentInitialization jobWithDocInitialization, VariableIdentityCollection variablesToReturn)
 Creates a new instance (a job) for the specified process map with document. This API is designed to enhance capture activities execution by creating document in memory and by accessing local transformation server instance (specify local port number in web.config under setting 'TSExternalServicePortForSyncProcessing', default is 9001). The document data will be committed to database only if user opts to save. In addition, the specified process map can have only automatic activities. Note: This API is supported in RTTS mode only. More...
SyncJobWithDocuments CreateJobSyncWithDocuments (string sessionId, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, JobWithDocumentsInitialization2 jobWithDocsInitialization, VariableIdentityCollection variablesToReturn)
 Creates a new instance (a job) for the specified process map with multiple document. This API is designed to enhance capture activities execution by creating document in memory and by accessing local transformation server instance (specify local port number in web.config under setting 'TSExternalServicePortForSyncProcessing', default is 9001). The document data will be committed to the database only if user opts to save. In addition, the specified process map can have only automatic activities. Note: This API is supported in RTTS mode only. More...
JobIdentity CreateJobUsingProcessType (string sessionId, short processType, string caseReference, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, JobInitialization2 jobInitialization)
 Creates a job using process type. So, if process type is business process, then create a job. If process type is case definition, then create a case. More...
JobIdentity CreateJobWithDocuments (string sessionId, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, JobWithDocumentsInitialization jobWithDocsInitialization)
 Creates a new instance (a job) for the specified process map with documents. More...
JobWithDocumentsProgressOutput2 CreateJobWithDocumentsAndProgress2 (string sessionId, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, JobWithDocumentsInitialization jobWithDocsInitialization, VariableIdentityCollection variablesToReturn)
 Creates a new instance (a job) for the specified process map with documents. In addition, if automatic activities are the first actviites of the job, they will be performed until the job is finished or only manual activities are pending. More...
void DeleteJobDocumentRule (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity)
 Deletes the specified document rule if it is defined at runtime (i.e, adhoc) else throws error. More...
void DeleteJobNote (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DateTime dateNoteEntered)
 Deletes a note associated with a job. More...
void DeleteRoleMember (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, RoleIdentity roleIdentity, ResourceIdentity resourceIdentity)
 Removes a resource from a specified role. More...
int EvaluateScore (string sessionId, JobIdentity job)
 Evaluates and returns the score for the specified job. The predictive model needs to be turned on to the process map on which the job is created. More...
void ForceValidJobDocument (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity, string comment)
 Forces the valid job document. More...
JobExceptionSummaryCollection GetExceptionMaps (string sessionId, JobExceptionFilter jobExceptionFilter)
 Retrieve all the exceptions for the specified search criteria. Without any filter setting set, this API will get all exception maps from Live and Finished databases. More...
JobRoleCollection GetJobCaseRoles (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Retrieves details on the case job roles. More...
ComplexVariableValueRowCollection GetJobComplexVariableForTable (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, VariableIdentity variableIdentity)
 Gets the value of specified static/dynamic complex variable in a job, as a collection that can be used to populate a form table control. More...
ComplexVariableActionOutput GetJobComplexVariableRows (string sessionId, UpdateComplexVariableAction updateComplexVariableAction)
 Gets complex variable rows based on row index or search criteria. More...
JobCount2Collection GetJobCount2 (string sessionId, JobCountFilter jobCountFilter)
 Retrieves the job count from the available jobs for the specified statuses. More...
JobDocumentRuleCollection GetJobDocumentRules (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Get the documents type rules defined in a job. More...
JobDocumentCollection GetJobDocuments (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Gets the documents received and corresponding document type rules in a job. More...
JobDocumentIdentityCollection GetJobDocumentsUsingType (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity)
 Returns all Job Documents which are equal to a specified document type within a job. More...
JobEventCollection GetJobEvents (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Retrieves the process events for the specified job. More...
JobHistoryCollection GetJobHistory2 (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, JobHistoryFilter jobHistoryFilter)
 Retrieves the job history for the specified job. More...
JobInfo GetJobInfo (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, JobHistoryFilter filter)
 Retrieves details for the specified job. More...
string GetJobLanguage (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Retrieves the language associated with the job. More...
JobMilestoneCollection GetJobMilestones (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Retrieves the milestones of the specified job. More...
JobNoteCollection GetJobNotes (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, JobNoteFilter jobNoteFilter)
 Retrieves the job notes from a specified process. These notes can be filtered depending on the Note Type and the resource(s) for which it should be returned to. More...
ProcessIdentity GetJobProcessIdentity2 (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, short embeddedProcessCount)
 Retrieves the details of a process that a job is based on. More...
JobProperties2 GetJobProperties2 (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, JobHistoryFilter filter)
 Returns all the job properties with additional details of languageinfo, supportinginfo and workqueue definition of a particular job. More...
JobRole2 GetJobRole2 (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, RoleIdentity roleIdentity)
 Retrieves fixed roles from a process. Floating roles from the job are also returned. More...
RoleCollection GetJobRoles (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Retrieves a collection of job roles associated with a specified job. More...
JobList GetJobs4 (string sessionId, JobFilter4 jobFilter)
 Retrieves jobs for the specified filter criteria. Different from GetJobs3 in that you have a filter setting for filtering with JobSla. Service Level Agreements are times defined relative to process due date that are indicators you are approaching the due date. More...
int GetJobsCountWithQuery (string sessionId, QueryIdentity queryIdentity, JobQueryFilter jobQueryFilter)
 Retrieves jobs count based on the specified query. The query can be an existing saved query, or a custom query for which the settings are specified through the jobQueryFilter parameter. The queryFilter is set for unsaved queries and the queryIdentity would be null in such cases. More...
string GetJobSource (string sessionId, string jobId)
 Retrieves the job source associated with the job. More...
JobsSummaryCollection GetJobsSummary (string sessionId, JobSummaryFilter jobSummaryFilter)
 Gets a summary of jobs using specified Group By, Aggregates and Jobs Filter. More...
JobsSummaryResults GetJobsSummaryWithQuery (string sessionId, QueryIdentity queryIdentity, JobField groupByField)
 Executes a supplied Job Query and based on the groupByField passed in, returns a summary of the query results and an overall total count.
The query specifies filter criteria that are applied to the results. e.g. can filter on activity name, priority or Case Ref. More...
JobQueryResult2 GetJobsWithQuery2 (string sessionId, bool useDefaultQuery, QueryIdentity queryIdentity, JobQueryFilter jobQueryFilter)
 Retrieves jobs based on the specified query. The query could be the default query specified for this resource, an existing saved query, or a custom query for which the settings are specified through the jobQueryFilter parameter. Also, we can optionally request the jobs count by setting the GetJobsCount property of the filter parameter to true. When select to return the jobs count the number returned will be the number of jobs and will not be restrained by the maximum number of jobs to return filter parameter. More...
JobQueryResult2 GetJobsWithQueryAndFilter (string sessionId, QueryIdentity queryIdentity, JobFieldValue jobFieldValue)
 Retrieves jobs based on the specified query and a dynamic filter criteria defined in the JobFieldValue parameter. The JobFieldValue is used to update the filter parameters of the query with a dynamic value and allows the results to be further filtered based on this value. More...
JobVariableHistoryCollection GetJobVariableHistory (string sessionId, JobNodeIdentity jobNodeIdentity, JobVariableHistoryFilter jobVariableHistoryFilter)
 Retrieves the job variable history. More...
JobVariableCollection GetJobVariables (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Gets the job variables. More...
VariableValueCollection GetJobVariablesValues (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, VariableIdentityCollection variableIdentityCollection)
 Retrieves a list of variable values for a specified job. More...
VariableValue GetJobVariableValue (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, VariableIdentity variableIdentity)
 Retrieves the variable value from the specified job. More...
ProcessViewerData GetJobViewerData (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, bool associatedJobs)
 Retrieves the job properties, the customize and restart access permissions and also maps the job details and runtime status in XML format (used primarily by the Job Viewer control). More...
JobProperties GetMinJobDetails (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, JobHistoryFilter filter, short maxWQFieldCount)
 Retrieves a minimum anount of information on the specified job. More...
StateHistoryCollection GetStateChangeHistory (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Retrieves the state changes history for a specified job. More...
SubJobProperties GetSubJobProperties (string sessionId, SubJobIdentity subJobIdentity, short jobDatabase)
 Retrieves the variables and history of a sub job. More...
ProcessViewerData GetSubJobViewerData2 (string sessionId, SubJobIdentity subJobIdentity, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, bool getSubJobProperties)
 Retrieves the sub job properties, customize and restart access details, and also maps the details with runtime status in XML format. More...
JobMilestoneCollection GetUpdatedMilestones (string sessionId, DateTime lastUpdatedDateTime, short databaseConnectionType)
 Retrieve the milestones that have been updated since the specified date. More...
void HoldJob2 (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, OnHoldOptions2 onHoldOptions)
 Holds a job with the specified job details. Note: The expected finish time and the expected duration of a job will be updated by the amount of time the job was on hold when the job is taken off hold. Also escalations will not fire while the job is on hold.
Note: We should not call HoldJob from within the job itself( node) either in a subjob or at parent level, as it leads to an infinite loop as the.Net node does not complete prior to the job being put on hold. The job is then activated on the same node and put on hold again. More...
void HoldJobs (string sessionId, JobIdentityCollection jobIdentityCollection, OnHoldOptions onHoldOptions)
 Put the specified jobs On Hold. Note: The expected finish time and the expected duration of jobs will be updated by the amount of time the jobs were on hold when the jobs are taken off hold. Also escalations will not fire while the job is on hold More...
bool IsAccessPermitted (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, short accessType)
 Defines the access permitted by the current resource for a particular action for a specified job. It determines whether the resource can Create, Suspend or Terminate a job. More...
bool PerformChecking (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, ResourceIdentity resourceIdentity)
 Determines whether checking can be performed or not. More...
bool PerformSampling (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Determines whether sampling can be performed or not. More...
void PurgeJobs (string sessionId, PurgeJobsOptions options)
 Removes the jobs from the system based on the options provided. More...
void PurgeJobsByID (string sessionId, StringCollection jobIds)
 The API takes the list of job Ids as input and purge the completed and terminated jobs in the list from live and finished job tables. More...
void RaiseAnonymousEvent (JobIdentity jobIdentity, string eventName, string eventSource, InputVariableCollection updatedVariables)
 Raises an anonymous process event for the specified job using the system resource. More...
void RaiseEvent (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, string eventName, string eventSource, InputVariableCollection updatedVariables)
 Raises a process event for the specified job. More...
void ReceivedJobDocument (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DocumentIdentity documentIdentity, bool useSource, string source, bool useStatus, short status)
 Documents Received will be added with the status of Received and if the document already exists it will be updated with the given status. More...
void ReceivedJobDocuments (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DocumentIdentityCollection documentIdentityCollection, FolderIdentity folderIdentity, bool useSource, string source, bool useStatus, short status)
 Documents Received will be added with the status of Received and if the document already exists it will be updated with the given status. More...
void RecoverJob (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Recovers a job if they have failed the evaluation stage. More...
void RecoverJobs (string sessionId, JobIdentityCollection jobIdentityCollection)
 Recovers the jobs that are specified. More...
void ReevaluateJobDocumentRequiredDates (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Re evaluate job document required dates. More...
void ReevaluatePrecondition (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Reevaluates the precondition for a specified job. More...
void ReEvaluateSkin (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, SkinEvaluationOptions skinOptions)
 Reevaluates a skin on a job using existing job or a case variable. If a new skin is determined any overridden job and activity level properties for the skin are updated within the job. More...
void ReplaceJobRoleMembers (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, RoleIdentity roleIdentity, ResourceIdentityCollection resources)
 Replaces the members of a floating role in a job with new members. More...
void ResetJobVariables (string sessionId, JobActivityIdentity jobActivity, JobIdentity subJob, bool useLatestHistory, DateTime setTime)
 Resets the variables for the specified job. More...
void RestartJob (string sessionId, JobActivityIdentity jobActivityIdentity, ProcessActivityIdentityCollection embeddedProcessList, short restartType, JobIdentity subJobIdentity)
 Allows administrators to correct any runtime problems with the flow of maps by restarting the job at or after a particular node. More...
void SuspendJob (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, JobNote jobNote)
 Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use SuspendJob2 instead.
Suspends the job with the specified job id. More...
void SuspendJob2 (string sessionId, SuspendJobInfo suspendJobInfo)
 Suspends the job with the specified job id. More...
void SuspendJobs (string sessionId, JobIdentityCollection jobIdentityCollection, JobNote jobNote)
 Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use SuspendJobs2 instead.
Suspends the specified jobs. More...
void SuspendJobs2 (string sessionId, SuspendJobsInfo suspendJobsInfo)
 Suspends the specified jobs. More...
void TerminateJob (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Terminates a specified job. More...
void TerminateJobs (string sessionId, JobIdentityCollection jobIdentityCollection)
 Terminates the specified jobs. More...
void UnHoldJob (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Activates the specified job that is on hold. More...
void UnHoldJobs (string sessionId, JobIdentityCollection jobIdentityCollection)
 Activates the specified jobs that are on hold. More...
object UpdateJobComplexVariable (string sessionId, UpdateComplexVariableAction updateComplexVariableAction)
 Updates job complex variable data. More...
void UpdateJobComplexVariableFromTable (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, VariableIdentity variableIdentity, ComplexVariableValueRowCollection complexVariableRows)
 Updates the value of specified dynamic complex variable in a job, with the data passed from a form table control. More...
void UpdateJobCustomerData (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, string customerData, OutputVariableCollection variables)
 Updates the customer data against the job. The customer data will contain context information to enable users to progress activities. More...
void UpdateJobDocumentRequiredDate (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity, DateTime requiredDate)
 Updates the job document rule date required. More...
void UpdateJobDocumentRule (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity, DateTime dateRequired, string description, DocumentProcessBasicRule documentBasicRule)
 updates the job document rule. More...
void UpdateJobDocumentType (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DocumentIdentity documentIdentity, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity)
 Updates the type of the job document with the specified document type. More...
void UpdateJobExpectedFinishTime (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DateTime expectedFinishTime, bool resetException)
 Updates the expected finish time of a live job. More...
void UpdateJobLanguage (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, string languageName)
 Updates the language for the specified job. More...
void UpdateJobMilestoneActualDate (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, MilestoneIdentity milestoneIdentity, DateTime newActualDate)
 Updates the actual date for a milestone actual in a specified job. More...
void UpdateJobMilestoneTargetDate (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, MilestoneIdentity milestoneIdentity, DateTime newTargetDate)
 Updates the target finish date for a milestone in a specified job. More...
void UpdateJobNote (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DateTime dateNoteEntered, NoteInfo noteInfo)
 Updates a note associated with a job. More...
void UpdateJobOwner (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, ResourceIdentity jobOwner)
 Updates the job owner for the specified jobs. More...
void UpdateJobOwners (string sessionId, JobIdentityCollection jobIdentityCollection, ResourceIdentity resourceIdentity)
 Updates the job owner for the specified jobs. More...
void UpdateJobOwnerUsingSearchCriteria (string sessionId, JobFilter jobFilter, ResourceIdentity jobOwner)
 Updates the job owner of the jobs identified using the specified search criteria. More...
void UpdateJobPriority (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, short jobPriority)
 Updates the job priority for the specified job. More...
void UpdateJobSource (string sessionId, string jobId, string jobSource)
 Updates the job source for a specified job. More...
void UpdateJobSpend (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, double value)
 Updates the current spend so far for a specified job. More...
void UpdateJobState (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, string jobState)
 Changes a job state and perform any action associated with the state. Will restart the job if required. More...
void UpdateJobVariables (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, UpdatedVariableCollection updatedVariables)
 Updates the variable values for a specified job. More...
void UpdateReceivedJobDocumentsStatus (string sessionId, JobIdentity jobIdentity, DocumentIdentityCollection documentIdentityCollection, FolderIdentity folderIdentity, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity, short status)
 Updates the received job documents status. More...
string UpgradeJobs2 (string sessionId, UpgradeJobFilter upgradeJobFilter)
 Upgrades the jobs using the specified upgrade criteria. More...
void UpgradeJobsAsync (string sessionId, UpgradeJobFilter upgradeJobFilter)
 Upgrades the jobs asynchronously using the specified filter criteria More...


Provides methods for creating jobs, updating the status of jobs and managing job properties.

Member Functions

void ActivateJob ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Activates a job with the specified job id.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job that needs to be activated.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
This API can be used to activate a job that is on hold.
No restrictions apply.
void ActivateJobs ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentityCollection  jobIdentityCollection 

Activates the jobs with the specified job id's.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityCollectionA JobIdentityCollection collection object that are to be activated. JobIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
This API can be used to activate the jobs that are on hold.
No restrictions apply.
void ActivateJobsWithSuspendReason ( string  sessionId,
string  suspendReason 

Takes a suspend reason and reactivates all jobs that it finds with a matching suspend reason.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
suspendReasonThe suspend reason associated with job.
The suspend reason to be cleared for each job that is successfully reactivated.
No restrictions apply.
void AddJobDocumentRule ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
string  name,
bool  restrictedDocument,
string  description,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity,
DateTime?  dateRequired,
MilestoneIdentity  milestoneIdentity,
DocumentProcessBasicRule  documentBasicRule,
DocumentProcessBusinessRule  documentBusinessRule,
ProcessIdentity  documentUploadProcess,
bool  allowDeletion,
ProcessIdentity  documentTypeDueProcess,
int  documentTypeDueExceptionDuration 

Adds an adhoc basic rule into a job document rule.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is the job for which the role member needs to be added.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
nameName for the new job document rule.
restrictedDocumentIf set to true, the job document rule will be set to restricted. If set to false, the job document rule will be set to unrestricted.
descriptionText description for the job document rule.
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity identity object containing the document type that needs to be added to the job document rule. Cannot be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String Unique identifier of document type Yes
Name String Name of document type No
Version Double Current version of document type No
dateRequiredIf not null, the required date for job document rule.
milestoneIdentityA MilestoneIdentity identity object that is used to identify the milestone to be updated.
Name Type Comment Required
Name String The name of the milestone Yes
documentBasicRuleA Document Process Basic Rule object that is used to define the state of document and the number of required documents.
Name Type Comment Required
State Short The state of the document. If 0, the state is set to optional. If 1, the state is set to Manditory Yes
NoOfDocumentsRequired Int The number of required documents Yes
documentBusinessRuleA Document Process Business Rule object that is used to define the Business Rule Identity.
documentUploadProcessA ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the document upload process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
allowDeletionIf set to true, the job document rule can be deleted.
documentTypeDueProcessA ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the document type due process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
documentTypeDueExceptionDurationThe duration of the exception for the document type that is due.
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
No restrictions apply.
void AddJobNote ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
NoteInfo  noteInfo 

Adds a note that will be associated with a job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job for which the note will be added to.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
noteInfoA NoteInfo object that contains the note text and type. If the type is left empty then a default note type is added.
Name Type Comment Required
NoteText String The text that will be displayed within the Note Yes
TypeId String The type of the Note. If left blank, the note will be set to 'Default' No
The sessionId parameter will identify the underlying user who is adding the note.
A note can be added to a live or finished job.
This method will set different types of notes depending on the value passed to TypeID within noteInfo:
  • TypeId = 4DE75A7E7AB049B1BEDDF017D69FC1EB This will set the note type to Resource.
  • TypeId = AB9842C19321454DB5D56EE94FDC1391 This will set the note type to Collaboration.
  • TypeId = 9E298F8BC47F49B3BAD91B852862B4D6 This will set the note type to Default.
No restrictions apply.
void AddRoleMember ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
RoleIdentity  roleIdentity,
ResourceIdentity  resourceIdentity 

Adds a member to a specified role.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is the job for which the role member needs to be added.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
roleIdentityA RoleIdentity object containing the information of the role that needs to be updated with a member. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The Id of the role Yes/No. This API will work if you supply either of the Id or Name
Name String Name of the role. Yes/No. This API will work if you supply either of the Id or Name
resourceIdentityA ResourceIdentity identity object containing the resource that needs to be added to the role. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The Id of the resource that is joining the role Yes/No. This API will work if you supply either of the Id or Name
Name String Name of resource. Yes/No. This API will work if you supply either of the Id or Name
ResourceType Int16 The type of resource. NOT used by this API No
No restrictions apply.
void AddToNumericVarValue ( string  sessionId,
VariableIdentity2  variableIdentity,
object  variableValueToAdd 

Adds the value that has been passed to a specified variable.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
variableIdentityA VariableIdentity2 object whose value needs to be updated. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes
Name String The variable name No
OwnerId String The onwer id can be server id, process id, job id, case id, or case job id Yes
Version Double The variable owner version (if greater than zero then it will be the process version). For job variables and server variables, the version will be 0. Yes
variableValueToAddThe numeric variable value to add. Note: An exception is triggered for non-numeric values. Cannot be null
No restrictions apply.
void ArchiveJobs ( string  sessionId)

Archives the jobs when archive settings is off. Archiving operation cannot run when Archive settings is Yes in Server Settings. Archiving operation cannot run when archiving is already in progress. This is an asynchronous operation and executes via worker task.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
No restrictions apply.
bool ConfirmJobDocument ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity 

Use the ConfirmJobDocument method to evaluate particular rule of the document set, of the jobid, with the specific document type. The rule will only consider documents that are in an Accepted state.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is the job for which the document should be associated with.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity identity object containing the document type that needs to be added. Cannot be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String Unique identifier of document type Yes
Name String Name of document type No
Version Double Current version of document type No
Returns true or false. True if the document rule is validated else false.
No restrictions apply.
JobDocumentTypeRuleResultCollection ConfirmJobDocuments ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DocumentTypeIdentityCollection  documentTypeIdentityCollection 

Use the ConfirmJobDocuments method to evaluate all the rules of the document set, of the jobid. The rule will only consider documents that are in an Accepted state.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is the job for which the document should be associated with.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
documentTypeIdentityCollectionA DocumentTypeIdentityCollection collection of DocumentTypeIdentity that has the details of the Document Type Identities which are to be evaluated.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String Unique identifier of document type Yes
Name String Name of document type No
Version Double Current version of document type No
A JobDocumentTypeRuleResultCollection that gives the rule result of the Job DocumentType. The Result member of this class can be true or false. If true, rule is met. If false, rule is not met.
Name Type Comment Required
DocumentTypeID String The Id Of the document Type Yes
Result Boolean Returns true or false. True if the document rule is validated else false. Yes
No restrictions apply.
string CreateCustomProcessForJob ( string  sessionId,
string  jobId,
string  categoryName,
string  newProcessName 

Creates a new version of the process map based on existing one on a live job and associates job id with the newly created map.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdJob Id of base map.
categoryName(Optional) Category name for new map. If empty, associates with the existing map category.
newProcessName(Optional) Process name for new map. If empty, new map name is name of process used to create this job prefixed with the keyword Customisable.
Returns the process name of the new map.
No restrictions apply.
JobIdentity CreateJob ( string  sessionId,
ProcessIdentity  processIdentity,
JobInitialization  jobInitialization 

Creates a new instance (a job) for the specified process map.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
processIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
jobInitializationA JobInitialization object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate | DateTime | The start date of the job. This is the date from which the jobs SLAs, milestones, etc will be calculated. | No | No
Returns a JobIdentity object which contains a unique identifier (Job Id) for the newly created job
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
If you supply a start date, then you must supply Id rather than Name when supplying the processIdentity parameter.
The resource that created the job (identified by the sessionId) will become the job owner, unless the job owner has been specified in the process map.
If the processIdentity refers to a case definition, the Job Id will be used as the Case Reference.
You cannot create a case fragment using this method.
If auditing is enabled, a new audit entry will be created with details of the new job.
No restrictions apply.
JobProgressOutput CreateJobAndProgress ( string  sessionId,
ProcessIdentity  processIdentity,
JobInitialization  jobInitialization 

This API executes all automatic activities and returns the pending manual activity if available, job id, and job status.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
processIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object containing the processid and version of the process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
jobInitializationA JobInitialization object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate DateTime The start date of the job No
A JobProgressOutput object with the pending manual activity if available, job id, and job status.
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
No restrictions apply.
JobIdentity CreateJobAndStartAt ( string  sessionId,
ProcessIdentity  processIdentity,
JobInitialization  jobInitialization,
ProcessActivityIdentity  processActivityIdentity 

Creates a job for a specified business process map and starts it at a specified activity.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
processIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object containing the processid and version of the process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
jobInitializationA JobInitialization object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate DateTime The start date of the job No
processActivityIdentityA ProcessActivityIdentity identity object that contains the activity information at which the job needs to be started using node name.
Name Type Comment Required
ProcessIdentityIdentity NOT used by this API No
NodeId Int16 The id of the activity within a process. NOT used by this API No
ActivityName String Name of activity Yes
An instance of type JobIdentity.
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
No restrictions apply.
JobIdentity CreateJobInCase ( string  sessionId,
ProcessIdentity  caseProcessIdentity,
CaseIdentity  caseJobIdentity,
JobInitialization  jobInitialization 

This API provides the funtionality of CreateJobInCase, CreateJobInCaseUsingMapName, CreateJobInCaseUsingRef and CreateJobInCaseUsingRefMapName.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
caseProcessIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
caseJobIdentityA CaseIdentity identity object containing case job id of the case associated with the process.
Name Type Comment Required
CaseId String The case id (i.e. job id) of the associated case Yes/No. Either CaseId or CaseReference needs to be supplied
CaseReference String The case reference of the associated case Yes/No. Either CaseId or CaseReference needs to be supplied
jobInitializationA JobInitialization object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate DateTime The start date of the job No
Returns a JobIdentity object which contains the job id
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
The possible combinations of caseProcessIdentity and caseJobIdentity parameters are:
  • Case job id and case fragment Process Id populated
  • Case job Id and case fragment Process Name populated
  • Case reference and case fragment Process Id populated
  • Case reference and case fragment Process Name populated
No restrictions apply.
JobProgressOutput CreateJobInCaseAndProgress ( string  sessionId,
ProcessIdentity  processIdentity,
CaseIdentity  caseIdentity,
JobInitialization  jobInitialization 

This API executes all automatic activities and returns the job id, job status and any pending manual activity of the case fragment job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
processIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the case fragment process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
caseIdentityA CaseIdentity identity object with the job id of the case associated with the fragment.
Name Type Comment Required
CaseId String The case id (i.e. job id) of the associated case Yes
CaseReference String The case reference of the associated case. NOT used by this API No
jobInitializationA JobInitialization object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate DateTime The start date of the job No
A JobProgressOutput object with the pending manual activity if available, job id, and job status.
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
No restrictions apply.
JobIdentity CreateJobInCaseWithDocuments ( string  sessionId,
ProcessIdentity  caseProcessIdentity,
CaseIdentity  caseJobIdentity,
JobWithDocumentsInitialization  jobWithDocsInitialization 

This API provides the funtionality of CreateJobInCase, CreateJobInCaseUsingMapName, CreateJobInCaseUsingRef and CreateJobInCaseUsingRefMapName and also accepts documents.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
caseProcessIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
caseJobIdentityA CaseIdentity identity object containing case jobid of the case associated with the process.
Name Type Comment Required
CaseId String The case id (i.e. job id) of the associated case Yes/No. Either CaseId or CaseReference needs to be supplied
CaseReference String The case reference of the associated case Yes/No. Either CaseId or CaseReference needs to be supplied
jobWithDocsInitializationA JobWithDocumentsInitialization object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values.
Name Type Comment Required
Documents Collection A collection of RuntimeDocument Yes
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate DateTime The start date of the job No
Returns a JobIdentity object which contains the job id
You must supply at least 1 RuntimeDocument
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
The possible combinations of caseProcessIdentity and caseJobIdentity parameters are:
  • Case job id and case fragment Process Id populated
  • Case job Id and case fragment Process Name populated
  • Case reference and case fragment Process Id populated
  • Case reference and case fragment Process Name populated
No restrictions apply.
JobWithDocumentsProgressOutput2 CreateJobInCaseWithDocumentsAndProgress2 ( string  sessionId,
ProcessIdentity  processIdentity,
CaseIdentity  caseIdentity,
JobWithDocumentsInitialization  jobWithDocsInitialization,
VariableIdentityCollection  variablesToReturn 

Creates a new instance (a job) for the specified fragment with documents. In addition, if automatic activities are the first actviites of the job, they will be performed until the job is finished or only manual activities are pending.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
processIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
caseIdentityA CaseIdentity identity object that is used to identify the case in which the fragment instance should be created.
Name Type Comment Required
CaseId String The case id (i.e. job id) of the associated case Yes/No. Either CaseId or CaseReference needs to be supplied
CaseReference String The case reference of the associated case Yes/No. Either CaseId or CaseReference needs to be supplied
jobWithDocsInitializationA JobWithDocumentsInitialization object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values.
Name Type Comment Required
Documents Collection A collection of RuntimeDocument Yes
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate DateTime The start date of the job No
variablesToReturnA VariableIdentityCollection collection of variables whose values are to be returned.
VariableIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes
Name String The variable name. NOT used by this API No
Returns a JobWithDocumentsProgressOutput object which contains the document or folder Id and also has a collection of the manual pending activities of the job
You must supply at least 1 RuntimeDocument
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
No restrictions apply.
SyncJob CreateJobSync ( string  sessionId,
ProcessIdentity  processIdentity,
JobInitialization  jobInitialization,
VariableIdentityCollection  variablesToReturn 

Creates a synchronous job for a specified process map.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
processIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the process to create a job on. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
jobInitializationA JobInitialization object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate DateTime The start date of the job No
variablesToReturnA collection of VariableIdentity objects that identifies the variables that need to be returned. Can be null
VariableIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes
Name String The variable name. NOT used by this API No
A SyncJob object. Will include values for the variables that are specified in the input parameters variablesToReturn and also the job Id of the newly created synchronous job.
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
No restrictions apply.
SyncJobWithDocument CreateJobSyncWithDocument ( string  sessionId,
ProcessIdentity  processIdentity,
JobWithDocumentInitialization  jobWithDocInitialization,
VariableIdentityCollection  variablesToReturn 

Creates a new instance (a job) for the specified process map with document. This API is designed to enhance capture activities execution by creating document in memory and by accessing local transformation server instance (specify local port number in web.config under setting 'TSExternalServicePortForSyncProcessing', default is 9001). The document data will be committed to database only if user opts to save. In addition, the specified process map can have only automatic activities. Note: This API is supported in RTTS mode only.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
processIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
jobWithDocInitializationA JobWithDocumentInitialization object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values.
Name Type Comment Required
Document RuntimeDocument2 RuntimeDocument2 members. Object that is used to identify the document that is created in memory Yes
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate DateTime The start date of the job No
variablesToReturnA VariableIdentityCollection collection of variables whose values are to be returned.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes
Name String The variable name. NOT used by this API No
Returns a SyncJobWithDocument object which contains the job identity, the document or folder Id, runtime fields with additinal field properties (if opted), page OCRs (if opted) and variables (if opted). Note: If API is called inside process map then can not return PageTextOcrs collection and Field Alternatives.
You must supply at least 1 RuntimeDocument2
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
No restrictions apply.
SyncJobWithDocuments CreateJobSyncWithDocuments ( string  sessionId,
ProcessIdentity  processIdentity,
JobWithDocumentsInitialization2  jobWithDocsInitialization,
VariableIdentityCollection  variablesToReturn 

Creates a new instance (a job) for the specified process map with multiple document. This API is designed to enhance capture activities execution by creating document in memory and by accessing local transformation server instance (specify local port number in web.config under setting 'TSExternalServicePortForSyncProcessing', default is 9001). The document data will be committed to the database only if user opts to save. In addition, the specified process map can have only automatic activities. Note: This API is supported in RTTS mode only.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
processIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
jobWithDocsInitializationA JobWithDocumentsInitialization2 object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values.
Name Type Comment Required
Document Collection A collection of RuntimeDocument2 Yes
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate DateTime The start date of the job No
variablesToReturnA VariableIdentityCollection collection of variables whose values are to be returned.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes
Name String The variable name. NOT used by this API No
Returns a SyncJobWithDocument object which contains the job identity, the document or folder Id, runtime fields with additinal field properties (if opted), page OCRs (if opted) and variables (if opted). Note: 1. API should be called from TA forms or custom code. Note: 2. In CreateJobSyncwithDocuments API, we can optionally specify (ReturnOnlySpecifiedDocuments from JobWithDocumentsInitialization2 object), if data is to be returned for all documents (default) or original single document only.
You must supply at least 1 RuntimeDocument2
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
No restrictions apply.
JobIdentity CreateJobUsingProcessType ( string  sessionId,
short  processType,
string  caseReference,
ProcessIdentity  processIdentity,
JobInitialization2  jobInitialization 

Creates a job using process type. So, if process type is business process, then create a job. If process type is case definition, then create a case.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
processTypeProcess type. The enumeration follows
Enumeration Description
0 Business Process
1 Case Definition
2 Case Fragment
caseReferenceThe case reference if creating a case or case fragment (job in case). If not provided, then the case id will be used as the case reference for case.
processIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object containing the processid and version of the process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
jobInitializationA JobInitialization2 object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate DateTime The start date of the job No
JobIdentity Identity Will create with this job id No
An instance of type JobIdentity.
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
No restrictions apply.
JobIdentity CreateJobWithDocuments ( string  sessionId,
ProcessIdentity  processIdentity,
JobWithDocumentsInitialization  jobWithDocsInitialization 

Creates a new instance (a job) for the specified process map with documents.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
processIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
jobWithDocsInitializationA JobWithDocumentsInitialization object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values.
Name Type Comment Required
Documents Collection A collection of RuntimeDocument Yes
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate DateTime The start date of the job No
Returns a JobIdentity object which contains a unique identifier (Job Id) for the newly created job
You must supply at least 1 RuntimeDocument
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
If you supply a start date, then you must supply Id rather than Name when supplying the processIdentity parameter.
No restrictions apply.
JobWithDocumentsProgressOutput2 CreateJobWithDocumentsAndProgress2 ( string  sessionId,
ProcessIdentity  processIdentity,
JobWithDocumentsInitialization  jobWithDocsInitialization,
VariableIdentityCollection  variablesToReturn 

Creates a new instance (a job) for the specified process map with documents. In addition, if automatic activities are the first actviites of the job, they will be performed until the job is finished or only manual activities are pending.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
processIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
jobWithDocsInitializationA JobWithDocumentsInitialization object that contains the initialization variables for the new job. The variables in the job will be updated with the corresponding values.
Name Type Comment Required
Documents Collection A collection of RuntimeDocument Yes
InputVariables Collection A collection of InputVariable No
StartDate DateTime The start date of the job No
variablesToReturnA VariableIdentityCollection collection of variables whose values are to be returned.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes
Name String The variable name. NOT used by this API No
Returns a JobWithDocumentsProgressOutput2 object which contains the document or folder Id and also has a collection of the manual pending activities of the job
You must supply at least 1 RuntimeDocument
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
If you supply a start date, then you must supply Id rather than Name when supplying the processIdentity parameter.
No restrictions apply.
void DeleteJobDocumentRule ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity 

Deletes the specified document rule if it is defined at runtime (i.e, adhoc) else throws error.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is the job for which the document will be removed from.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity identity object containing the document type that will be deleted. Cannot be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String Unique identifier of document type Yes
Name String Name of document type No
Version Double Current version of document type No
No restrictions apply.
void DeleteJobNote ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DateTime  dateNoteEntered 

Deletes a note associated with a job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is the job with the note to be deleted.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
dateNoteEnteredThe date and time when the note was entered for the job.
If the session Id is the system session Id then any note can be deleted.
If the session Id is for a logged on resource and the resource is the note creator or is a supervisor of the note creator or is a member of the Administrators group, then the note will be deleted.
No restrictions apply.
void DeleteRoleMember ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
RoleIdentity  roleIdentity,
ResourceIdentity  resourceIdentity 

Removes a resource from a specified role.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is the job for which the role member needs to be removed.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
roleIdentityA RoleIdentity object containing the role that needs to have a member removed. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The Id of the role Yes
Name String Name of the role. NOT used by this API No
resourceIdentityA ResourceIdentity identity object containing the resource that needs to be removed from the role. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The Id of the resource that is leaving the role Yes
Name String Name of resource. NOT used by this API No
ResourceType Int16 The type of resource. NOT used by this API No
No restrictions apply.
int EvaluateScore ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  job 

Evaluates and returns the score for the specified job. The predictive model needs to be turned on to the process map on which the job is created.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobA JobIdentity identity object used to identify the job for which the score needs to be evaluated.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
The job score. Updates the job score system variable value (if variable has been added to process map).
No restrictions apply.
void ForceValidJobDocument ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity,
string  comment 

Forces the valid job document.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is the job which contains the documents to be set to valid.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity identity object containing the document type that will be set to valid. Cannot be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String Unique identifier of document type Yes
Name String Name of document type No
Version Double Current version of document type No
commentA user specified comment to explain why the document is set automatically to valid
No restrictions apply.
JobExceptionSummaryCollection GetExceptionMaps ( string  sessionId,
JobExceptionFilter  jobExceptionFilter 

Retrieve all the exceptions for the specified search criteria. Without any filter setting set, this API will get all exception maps from Live and Finished databases.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobExceptionFilterA JobExceptionFilter object that can be used to filter the exception maps. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
StartDate DateTime If supplied, indicates the start date of an exception map job No
EndDate DateTime If supplied, indicates the start date of an exception map job No/Yes. Is required if StartDate supplied
Process Identity If supplied, only get exception maps whose owner process id is this process id No
A collection of JobExceptionSummary
No restrictions apply.
JobRoleCollection GetJobCaseRoles ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Retrieves details on the case job roles.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose roles are to be retrieved.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
A collection of JobRole objects.
Each JobRole object will have the details of id, role type and associated members.
No restrictions apply.
ComplexVariableValueRowCollection GetJobComplexVariableForTable ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
VariableIdentity  variableIdentity 

Gets the value of specified static/dynamic complex variable in a job, as a collection that can be used to populate a form table control.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job from which the variable value needs to be updated.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
variableIdentityA VariableIdentity identity object that is used to identify the variable whose value needs to be updated in the specified job.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes
A collection of ComplexVariableValueRow objects. This will hold the complex variable value rows in such a way that this data can be easilty displayed on to form table control.
This API supports data retrieval of up to 20 columns. No restriction on retrieval of number of rows.
No restrictions apply.
ComplexVariableActionOutput GetJobComplexVariableRows ( string  sessionId,
UpdateComplexVariableAction  updateComplexVariableAction 

Gets complex variable rows based on row index or search criteria.

sessionIdThe session identifier.
updateComplexVariableActionThe updateComplexVariableAction.
Complex variable rows
JobCount2Collection GetJobCount2 ( string  sessionId,
JobCountFilter  jobCountFilter 

Retrieves the job count from the available jobs for the specified statuses.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobCountFilterA JobCountFilter object containing the job status and job type information on which the jobs need to be filtered.
Name Type Comment Required
JobStatusFilter Int16 Status of the job. See enumerated type in Remarks section below. Yes
JobTypeFilter Int16 Type of the job. See enumerated type in Remarks section below. Yes
A collection of JobCount objects. For every specified job status, the job count is returned.
The enumeration for JobStatusFilter filter setting follows.
Enumeration Description
0 Active
1 All Live And Finished
2 All Finished
3 All Live
4 Completed
5 Ready For Evaluation
6 Pending Completion
7 Suspended
8 Terminated
9 On Hold
10 Awaiting Completion
11 Awaiting Case Completion
12 Terminated Awaiting Completion
13 Terminated Awaiting Case Completion

The enumeration for JobTypeFilter filter setting follows.
Enumeration Description
0 Normal Job
1 Case Instance
2 Case Fragment
3 All
No restrictions apply.
JobDocumentRuleCollection GetJobDocumentRules ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Get the documents type rules defined in a job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identityobject that is used to identify the job whose documents type rules defined to retrieve.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
Returns a JobDocumentRuleCollection object which contains the collection of document type rules for the specified job.
Name Type Comment
Name String The name of the Job Document Rule.
DocumentType DocumentTypeIdentity The id of the document type.
DateRequired DateTime If not null, the required date for job document rule.
Adhoc Boolean If true, the job document rule will be an adhoc rule.
Description String A user defined description for the Job Document Rule.
Status JobDocumentRuleStatus Sets the status of the Job Document Rule where 0 = NotRun, 1 = Passed, 2 = Failed.
Comment String A user defined comment for the job document rule.
RuleData DocumentProcessRuleData A DocumentProcessRuleData object which contains information on the document process basic rules and the document process business rules.
RestrictedDocument Boolean If true, the document will be set to restricted. If false, the documment will be unrestricted.
DocumentUploadProcess ProcessIdentity A ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the document upload process.
DocumentDueProcess ProcessIdentity A ProcessIdentity identity object that is used to identify the document type due process.
DocumentDueProcessInterval Duration The duration of interval between when the document due process will be ran.
No restrictions apply.
JobDocumentCollection GetJobDocuments ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Gets the documents received and corresponding document type rules in a job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose documents received and corresponding document type to be retrieve.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
Returns a JobDocumentCollection object which contains the collection of documents and document type rules for the specified job.
Name Type Comment
Name String The name of the Job Document Rule.
DocumentId String The Id of the document.
DocumentType DocumentTypeIdentity The id of the document type.
DateRequired DateTime If not null, the required date for job document rule.
DateRecieved DateTime If not null, the date in which the job document was recieved.
Source String The source message passed to the job documents.
Description String The description of the job document.
Status JobDocumentStatus Sets the status of the Job Document Rule where 0 = NotRun, 1 = Passed, 2 = Failed.
Comment String A user defined comment for the job document rule.
RuleData DocumentProcessRuleData A DocumentProcessRuleData object which contains information on the document process basic rules and the document process business rules.
RestrictedDocument Boolean If true, the document will be set to restricted. If false, the documment will be unrestricted.
No restrictions apply.
JobDocumentIdentityCollection GetJobDocumentsUsingType ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity 

Returns all Job Documents which are equal to a specified document type within a job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is the job for which the documents are contained.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity identity object containing the document type that will be used for the search. Cannot be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String Unique identifier of document type Yes
Name String Name of document type No
Version Double Current version of document type No
A JobDocumentIdentityCollection object which contains a collection of job documents which are of the type defined within the DocumentTypeIdentity object.
Name Type Comment
DocumentId String Unique identifier of document type
JobIdentity JobIdentity A JobIdentity identity object that is the job for which the document is contained.
No restrictions apply.
JobEventCollection GetJobEvents ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Retrieves the process events for the specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose events are to be retrieved.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
A collection of JobEvent objects.
No restrictions apply.
JobHistoryCollection GetJobHistory2 ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
JobHistoryFilter  jobHistoryFilter 

Retrieves the job history for the specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose job history we need to get.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
jobHistoryFilterA JobHistoryFilter object which will be used as the filter criteria for retrieving the job details. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
AssociatedJobs Boolean If true, get the job history details for associated jobs as well. No
ActivityType ActivityType Activity Type. NOT used by this API No
Resource Identity Resource Identity. NOT used by this API No
A collection of JobHistory objects.
No restrictions apply.
JobInfo GetJobInfo ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
JobHistoryFilter  filter 

Retrieves details for the specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose details we require.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
filterA JobHistoryFilter object which will be used as the filter criteria for retrieving the job details
Name Type Comment Required
AssociatedJobs Boolean If true, get the job history details for associated jobs as well. No
ActivityType ActivityType Activity Type. NOT used by this API No
Resource Identity Resource Identity. NOT used by this API No
A JobInfo object containing the job information.
No restrictions apply.
string GetJobLanguage ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Retrieves the language associated with the job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job for which the language needs to be retrieved.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
The language associated with the job. This would be a culture name installed on the server by windows OS.
Refer National Language Support (NLS) API Reference for list of languages and culture names.
Few examples :- fr, en, en-GB etc.(these are the culture names for French, English, English(United Kingdom))
No restrictions apply.
JobMilestoneCollection GetJobMilestones ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Retrieves the milestones of the specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose milestone information needs to be retrieved.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
A collection of JobMilestone objects. This will indicate the name of the milestone, the target finish time for the milestone and the actual date time of the milestone.
No restrictions apply.
JobNoteCollection GetJobNotes ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
JobNoteFilter  jobNoteFilter 

Retrieves the job notes from a specified process. These notes can be filtered depending on the Note Type and the resource(s) for which it should be returned to.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose notes need to be retrieved.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
jobNoteFilterA JobNoteFilter object used to filter the job notes. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
TypeId String If specified, then just get this type of note. See Remarks section for the 3 installed type Ids No
ResourceFilter Int16 Should we get notes for all resources, notes just for a specified resource or notes for everyone except for a specified resource. See Remarks section for the enumeration No
Resource Identity If ResourceFilter is true, then this indicates the resource to be used No
A collection of JobNote objects
The default note type Ids that are installed are:
  • 4DE75A7E7AB049B1BEDDF017D69FC1EB – Resource
  • 9E298F8BC47F49B3BAD91B852862B4D6 – Default
  • AB9842C19321454DB5D56EE94FDC1391 – Collaboration

    The ResourceFilterType enumeration for ResourceFilter is:
    Enumeration Description
    0 All Resources
    1 Include Resource
    2 Exclude Resource
No restrictions apply.
ProcessIdentity GetJobProcessIdentity2 ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
short  embeddedProcessCount 

Retrieves the details of a process that a job is based on.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object used to identify the job whose porocess identity we want to find out.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
embeddedProcessCountThe map level on which the activity resides. If this parameter is 0 the map is the parent map, if it is 1 it is a child map and so on.
Returns a ProcessIdentity object that contains Process Name, Id and Version.
No restrictions apply.
JobProperties2 GetJobProperties2 ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
JobHistoryFilter  filter 

Returns all the job properties with additional details of languageinfo, supportinginfo and workqueue definition of a particular job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose properties are to be retrieved.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
filterA JobHistoryFilter object that can be used to filter the job history by activity type and whether to include associated jobs.
Name Type Comment Required
AssociatedJobs Boolean If true, then the associated jobs history should be retrieved as well No
ActivityType ActivityType If set to a value other than None (-1), then we only get job history details for that type of job activity.
See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
Resource Identity NOT used by this API. No
A JobProperties2 object that contains the properties of the job.
This API will get job details from both the live and finished databases.
If ActivityType set to None (-1) then we get details for all activities.

The enumeration for ActivityType filter setting follows.
Enumeration Description
-1 None
0 Script Activity
1 Com Activity
2 Ordinary Activity
4 Transactional Activity
5 Create New Job Activity
6 Straight Through Activity
7 DotNet Activity
8 Web Service Activity
9 Create Sub Job Activity
10 Xml Activity
11 CSharp Activity
12 VBNet Activity
13 Data Access Activity
14 Design Activity
15 Synchronization Activity
16 Sleep Activity
17 Job Owner Activity
18 Job Variable Info Activity
19 Resource Info Activity
20 Event Activity
25 Extraction Capture Activity
26 Separation Classification Capture Activity
28 PDF Generation Activity
29 Scan Capture Activity
30 Validation Capture Activity
31 Verification Capture Activity
32 Document Review Capture Activity
108 Image Processing Capture Activity
109 Composite Capture Activity
122 Export Capture Activity
123 Sign Documents Activity
124 CCM Compose And Sign Activity
125 CCM Distribute Activity
No restrictions apply.
JobRole2 GetJobRole2 ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
RoleIdentity  roleIdentity 

Retrieves fixed roles from a process. Floating roles from the job are also returned.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose role information needs to be retrieved. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
roleIdentityA RoleIdentity objectwhose complete role information needs to be retrieved. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The Id of the role Yes
Name String Name of the role. No
A collection of JobRole objects for the fixed roles from the process plus the floating roles from the job
Name Type Comment
DynamicRoleId String The dynamic Id of the role.
Identity RoleIdentity The Id of the role.
RoleType RoleType The type of the role. If 0 the role type is Fixed. If 1 the role type is Floating.
AssociatedResources ResourceIdentityCollection A collection of ResourceIdentity that are associated with the job role.
No restrictions apply.
RoleCollection GetJobRoles ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Retrieves a collection of job roles associated with a specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose job roles information needs to be retrieved.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
A collection of Role objects
No restrictions apply.
JobList GetJobs4 ( string  sessionId,
JobFilter4  jobFilter 

Retrieves jobs for the specified filter criteria. Different from GetJobs3 in that you have a filter setting for filtering with JobSla. Service Level Agreements are times defined relative to process due date that are indicators you are approaching the due date.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobFilterA JobFilter4 object used to filter the jobs. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Job Identity Can specify job to retrieve. No
SubJobId String If set, will get this sub job No
Case Identity If specified, will get using case id. No
StartTimeFrom DateTime Can supply the earliest start time for a job that will be returned. If StartTimeFrom is null, then the filter is not considered. No
StartTimeTo DateTime Can supply the latest start time for a job that will be returned. If StartTimeTo is null, then the filter is not considered. No
FinishTimeFrom DateTime Can supply the earliest finish time for a job that will be returned. If FinishTimeFrom is null, then the filter is not considered. No
FinishTimeTo DateTime Can supply the latest finish time for a job that will be returned. If FinishTimeTo is null, then the filter is not considered. No
Creator Identity If specified, can retrieve jobs where the job creator is as specified No
IsWorkerResource Boolean Indicates whether Creator property is a worker resource or a group resource No
Process Identity If populated, retrieve jobs based on the specified process. No
OriginServer Identity If specified, will get jobs with specified origin server i.e. where jobs were created No
MaxNumberToRetrieve Int32 Can specify the maximum number of jobs to return. Yes
Category Identity If populated, get jobs within this category. No
SearchInSubcategories Boolean If specified, then search in sub-categories as well No
UseJobPriority Boolean If set to true, then will filter using the JobPriority property No
JobPriority Int32 Priority level of job. Highest Priority is 1. Lowest Priority is 100 No
DueDateFrom DateTime Can supply the earliest due date for a job that will be returned. If DueDateFrom is null, then the filter is not considered. No
DueDateTo DateTime Can supply the latest due date for a job that will be returned. If DueDateTo is null, then the filter is not considered. No
WorkQueueDefinition WorkQueueDefinitionIdentity If Id member is populated, then we will filter on the specified work type. No
FieldFilter FieldFilter If supplied, will specify workqueue definition fields to filter on. No
JobOwner Identity If specified, can retrieve jobs where the job owner is as specified No
JobState String If set, will only get jobs that are in the specified state. States can be used to monitor the status or percentage complete of a particular job. No
UseJobType Boolean If set to true, then will filter using the JobType property No
JobType Int16 Use job type for filtering. See Remarks section of this API to get more information. No
ReturnPriority Boolean Get priority details No
ReturnAdvancedJobDetails Boolean Get advanced job details No
ReturnExtraSlaData Boolean Get extra service level agreement dData No
ReturnDueDate Boolean Get due date details No
ReturnTotalJobCount Boolean Get total count of jobs No
ReturnOwnerDetails Boolean Get owner details No
ReturnNullForFinishedTime Boolean Set finished time to null in results No
OnlyReturnNonArchivedJobs Boolean Get jobs active from live database (there may be finished jobs in the live database JOB table so ensure don't return these) No
JobViewAccess Boolean This property is obsolete. The System setting, "Restrict Job Access" now determines if the job view access should be applied. No
JobStatusFilter Int16 Job status filter. Default value is 0 which indicates that API only returns Active jobs. Check Remarks section of this API to see the various job statuses that can be specified as the filter. No
UseScoreFilter Boolean If set to true, then will filter using the ScoreFilter property No
ScoreFilter ScoreFilter If populated, get jobs that have reached a specified score. No
ReturnScore Boolean Get job score details No
JobIdsFilter JobIdentityCollection If supplied, will only get the specified jobs No
Variables VariableValue2Collection If supplied, will only get the jobs with the specified variable Id's and values like the specified variable value No
UseJobSla Boolean If set to true, then will filter using the JobSla property No
JobSla Int16 Use job SLA for filtering. See Remarks section of this API to get more information. No
SortOptions JobSortOptionsCollection If supplied and system level custom sorting is enabled, jobs are sorted based on the specified sort fields; otherwise, default sorting will be performed. Maximum 3 sort fields should be specified, exceeding which, only the first 3 fields will be considered for sorting. An exception is thrown when an invalid sort field is specified. No
A JobList object with details on the requested jobs
Service Level Agreements (SLA) are times offset from the expected due date. So you can set a due date in a process map, then define SLA status points prior to this due date where they will be reached. Can be used to warn that the job is getting closer to its due date.
The JobSla enumeration follows
Enumeration Description
0 SLA Status 1
1 SLA Status 2
2 SLA Status 3
3 SLA Status 4
4 SLA Status 5
The JobType enumeration follows
Enumeration Description
0 Normal Job
1 Case Instance
2 Associated Job (Job in Case)
4 Business Rule Job
The JobStatusFilter enumeration follows
Enumeration Description
0 Active
1 All Live And Finished
2 All Finished
3 All Live
4 Completed
5 Ready For Evaluation
6 Pending Completion
7 Suspended
8 Terminated
9 On Hold
10 Awaiting Completion
11 Awaiting Case Completion
12 Terminated Awaiting Completion
13 Terminated Awaiting Case Completion
When searching on string meta data fields, the LIKE and NOT LIKE operators can be used to perform wildcard search. The supported wildcard functions are *,?,~. The same wildcard functions are supported for search on Case Reference (the operator is always LIKE).
?Matches any single character. For example, "Bl?ck" finds either "Black" or "Block"
*Matches any one or more characters. For example, "North*" finds "North", "Northeast", and "Northwest". And "(*)" finds any content enclosed by parentheses
~Used as an escape character to include a literal question mark, asterisk, or tilde. For example, to find "West*" use "West~*"

The enumeration for Field type in SortOptions setting follows.

2Creation Time
4Completion Time
6Process Name
7Process Version
11Case Reference
16Work type field. To use a work type field for sorting, specify FieldType as 16 and populate MetaDataFieldName with the name of work type field
17Supporting Info
18Expected Duration
19State Percentage

The enumeration for SortOrder in SortOptions setting follows.


No restrictions apply.
int GetJobsCountWithQuery ( string  sessionId,
QueryIdentity  queryIdentity,
JobQueryFilter  jobQueryFilter 

Retrieves jobs count based on the specified query. The query can be an existing saved query, or a custom query for which the settings are specified through the jobQueryFilter parameter. The queryFilter is set for unsaved queries and the queryIdentity would be null in such cases.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the session for the logged on user. If the sessionId is invalid, an exception is raised.
queryIdentityThe unique identity of the query. If set, jobQueryFilter is ignored.
Name Type Comment Required
Id string Id of the query Yes, if Name is not specified.
Name string Name of the query Yes, if Id is not specified.
QueryType short The query Type No
jobQueryFilterSpecifies the filter to retrieve jobs count. This parameter can be null if queryIdentity is set. This parameter cannot be null when queryIdentity is null or queryIdentity Id is blank.
Name Type Comment Required
CreatorFilter Int16 Retrieves jobs created by the resource specified in the Creator field. No
JobOwnerFilter Int16 Retrieves jobs owned by the resource specified in the JobOwner field. No
StartTimeType Int16 Retrieves jobs based on the specified value (default: 0). See the Enumeration table for valid values. No
FinishTimeType Int16 Retrieves jobs based on the specified value (default: 0). See the Enumeration table for valid values. No
DueDateFilterType Int16 Retrieves jobs based on the specified value (default: 0). See the Enumeration table for valid values. No
UseJobSla Boolean Determines whether to use JobSla. If set to true, uses JobSla to retrieve jobs. No
JobSla Int16 Retrieves jobs based on the specified value (default: 0). See the Enumeration table for valid values. This field is only considered if UseJobSla is true. No
Variables VariableValue2Collection Retrieves jobs based on the specified job variables and their value. The variable value can be null. No
Job JobIdentity Retrieves the specified job. No
SubJobId string Retrieves the job properties of the specified subjob. No
Case CaseIdentity Retrieves jobs for the specified case reference. The case reference can have wildcard characters such as "*" and "?". No
StartTimeFrom DateTime? If specified, retrieves jobs where creation time is greater than or equal to the specified value. No
StartTimeTo DateTime? If specified, retrieves jobs where creation time is less than or equal to the specified value. No
FinishTimeFrom DateTime? If specified, retrieves jobs where completion time is greater than or equal to the specified value. No
FinishTimeTo DateTime? If specified, retrieves jobs where completion time is less than or equal to value specified. No
Creator ResourceIdentity Retrieves jobs created by the specified resource and the specified CreatorFilter. If the resource is a group, it would retrieve jobs created by the resources in the group. No
IsWorkerResource Boolean Determines whether the specified resource is a group resource. If false, Creator of the job is retrieved. No
Process ProcessIdentity Retrieves jobs for the specified Process Id. No
OriginServer ServerIdentity Retrieves jobs for the specified Server Id. No
MaxNumberToRetrieve Int32 Number of jobs to return and must be greater than 0. Yes
Category CategoryIdentity Retrieves jobs from the specified category. No
SearchInSubcategories Boolean Determines whether to perform search on the subcategories. No
UseJobPriority Boolean If true, retrieves jobs based on JobPriority set. No
JobPriority Int32 Retrieves jobs based on the specified priority value. This field is ignored if UseJobPriority is false. Valid values are 0 through 10. No
DueDateFrom DateTime? If specified, retrieves jobs where due date is greater than or equal to the specified value. No
DueDateTo DateTime? If specified, retrieves jobs where due date is less than or equal to the specified value. No
WorkQueueDefinition WorkQueueDefinitionIdentity Retrieves jobs based on the specified WorkQueueDefinition Name. No
FieldFilter FieldFilter Retrieves jobs based on the WorkQueueDefinition fields. This field is only considered if WorkQueueDefinition is set. No
JobOwner ResourceIdentity Retrieves jobs owned by the specified resource (Id is considered) and the specified JobOwnerFilter. No
JobState string Retrieves jobs based on the specified state. No
UseJobType Boolean If true, JobType is considered. No
JobType Int16 Retrieves jobs based on specified value. See the Enumeration table for valid values. No
ReturnAdvancedJobDetails Boolean If true, returns the job details of the job. No
ReturnPriority Boolean If true, returns job priorities. No
ReturnExtraSlaData Boolean If true, returns extra SLA information. See the Enumeration table for extra information. No
ReturnDueDate Boolean If true, returns due date of the jobs. No
ReturnTotalJobCount Boolean If true, returns the total number of jobs. No
OnlyReturnNonArchivedJobs Boolean If true, retrieves jobs that are not yet archived. No
ReturnOwnerDetails Boolean If true, returns job owner details, such as Owner Id and Owner Name. No
ReturnNullForFinishedTime Boolean If true, returns null for FinishedTime.
If the job status is not Completed, Terminated, AwaitingCompletion, AwaitingCompletionTerminated, AwaitingCaseCompletion or AwaitingCaseCompletionTerminated, this field is set to null.
JobViewAccess Boolean Determines whether to set JobViewAccess. No
JobStatusFilter Int16 Retrieves jobs based on the specified JobStatus (default: 0). See the Enumeration table for valid values. No
UseScoreFilter Boolean Determines whether to consider the ScoreFilter field. No
ScoreFilter ScoreFilter Retrieves jobs based on the specified value score. No
ReturnScore Boolean If true, returns Score. No
JobIdsFilter JobIdentityCollection Retrieves jobs for the specified Job Ids. No
Returns an int containing the number of jobs that match the query criteria.
A call like below would generate an exception.
GetJobsWithQuery("1547FAE86FD6000B305A481D6B781493", false, null, null)

If you provide Limited Session, the call to this API throws Access Denied error. To avoid this error, configure the license accordingly.
By default, the search is based on the criteria defined in the query set as default. Only one query can be set as default.
If you specify DueDateFrom and DueDateTo, the system retrieves jobs between the from and to range.
If you do not specify Creator Id, CreatorFilter is ignored.
If you do not specify JobOwner Id, JobOwnerFilter is ignored.

When searching on string meta data fields, the LIKE and NOT LIKE operators can be used to perform wildcard search. The supported wildcard functions are "*", "?", "~". The same wildcard functions are supported for search on Case Reference (the operator is always LIKE).
Operator Description
? Matches any single character. For example, "Bl?ck" finds either "Black" or "Block"
* Matches any one or more characters. For example, "North*" finds "North", "Northeast", and "Northwest". And "(*)" finds any content enclosed by parentheses
~ Used as an escape character to include a literal question mark, asterisk, or tilde. For example, to find "West*" use "West~*"

Enumeration for CreatorFilter and JobOwnerFilter
Enumeration Description
-1 None
0 Resource
1 Resource and Groups
2 Direct Subordinates
3 Resource and Direct Subordinates
4 Indirect Subordinates
5 Resource and Indirect Subordinates

Enumeration for StartTimeType, FinishTimeType and DueDateFilterType
Enumeration Description
0 All
1 Since
2 Between
3 Today
4 ThisWeek
5 ThisMonth
6 ThisYear

Enumeration for JobSla
Enumeration Description
0 SlaStatus1
1 SlaStatus2
2 SlaStatus3
3 SlaStatus4
4 SlaStatus5

Enumeration for JobType
Enumeration Description
0 Normal Job
1 Case Instance
2 Associated Job (Job in Case)
4 Business Rule Job

Enumeration for JobStatusFilter
Enumeration Description
0 Job Criteria Active
1 Job Criteria All Live And Finished
2 Job Criteria All Finished
3 Job Criteria All Live
4 Job Criteria Completed
5 Job Criteria Ready For Evaluation
6 Job Criteria Pending Completion
7 Job Criteria Suspended
8 Job Criteria Terminated
9 Job Criteria On Hold
10 Job Criteria Awaiting Completion
11 Job Criteria Awaiting Case Completion
12 Job Criteria Terminated Awaiting Completion
13 Job Criteria Terminated Awaiting Case Completion

Enumeration for QueryType
Enumeration Description
0 JobList
1 WorkQueue
2 All
3 System
No restrictions apply.
string GetJobSource ( string  sessionId,
string  jobId 

Retrieves the job source associated with the job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdA string that is used to identify the job for which the job source needs to be retrieved.
Source of the job
If job isn't found then the API will return a localised string of Unknown
No restrictions apply.
JobsSummaryCollection GetJobsSummary ( string  sessionId,
JobSummaryFilter  jobSummaryFilter 

Gets a summary of jobs using specified Group By, Aggregates and Jobs Filter.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobSummaryFilterA JobSummaryFilter object that can be used to apply group by, additional group by, aggregates and jobs filter settings. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
GroupByStandardField Int16 Indicates which standard job field to group by. See Remarks section for enumeration No
UseAdditionalGroupByStandardField Boolean Indicates if want to use an additional standard job field to group by No
AdditionalGroupByStandardField Int16 Indicates which standard job field to group by. See Remarks section for enumeration No
GroupByMetadataField String The name of a workqueue definition field to group by No
AggregateStandardField Int16 Indicates which standard job field to use for aggregate. See Remarks section for enumeration No
AggregateMetadataField String The name of a workqueue definition field to use for aggregate No
AggregateType Int16 Indicates what type of aggregate to perform. See Remarks section for enumeration No
JobFilter JobFilter3 If supplied, can supply more filter settings for getting jobs No
A collection of JobsSummary objects
The enumeration for GroupByStandardField and AdditionalGroupByStandardField filter settings follows
Enumeration Description
0 None
1 Job Status
2 Job Creation Time
3 Job Creator
4 Job Finish Time
5 Job Id
6 Job Process Name
7 Job Process Version
8 Job Priority
9 State
10 RAG
11 Case Ref
12 Job Owner
The enumeration for AggregateStandardField filter setting follows
Enumeration Description
0 None
1 Job Status
2 Job Creation Time
3 Job Creator
4 Job Finish Time
5 Job Id
6 Job Process Name
7 Job Process Version
8 Job Priority
9 State
10 RAG
11 Case Ref
12 Job Owner
The enumeration for AggregateType filter setting follows
Enumeration Description
0 Count
1 Sum
2 Average
3 Minimum
4 Maximum
No restrictions apply.
JobsSummaryResults GetJobsSummaryWithQuery ( string  sessionId,
QueryIdentity  queryIdentity,
JobField  groupByField 

Executes a supplied Job Query and based on the groupByField passed in, returns a summary of the query results and an overall total count.
The query specifies filter criteria that are applied to the results. e.g. can filter on activity name, priority or Case Ref.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the session for the current logged on user. If the sessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
queryIdentityA QueryIdentity object that can be used to specify a Job Query.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String Id of the Query Yes - if Name is not specified
Name String Name of the Query Yes - if Id is not specified
QueryType Int16 Type of the Query No
groupByFieldA JobField object used to specify the field to group the results by. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
Name Type Comment Required
FieldType Int16 Field Type Enumeration Yes
MetaDataFieldName String WorkType Field Name No - Unless FieldType is set to 16
An object of type JobsSummaryResults containing the results. This JobsSummaryResults class contains the following...
A collection of JobsSummary2 objects.
A TotalCount which contains the total of AggregateValue in each JobsSummary2.

Each JobsSummary2 contains the following...
A GroupByValue, e.g. the name of a process if the FieldType in JobField is '6' (Job Process Name Field - see remarks below for more).
An AggregateValue, e.g. the number of activities found for the process specified in the GroupByValue.
A GroupByHiddenValue, e.g. a processID for the process specified in the GroupByValue.
The FieldType specified in JobField is an enumeration, and must be one of the following.

Enumeration Description
1 Job Status Field
3 Job Creator Field
6 Job Process Name Field
7 Job Process Version Field
8 Job Priority Field
9 State Field
10 Sla Field
11 Case Ref Field
12 The job owner field
13 Type Field
14 Score Field
15 The job WorkType
16 The job WorkType Field
No restrictions apply.
JobQueryResult2 GetJobsWithQuery2 ( string  sessionId,
bool  useDefaultQuery,
QueryIdentity  queryIdentity,
JobQueryFilter  jobQueryFilter 

Retrieves jobs based on the specified query. The query could be the default query specified for this resource, an existing saved query, or a custom query for which the settings are specified through the jobQueryFilter parameter. Also, we can optionally request the jobs count by setting the GetJobsCount property of the filter parameter to true. When select to return the jobs count the number returned will be the number of jobs and will not be restrained by the maximum number of jobs to return filter parameter.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
useDefaultQueryA boolean value that specifies whether to use the default query. The query is used to retrieve jobs. If set to true, queryIdentity and jobQueryFilter are ignored.
queryIdentityThe unique identity of the query. This parameter is only considered if useDefaultQuery is false. If set, jobQueryFilter is ignored.
Name Type Comment Required
Id string Id of the query Yes, if Name is not specified.
Name string Name of the query Yes, if Id is not specified.
QueryType short The query Type No
jobQueryFilterSpecifies the filter to retrieve jobs. This parameter can be null if either useDefaultQuery is true or queryIdentity is set. This parameter cannot be null when useDefaultQuery is false and queryIdentity is null or queryIdentity Id is blank.
Name Type Comment Required
CreatorFilter Int16 Retrieves jobs created by the resource specified in the Creator field. No
JobOwnerFilter Int16 Retrieves jobs owned by the resource specified in the JobOwner field. No
StartTimeType Int16 Retrieves jobs based on the specified value (default: 0). See the Enumeration table for valid values. No
FinishTimeType Int16 Retrieves jobs based on the specified value (default: 0). See the Enumeration table for valid values. No
DueDateFilterType Int16 Retrieves jobs based on the specified value (default: 0). See the Enumeration table for valid values. No
UseJobSla Boolean Determines whether to use JobSla. If set to true, uses JobSla to retrieve jobs. No
JobSla Int16 Retrieves jobs based on the specified value (default: 0). See the Enumeration table for valid values. This field is only considered if UseJobSla is true. No
Variables VariableValue2Collection Retrieves jobs based on the specified job variables and their value. The variable value can be null. No
Job JobIdentity Retrieves the specified job. No
SubJobId string Retrieves the job properties of the specified subjob. No
Case CaseIdentity Retrieves jobs for the specified case reference. The case reference can have wildcard characters such as "*" and "?". No
StartTimeFrom DateTime? If specified, retrieves jobs where creation time is greater than or equal to the specified value. No
StartTimeTo DateTime? If specified, retrieves jobs where creation time is less than or equal to the specified value. No
FinishTimeFrom DateTime? If specified, retrieves jobs where completion time is greater than or equal to the specified value. No
FinishTimeTo DateTime? If specified, retrieves jobs where completion time is less than or equal to value specified. No
Creator ResourceIdentity Retrieves jobs created by the specified resource and the specified CreatorFilter. If the resource is a group, it would retrieve jobs created by the resources in the group. No
IsWorkerResource Boolean Determines whether the specified resource is a group resource. If false, Creator of the job is retrieved. No
Process ProcessIdentity Retrieves jobs for the specified Process Id. No
OriginServer ServerIdentity Retrieves jobs for the specified Server Id. No
MaxNumberToRetrieve Int32 Number of jobs to return and must be greater than 0. Yes
Category CategoryIdentity Retrieves jobs from the specified category. No
SearchInSubcategories Boolean Determines whether to perform search on the subcategories. No
UseJobPriority Boolean If true, retrieves jobs based on JobPriority set. No
JobPriority Int32 Retrieves jobs based on the specified priority value. This field is ignored if UseJobPriority is false. Valid values are 0 through 10. No
DueDateFrom DateTime? If specified, retrieves jobs where due date is greater than or equal to the specified value. No
DueDateTo DateTime? If specified, retrieves jobs where due date is less than or equal to the specified value. No
WorkQueueDefinition WorkQueueDefinitionIdentity Retrieves jobs based on the specified WorkQueueDefinition Name. No
FieldFilter FieldFilter Retrieves jobs based on the WorkQueueDefinition fields. This field is only considered if WorkQueueDefinition is set. No
JobOwner ResourceIdentity Retrieves jobs owned by the specified resource (Id is considered) and the specified JobOwnerFilter. No
JobState string Retrieves jobs based on the specified state. No
UseJobType Boolean If true, JobType is considered. No
JobType Int16 Retrieves jobs based on specified value. See the Enumeration table for valid values. No
ReturnAdvancedJobDetails Boolean If true, returns the job details of the job. No
ReturnPriority Boolean If true, returns job priorities. No
ReturnExtraSlaData Boolean If true, returns extra SLA information. See the Enumeration table for extra information. No
ReturnDueDate Boolean If true, returns due date of the jobs. No
ReturnTotalJobCount Boolean If true, returns the total number of jobs. No
OnlyReturnNonArchivedJobs Boolean If true, retrieves jobs that are not yet archived. No
ReturnOwnerDetails Boolean If true, returns job owner details, such as Owner Id and Owner Name. No
ReturnNullForFinishedTime Boolean If true, returns null for FinishedTime. If the job status is not Completed, Terminated, AwaitingCompletion, AwaitingCompletionTerminated, AwaitingCaseCompletion or AwaitingCaseCompletionTerminated, this field is set to null. No
JobViewAccess Boolean Determines whether to set JobViewAccess. No
JobStatusFilter Int16 Retrieves jobs based on the specified JobStatus (default: 0). See the Enumeration table for valid values. No
UseScoreFilter Boolean Determines whether to consider the ScoreFilter field. No
ScoreFilter ScoreFilter Retrieves jobs based on the specified value score. No
ReturnScore Boolean If true, returns Score. No
JobIdsFilter JobIdentityCollection Retrieves jobs for the specified Job Ids. No
SortOptions JobSortOptionsCollection If supplied and system level custom sorting is enabled, jobs are sorted based on the specified sort fields; otherwise, default sorting will be performed. Maximum 3 sort fields should be specified, exceeding which, only the first 3 fields will be considered for sorting. An exception is thrown when an invalid sort field is specified. No
Returns JobQueryResult object containing jobs that match the query criteria and optionally the number of jobs.
A call like below would generate an exception.
GetJobsWithQuery("1547FAE86FD6000B305A481D6B781493", false, null, null)

If you provide Limited Session, the call to this API throws Access Denied error. To avoid this error, configure the license accordingly.
By default, the search is based on the criteria defined in the query set as default. Only one query can be set as default.
If you specify DueDateFrom and DueDateTo, the system retrieves jobs between the from and to range.
If you do not specify Creator Id, CreatorFilter is ignored.
If you do not specify JobOwner Id, JobOwnerFilter is ignored.

When searching on string meta data fields, the LIKE and NOT LIKE operators can be used to perform wildcard search. The supported wildcard functions are "*", "?", "~". The same wildcard functions are supported for search on Case Reference (the operator is always LIKE).
Operator Description
? Matches any single character. For example, "Bl?ck" finds either "Black" or "Block"
* Matches any one or more characters. For example, "North*" finds "North", "Northeast", and "Northwest". And "(*)" finds any content enclosed by parentheses
~ Used as an escape character to include a literal question mark, asterisk, or tilde. For example, to find "West*" use "West~*"

Enumeration for CreatorFilter and JobOwnerFilter
Enumeration Description
-1 None
0 Resource
1 Resource and Groups
2 Direct Subordinates
3 Resource and Direct Subordinates
4 Indirect Subordinates
5 Resource and Indirect Subordinates

Enumeration for StartTimeType, FinishTimeType and DueDateFilterType
Enumeration Description
0 All
1 Since
2 Between
3 Today
4 ThisWeek
5 ThisMonth
6 ThisYear

Enumeration for JobSla
Enumeration Description
0 SlaStatus1
1 SlaStatus2
2 SlaStatus3
3 SlaStatus4
4 SlaStatus5

Enumeration for JobType
Enumeration Description
0 Normal Job
1 Case Instance
2 Associated Job (Job in Case)
4 Business Rule Job

Enumeration for JobStatusFilter
Enumeration Description
0 Job Criteria Active
1 Job Criteria All Live And Finished
2 Job Criteria All Finished
3 Job Criteria All Live
4 Job Criteria Completed
5 Job Criteria Ready For Evaluation
6 Job Criteria Pending Completion
7 Job Criteria Suspended
8 Job Criteria Terminated
9 Job Criteria On Hold
10 Job Criteria Awaiting Completion
11 Job Criteria Awaiting Case Completion
12 Job Criteria Terminated Awaiting Completion
13 Job Criteria Terminated Awaiting Case Completion

The enumeration for Field type in SortOptions setting follows.
2Creation Time
4Completion Time
6Process Name
7Process Version
11Case Reference
16Work type field. To use a work type field for sorting, specify FieldType as 16 and populate MetaDataFieldName with the name of work type field
17Supporting Info
18Expected Duration
19State Percentage

The enumeration for SortOrder in SortOptions setting follows.


Enumeration for QueryType

Enumeration Description
0 JobList
1 WorkQueue
2 All
3 System
No restrictions apply.
JobQueryResult2 GetJobsWithQueryAndFilter ( string  sessionId,
QueryIdentity  queryIdentity,
JobFieldValue  jobFieldValue 

Retrieves jobs based on the specified query and a dynamic filter criteria defined in the JobFieldValue parameter. The JobFieldValue is used to update the filter parameters of the query with a dynamic value and allows the results to be further filtered based on this value.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
queryIdentityThe unique identity of the query. This will be used to get the filter of the query to which the dynamic field will be applied
Name Type Comment Required
Id string Id of the query Yes, if Name is not specified.
Name string Name of the query Yes, if Id is not specified.
QueryType short The query Type No
jobFieldValueContains the filter field and value that will be used to dynamically update the query filter parameters and only have results returned that match the updated filter parameters.
Name Type Comment Required
FieldType short The field type that the dynamic filter applies to. See table below for valid values Yes
MetaDataFieldName string This field should be populated if the FieldType is a WorkType Field and should hold the Name of the work type field Yes
FieldValue object The value of the field that should be used to update the filter Yes
Returns JobQueryResult2 object containing jobs that match the query criteria.

Enumeration for FieldType
Enumeration Description
1 JobStatusField
3 JobCreatorField
5 JobIDField
6 JobProcessNameField
7 JobProcessVersionField
8 JobPriorityField
9 StateField
10 SlaField
11 CaseRefField
12 JobOwnerField
13 Type
14 Score
15 WorkType
16 WorkTypeField

Enumeration for QueryType
Enumeration Description
0 JobList
1 WorkQueue
2 All
3 System
No restrictions apply.
JobVariableHistoryCollection GetJobVariableHistory ( string  sessionId,
JobNodeIdentity  jobNodeIdentity,
JobVariableHistoryFilter  jobVariableHistoryFilter 

Retrieves the job variable history.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobNodeIdentityA JobNodeIdentity object that contains details of which job and which node is involved. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
JobId String The job id Yes
NodeId Int16 The node id Yes
EmbeddedProcessCount Int16 The map level on which the activity resides. If this parameter is 0 the map is the parent map, if it is 1 it is a child map and so on. Yes
NodeName String The node name No
jobVariableHistoryFilterA JobVariableHistoryFilter object used as filter criteria for retrieving the variable history. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
UsePerformDate Boolean If true, filter using the date the activity was completed No
PerformedDate DateTime If UsePerformDate set to tue, then this is the date the activity was completed. Can be null No
A collection of JobVariableHistory objects.
Name Type Comment
VariableIdentity VariableIdentity The Id of the variable
VariableType Short The type of variable. Please see remarks section for more details.
VariableValueBefore Object The value of the variable before.
VariableValueAfter Object The value of the variable after.
SetTime DateTime Sets the time frame for history.
SetTimeSeconds DateTime Sets the seconds for returnedhistory.
JobIdentity JobIdentity The job containing the variable history to be returned.
NodeIdentity NodeIdentity The Id of the node where the variables are associated with.
EmbeddedProcessCount Short The number of embedded processes that are contained within the job.
The enumeration for VariableType follows
Enumeration Description
0 Empty
1 System
2 Short
3 Long
4 Float
5 Double
6 Currency
7 Date
8 String
9 Dispatch
11 Bool
12 Variant
14 Decimal
17 Byte
2000 Array
8204 Complex
32759 Folder
32760 Document
32761 Entity
32762 Nullable String
32763 Nullable Date
32764 Checklist
32765 Text
32766 Xml Expression
No restrictions apply.
JobVariableCollection GetJobVariables ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Gets the job variables.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object used to identify the job whose variable values are to be retrieved. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
A collection of type JobVariable.
No restrictions apply.
VariableValueCollection GetJobVariablesValues ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
VariableIdentityCollection  variableIdentityCollection 

Retrieves a list of variable values for a specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identityobject used to identify the job whose variable values are to be retrieved. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
variableIdentityCollectionA VariableIdentityCollection collection of variables whose values are to be returned.
VariableIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes
Name String The variable name. NOT used by this API No
A collection of VariableValue objects
No restrictions apply.
VariableValue GetJobVariableValue ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
VariableIdentity  variableIdentity 

Retrieves the variable value from the specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose variable value is to be retrieved.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
variableIdentityA VariableIdentity identity object identifying the variable whose runtime value we want from the specified job.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes
Name String The variable name. NOT used by this API No
A VariableValue object containing the variable value from a job.
Name Type Comment
Value Object The value of the variable that is returned.
Found Boolean If true, the variable was found. If false, the variable was not found.
No restrictions apply.
ProcessViewerData GetJobViewerData ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
bool  associatedJobs 

Retrieves the job properties, the customize and restart access permissions and also maps the job details and runtime status in XML format (used primarily by the Job Viewer control).

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job for which the job viewer data to be retrieved.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
associatedJobsIf set to true, then get details for associated jobs as well. NOT used by this API
A ProcessViewerData object containing the process viewer data of the specified job.
No restrictions apply.
JobProperties GetMinJobDetails ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
JobHistoryFilter  filter,
short  maxWQFieldCount 

Retrieves a minimum anount of information on the specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose details we require.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
filterA JobHistoryFilter object which will be used as the filter criteria for retrieving the job details
Name Type Comment Required
AssociatedJobs Boolean If true, get the job history details for associated jobs as well. No
ActivityType ActivityType Activity Type. NOT used by this API No
Resource Identity Resource Identity. NOT used by this API No
maxWQFieldCountThe maximum number of workqueue fields to be returned.
A JobProperties object containing the job details.
No restrictions apply.
StateHistoryCollection GetStateChangeHistory ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Retrieves the state changes history for a specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
A collection of type StateHistory object that represents the history of stage changes, including the actual state, the resource that changed the state and when the change took place.
No restrictions apply.
SubJobProperties GetSubJobProperties ( string  sessionId,
SubJobIdentity  subJobIdentity,
short  jobDatabase 

Retrieves the variables and history of a sub job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
subJobIdentityA SubJobIdentity object detailing the sub-job.
Name Type Comment Required
JobId String The id of the job Yes
SubJobId String The id of the sub-job Yes
jobDatabaseDatabase to use for searching for the job.
Enumeration Description
1 Live Database
2 Archive Database
3 Both Live and Archive Database
A SubJobProperties object.
No restrictions apply.
ProcessViewerData GetSubJobViewerData2 ( string  sessionId,
SubJobIdentity  subJobIdentity,
ProcessIdentity  processIdentity,
bool  getSubJobProperties 

Retrieves the sub job properties, customize and restart access details, and also maps the details with runtime status in XML format.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
subJobIdentityA SubJobIdentity object detailing the sub-job.
Name Type Comment Required
JobId String The id of the job Yes
SubJobId String The id of the sub-job Yes
processIdentityA ProcessIdentity identity object containing the processid and version of the process to create a job on.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Name String The name of the process map Yes/No. Either Id or Name needs to be supplied
Version Double The version of the process map No. See Remarks section of this API to get more information.
getSubJobPropertiesif set to true the properties of the sub job will be returned. If false, nothing is returned.
A ProcessViewerData object containing the process viewer data of the specified job.
This API checks that the logged on user has job detail Access to the parent process map, in order to be able to get sub-job details.
If a Version greater than 0 then use that particular map version. If 0 or -1, use the latest released map version.
No restrictions apply.
JobMilestoneCollection GetUpdatedMilestones ( string  sessionId,
DateTime  lastUpdatedDateTime,
short  databaseConnectionType 

Retrieve the milestones that have been updated since the specified date.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
lastUpdatedDateTimeThe last updated date time. Will only get milestones updated after this date time
databaseConnectionTypeWhether to return the milestones for live jobs, archived jobs or both.
Enumeration Description
1 Live Database
2 Archive Database
3 Both Live and Archive Database
A collection of JobMilestone objects
No restrictions apply.
void HoldJob2 ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
OnHoldOptions2  onHoldOptions 

Holds a job with the specified job details. Note: The expected finish time and the expected duration of a job will be updated by the amount of time the job was on hold when the job is taken off hold. Also escalations will not fire while the job is on hold.
Note: We should not call HoldJob from within the job itself( node) either in a subjob or at parent level, as it leads to an infinite loop as the.Net node does not complete prior to the job being put on hold. The job is then activated on the same node and put on hold again.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job that needs to be put on hold.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
onHoldOptionsA OnHoldOptions object that specify if the job needs to be put on hold based on ActivationDate or ActivationPeriod. It also contains the information related to Activation date and period and the reason for holding the job.
Name Type Comment Required
OnHoldType Int16 Can specify if job being put on hold until an Activation Date or after an Activation Period. See Remarks section of this API for enumeration values Yes
ActivationDate DateTime The activation date time Yes/No. Yes, if OnHoldType member has the value 0 (ActivationDate)
ActivationPeriodDays Int16 Number of days until job will be re-activated No
ActivationPeriodHours Int16 Number of hours until job will be re-activated No
ActivationPeriodWeeks Int16 Number of weeks until job will be re-activated No
PlaceOnHoldAllAssociatedJobs Boolean If true, place all the jobs associated jobs on hold No
ReasonForHold String Explanation for putting on hold No
You can put a job on hold until a specified activation date or put on hold until a time period for re-activation has expired.
You must supply either 0 (ActivationDate) or 1 (ActivationPeriod) for OnHoldType member of onHoldOptions parameter.
If OnHoldType has the value 1 (ActivationPeriod), then at least one of ActivationPeriodHours, ActivationPeriodDays or ActivationPeriodWeeks must have a value greater than zero.
If OnHoldType has the value 1 (ActivationPeriod) and the system setting to use the business calendar is active, then the business calendar will be used in working out the time for re-activation.
If OnHoldType has the value 0 (ActivationDate), then the ActivationDate has to be at least an hour greater than the time when the API is called

The OnHoldOptions enumeration is:
Enumeration Description
0 Activation Date
1 Activation Period
No restrictions apply.
void HoldJobs ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentityCollection  jobIdentityCollection,
OnHoldOptions  onHoldOptions 

Put the specified jobs On Hold. Note: The expected finish time and the expected duration of jobs will be updated by the amount of time the jobs were on hold when the jobs are taken off hold. Also escalations will not fire while the job is on hold

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityCollectionA JobIdentityCollection collection object that describes jobs that are to be put on hold.
JobIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
onHoldOptionsA OnHoldOptions object that specify if the jobs need to be put on hold based on ActivationDate or ActivationPeriod. It also contains the information related to Activation date and period and the reason for holding the jobs.
Name Type Comment Required
OnHoldType Int16 Can specify if jobs being put on hold until an Activation Date or after an Activation Period. See Remarks section of this API for enumeration values Yes
ActivationDate DateTime The activation date Yes/No. Yes, if OnHoldType member has the value 0 (ActivationDate)
ActivationPeriodDays Int16 Number of days until jobs will be re-activated No. See Remarks section for more information
ActivationPeriodHours Int16 Number of hours until jobs will be re-activated No. See Remarks section for more information
ActivationPeriodWeeks Int16 Number of weeks until jobs will be re-activated No. See Remarks section for more information
PlaceOnHoldAllAssociatedJobs Boolean If true, place all associated jobs on hold No
ReasonForHold String Explanation for putting on hold No
You can put jobs on hold until a specified activation date or put on hold until a time period for re-activation has expired.
You must supply either 0 (ActivationDate) or 1 (ActivationPeriod) for OnHoldType member of onHoldOptions parameter.
If OnHoldType has the value 1 (ActivationPeriod), then at least one of ActivationPeriodHours, ActivationPeriodDays or ActivationPeriodWeeks must have a value greater than zero.
If OnHoldType has the value 1 (ActivationPeriod) and the system setting to use the business calendar is active, then the business calendar will be used in working out the time for re-activation.
If OnHoldType has the value 0 (ActivationDate), then the ActivationDate has to be at least an hour greater than the time when the API is called

The OnHoldOptions enumeration is:
Enumeration Description
0 Activation Date
1 Activation Period
No restrictions apply.
bool IsAccessPermitted ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
short  accessType 

Defines the access permitted by the current resource for a particular action for a specified job. It determines whether the resource can Create, Suspend or Terminate a job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job on which the access needs to be checked.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
accessTypeType of access to the job you want verified
Enumeration Description
0 Maintenance Access
1 Creation Access
2 Suspend Access
3 Activate Access
4 Terminate Access
5 Restart Access
6 Hold Access
7 Reactivate Access
8 Customize Access
9 View Access
10 Scan Vrs Profile Access
11 Separation Profile Access
Returns true or false depending on the access right. Will return false if the user has no access or read only access
If you are calling this API with the system session Id you will always pass this check
No restrictions apply.
bool PerformChecking ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
ResourceIdentity  resourceIdentity 

Determines whether checking can be performed or not.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job on which need to verify if checking is to be performed.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
resourceIdentityA ResourceIdentity identity object containing the resource that we are discovering if checking needs to be performed. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The Id of the resource Yes
Name String Name of resource. NOT used by this API No
ResourceType Int16 The type of resource. NOT used by this API No
Returns true if checking can be performed.
Checking is used for quality control on work done by a resource or group. It is a percentage of tasks completed by a resource that then get sent for verification by a supervisor prior to the activity being marked complete. After the verification by the supervisor the activity will be marked complete and the job progressed.
No restrictions apply.
bool PerformSampling ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Determines whether sampling can be performed or not.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job on which need to verify if sampling is to be performed.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
Returns true if sampling can be performed.
Sampling is used for quality control on work done. It is a percentage of tasks completed that then get sent for verification by a supervisor prior to the activity being marked complete. After the verification by the supervisor the activity will be marked complete and the job progressed.
No restrictions apply.
void PurgeJobs ( string  sessionId,
PurgeJobsOptions  options 

Removes the jobs from the system based on the options provided.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
optionsA PurgeJobsOptions object containing options based on which, the jobs will need to be deleted.
Name Type Comment Required
FromDate DateTime The from date to purge jobs No
ToDate DateTime The to date to purge jobs No
PurgeLiveData Boolean If true, purge jobs from live database No. Defaults to false
PurgeFinishedData Boolean If true, purge jobs from finished database No. Defaults to false
Resource must have at least Read Write access permission on Job Clear Down ACL.
void PurgeJobsByID ( string  sessionId,
StringCollection  jobIds 

The API takes the list of job Ids as input and purge the completed and terminated jobs in the list from live and finished job tables.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdsThe list of JobIds to be purged.
Resource must have at least Read Write access permission on Job Clear Down ACL.
void RaiseAnonymousEvent ( JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
string  eventName,
string  eventSource,
InputVariableCollection  updatedVariables 

Raises an anonymous process event for the specified job using the system resource.

jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object indicating the job the event will be raised for.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
eventNameThe event name (maximum of 40 characters). Is required.
eventSourceThe event source (maximum of 40 characters). Is required.
updatedVariablesA collection of 0 or more InputVariable that need to be updated. Can be null.
InputVariable members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes, if we have an InputVariable
Value Object The variable id Yes, if we have an InputVariable
No restrictions apply.
void RaiseEvent ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
string  eventName,
string  eventSource,
InputVariableCollection  updatedVariables 

Raises a process event for the specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object indicating the job the event will be raised for.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
eventNameThe event name (maximum of 40 characters). Is required.
eventSourceThe event source (maximum of 40 characters). Is required.
updatedVariablesA collection of 0 or more InputVariable that need to be updated. Can be null.
InputVariable members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes, if we have an InputVariable
Value Object The variable id Yes, if we have an InputVariable
No restrictions apply.
void ReceivedJobDocument ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DocumentIdentity  documentIdentity,
bool  useSource,
string  source,
bool  useStatus,
short  status 

Documents Received will be added with the status of Received and if the document already exists it will be updated with the given status.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object containing the job details.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
documentIdentityA DocumentIdentity object containing the document information that needs to be added/ updated
Name Type Comment Required
DocumentId String The Document id Yes
FolderId String The Folder id No
useSourceif set to true use the source. If false, the source is not used.
sourceThe source message.
useStatusif set to true use the passed in status. If false, the status is not used.
statusThe status of the document that needs to be updated with.
When we are adding a new document the status will by default be set as Received. When we are updating the existing the document, the possible status will be as below:
  • 0 = Received
  • 1 = Waiting
  • 2 = Validated
  • 3 = Verified
  • 4 = Rejected
  • 5 = Accepted
    If any value other than the above are passed, an exception will be thown.
No restrictions apply.
void ReceivedJobDocuments ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DocumentIdentityCollection  documentIdentityCollection,
FolderIdentity  folderIdentity,
bool  useSource,
string  source,
bool  useStatus,
short  status 

Documents Received will be added with the status of Received and if the document already exists it will be updated with the given status.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object containing the job details.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
documentIdentityCollectionA DocumentIdentityCollection object containing the collection of documents that needs to be added
Name Type Comment Required
DocumentId String The Document id Yes
FolderId String The Folder id No
folderIdentityA FolderIdentity object containing the folder details.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The folder id Yes
useSourceif set to true use the source. If false, the source is not used.
sourceThe source message.
useStatusif set to true use the passed in status. If false, the status is not used.
statusThe status of the document that needs to be updated with.
When we are adding a new document the status will by default be set as Received. When we are updating the existing the document, the possible status will be as below:
  • 0 = Received
  • 1 = Waiting
  • 2 = Validated
  • 3 = Verified
  • 4 = Rejected
  • 5 = Accepted
    If any value other than the above are passed, an exception will be thrown.
No restrictions apply.
void RecoverJob ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Recovers a job if they have failed the evaluation stage.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job that needs to be recovered.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
No restrictions apply.
void RecoverJobs ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentityCollection  jobIdentityCollection 

Recovers the jobs that are specified.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityCollectionA JobIdentityCollection collection object that indicates jobs that need to be recovered.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
No restrictions apply.
void ReevaluateJobDocumentRequiredDates ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Re evaluate job document required dates.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object containing the job details.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
No restrictions apply.
void ReevaluatePrecondition ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Reevaluates the precondition for a specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object used to identify the job whose precondition needs to be re-evaluated.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
No restrictions apply.
void ReEvaluateSkin ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
SkinEvaluationOptions  skinOptions 

Reevaluates a skin on a job using existing job or a case variable. If a new skin is determined any overridden job and activity level properties for the skin are updated within the job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job on which to evaluate the skin.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
skinOptionsA SkinEvaluationOptions object that is used to indicate the skin evaluation options.
Name Type Comment Required
UpdateVariableValues Boolean If set to true, then update variable values No
UpdateLiveActivities Boolean If set to true, then update live activities No
SkinEvaluationOptions specifies whether to update values for existing job variables based on skin overidden default variable values or to update skin overidden properties for the live activities in the job.
No restrictions apply.
void ReplaceJobRoleMembers ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
RoleIdentity  roleIdentity,
ResourceIdentityCollection  resources 

Replaces the members of a floating role in a job with new members.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job to update.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
roleIdentityA RoleIdentity identity object that is used to identify the role to update. The role Id or role Name can be used.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The role id Yes
Name String The role name No
resourcesA ResourceIdentityCollection collection object that contains the resources to set as the role members.
No restrictions apply.
void ResetJobVariables ( string  sessionId,
JobActivityIdentity  jobActivity,
JobIdentity  subJob,
bool  useLatestHistory,
DateTime  setTime 

Resets the variables for the specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobActivityA JobActivityIdentity identity object containing the job activity information. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
NodeId Int16 The id of the activity within a process Yes
EmbeddedProcessCount Int16 The map level on which the activity resides. If this parameter is 0 the map is the parent map, if it is 1 it is a child map and so on. Yes
JobId String The job that the activity belongs to Yes
ActivityName String Name of activity. NOT used by this API No.
subJobA JobIdentity identity object containing the sub job details. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
useLatestHistoryDetermines if latest variable history needs to be used.
setTimeTime at which the activity was performed.
No restrictions apply.
void RestartJob ( string  sessionId,
JobActivityIdentity  jobActivityIdentity,
ProcessActivityIdentityCollection  embeddedProcessList,
short  restartType,
JobIdentity  subJobIdentity 

Allows administrators to correct any runtime problems with the flow of maps by restarting the job at or after a particular node.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobActivityIdentityA JobActivityIdentity identity object that contains the node information to restart at or after.
Name Type Comment Required
NodeId Int16 The id of the activity within a process Yes/No. Not required if ActivityName is specified
EmbeddedProcessCount Int16 The map level on which the activity resides. If this parameter is 0 the map is the parent map, if it is 1 it is a child map and so on. Yes
JobId String The job that the activity belongs to Yes
ActivityName String Name of activity. Yes/No. Not required if NodeId is specified
embeddedProcessListA collection of ProcessActivityIdentity that contains the embedded process list which describes the path into the map to reach the node Id specified. Passing in null or with count of zero means the node id refers to a node in the parent map.
ProcessActivityIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
ProcessIdentityIdentity Specifies the process map and activity Yes
NodeId Int16 The id of the activity within a process. Yes
ActivityName String Name of activity No
restartTypeWhere we want to restart. See Remarks section for enumeration
subJobIdentityA JobIdentity object that indicates the sub job whose node we want to restart at or after. Can be null i.e. if we are restarting in the main job
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes, if subJobIdentity parameter is not null
There are two ways to restart:
Restart At – applies to activities only, makes the selected node pending immediately.
Restart After - causes an evaluation to take place after the indicated node.

The enumeration for restartType parameter follows.
Enumeration Description
0 Restart At – Applies only to Activities
1 Restart After
No restrictions apply.
void SuspendJob ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
JobNote  jobNote 

Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use SuspendJob2 instead.
Suspends the job with the specified job id.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job that needs to be suspended.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
jobNoteA JobNote object that contains the note text and type.
Name Type Comment Required
NoteText String The text for the note NYeso
NoteTypeId String The note type id. The Default note type id is 9E298F8BC47F49B3BAD91B852862B4D6 Yes
CreatedDateTime DateTime NOT used by this API. No
NoteTypeDescription String NOT used by this API. No
Resource Identity NOT used by this API. No
If jobNote parameter is null, job note will not be added. If noteText member of jobNote parameter is empty, job note will not be added.
No restrictions apply.
void SuspendJob2 ( string  sessionId,
SuspendJobInfo  suspendJobInfo 

Suspends the job with the specified job id.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
suspendJobInfoA SuspendJobInfo object that is used to identify the job that needs to be suspended with optional suspension reason and note. SuspendJobInfo members.
Name Type Comment Required
JobIdentity JobIdentity JobIdentity Object that is used to identify the job that needs to be suspended. Yes
JobNote JobNote A JobNote object that contains the note text and type. The Default note type id is 9E298F8BC47F49B3BAD91B852862B4D6 No
SuspendReason string The suspend reason No
If jobNote parameter is null, job note will not be added. If noteText member of jobNote parameter is empty, job note will not be added. If noteText and type id has valid values, job note will be added If suspend reason is null, suspension reason is not associated with job.
Resource must have SuspendAccess functional access permission on Process.
void SuspendJobs ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentityCollection  jobIdentityCollection,
JobNote  jobNote 

Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use SuspendJobs2 instead.
Suspends the specified jobs.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityCollectionA JobIdentityCollection collection object that identifies jobs that are to be suspended. JobIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
jobNoteA JobNote object that contains the job note to be added to highlight the suspend operation.
Name Type Comment Required
NoteText String The text for the note Yes
NoteTypeId String The note type id. The Default note type id is 9E298F8BC47F49B3BAD91B852862B4D6 Yes
CreatedDateTime DateTime NOT used by this API. No
NoteTypeDescription String NOT used by this API. No
Resource Identity NOT used by this API. No
No restrictions apply.
void SuspendJobs2 ( string  sessionId,
SuspendJobsInfo  suspendJobsInfo 

Suspends the specified jobs.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
suspendJobsInfoA SuspendJobsInfo object that is used to identify the list of jobs that needs to be suspended with optional suspension reason and note. SuspendJobsInfo members.
Name Type Comment Required
JobIdentityCollection JobIdentityCollection A JobIdentityCollection collection object that identifies jobs that are to be suspended. Yes
JobNote JobNote A JobNote object that contains the note text and type. The Default note type id is 9E298F8BC47F49B3BAD91B852862B4D6 No
SuspendReason string The suspend reason No
If jobNote parameter is null, job note will not be added. If noteText member of jobNote parameter is empty, job note will not be added. If noteText and type id has valid values, job note will be added If suspend reason is null, suspension reason is not associated with job.
Resource must have SuspendAccess functional access permission on Process.
void TerminateJob ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Terminates a specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job that needs to be terminated.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
No restrictions apply.
void TerminateJobs ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentityCollection  jobIdentityCollection 

Terminates the specified jobs.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityCollectionA JobIdentityCollection collection object that identifies jobs that are to be terminated.
JobIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
No restrictions apply.
void UnHoldJob ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Activates the specified job that is on hold.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object used to identify the job that needs to be activated.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
No restrictions apply.
void UnHoldJobs ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentityCollection  jobIdentityCollection 

Activates the specified jobs that are on hold.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityCollectionA JobIdentityCollection collection object that describes jobs that are to be activated.
JobIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
No restrictions apply.
object UpdateJobComplexVariable ( string  sessionId,
UpdateComplexVariableAction  updateComplexVariableAction 

Updates job complex variable data.

sessionIdThe session identifier.
updateComplexVariableActionThe updateComplexVariableAction.
Updated complex variable value
void UpdateJobComplexVariableFromTable ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
VariableIdentity  variableIdentity,
ComplexVariableValueRowCollection  complexVariableRows 

Updates the value of specified dynamic complex variable in a job, with the data passed from a form table control.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job from which the variable value needs to be retrieved.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
variableIdentityA VariableIdentity identity object that is used to identify the variable whose value needs to be retrieved from the specified job.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes
complexVariableRowsAn ComplexVariableValueRowCollection collection object of row data of a complex variable whose values need to be updated.
ComplexVariableValueRow members.
Name Type Comment Required
Column1Value Object The data mapping for the 1st column of complex variable Yes
Column2Value Object The data mapping for the 2nd column of complex variable Yes
Column3Value Object The data mapping for the 3rd column of complex variable Yes
Column4Value Object The data mapping for the 4th column of complex variable Yes
Column5Value Object The data mapping for the 5th column of complex variable Yes
Column6Value Object The data mapping for the 6th column of complex variable Yes
Column7Value Object The data mapping for the 7th column of complex variable Yes
Column8Value Object The data mapping for the 8th column of complex variable Yes
Column9Value Object The data mapping for the 9th column of complex variable Yes
Column10Value Object The data mapping for the 10th column of complex variable Yes
Column11Value Object The data mapping for the 11th column of complex variable Yes
Column12Value Object The data mapping for the 12th column of complex variable Yes
Column13Value Object The data mapping for the 13th column of complex variable Yes
Column14Value Object The data mapping for the 14th column of complex variable Yes
Column15Value Object The data mapping for the 15th column of complex variable Yes
Column16Value Object The data mapping for the 16th column of complex variable Yes
Column17Value Object The data mapping for the 17th column of complex variable Yes
Column18Value Object The data mapping for the 18th column of complex variable Yes
Column19Value Object The data mapping for the 19th column of complex variable Yes
Column20Value Object The data mapping for the 20th column of complex variable Yes
This API supports data updation for up to 20 columns. No restriction on updating the number of rows.
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobCustomerData ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
string  customerData,
OutputVariableCollection  variables 

Updates the customer data against the job. The customer data will contain context information to enable users to progress activities.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job which needs to be updated with the customer data.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
customerDataThe context information to enable users to progress activities.
variablesA collection of 0 or more OutputVariable that need to be updated. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The output variable id Yes
Value Object The output variable value Yes
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobDocumentRequiredDate ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity,
DateTime  requiredDate 

Updates the job document rule date required.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object containing the job details.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity identity object containing the document details.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String Unique identifier of document type Yes
Name String Name of document type No
Version Double Current version of document type No
requiredDateThe date required that is to be used for updating the job document.
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobDocumentRule ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity,
DateTime  dateRequired,
string  description,
DocumentProcessBasicRule  documentBasicRule 

updates the job document rule.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object containing the job details.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity identity object containing the document type. Cannot be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String Unique identifier of document type Yes
Name String Name of document type No
Version Double Current version of document type No
dateRequiredThe required date for the job.
descriptionThe description of the job.
documentBasicRuleA Document Process Basic Rule object that is used to define the state of document and the number of required documents.
Name Type Comment Required
State Short The state of the document. If 0, the state is set to optional. If 1, the state is set to Manditory Yes
NoOfDocumentsRequired Int The number of required documents Yes
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobDocumentType ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DocumentIdentity  documentIdentity,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity 

Updates the type of the job document with the specified document type.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object containing the job details.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
documentIdentityA DocumentIdentity identity object containing the document details.
Name Type Comment Required
DocumentId String The document id Yes
FolderId String The folder id No
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity identity object containing the document type.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String Unique identifier of document type Yes
Name String Name of document type No
Version Double Current version of document type No
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobExpectedFinishTime ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DateTime  expectedFinishTime,
bool  resetException 

Updates the expected finish time of a live job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job to update.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
expectedFinishTimeThe new expected finish time.
resetExceptionIf set to true the Job Duration Overrun exception will be reset so it can be raised again for this job.
The Service Level Agreement (SLA) timeframes will be updated accordingly with the new finish time.
The expected finish time cannot be updated on a job that has already completed.
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobLanguage ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
string  languageName 

Updates the language for the specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job for which the language needs to be modified.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
languageNameThe language that needs to be set for the job. This should be a culture name installed on the server by windows OS.
Refer National Language Support (NLS) API Reference for list of languages and culture names.
Few examples :- FR, EN, EN-GB etc.(these are the culture names for French, English, English(United Kingdom))
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobMilestoneActualDate ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
MilestoneIdentity  milestoneIdentity,
DateTime  newActualDate 

Updates the actual date for a milestone actual in a specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
milestoneIdentityA MilestoneIdentity identity object that is used to identify the milestone to be updated.
Name Type Comment Required
Name String The name of the milestone Yes
newActualDateThe new actual datetime for the milestone
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobMilestoneTargetDate ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
MilestoneIdentity  milestoneIdentity,
DateTime  newTargetDate 

Updates the target finish date for a milestone in a specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
milestoneIdentityA MilestoneIdentity identity object that is used to identify the milestone to be updated.
Name Type Comment Required
Name String The name of the milestone Yes
newTargetDateThe new target finish datetime for the milestone
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobNote ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DateTime  dateNoteEntered,
NoteInfo  noteInfo 

Updates a note associated with a job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job the note is associated with.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
dateNoteEnteredDate that the note was entered. This is required.
noteInfoA NoteInfo object that specifies the note text and type.
Name Type Comment Required
NoteText String The text for the note Yes
TypeId String The note type id. See Remarks section for the 3 installed type Ids Yes
The default note type Ids that are installed are:
  • 4DE75A7E7AB049B1BEDDF017D69FC1EB –> Resource
  • 9E298F8BC47F49B3BAD91B852862B4D6 –> Default
  • AB9842C19321454DB5D56EE94FDC1391 –> Collaboration
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobOwner ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
ResourceIdentity  jobOwner 

Updates the job owner for the specified jobs.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object indicating the job to be updated with a new job owner.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
jobOwnerA ResourceIdentity identity object that will be set as the job owner for the job.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The Id of the resource that is becoming the job owner Yes
Name String Name of resource. NOT used by this API No
ResourceType Int16 The type of resource. NOT used by this API No
This API will check that the sessionId is the system session Id or that the logged on user is either the jobs current owner or a supervisor before allowing the jobs owner to be changed.
The job owner can only be changed for active jobs, not finished jobs.
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobOwners ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentityCollection  jobIdentityCollection,
ResourceIdentity  resourceIdentity 

Updates the job owner for the specified jobs.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityCollectionA JobIdentity object which contains a collection of 0 or more jobs to be updated with a new job owner.
JobIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
resourceIdentityA ResourceIdentity identity object that will be set as the job owner for the jobs.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The Id of the resource that is becoming the job owner Yes
Name String Name of resource. NOT used by this API No
ResourceType Int16 The type of resource. NOT used by this API No
This API will check that the sessionId is the system session Id or that the logged on user is either the jobs current owner or a supervisor before allowing the jobs owner to be changed.
The job owner can only be changed for active jobs, not finished jobs.
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobOwnerUsingSearchCriteria ( string  sessionId,
JobFilter  jobFilter,
ResourceIdentity  jobOwner 

Updates the job owner of the jobs identified using the specified search criteria.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobFilterA JobFilter object used to filter the jobs. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Job Identity Can specify job to update. No
SubJobId String If set, only update job with this Id No
Case Identity If specified, will update using the case id for finding. No
StartTimeFrom DateTime Can supply the earliest start time for a job that will be updated. If StartTimeFrom is null, then the filter is not considered. No
StartTimeTo DateTime Can supply the latest start time for a job that will be updated. If StartTimeTo is null, then the filter is not considered. No
FinishTimeFrom DateTime Can supply the earliest finish time for a job that will be updated. If FinishTimeFrom is null, then the filter is not considered. No
FinishTimeTo DateTime Can supply the latest finish time for a job that will be updated. If FinishTimeTo is null, then the filter is not considered. No
Creator Identity If specified, can update jobs where the job creator is as specified No
IsWorkerResource Boolean Indicates whether Creator property is a worker resource or a group resource No
Process Identity If populated, update jobs of the specified process. No
JobStatus Int16 Job status for filtering. See Remarks section of this API to get more information. No
OriginServer Identity If specified, will update jobs with specified origin server i.e. where jobs were created No
MaxNumberToRetrieve Int32 Can specify the maximum number of jobs to be updated. No
Category Identity If populated, updates jobs within this category. No
SearchInSubcategories Boolean If specified, then search in sub-categories as well No
UseJobPriority Boolean If set to true, then will filter using the JobPriority property No
JobPriority Int32 Priority level of job. Highest Priority is 1. Lowest Priority is 100 No
DueDateFrom DateTime Can supply the earliest due date for a job that will be updated. If DueDateFrom is null, then the filter is not considered. No
DueDateTo DateTime Can supply the latest due date for a job that will be updated. If DueDateTo is null, then the filter is not considered. No
WorkQueueDefinition WorkQueueDefinitionIdentity If Id member is populated, then we will filter on the specified work type. No
FieldFilter FieldFilter If supplied, will specify workqueue definition fields to filter on. No
JobOwner Identity If specified, can update jobs where the job owner is as specified No
JobState String If set, will only update jobs that are in the specified state. States can be used to monitor the status or percentage complete of a particular job. No
UseJobType Boolean If set to true, then will filter using the JobType property No
JobType Int16 Use job type for filtering. See Remarks section of this API to get more information. No
ReturnPriority Boolean NOT used by this API. Used in APIs where we get details No
ReturnAdvancedJobDetails Boolean NOT used by this API. Used in APIs where we get details No
ReturnExtraSlaData Boolean NOT used by this API. Used in APIs where we get details No
ReturnDueDate Boolean NOT used by this API. Used in APIs where we get details No
ReturnTotalJobCount Boolean NOT used by this API. Used in APIs where we get details No
ReturnOwnerDetails Boolean NOT used by this API. Used in APIs where we get details No
ReturnNullForFinishedTime Boolean NOT used by this API. Used in APIs where we get details No
OnlyReturnNonArchivedJobs Boolean NOT used by this API. Used in APIs where we get details No
JobViewAccess Boolean This property is obsolete. The System setting, "Restrict Job Access" now determines if the job view access should be applied. No
UseJobStatus Boolean If true, use JobStatus setting otherwise use JobStatusFilter setting No
JobStatusFilter Int16 Job status filter. See Remarks section of this API to get more information. No
UseScoreFilter Boolean If set to true, then will filter using the ScoreFilter property No
ScoreFilter ScoreFilter If populated, update jobs that have reached a specified score. No
ReturnScore Boolean NOT used by this API. Used in APIs where we get details No
JobIdsFilter JobIdentityCollection If supplied, will only update the specified jobs No
jobOwnerA ResourceIdentity identity object that needs to assigned as job owner of the jobs. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The Id of the resource that is becoming the job owner Yes
Name String Name of resource. NOT used by this API No
ResourceType Int16 The type of resource. NOT used by this API No
This API will check that the sessionId is the system session Id or that the logged on user is either the jobs current owner or a supervisor before allowing the jobs owner to be changed.
The job owner can only be changed for active jobs, not finished jobs.
JobStatus and JobStatusFilter settings are two ways you can filter based on Job Status. If UseJobStatus is true then use JobStatus setting, if false use JobStatusFilter.

The JobStatus enumeration follows
Enumeration Description
0 Active
1 Completed
2 Terminated
3 Suspended
4 Pending Completion
5 Locked
6 Ready For Evaluation
7 On Hold
8 Awaiting Completion
9 Awaiting Case Completion
10 Awaiting Completion Terminated
11 Awaiting Case Completion Terminated

The JobType enumeration follows
Enumeration Description
0 Normal Job
1 Case Instance
2 Associated Job (Job in Case)
4 Business Rule Job

The JobStatusFilter enumeration follows
Enumeration Description
0 Active
1 All Live And Finished
2 All Finished
3 All Live
4 Completed
5 Ready For Evaluation
6 Pending Completion
7 Suspended
8 Terminated
9 On Hold
10 Awaiting Completion
11 Awaiting Case Completion
12 Terminated Awaiting Completion
13 Terminated Awaiting Case Completion
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobPriority ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
short  jobPriority 

Updates the job priority for the specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose priority needs to be updated.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
jobPriorityThe new job priority. This is required and must be between 1 and 100 inclusive. 1 is the highest priority, 100 is the lowest.
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobSource ( string  sessionId,
string  jobId,
string  jobSource 

Updates the job source for a specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdA string that is used to identify the job for which the job source needs to be changed.
jobSourceJob source that needs to be set for the job.
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobSpend ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
double  value 

Updates the current spend so far for a specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job whose spend value needs to be updated.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
valueAdds this value to the current spend so far for the job.
Must supply a non-negative value in the value parameter
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobState ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
string  jobState 

Changes a job state and perform any action associated with the state. Will restart the job if required.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job for which the state needs to be updated.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
jobStateThe new job state for the job. Is required
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateJobVariables ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
UpdatedVariableCollection  updatedVariables 

Updates the variable values for a specified job.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object used to identify the job whose variables needs to be updated.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
updatedVariablesAn UpdatedVariableCollection collection object of variables whose values need to be updated.
UpdatedVariable members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The variable id Yes
Value Object The variable value Yes
VariableType Int16 The variable type Yes. See Remarks section for enumeration values
The enumeration for VariableType follows
Enumeration Description
0 Empty
1 System
2 Short
3 Long
4 Float
5 Double
6 Currency
7 Date
8 String
9 Dispatch
11 Bool
12 Variant
14 Decimal
17 Byte
2000 Array
8204 Complex
32759 Folder
32760 Document
32761 Entity
32762 Nullable String
32763 Nullable Date
32764 Checklist
32765 Text
32766 Xml Expression
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateReceivedJobDocumentsStatus ( string  sessionId,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity,
DocumentIdentityCollection  documentIdentityCollection,
FolderIdentity  folderIdentity,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity,
short  status 

Updates the received job documents status.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object containing the job details.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
documentIdentityCollectionA DocumentIdentityCollection object containing the collection of documents that needs to be added
Name Type Comment Required
DocumentId String The Document id Yes
FolderId String The Folder id No
folderIdentityA FolderIdentity object containing the folder details.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The folder id Yes
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity identity object containing the document type.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String Unique identifier of document type Yes
Name String Name of document type No
Version Double Current version of document type No
statusThe status of the document that needs to be updated with.
When we are adding a new document the status will by default be set as Received. When we are updating the existing the document, the possible status will be as below:
  • 0 = Received
  • 1 = Waiting
  • 2 = Validated
  • 3 = Verified
  • 4 = Rejected
    If any value other than the above are passed, an exception will be thrown.
No restrictions apply.
string UpgradeJobs2 ( string  sessionId,
UpgradeJobFilter  upgradeJobFilter 

Upgrades the jobs using the specified upgrade criteria.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
upgradeJobFilterA UpgradeJobFilter object that can be used to determine which jobs get upgraded. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
StartTimeFrom DateTime If supplied, these parameters are used to search for jobs that started within that time frame, and then perform an upgrade on only those jobs No
StartTimeTo DateTime If supplied, these parameters are used to search for jobs that start time up to that time frame, and then perform an upgrade on only those jobs. If set, the hours, minutes and seconds will be overridden to 23:59:99 No
Category Identity If populated, only upgrade jobs within this category. No
Process Identity If supplied, only upgrade jobs created on this process map. Supply Version value of 0 to get most recent released process map No
If API was successful, the API will return a meesage stating it has successfully processed jobs or that there were no jobs to upgrade
No restrictions apply.
void UpgradeJobsAsync ( string  sessionId,
UpgradeJobFilter  upgradeJobFilter 

Upgrades the jobs asynchronously using the specified filter criteria

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
upgradeJobFilterA UpgradeJobFilter object that can be used to determine which jobs get upgraded. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
StartTimeFrom DateTime If supplied, these parameters are used to search for jobs that started within that time frame, and then perform an upgrade on only those jobs. No
StartTimeTo DateTime If supplied, these parameters are used to search for jobs that stat time up to that time frame, and then perform an upgrade on only those jobs. If set, the hours, minutes and seconds will be overridden to 23:59:99 No
Category Identity If populated, only upgrade jobs within this category. No
Process Identity If supplied, only upgrade jobs created on this process map. Supply Version value of 0 to get most recent released process map No
No restrictions apply.