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CaptureDocumentService Class Reference

Provides methods for validating documents, configuring documents, pages and fields etc. More...

Public Member Functions

bool AddPageMaskForField (string sessionId, string documentId, int pageIndex, string fieldName, int color)
 Adds mask to a page for word associated to specified field More...
bool AddPageMaskForRegion (string sessionId, string documentId, int pageIndex, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int color)
 Add mask to a page to specified rectangular area More...
string CopyDocument (string sessionId, string sourceDocumentId, string targetDocumentId, StringCollection fieldNames, short copyDocumentOptions)
 Copies properties of the source document to the target document. If the target document is not specified (either null or empty), a new document will be created under the same parent folder where the source document is located.
Note that this method does not copy pages. If you need to copy pages, then use the CopyDocumentWithPages() method instead. More...
void CopyDocumentFieldValues (string sessionId, string sourceDocumentId, string targetDocumentId)
 Copies the field values from a source document to a target document and overwrites the existing values in the target document. More...
string CopyDocumentWithPages (string sessionId, string documentId, int insertIndex)
 Copies properties of the source document including pages and returns a new document. More...
DocumentIdentity CreateDocument (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string parentId, RuntimeFieldCollection runtimeFields, string filePath, int insertIndex, string documentTypeId, string folderTypeId)
 Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use CreateDocument3 instead.
Creates a document of the specified document type. If the parent folder of the document is not specified, then a new folder will be created as its parent. More...
DocumentIdentity CreateDocument2 (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string parentId, RuntimeFieldCollection runtimeFields, string filePath, int insertIndex, string documentTypeId, string folderTypeId, FieldPropertiesCollection runtimeFieldProperties)
 Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use CreateDocument3 instead.
Creates a document of the specified document type. This API is designed for use in custom code, as such it is not expected to be consumed within in .NET process activities, web service activities and .NET form actions as TotalAgility does not support its class structure and thus will not provide access to some of its data elements.This API can be used in C# and VB.NET script activities. More...
DocumentIdentity CreateDocument3 (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string parentId, RuntimeFieldCollection runtimeFolderFields, string folderTypeId, DocumentDataInput2 documentDataInput, int insertIndex)
DocumentIdentityCollection CreateDocuments (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string parentId, RuntimeFieldCollection runtimeFolderFields, string folderTypeId, DocumentDataInputCollection documentData)
 Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use CreateDocuments2 instead.
Create documents. More...
DocumentIdentityCollection CreateDocuments2 (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string parentId, RuntimeFieldCollection runtimeFolderFields, string folderTypeId, DocumentDataInput2Collection documentData)
 Create documents. More...
DocumentIdentity CreateDocumentWithPages (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string parentId, RuntimeFieldCollection runtimeFields, string documentTypeId, string folderTypeId, PageDataCollection pages)
 Creates the document with pages. More...
string CreateFolder (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string parentId, RuntimeFieldCollection runtimeFields, int insertIndex, CategoryIdentity folderTypeCategory, FolderTypeIdentity folderTypeIdentity)
 Creates a folder of the specified folder type. More...
string CreateOnlineLearningFolder (string sessionId, int maxSamples)
 Creates an online learning folder (contain document types you have identified previously so this information can be reused when you encounter the same document types rather than trying to identify all fields etc. from scratch) More...
void CreatePage (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, RuntimeFieldCollection runtimeFields, string filePath, int insertIndex)
 Creates a page to a document with the image read from a file path. More...
void CreatePageUsingStream (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, RuntimeFieldCollection runtimeFields, byte[] data, int insertIndex, string mimeType)
 Creates a page to a document with the image passed as a stream. More...
DeletionResult DeleteDocument (string sessionId, string documentId, ReportingData reportingData, bool failOnError)
 Deletes the document with specified id. Additionally, if the deletion fails and the failOnError parameter is set to true and the API method is called within a job, then the document's associated job will be suspended. More...
DeletionResult DeleteDocuments (string sessionId, StringCollection documentIds, ReportingData reportingData, bool ignoreError)
 Deletes the specified documents. Additionally, if the delete fails and the ignoreError parameter is set to true, then jobs associated with the documents will be suspended. More...
void DeleteExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string name)
 Deletes the specified text or binary extension. More...
DeletionResult DeleteFolder (string sessionId, string folderId, ReportingData reportingData, bool failOnError)
 Deletes the folder with specified id. Additionally, if the delete operation fails and the failOnError parameter is set to true and the API method is called within a job, then the folder's associated job will be suspended. More...
void DeleteFolderExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, string name)
 Deletes the folder extension. More...
void DeletePageExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string pageId, string extensionName)
 Deletes the page extension. More...
void DeletePageRendition (string sessionId, string documentId, string pageId, short renditionNumber)
 Deletes the specified page rendition. More...
void DeletePages (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, PageIndexCollection pageIndexes)
 Deletes the pages of the specified document at the given indices. More...
void DeleteSourceFile (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId)
 Deletes the source file. More...
void DeleteTableFieldRow (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string tableFieldId, RowIndexCollection rowIndexes)
 Deletes the list of row indexes from the table. Indices are zero-based i.e. row 1 is index 0, row 2 is index 1. More...
void ForceUnlockItem (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, LockedItemIdentity identity)
 Forcefully unlocks the document or folder. This sets the Locked property of the document or folder to a value of false. More...
FormattingResult FormatField (string sessionId, string value, FormatterIdentity formatterIdentity)
 Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use FormatField2 instead.
Tests the field value against the specified formatter. More...
FormattingResult FormatField2 (string sessionId, string value, FormatterIdentity formatterIdentity, BusinessRuleInputCollection ruleInputs)
 Tests the field value against the specified formatter. More...
WordCollection GetAllMaskedWords (string sessionId, string documentId, int pageIndex)
 Returns collection of words that are masked in a page. More...
PageMaskCollection GetAllPageMasks (string sessionId, string documentId, int pageIndex)
 Returns all explicit masks associated to page. More...
AnnotationDataCollection GetAnnotations (string sessionId, string documentId)
 Gets annotations for the specified document. More...
BinaryData GetBinaryExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string name)
 Gets the specified binary extension. More...
Document GetDocument (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId)
 Retrieves a document using document id. More...
string GetDocumentAsFile (string sessionId, string documentId, string fileLocation, string fileName)
 Gets the image document as a file (.tiff format) and it will be saved to the specified location with the specified name. More...
FieldAlternativeCollection GetDocumentFieldAlternatives (string sessionId, string documentId, FieldIdentity fieldIdentity, int numberOfRowsToReturn)
 Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use GetDocumentFieldAlternatives2 instead.
Get the alternatives for the value of the specified document field, including pre-defined document system fields such as verified, rejected, number of pages etc. See Remarks section below for the document system fields. More...
FieldAlternative2Collection GetDocumentFieldAlternatives2 (string sessionId, string documentId, FieldIdentity fieldIdentity, int numberOfRowsToReturn)
 Get the alternatives for the specified document field. More...
FieldPropertiesCollection GetDocumentFieldPropertyValues (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, FieldPropertiesIdentityCollection fieldProperties)
 The API Returns the Values of System properties of Document fields.You have to provide the System GUIDs(which are listed below) for the System Properties for the Fields. More...
FieldAlternativesCollection GetDocumentFieldsAlternatives (string sessionId, string documentId, FieldIdentityCollection fields, int numberOfRowsToReturn)
 Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use GetDocumentFieldsAlternatives2 instead.
Gets the document fields alternatives for the specified fields. More...
FieldAlternatives2Collection GetDocumentFieldsAlternatives2 (string sessionId, string documentId, FieldIdentityCollection fields, int numberOfRowsToReturn)
 Gets the document fields alternatives for the specified fields. More...
RuntimeField2Collection GetDocumentFieldsProperties (string sessionId, string documentId, RuntimeFieldIdentityCollection fields)
 Gets the document fields properties. More...
Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.DocumentFieldValue GetDocumentFieldValue (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, RuntimeFieldIdentity fieldIdentity)
 Retrieves the value for the specified document field, including pre-defined document system fields such as verified, rejected, number of pages etc. See Remarks section below for document system fields. More...
Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.DocumentFieldValueCollection GetDocumentFieldValues (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, RuntimeFieldIdentityCollection fieldIdentities)
 Retrieves the value for the specified document fields, including pre-defined document system fields such as verified, rejected, number of pages etc. See Remarks section below for the document system fields. More...
Stream GetDocumentFile (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string fileType)
 Gets the document file as a System.IO.Stream object. More...
Stream GetDocumentRenditionsFile (string sessionId, string documentId, string renditionName, string fileType)
 Gets the document page renditions as single Stream. if a page doesnt have a rendition then its original source image will be used More...
DocumentSortResult GetDocumentsInOrder (string sessionId, string folderId, string field1NameForSort, string field2NameForSort, string field3NameForSort, bool ascending)
 Sorts the documents in a folder and returns them sorted on up to 3 fields in ascending or descending order. The sort priority is field1, field2, then field3. More...
System.Data.DataSet GetDocumentTableFieldValue (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, TableFieldIdentity tableFieldIdentity)
 Returns the values of the specified table field as a Dataset. More...
byte[] GetDocumentTypeImage (string sessionId, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity)
 Gets the document type image. More...
Folder GetFolder (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId)
 Retrieves the details of the specified folder. More...
BinaryData GetFolderBinaryExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, string name)
 Gets the folder binary extension. More...
Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.FolderFieldValue GetFolderFieldValue (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, RuntimeFieldIdentity fieldIdentity)
 Retrieves the value for the specified folder field, including pre-defined folder system fields such as verified, number of documents, review valid etc. See Remarks section below for folder system fields More...
Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.FolderFieldValueCollection GetFolderFieldValues (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, RuntimeFieldIdentityCollection fieldIdentities)
 Retrieves the values of the specified folder fields, including pre-defined folder system fields such as Verified, NoOfDocuments, ReviewValid, etc. See the Remarks section for a list of the folder system fields. More...
string GetFolderTextExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, string name)
 Gets the folder text extension. More...
DocumentImage GetImage (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string imageId, int desiredWidth, int desiredHeight, string desiredFormat)
 Retrieves the image in a particular size and format. More...
LockedItemCollection GetJobVariableLockStatus (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, JobIdentity jobIdentity)
 Gets the locked or delete status of the document/folder variables of a job. Statuses for unlocked documents/folders are ignored and therefore not returned. More...
BinaryData GetPageBinaryExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string pageId, string name)
 Gets the page binary extension. More...
Stream GetPageImage (string sessionId, string docId, string pageId, int desiredWidth, int desiredHeight, string desiredFormat)
 Retrieves the image in a particular size and format. More...
PagePropertiesCollection GetPagePropertyValues (string sessionId, string documentId, PagePropertiesIdentityCollection pagePropertyIdentityValues)
 The API Returns the Values of System properties of Pages.You have to provide the property names or System GUIDs(which are listed below) for the System Properties for the Pages. More...
byte[] GetPageRendition (string sessionId, string documentId, string pageId, short renditionNumber)
 Gets the page rendition specified by its number. More...
ImageSummary GetPageRenditionImageSummary (string sessionId, string documentId, string pageId, short renditionNumber)
 Gets the page rendition image summary. More...
PageSummary GetPageSummary (string sessionId, string documentId, string pageId)
 Gets the page summary. More...
string GetPageTextExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string pageId, string name)
 Gets the page text extension specified by its name. More...
RejectedPages GetRejectedPages (string sessionId, string documentId)
 Check Document has rejected pages. More...
DocumentSourceFile GetSourceFile (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId)
 Retrieves the source file of the specified document. Note: Document source file will have valid value for example when you import PDF file in Scan activity (or in SCNJ form). At the same time when importing valid tiff images document source file will have no value. More...
string GetTextExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string name)
 Gets the text extension of a document. More...
ValidationExecutionContext GetValidationExecutionContext (string sessionId)
 Returns validation execution context that allows to determine component and place within job/process where validation logic is executing. More...
WordCollection GetWordsInRectangle (string sessionId, WordCollection words, int top, int left, int height, int width)
 Returns a collection of words that are fully contained within the specified rectangle. More...
void InsertTableFieldRow (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string tableFieldId, int rowIndex)
 Inserts an empty row to the table field of the supplied document at the specified position. More...
void InterpolateTableField (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string tableFieldId, int selectedIndex)
 Populates the table with extracted data on a page using the data from the row at the selected index. Index is zero-based i.e. index 0 is row 1, index 1 is row 2 etc. More...
bool IsPageRenditionDefined (string sessionId, string documentId, string pageId, short renditionNumber)
 Determines whether the specified page rendition is defined. More...
void MergeDocuments (string sessionId, StringCollection documentIds)
 Merges together documents identified by the supplied document ids where the first specified document is set as the merge-to document. All other documents will have their pages moved to the end of the first document in the order they appear in the documentIds collection. More...
void MoveDocument (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string folderId, int insertIndex)
 Moves a document either within the parent folder or to the specified folder at the specified position. More...
void MoveFolder (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, string toFolderId, int insertIndex)
 Moves the folder either within the parent folder or to a different folder at the specified index. More...
void MovePages (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string toDocumentId, PageIndexCollection pageIndexes, int insertIndex)
 Moves pages of the source document at the specified indices either within itself or to a different document at a specified insert index. More...
void RejectDocument (string sessionId, string documentId, string reason)
 Rejects the document with the specified reason. More...
void RejectDocuments (string sessionId, StringCollection documentIds, ReportingData reportingData, string reason)
 Rejects the documents identified by the supplied document ids. More...
void RejectPages (string sessionId, string documentId, PageIndexCollection pageIndexes, string reason)
 Rejects the pages with the specified reason. More...
bool RemoveAllPageMasks (string sessionId, string documentId, int pageIndex)
 Removes all PageMask records from the specified page. More...
int RemovePageMasks (string sessionId, string documentId, int pageIndex, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
 Removes all PageMask records that intersect with or are contained in the specified rectangle More...
void RotatePages (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, PageIndexCollection pageIndexes, short rotationAngle, bool preserveTextData)
 Rotates page(s) source image and all its rendition images with optional preserving OCR data More...
void RotatePagesRendition (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, PageIndexCollection pageIndexes, short rotationAngle, short renditionNumber)
 Rotates page(s) specific rendition. Source image and other renditions aren't affected after rotation. More...
FieldValidationResult2Collection RunDocumentFieldsValidation (string sessionId, string documentId, RuntimeFieldIdentityCollection runtimeFields)
 Run validation for document using given fields and return field validation results. More...
FieldValidationResult2Collection RunFolderFieldsValidation (string sessionId, string folderId, RuntimeFieldIdentityCollection runtimeFields)
 Run validation for folder using given fields and return field validation results. More...
void SaveBinaryExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string name, string mimeType, byte[] data)
 Saves the binary extension. More...
void SaveFolderBinaryExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, string name, string mimeType, byte[] data)
 Saves the folder binary extension. More...
void SaveFolderTextExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, string name, string text)
 Saves the folder text extension. More...
void SavePageBinaryExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string pageId, string name, string mimeType, byte[] data)
 Saves the page binary extension. More...
PageImageData SavePageImage (string sessionId, string batchId, byte[] data, string mimeType)
 Saves the page image to the repository. More...
void SavePageRendition (string sessionId, string documentId, string pageId, short renditionNumber, string mimeType, byte[] imageStream)
 Saves the specified page rendition. More...
void SavePageTextExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string pageId, string name, string text)
 Saves the page text extension. More...
void SaveTextExtension (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string name, string text)
 Saves the text extension of a document. Giving a text extension a specific prefix makes it available in Transformation Designer script as an XValue. To do this, prefix the name parameter with “XValue.”. For example, if you call the name “XValue.MyName”, then you can use the following code in the Transformation Designer script: pXDoc.Fields(0).Text = pXDoc.XValues.ItemByName("MyName").Value More...
SearchResult SearchFuzzyDatabase (string sessionId, FuzzyDatabaseIdentity databaseIdentity, SearchQuery query, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity)
 Searches the fuzzy database for the provided query. More...
void SetDocumentFieldStatus (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, RuntimeFieldIdentity fieldIdentity, short documentFieldStatus, string message, object fieldValue)
 Sets the document field status. Pre-defined document system fields are NOT supported. More...
void SetDocumentStatus (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, short documentStatus, string message)
 Sets the status of the specified document. More...
void SetFolderFieldStatus (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, RuntimeFieldIdentity fieldIdentity, short folderFieldStatus, string message, object fieldValue)
 Sets the folder field status. Pre-defined folder system fields are NOT supported. More...
void SetFolderStatus (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, short folderStatus, string message)
 Sets the folder status. More...
void SetPageSourceImageFromRendition (string sessionId, string documentId, string pageId, short renditionNumber)
 Sets the page source image from the rendition with the specified number. More...
string SplitDocument (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, int pageIndex)
 Splits a document into two by creating a new document and moving the pages starting from the specified index to the new document. More...
DocumentIdentityCollection SplitDocumentAndClassify (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, SplitDocumentInfoCollection splitDocumentInfoCollection)
 Splits a document into one or more documents using each index set in SplitDocumentInfo by creating new documents and moving the pages starting from each specified index to the new documents. Each of the newly created documents can also have properties set as specified in their respective SplitDocumentInfo data. More...
string SplitFolder (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, int index)
 Splits a folder into two by creating a new folder and moving the documents starting from the specified index to the new folder. More...
FormattingResult TestFieldFormatter (string sessionId, string value, FieldFormatter fieldFormatter)
 Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use TestFieldFormatter2 instead.
Tests the field formatter. More...
FormattingResult TestFieldFormatter2 (string sessionId, string value, FieldFormatter fieldFormatter, BusinessRuleInputCollection ruleInputs)
 Tests the field formatter. More...
Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.Validation.ValidationResult TestFieldValidator (string sessionId, string value, Validator validator)
 Tests a validator on a document field's value. More...
void UnrejectDocuments (string sessionId, StringCollection documentIds, ReportingData reportingData)
 Unrejects the documents specified by the supplied document identifiers and clears the rejection reasons. More...
void UnrejectPages (string sessionId, string documentId, PageIndexCollection pageIndexes)
 Unrejects the pages. More...
void UpdateDocumentFieldPropertyValues (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, FieldPropertiesCollection fieldProperties)
 The API sets the Values of System properties of Document fields.You have to provide the System GUIDs(which are listed below) for the System Properties for the Fields.This API cannot be used in a TotalAgility process or form as TotalAgility does not support its class structure. More...
void UpdateDocumentFieldValue (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, RuntimeField runtimeField)
 Updates the value of the specified document field, including pre-defined document system fields such as verified, rejected, number of pages, etc. See Remarks section below for document system fields. More...
void UpdateDocumentFieldValues (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, RuntimeFieldCollection runtimeFields)
 Updates the values of the specified document fields, including pre-defined document system fields such as verified, rejected, number of pages, etc. See Remarks section below for document system fields. More...
void UpdateDocumentsProcessingCompleted (string sessionId, StringCollection documentIds)
 Report that processing of the specified documents have completed. More...
void UpdateDocumentType (string sessionId, string documentId, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity)
 Updates the type of the document. More...
void UpdateDocumentType2 (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity)
 Updates the type of the document. More...
void UpdateDocumentTypeWithConfidence (string sessionId, string documentId, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity, double confidenceLevel)
 Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use UpdateDocumentTypeWithConfidence2 instead.
Updates the document with the specified document type and confidence for that document type. More...
void UpdateDocumentTypeWithConfidence2 (string sessionId, string documentId, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity, double confidenceLevel, bool classificationConfident)
 Updates the document with the specified document type, the confidence for that document type, and whether the classfication is confident or not. More...
void UpdateDocumentTypeWithConfidence3 (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity, double confidenceLevel, bool classificationConfident)
 Updates the document with the specified document type, the confidence for that document type, and whether the classfication is confident or not. More...
void UpdateDocumentVariant (string sessionId, string documentId, string variantName)
 Updates the document variant. More...
void UpdateFolderFieldValue (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, RuntimeField runtimeField)
 Updates the value of the specified folder field. More...
void UpdateFolderFieldValues (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string folderId, RuntimeFieldCollection runtimeFields)
 Updates the values of the specified folder fields. More...
void UpdatePages (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string docId, PageData2Collection pageData2Collection)
 Updates the pages of a specified document with the supplied page properties. More...
void UpdateSourceFile (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, DocumentSourceFile sourceFile)
 Updates the source file. More...
void UpdateWords (string sessionId, ReportingData reportingData, string documentId, string pageId, WordUpdateCollection wordUpdates)
 This API method updates the Text property of each of the specified words in the textlines of the specified page. More...
FieldValidationResult2Collection ValidateAllDocumentFields (string sessionId, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity, RuntimeField2Collection documentFields, DocumentSystemProperties documentSystemProperties)
 Validates document fields against the field validators and formatters. More...
bool ValidateDocument (string sessionId, string documentId)
 Validates a document by validating all its document fields. More...
ValidationResult ValidateDocumentField (string sessionId, string documentTypeId, RuntimeFieldValue field)
 Validates the specified document field against the field validators and formatters. More...
ValidationResultCollection ValidateDocumentFields (string sessionId, string documentTypeId, RuntimeFieldValueCollection fields)
 Validates the specified document fields against the fields validators and formatters. More...
ReviewValidationResult ValidateDocumentForReview (string sessionId, string documentId)
 Validates the specified document against the document's validation rules. More...
ReviewValidationResult ValidateDocumentForReviewWithType (string sessionId, string documentId, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity)
 Validates the specified document against the document's validation rules using the supplied document type. More...
bool ValidateDocumentWithType (string sessionId, string documentId, DocumentTypeIdentity documentTypeIdentity)
 Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use ValidateDocument instead.
Validates a document by validating all its document fields. More...
bool ValidateFolder (string sessionId, string folderId)
 Validates a folder by validating all its fields. More...
ValidationResult ValidateFolderField (string sessionId, string folderTypeId, RuntimeFieldValue field)
 Validates the specified folder field against the field validators and formatters. More...
ValidationResultCollection ValidateFolderFields (string sessionId, string folderTypeId, RuntimeFieldValueCollection fields)
 Validates the specified folder fields against the fields validators and formatters. More...
ReviewValidationResult ValidateFolderForReview (string sessionId, string folderId)
 Validates the specified folder against the folder's validation rules. More...
ReviewValidationResult ValidateFolderForReviewWithType (string sessionId, string folderId, FolderTypeIdentity folderTypeIdentity)
 Validates the specified folder against the folder validation rules using the specified folder type. More...
bool ValidateFolderWithType (string sessionId, string folderId, FolderTypeIdentity folderTypeIdentity)
 Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use ValidateFolder instead.
Validates a folder by validating all its fields. More...


Provides methods for validating documents, configuring documents, pages and fields etc.

Member Functions

bool AddPageMaskForField ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
int  pageIndex,
string  fieldName,
int  color 

Adds mask to a page for word associated to specified field

sessionIdThe session identifier.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIndexDocument's page index.
fieldNameField's name.
colorColor of the mask.
Returns true if mask added, false if no mask added
bool AddPageMaskForRegion ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
int  pageIndex,
int  left,
int  top,
int  right,
int  bottom,
int  color 

Add mask to a page to specified rectangular area

sessionIdThe session identifier.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIndexDocument's page index.
leftx coordinate of the masks's left-top corner.
topy coordinate of the masks's left-top corner.
rightx coordinate of the masks's right-bottom corner.
bottomy coordinate of the masks's right-bottom corner.
colorColor of the mask.
Returns true if mask added, false if no mask added
string CopyDocument ( string  sessionId,
string  sourceDocumentId,
string  targetDocumentId,
StringCollection  fieldNames,
short  copyDocumentOptions 

Copies properties of the source document to the target document. If the target document is not specified (either null or empty), a new document will be created under the same parent folder where the source document is located.
Note that this method does not copy pages. If you need to copy pages, then use the CopyDocumentWithPages() method instead.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
sourceDocumentIdThe source document id that needs to be copied. Cannot be null or empty.
targetDocumentIdThe target document id. Can be null or empty to create a new document.
fieldNamesList of the field names that need to copied. If specified as null, then all of the fields from the source document will be copied (except Pages and MimeType).
copyDocumentOptionsThe copy document options:
0Copy fields (that match with the fieldNames specified) and the system fields of document
1Copy document type (same as manual classfication)
2Do both 1 and 0, first copies the document type and then copies the matching fields and the system fields
Target document id
When passing 0 as the copyDocumentOptions value:
  • If the source and target documents have the same document type, then only data fields with matching names will be copied. All fields are copied if null is passed in as the fieldNames parameter.
  • If the source and target documents have different document types, then data fields with matching names (either from the fieldNames collection or from all document fields if fieldNames is null) and field types (Text, Date, Drop-down etc) will be copied.
  • If the source and target documents have different document types, and there are no field name (either from the fieldNames collection or from all document fields, if fieldNames is null) and field type matches, then none of the data fields will be copied.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Create Documents and Pages' ACL.
void CopyDocumentFieldValues ( string  sessionId,
string  sourceDocumentId,
string  targetDocumentId 

Copies the field values from a source document to a target document and overwrites the existing values in the target document.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
sourceDocumentIdThe id of the source document. Cannot be null or empty
targetDocumentIdThe id of the target document. Cannot be null or empty
The source and target document must have the same document types with the same fields i.e. same Id, Name and Version.
The target document should not be locked or the call will fail.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
string CopyDocumentWithPages ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
int  insertIndex 

Copies properties of the source document including pages and returns a new document.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe source document id that needs to be copied. Cannot be null.
insertIndexIndex at which the document should be created within folder. Index is zero-based i.e. index of 1 means insert after the first child (first child has index of 0), index of -1 means it will add to the end.
Returns the target document instance
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Create Documents and Pages' ACL.
DocumentIdentity CreateDocument ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  parentId,
RuntimeFieldCollection  runtimeFields,
string  filePath,
int  insertIndex,
string  documentTypeId,
string  folderTypeId 

Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use CreateDocument3 instead.
Creates a document of the specified document type. If the parent folder of the document is not specified, then a new folder will be created as its parent.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
parentIdInstance id of the existing folder under which the document should be created.
See Remarks for conditions on setting this parameter.
runtimeFieldsA collection of RuntimeField objects containing details of the document type fields and/or document system fields that need to be added. Can be null or empty.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
filePathThe path of the document image file on the application server's file system or a network location relative to the server. Can be null or empty.
Note that in the case of Azure or distributed environments, only shared paths will work.
insertIndexIndex location within the folder where the document should be created. The index is zero-based, that is, the first document has an index of 0, the second document has an index of 1, and so forth.
documentTypeIdId of the document type that needs to be assigned to the created document. If a null or empty string value is used, then a document with the default document type will be created.
folderTypeIdFolder type id of the folder under which the document should be created if parentId is not set.
See Remarks for conditions on setting this parameter.
Returns DocumentIdentity object containing the id of the created document.
Name Type Comment
DocumentId String document id
FolderId String folder id
This method is context aware.
If both parentId and folderTypeId parameters are set, then the parentId will be used. In batch aware mode, the parentId must be set. In non-batch aware mode, if both parentId and folderTypeId parameters are not set, then a root folder with the default folder type will be created.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Create Documents and Pages' ACL.
DocumentIdentity CreateDocument2 ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  parentId,
RuntimeFieldCollection  runtimeFields,
string  filePath,
int  insertIndex,
string  documentTypeId,
string  folderTypeId,
FieldPropertiesCollection  runtimeFieldProperties 

Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use CreateDocument3 instead.
Creates a document of the specified document type. This API is designed for use in custom code, as such it is not expected to be consumed within in .NET process activities, web service activities and .NET form actions as TotalAgility does not support its class structure and thus will not provide access to some of its data elements.This API can be used in C# and VB.NET script activities.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
parentIdInstance id of the existing folder under which the document should be created.
See Remarks for conditions on setting this parameter.
runtimeFieldsA collection of RuntimeField objects containing details for the fields that need to be added. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
filePathThe path of the file that needs to be added. Can be null.
insertIndexIndex location within folder where the document should be added. The index is zero-based i.e. the first document is index 0, the 2nd document is index 1 etc.
documentTypeIdId of the document type that we create and instance of. Can be null.
folderTypeIdFolder type id of the folder under which the document should be created if parentId is not set.
See Remarks for conditions on setting this parameter.
runtimeFieldPropertiesA collection of FieldProperties class contains RuntimeFieldIdentity and FieldSystemPropertyCollection as members.
RuntimeFieldIdentity members.
Name Type Comment
Id String The id of the runtime field
Name String The name of the runtime field
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, -1 otherwise
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, -1 otherwise
FieldSystemPropertyCollection FieldSystemProperty members.
Name Type Comment
Id String The id of the System Property of Field
Name String The name of the System Property of Field
Value Object The Value of the System Property of Field
The GUIDs Of System Properties Of the Fields are given below:
Name GUID Type Applies to Table Cells
DateValue 7B49061284174B879EA932DB4C281B37 DateTime Yes
DoubleValue 83F76FDE24BB497FAD36D8F5A55758D0 Double Yes
ErrorDescription D0D4F7EB416C4E91BD8A10FC805D5390 String Yes
ExtractionConfident 384FA246ECF1459AADB808396B01E9A7 Boolean Yes
ForcedValid 524C9361F40F47B299F0C2D02AE388DC Boolean Yes
PageIndex 41BDC0FFE6B84814813567D39A06D883 Int32 Yes
Valid 5B83535412F142669762C8C08CFE690F Boolean Yes
Value 0B8889DC16EA4F32AFFED1A48E49A720 String Yes
Verified 037EE38EF08F48B485DD62F0214E5C34 Boolean Yes
Height 0D5434EA13E643D19E84881202A74271 Int32 Yes
Width 57491C9612194E639DBF85ECD794ECB2 Int32 Yes
Top BC0BFE7CE83D448D86EF1EBB1308415E Int32 Yes
Left 9B3664814F774B37A0E8BA94288EFF4C Int32 Yes
Confidence 079B5DD225E94E1FA058999481DE8023 Double No
ValidatedText 4184C3017CA2469284753D99A9167569 String No
StringTag 7A9D3AD5936041D7B5B7B1DA02EB6BF4 String Yes
Tag 053D85224C0941EBB6E70EBEA8B8C3C0 Int32 Yes
SuppressTraining B7F67D012FD9404889E597AD065D64AD Boolean No
TrainingNeeded 17A3BEC40D1C41F8A3B316CE01A164A6 Boolean No
UseForStatistics 95B02AA69076465391AA0E2B8846B64F Boolean No
Preserve A2D42655804F4A6EA19681438145D7D9 Boolean No

The value for Confidence must be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.88) as a percentage.
Returns DocumentIdentity object containing the created document instance Id.
Name Type Comment
DocumentId String document id
FolderId String folder id
This API is designed for use in custom code, as such it is not expected to be consumed within in .NET process activities, web service activities and .NET form actions as TotalAgility does not support its class structure and thus will not provide access to some of its data elements.This API can be used in C# and VB.NET script activities. This method is context aware.
If both parentId and folderTypeId parameters are set, then the parentId will be used. In batch aware mode, the parentId must be set. In non-batch aware mode, if both parentId and folderTypeId parameters are not set, then a root folder with the default folder type will be created.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Create Documents and Pages' ACL.
DocumentIdentity CreateDocument3 ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  parentId,
RuntimeFieldCollection  runtimeFolderFields,
string  folderTypeId,
DocumentDataInput2  documentDataInput,
int  insertIndex 

Creates a document of the specified document type. This API is designed for use in custom code, as such it is not expected to be consumed within in .NET process activities, web service activities and .NET form actions as TotalAgility does not support its class structure and thus will not provide access to some of its data elements.This API can be used in C# and VB.NET script activities.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
parentIdInstance id of the existing folder under which the document should be created.
See Remarks for conditions on setting this parameter.
runtimeFolderFieldsA collection of RuntimeField objects containing details for the fields that need to be added. Can be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
folderTypeIdFolder type id of the folder under which the document should be created if parentId is not set.
See Remarks for conditions on setting this parameter.
documentDataInputDocument Data Input
insertIndexIndex location within folder where the document should be added. The index is zero-based i.e. the first document is index 0, the 2nd document is index 1 etc.
Returns DocumentIdentity object containing the created document instance Id.
Name Type Comment
DocumentId String document id
FolderId String folder id
This API is designed for use in custom code, as such it is not expected to be consumed within in .NET process activities, web service activities and .NET form actions as TotalAgility does not support its class structure and thus will not provide access to some of its data elements.This API can be used in C# and VB.NET script activities. This method is context aware.
If both parentId and folderTypeId parameters are set, then the parentId will be used. In batch aware mode, the parentId must be set. In non-batch aware mode, if both parentId and folderTypeId parameters are not set, then a root folder with the default folder type will be created.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Create Documents and Pages' ACL.
DocumentIdentityCollection CreateDocuments ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  parentId,
RuntimeFieldCollection  runtimeFolderFields,
string  folderTypeId,
DocumentDataInputCollection  documentData 

Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use CreateDocuments2 instead.
Create documents.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
parentIdInstance id of the existing folder under which the documents should be created.
See Remarks for conditions on setting this parameter.
runtimeFolderFieldsA collection of type RuntimeField indicating the folder field values to be set. Can be null. This is ignored if parentId is set.
RuntimeField members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
folderTypeIdFolder type id of the folder under which the documents should be created if parentId is not set.
See Remarks for conditions on setting this parameter.
documentDataCollection of type DocumentInputData. Cannot be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Data byte[] binary data associated with the documnet No
MimeType String mime type of Data No
RuntimeFields RuntimeFieldCollection Collection of document fields of type RuntimeField Yes
PageDataList PageDataCollection Collection of PageData No
PageData consists of the following properties:
Name Type Comment Required
Data byte[] binary data associated with the page Yes
MimeType String mime type of Data Yes
RuntimeFields RuntimeFieldCollection Collection of system page fields of type RuntimeField Yes
A DocumentIdentityCollection of type DocumentIdentity
Name Type Comment
DocumentId string document id
FolderId string folder id
Either the parentId or folderTypeId must be set. If both are set, parentId will be used.

The values for the System Page Fields are:
Name Type Id
ImageID String D576DDE6FE3649CEB32DFD28845487C3
SheetID String 9290D05F7D0F4F2786DA3DE0BBCBF891
IsFront Boolean 01FBA6D5EE40411FA435644376D8C316
MimeType String EDDA201B9E9C46BD8121F24B2E72A1CE
HorizontalResolution Double 05D0FE805F6A4D53A7538816084C2A9E
VerticalResolution Double D101F18AF1FC4E848E0F08B8384066DC
RotationType Enum D4E9F5534C484840A56CC20F0730AA92
Barcodes BarcodeCollection C7091EE3F1764D9B830A2DCCDDE3BC66
Annotations CaptureAnnotationCollection 4F8BF8ABF72844AFB601D79F01FCD172
Height Int32 0D5434EA13E643D19E84881202A74271
Width Int32 57491C9612194E639DBF85ECD794ECB2
ImprintedText String C669842EA20A47F0A0F6D48EB0F3FBEE
VRSProcessed Boolean 9F36442A45814F48A5A140D05D7072C4
IsRejected Boolean CD0F9328210B4DE4B9B8A306B20BF8FC
RejectionNote String 56840E9FF63F47BD83EF726E9B989A0A

The values for RotationType are:
This method is context aware.
If both parentId and folderTypeId parameters are set, then the parentId will be used. In batch aware mode, the parentId must be set. In non-batch aware mode, if both parentId and folderTypeId parameters are not set, then a root folder with the default folder type will be created.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Create Documents and Pages' ACL.
DocumentIdentityCollection CreateDocuments2 ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  parentId,
RuntimeFieldCollection  runtimeFolderFields,
string  folderTypeId,
DocumentDataInput2Collection  documentData 

Create documents.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
parentIdInstance id of the existing folder under which the document should be created.
See Remarks for conditions on setting this parameter.
runtimeFolderFieldsA collection of type RuntimeField indicating the folder field values to be set. Can be null. This is ignored if parentId is set.
RuntimeField members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
folderTypeIdFolder type id of the folder under which the document should be created if parentId is not set.
See Remarks for conditions on setting this parameter.
documentDataA collection of type DocumentDataInput2. Cannot be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Data byte[] binary data associated with the documnet No
MimeType String mime type of Data No
RuntimeFields RuntimeFieldCollection Collection of document fields of type RuntimeField Yes
PageDataList PageDataCollection Collection of PageData No
RuntimeFieldProperties FieldPropertiesCollection Collection of FieldProperties of typeFieldProperties No
PageData consists of the following properties:
Name Type Comment Required
Data byte[] binary data associated with the page Yes
MimeType String mime type of Data Yes
RuntimeFields RuntimeFieldCollection Collection of system page fields of type RuntimeField Yes
FieldProperties class contains RuntimeFieldIdentity and FieldSystemPropertyCollection as members.
RuntimeFieldIdentity members. Name | Type | Comment ---------------—|---------—|-------------------------------------—
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
FieldSystemPropertyCollection FieldSystemProperty members.
Name Type Comment
Id String The id of the System Property of Field
Name String The name of the System Property of Field
Value Object The Value of the System Property of Field
The GUIDs Of System Properties Of the Fields are given below:
Name GUID Type Applies to Table Cells
DateValue 7B49061284174B879EA932DB4C281B37 DateTime Yes
DoubleValue 83F76FDE24BB497FAD36D8F5A55758D0 Double Yes
ErrorDescription D0D4F7EB416C4E91BD8A10FC805D5390 String Yes
ExtractionConfident 384FA246ECF1459AADB808396B01E9A7 Boolean Yes
ForcedValid 524C9361F40F47B299F0C2D02AE388DC Boolean Yes
PageIndex 41BDC0FFE6B84814813567D39A06D883 Int32 Yes
Valid 5B83535412F142669762C8C08CFE690F Boolean Yes
Value 0B8889DC16EA4F32AFFED1A48E49A720 String Yes
Verified 037EE38EF08F48B485DD62F0214E5C34 Boolean Yes
Height 0D5434EA13E643D19E84881202A74271 Int32 Yes
Width 57491C9612194E639DBF85ECD794ECB2 Int32 Yes
Top BC0BFE7CE83D448D86EF1EBB1308415E Int32 Yes
Left 9B3664814F774B37A0E8BA94288EFF4C Int32 Yes
Confidence 079B5DD225E94E1FA058999481DE8023 Double No
ValidatedText 4184C3017CA2469284753D99A9167569 String No
StringTag 7A9D3AD5936041D7B5B7B1DA02EB6BF4 String Yes
Tag 053D85224C0941EBB6E70EBEA8B8C3C0 Int32 Yes
SuppressTraining B7F67D012FD9404889E597AD065D64AD Boolean No
TrainingNeeded 17A3BEC40D1C41F8A3B316CE01A164A6 Boolean No
UseForStatistics 95B02AA69076465391AA0E2B8846B64F Boolean No
Preserve A2D42655804F4A6EA19681438145D7D9 Boolean No

The value for Confidence must be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.88) as a percentage.
A DocumentIdentityCollection of type DocumentIdentity
Name Type Comment
DocumentId string document id
FolderId string folder id

The values for the System Page Fields are:

Name Type Id
ImageID String D576DDE6FE3649CEB32DFD28845487C3
PageSheetID String 9290D05F7D0F4F2786DA3DE0BBCBF891
PageIsFront Boolean 01FBA6D5EE40411FA435644376D8C316
MimeType String EDDA201B9E9C46BD8121F24B2E72A1CE
HorizontalResolution Double 05D0FE805F6A4D53A7538816084C2A9E
VerticalResolution Double D101F18AF1FC4E848E0F08B8384066DC
RotationType Enum D4E9F5534C484840A56CC20F0730AA92
Barcodes BarcodeCollection C7091EE3F1764D9B830A2DCCDDE3BC66
Annotations CaptureAnnotationCollection 4F8BF8ABF72844AFB601D79F01FCD172
Height Int32 0D5434EA13E643D19E84881202A74271
Width Int32 57491C9612194E639DBF85ECD794ECB2
ImprintedText String C669842EA20A47F0A0F6D48EB0F3FBEE
VRSProcessed Boolean 9F36442A45814F48A5A140D05D7072C4
IsRejected Boolean CD0F9328210B4DE4B9B8A306B20BF8FC
RejectionNote String 56840E9FF63F47BD83EF726E9B989A0A

The values for RotationType are:

This API is designed for use in custom code, as such it is not expected to be consumed within in .NET process activities, web service activities and .NET form actions as TotalAgility does not support its class structure and thus will not provide access to some of its data elements.This API can be used in C# and VB.NET script activities.
This method is context aware.
If both parentId and folderTypeId parameters are set, then the parentId will be used. In batch aware mode, the parentId must be set. In non-batch aware mode, if both parentId and folderTypeId parameters are not set, then a root folder with the default folder type will be created.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Create Documents and Pages' ACL.
DocumentIdentity CreateDocumentWithPages ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  parentId,
RuntimeFieldCollection  runtimeFields,
string  documentTypeId,
string  folderTypeId,
PageDataCollection  pages 

Creates the document with pages.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
parentIdInstance id of the existing folder under which the document should be created.
See Remarks for conditions on setting this parameter.
runtimeFieldsA collection of type RuntimeField containing the document type field information that needs to be added. Can be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
documentTypeIdId of the document type for which the document instance needs to be created. Can be null.
folderTypeIdFolder type id of the folder under which the document should be created if parentId is not set.
See Remarks for conditions on setting this parameter.
pagesA collection of type PageData. Cannot be null or empty..
Name Type Comment Required
Data byte[] binary data associated with the page Yes
MimeType String mime type of Data Yes
RuntimeFields RuntimeFieldCollection Collection of system page fields of type RuntimeField Yes
Returns an instance of type DocumentIdentity containing the created document instance Id.
Name Type Comment
DocumentId string document id
FolderId string folder id
This method is context aware.
If both parentId and folderTypeId parameters are set, then the parentId will be used. In batch aware mode, the parentId must be set. In non-batch aware mode, if both parentId and folderTypeId parameters are not set, then a root folder with the default folder type will be created.

The values for the System Page Fields are:
Name Type Id
ImageID String D576DDE6FE3649CEB32DFD28845487C3
PageSheetID String 9290D05F7D0F4F2786DA3DE0BBCBF891
PageIsFront Boolean 01FBA6D5EE40411FA435644376D8C316
MimeType String EDDA201B9E9C46BD8121F24B2E72A1CE
HorizontalResolution Double 05D0FE805F6A4D53A7538816084C2A9E
VerticalResolution Double D101F18AF1FC4E848E0F08B8384066DC
RotationType Enum D4E9F5534C484840A56CC20F0730AA92
Barcodes BarcodeCollection C7091EE3F1764D9B830A2DCCDDE3BC66
Annotations CaptureAnnotationCollection 4F8BF8ABF72844AFB601D79F01FCD172
Height Int32 0D5434EA13E643D19E84881202A74271
Width Int32 57491C9612194E639DBF85ECD794ECB2
ImprintedText String C669842EA20A47F0A0F6D48EB0F3FBEE
VRSProcessed Boolean 9F36442A45814F48A5A140D05D7072C4
IsRejected Boolean CD0F9328210B4DE4B9B8A306B20BF8FC
RejectionNote String 56840E9FF63F47BD83EF726E9B989A0A

The values for RotationType are:
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Create Documents and Pages' ACL.
string CreateFolder ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  parentId,
RuntimeFieldCollection  runtimeFields,
int  insertIndex,
CategoryIdentity  folderTypeCategory,
FolderTypeIdentity  folderTypeIdentity 

Creates a folder of the specified folder type.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
parentIdInstance id of the existing folder under which the folder should be created. Can be null or empty.
If parentId and folderTypeIdentity parameters are not set, then a root folder with the default folder type will be created.
If parentId is set, then folder type of the parent folder must allow for creating subfolders.
runtimeFieldsA collection of RuntimeField objects containing the folder type field information that needs to be added. Can be null or empty.
RuntimeField members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
insertIndexIndex at which the folder should be created. The index is zero-based, that is, an index of 0 inserts the folder as the first child folder, 1 inserts the folder as the second child folder, and so forth. An index of less than 0 inserts the folder as the last child folder.
folderTypeCategoryA CategoryIdentity object containing the category of the folder type. Can be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the category No
Name String The name of the category No
folderTypeIdentityA FolderTypeIdentity object containing the id or name of the folder type to be created. Can be null.
If folderTypeIdentity and parentId parameters are not set, then a root folder with the default folder type will be created.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the folder type No
Name String The name of the folder type No
Version Double The version of the folder type No
The id of the created folder
If both parentId and folderTypeIdentity parameters are set, then parentId will be used.
In the case of creating a subfolder (that is, when parentId is set), the folderTypeIdentity parameter can be set to null because the type will be determined by the root folder's type and the subfolder's level in the hierarchy. So if you do not specify subfolder type, then it will be set automatically. Otherwise, if you prefer to pass a folderTypeIdentity for the subfolder, then it must be the child folder type of the folder with the id of parentId.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Add Folder' ACL.
string CreateOnlineLearningFolder ( string  sessionId,
int  maxSamples 

Creates an online learning folder (contain document types you have identified previously so this information can be reused when you encounter the same document types rather than trying to identify all fields etc. from scratch)

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
maxSamplesThe maximum number of documents the online learning folder should accept.
The id of the online learning folder.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Add Folder' and 'Online Learning' ACLs.
void CreatePage ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
RuntimeFieldCollection  runtimeFields,
string  filePath,
int  insertIndex 

Creates a page to a document with the image read from a file path.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe document instance id of the document type for which the page should be created. Cannot be null.
runtimeFieldsA collection of RuntimeField objects containing information about system page fields which need to be set. Can be null. See Remarks section below for the page system fields.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Not applicable No
TableColumn Int32 Not applicable No
Value Object The value of the field Yes
filePathThe location of the file on Kofax TotalAgility server file system or network path that needs to be added. Cannot be null.
Note that in case of Azure or distributed environment only shared paths will work.
insertIndexIndex location within document where the page should be added. The index is zero-based i.e. the first page is index 0, the 2nd page is index 1 etc.
The values for the System Page Fields are:
Name Type Id
ImageID String D576DDE6FE3649CEB32DFD28845487C3
PageSheetID String 9290D05F7D0F4F2786DA3DE0BBCBF891
PageIsFront Boolean 01FBA6D5EE40411FA435644376D8C316
MimeType String EDDA201B9E9C46BD8121F24B2E72A1CE
HorizontalResolution Double 05D0FE805F6A4D53A7538816084C2A9E
VerticalResolution Double D101F18AF1FC4E848E0F08B8384066DC
RotationType Enum D4E9F5534C484840A56CC20F0730AA92
Barcodes BarcodeCollection C7091EE3F1764D9B830A2DCCDDE3BC66
Annotations CaptureAnnotationCollection 4F8BF8ABF72844AFB601D79F01FCD172
Height Int32 0D5434EA13E643D19E84881202A74271
Width Int32 57491C9612194E639DBF85ECD794ECB2
ImprintedText String C669842EA20A47F0A0F6D48EB0F3FBEE
VRSProcessed Boolean 9F36442A45814F48A5A140D05D7072C4
IsRejected Boolean CD0F9328210B4DE4B9B8A306B20BF8FC
RejectionNote String 56840E9FF63F47BD83EF726E9B989A0A

The values for RotationType are:
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Create Documents and Pages' ACL.
void CreatePageUsingStream ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
RuntimeFieldCollection  runtimeFields,
byte[]  data,
int  insertIndex,
string  mimeType 

Creates a page to a document with the image passed as a stream.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe document instance id of the document type for which the page should be created.
runtimeFieldsA collection of RuntimeField objects containing information about system page fields which need to be set. Can be null. See Remarks section below for the page system fields.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
dataByte data of the file that needs to be added. Cannot be null.
insertIndexIndex location within document where the page should be added. The index is zero-based i.e. the first page is index 0, the 2nd page is index 1 etc.
mimeTypeFile that will be created with the specified mime type. Can be null.
The values for the System Page Fields are:
Name Type Id
ImageID String D576DDE6FE3649CEB32DFD28845487C3
PageSheetID String 9290D05F7D0F4F2786DA3DE0BBCBF891
PageIsFront Boolean 01FBA6D5EE40411FA435644376D8C316
MimeType String EDDA201B9E9C46BD8121F24B2E72A1CE
HorizontalResolution Double 05D0FE805F6A4D53A7538816084C2A9E
VerticalResolution Double D101F18AF1FC4E848E0F08B8384066DC
RotationType Enum D4E9F5534C484840A56CC20F0730AA92
Barcodes BarcodeCollection C7091EE3F1764D9B830A2DCCDDE3BC66
Annotations CaptureAnnotationCollection 4F8BF8ABF72844AFB601D79F01FCD172
Height Int32 0D5434EA13E643D19E84881202A74271
Width Int32 57491C9612194E639DBF85ECD794ECB2
ImprintedText String C669842EA20A47F0A0F6D48EB0F3FBEE
VRSProcessed Boolean 9F36442A45814F48A5A140D05D7072C4
IsRejected Boolean CD0F9328210B4DE4B9B8A306B20BF8FC
RejectionNote String 56840E9FF63F47BD83EF726E9B989A0A

The values for RotationType are:
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Create Documents and Pages' ACL.
DeletionResult DeleteDocument ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
bool  failOnError 

Deletes the document with specified id. Additionally, if the deletion fails and the failOnError parameter is set to true and the API method is called within a job, then the document's associated job will be suspended.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document to be deleted. Cannot be null or empty.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
failOnErrorIf set to true and an error occurs during deletion, then the API method causes the job to be suspended. If set to false and the document deletion fails, then it sets the error message on the DeletionResult ErrorInfo property.
A DeletionResult object which holds details of the document deletion and whether successful or not.
Name Type Comment
Succeeded Boolean Indicates if deletion succeeded
ErrorInfo String Gives details of deletion failure
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Delete Documents' ACL.
DeletionResult DeleteDocuments ( string  sessionId,
StringCollection  documentIds,
ReportingData  reportingData,
bool  ignoreError 

Deletes the specified documents. Additionally, if the delete fails and the ignoreError parameter is set to true, then jobs associated with the documents will be suspended.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdsThe id of the documents to be deleted. Cannot be null
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
ignoreErrorIf set to true and an error occurs during deletion then the API suspends the job. If set to false and the documents delete fails, then pass the error message to DeletionResult return value
A DeletionResult object which holds details of the document deletion and whether successful or not.
Name Type Comment
Succeeded Boolean Indicates if deletion succeeded
ErrorInfo String Gives details of deletion failure
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Delete Documents' ACL.
void DeleteExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  name 

Deletes the specified text or binary extension.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null or empty.
nameThe key used to store the text or binary extension. Cannot be null or empty.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
DeletionResult DeleteFolder ( string  sessionId,
string  folderId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
bool  failOnError 

Deletes the folder with specified id. Additionally, if the delete operation fails and the failOnError parameter is set to true and the API method is called within a job, then the folder's associated job will be suspended.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
folderIdThe id of the folder to be deleted. Cannot be null or empty.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
failOnErrorIf set to true and an error occurs during deletion, then the API throws an error and causes the job to be suspended. If set to false and the folder delete operation fails, then it sets the error message on the DeletionResult ErrorInfo property.
A DeletionResult object which holds details of the folder deletion operation and whether it was successful or not.
Name Type Comment
Succeeded Boolean Indicates if deletion succeeded
ErrorInfo String Gives details of deletion failure
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Delete Folders' ACL.
void DeleteFolderExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
string  name 

Deletes the folder extension.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
folderIdThe folder identifier.
nameName of the extension.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
void DeletePageExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  pageId,
string  extensionName 

Deletes the page extension.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIdThe page identifier.
extensionNameName of the extension.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
void DeletePageRendition ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
string  pageId,
short  renditionNumber 

Deletes the specified page rendition.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null or empty.
pageIdThe id of the page which belongs to the specified document. Cannot be null or empty.
renditionNumberThe rendition number. Must be greater than zero.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
void DeletePages ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
PageIndexCollection  pageIndexes 

Deletes the pages of the specified document at the given indices.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document from which pages are going to be deleted. Cannot be null or empty.
pageIndexesA collection of PageIndex objects identifying the pages that need to be deleted. The indices are zero-based, that is, the first page has index 0, the 2nd page has index 1, and so forth. Cannot be null or empty.
PageIndex members.
Name Type Comment Required
Index Int32 The page index Yes
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Delete Pages' ACL.
void DeleteSourceFile ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId 

Deletes the source file.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
documentIdThe document identifier.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
void DeleteTableFieldRow ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  tableFieldId,
RowIndexCollection  rowIndexes 

Deletes the list of row indexes from the table. Indices are zero-based i.e. row 1 is index 0, row 2 is index 1.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose table field rows need to be deleted. Cannot be null or empty
tableFieldIdThe field id of the table field. Cannot be null or empty
rowIndexesA collection of RowIndex objects identifying the indices at which the rows need to be deleted. The indices are zero-based i.e. the first row is index 0, the 2nd row is index 1 etc.Cannot be null
RowIndex members.
Name Type Comment Required
Index Int32 Index of a row to be deleted Yes
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
void ForceUnlockItem ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
LockedItemIdentity  identity 

Forcefully unlocks the document or folder. This sets the Locked property of the document or folder to a value of false.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can NOT be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
identityA LockedItemIdentity identity object identifying the item to be unlocked. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
ItemId String The id of the locked item Yes
ItemType Int16 The type of item (use 0 for document or 1 for folder) Yes
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
FormattingResult FormatField ( string  sessionId,
string  value,
FormatterIdentity  formatterIdentity 

Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use FormatField2 instead.
Tests the field value against the specified formatter.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
valueThe value that needs to tested against the formatter. Cannot be null
formatterIdentityA FormatterIdentity identity object identifying the formatter. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the formatter Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be supplied
Name String The name of the formatter Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be supplied
A FormattingResult object containing the result of the test with the formatter.
Name Type Comment
ErrorMessage String Describes the error if vaildation fails
IsValid Boolean Indicates if value passed validation or not
FormattedValue String The formatted value if valid
FormattedText String The formatted text
No restrictions apply.
FormattingResult FormatField2 ( string  sessionId,
string  value,
FormatterIdentity  formatterIdentity,
BusinessRuleInputCollection  ruleInputs 

Tests the field value against the specified formatter.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
valueThe value that needs to tested against the formatter. Cannot be null
formatterIdentityA FormatterIdentity identity object identifying the formatter. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the formatter Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be supplied
Name String The name of the formatter Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be supplied
ruleInputsA collection of BusinessRuleInput that specifies the names, types, and values for the input parameters of an associated business rule.
A FormattingResult object containing the result of the test with the formatter.
Name Type Comment
ErrorMessage String Describes the error if vaildation fails
IsValid Boolean Indicates if value passed validation or not
FormattedValue String The formatted value if valid
FormattedText String The formatted text
No restrictions apply.
WordCollection GetAllMaskedWords ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
int  pageIndex 

Returns collection of words that are masked in a page.

sessionIdThe session identifier.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIndexDocument's page index.
Collection of masked words
PageMaskCollection GetAllPageMasks ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
int  pageIndex 

Returns all explicit masks associated to page.

sessionIdThe session identifier.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIndexDocument's page index.
Collection of page's masks
AnnotationDataCollection GetAnnotations ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId 

Gets annotations for the specified document.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe document identifier
A collection of AnnotationData objects containing all the document' annotations
BinaryData GetBinaryExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  name 

Gets the specified binary extension.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null or empty.
nameThe key used to store the binary extension. Cannot be null or empty.
The binary data that was stored as the extension.
Document GetDocument ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId 

Retrieves a document using document id.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty
Returns a Document object, containing a collection of pages, document Mime type and various other attributes such as whether it was rejected or not, the reason for rejection etc.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
string GetDocumentAsFile ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
string  fileLocation,
string  fileName 

Gets the image document as a file (.tiff format) and it will be saved to the specified location with the specified name.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null
fileLocationThe location where the file should be saved. Note: This parameter will be ignored in Azure deployments.
fileNameUse this name for the file
The full file path and name.
For file location parameter need to use "\\" in file path e.g c:\\saved files\\sales docs.
A document with multiple pages will be saved as a single multipage tiff file.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
FieldAlternativeCollection GetDocumentFieldAlternatives ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
FieldIdentity  fieldIdentity,
int  numberOfRowsToReturn 

Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use GetDocumentFieldAlternatives2 instead.
Get the alternatives for the value of the specified document field, including pre-defined document system fields such as verified, rejected, number of pages etc. See Remarks section below for the document system fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null or empty
fieldIdentityA FieldIdentity object that identifies the field. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
numberOfRowsToReturnThe number of rows (values) to return.
A collection of FieldAlternative objects containing the alternative values for the field.
FieldAlternative members.
Name Type Comment
PageIndex Int32 Identifies the page index
Confidence Double Indicates the condifence level for the field value
Text String Value as text

The value for Confidence must be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.88) as a percentage.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
FieldAlternative2Collection GetDocumentFieldAlternatives2 ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
FieldIdentity  fieldIdentity,
int  numberOfRowsToReturn 

Get the alternatives for the specified document field.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null or empty
fieldIdentityA FieldIdentity object that identifies the field. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
numberOfRowsToReturnThe number of field alternatives to return.
A collection of FieldAlternative2 objects containing the alternative values for the field.
FieldAlternative2 members.
Name Type Comment
PageIndex Int32 Identifies the page index
Confidence Double Indicates the confidence level for the field value
Text String Value as text
Height Int32 Field height
Width Int32 Field width
Left Int32 The left coordinate of the top left corner of the field
Top Int32 The top coordinate of the top left corner of the field

The value for Confidence must be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.88) as a percentage.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
FieldPropertiesCollection GetDocumentFieldPropertyValues ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
FieldPropertiesIdentityCollection  fieldProperties 

The API Returns the Values of System properties of Document fields.You have to provide the System GUIDs(which are listed below) for the System Properties for the Fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose field value is to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty
fieldPropertiesA collection of FieldPropertiesIdentity containing RuntimeFieldIdentity and FieldSystemPropertyIdentityCollection as members.
RuntimeFieldIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
FieldSystemPropertyIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the System Property of Field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the System Property of FieldYes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
The GUIDs Of System Properties Of the Fields are given below:
Name Type Id Applies to Table Cells
Confidence Double 079B5DD225E94E1FA058999481DE8023 No
DateValue DateTime 7B49061284174B879EA932DB4C281B37 Yes
DefaultValue String 73238098BD6F4A149B32FE1DA7547564 No
DoubleValue Double 83F76FDE24BB497FAD36D8F5A55758D0 Yes
ErrorDescription String D0D4F7EB416C4E91BD8A10FC805D5390 Yes
ExtractionConfident Boolean 384FA246ECF1459AADB808396B01E9A7 Yes
FieldAlternatives FieldAlternativeCollection AAF0519036A8409E8C7A7FD120C5A56E No
ForcedValid Boolean 524C9361F40F47B299F0C2D02AE388DC Yes
ForcedValidDescription String 34A487BEE68C4606AAF15658085CAEDA Yes
Height Int32 0D5434EA13E643D19E84881202A74271 Yes
InstanceId String F938266C4CC640FC8C289D1FE732CD3E No
Inherited Boolean 216C97D98DE54228ADC73AC7E7CB7C14 No
Left Int32 9B3664814F774B37A0E8BA94288EFF4C Yes
Level Int32 7D521D40753D4CF0AEC27E14CB4FB040 No
Name String AC1929D2A30444979E0E2205BCC5F533 No
OriginalHeight Int32 08659B790C8F415B964590A35CAB4C0E No
OriginalLeft Int32 177A22D9D6624F708F7938D9EC957F12 No
OriginalPageIndex Int32 ECDBFA30245D4DBB9E6E8B1D322D2863 No
OriginalText String E52E91102A6B4052A4B35CD71E4B0016 No
OriginalTop Int32 1125777B2116405DBA14B692E00CD35C No
OriginalValid Boolean 9B8535744EC84C7E89FB3E43D97E0059 No
OriginalVerified Boolean B15EF9A90F824ED7A1EF793804CE6995 No
OriginalWidth Int32 07DA01BA3ABA496CA671601B0C639524 No
PageIndex Int32 41BDC0FFE6B84814813567D39A06D883 Yes
Preserve Boolean A2D42655804F4A6EA19681438145D7D9 No
StringTag String 7A9D3AD5936041D7B5B7B1DA02EB6BF4 Yes
SuppressTraining Boolean B7F67D012FD9404889E597AD065D64AD Yes
TableColumns RuntimeTableColumnCollection 4763DADC52F6446BB1F7D9313829C57F No
TableEndPage Int32 1B8538E41EBA40559F3D35C7111BB8CB No
TableErrorDescription String 6A60A6974BA9419D9D067937C9D78868 No
TablePageRectangles PageRectangleCollection CD5AEE4463B0467582AAE90EF5D5232A No
TableRowCount Int32 B714005512944A0CACC65C9AD7D596D5 No
TableRows RuntimeTableRowCollection F14E0161B5744B57B826202F14D5E747 No
TableTag Int32 124D505E30E7421CB59DE4214F0C409A No
Tag Int32 053D85224C0941EBB6E70EBEA8B8C3C0 Yes
Top Int32 BC0BFE7CE83D448D86EF1EBB1308415E Yes
TableStartPage Int32 9871DBFB26924A3392F5F162FEF72E21 No
TrainingNeeded Boolean B7F67D012FD9404889E597AD065D64AD No
Type Int32 9573A20A21AB4B3CB21137F139966C72 Yes
UseForStatistics Boolean 95B02AA69076465391AA0E2B8846B64F No
UseInVerification Boolean F33B37D3CF0A42CE82985F8EA275F90F No
Valid Boolean 5B83535412F142669762C8C08CFE690F Yes
ValidatedText String 4184C3017CA2469284753D99A9167569 No
Value String 0B8889DC16EA4F32AFFED1A48E49A720 Yes
VerificationMode Int32 C67F0C958C2A48C1BCC580D58B530245 No
Verified Boolean 037EE38EF08F48B485DD62F0214E5C34 Yes
Width Int32 57491C9612194E639DBF85ECD794ECB2 Yes

The value for Confidence must be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.88) as a percentage.
The values for VerificationMode are:
A collection of FieldProperties containing the specified field properties information.
RuntimeFieldIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
FieldSystemProperty members.
Name Type Comment
Id String The id of the System Property of Field
Name String The name of the System Property of Field; it will not be populated if the Id was only populated on the input parameter of the call
Value Object The Value of the System Property of Field
This API is designed for use in custom code, as such it is not expected to be consumed within in .NET process activities, web service activities and .NET form actions as TotalAgility does not support its class structure and thus will not provide access to some of its data elements.This API can be used in C# and VB.NET script activities.

If a business rule calls a CaptureDocumentService SDK API method in the context of a Classification or Extraction Activity, the API method will only have access to the document data prior to any updates made by the activity.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
FieldAlternativesCollection GetDocumentFieldsAlternatives ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
FieldIdentityCollection  fields,
int  numberOfRowsToReturn 

Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use GetDocumentFieldsAlternatives2 instead.
Gets the document fields alternatives for the specified fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null or empty
fieldsA FieldIdentityCollection collection of FieldIdentity objects identifying the fields we need to get the alternative values for. Cannot be null
FieldIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
numberOfRowsToReturnThe number of rows (values) to return.
A FieldAlternatives collection, that contains the list of fields along with corresponding field value alternatives.
FieldAlternatives members.
Name Type Comment
FieldIdentity Identity Identifies the field
DocumentFieldAlternatives Collection A collection of FieldAlternative objects describing the fields alternative values
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
FieldAlternatives2Collection GetDocumentFieldsAlternatives2 ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
FieldIdentityCollection  fields,
int  numberOfRowsToReturn 

Gets the document fields alternatives for the specified fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null or empty
fieldsA FieldIdentityCollection collection of FieldIdentity objects identifying the fields we need to get the alternative values for. Cannot be null
FieldIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
numberOfRowsToReturnThe number of rows (values) to return.
A FieldAlternatives2 collection, that contains the list of fields along with corresponding field value alternatives.
FieldAlternatives2 members.
Name Type Comment
FieldIdentity Identity Identifies the field
DocumentFieldAlternatives Collection A collection of FieldAlternative objects describing the fields alternative values
DocumentFieldAlternatives2 Collection A collection of FieldAlternative2 objects describing the fields alternative values
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
RuntimeField2Collection GetDocumentFieldsProperties ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
RuntimeFieldIdentityCollection  fields 

Gets the document fields properties.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe document identifier.
fieldsThe fields. this can be null or empty, if this is null or empty then all the document fields's system properties will be returned, data for table cells is not returned in this case
a collection of - Field's Id,Name and SystemProperties
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.DocumentFieldValue GetDocumentFieldValue ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
RuntimeFieldIdentity  fieldIdentity 

Retrieves the value for the specified document field, including pre-defined document system fields such as verified, rejected, number of pages etc. See Remarks section below for document system fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose field value is to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty
fieldIdentityA RuntimeFieldIdentity object identifying the field whose value is to be retrieved. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
Returns a DocumentFieldValue object containing the value of the specified field.
DocumentFieldValue members.
Name Type Comment
Value Object The value of the field
Security checks are used to restrict access to the field(s).
Will get access if any of the following situations are met:
  1. The field is a system field.
  2. The sessionId parameter is the system session Id.
  3. The logged on user has access rights to the relevant field group(s).

The values for the Document System Fields are the following:

Name Type Id
TypeId String 9573A20A21AB4B3CB21137F139966C72
Type String 0AFBFAD4D6C74C9BBD809DFD6AB799AF
TypeVersion Double 5EDE5526336A438C9B1B521BC603F57D
Valid Boolean 5B83535412F142669762C8C08CFE690F
Verified Boolean 037EE38EF08F48B485DD62F0214E5C34
Name String AC1929D2A30444979E0E2205BCC5F533
InstanceID String F938266C4CC640FC8C289D1FE732CD3E
OriginalId String 43F14EB486E140B299C8679914101812
ParentID String F54574DE15514CD58572E40F8BEA6FE2
Fields RuntimeFieldDataCollection EEB1999168994F5FB9FF3B3048B4647D
Pages PageCollection 81B878806BE04AF487871A477513255D
NoOfPages Int32 2B4DDB6410E44F7DA94139788CDAECB4
Rejected Boolean A6E9047F80954F12A9F17896705012C3
ErrorDescription String D0D4F7EB416C4E91BD8A10FC805D5390
ReviewValid Boolean D735014F88744E3899D6AB8EAA84634A
ReviewForcedValid Boolean D03C74648AA54281B6DC8891BA8BAB13
RejectionReason String A852B51DCC6A47E68146B5DA8C56BD6E
IsReadOnly Boolean 9DE528380F6C4B5FBDB0825A2A3BC683
OnlineLearningOptions Enum DD30500FCB0C467193110FB8631ECAB2
OnlineLearningComments String 66A8E1BB50B94C829C9016A5D34BB608
MimeType String 7D7F45CFFD4147298DDE9651686B5E34
ClassificationConfident Boolean CBF5FD7FF3364B7AB575EC7654E15CD4
ClassificationResults ClassificationResultCollection EAFC9B1E37CF4868BEAF3E7ADFDB0039
CreatedAt DateTime 561427B7EF7745C7A0EC27FB357CA52C
LastAccessedAt DateTime 8748EB7C13414D08A777D5C73AA9CDA5
IsLocked Boolean A33EDBF33B844FD0803866894C6D18A1
LockedAt DateTime 243290C0A90B41A88558DAEBCBBBF421
LockedBy String 4089A99F008D4FB2A5B154D9FFD6ACD2
SeparationProceeded Boolean 0770B991FC034872B087884C21AE80E4
SourceFileId String B987564B78EB47829D91BFEDEE024BC2
SourceFileType String 80B73BDC5ED44EE79473E4672782EEA4
ValidateAllPerformed Boolean B56F93CF5E5A4D4189E17BCA487F4854
ReviewForcedValidReason String 63C1C23BB51F4D128FD743CA36084A3C
OriginalTypeId String 05C0B57FE10143F7B3B38E39E8CAB567
OriginalTypeIdBeforeRedirection String 1413471B0BCF4B60960D1D7277AC18ED
IsReclassified Boolean 55052E26435F466B9DC5CD92A33615F3
ExtensionNames StringCollection 62807D67F4054668BAB1B20B9EDCEF5C
FileName String 1F8220766FAF42278F5CF8081DBF6D87
VariantName String 8A2B611345804ACCB73EB50C51781558
VariantId String 274CA95D14694C5DB9F0C2586364A300
VariantVersion Double 496742CFDA58453A85D318306F3224BE

The values for OnlineLearningOptions are:

0None (no online learning)
1GenericClassification (generic classification)
2GenericExtraction (generic extraction)
4Specific (specific online learning)
8Limloc (DCX file in use for LIMLoc Unassisted Training)

This method is context aware.

Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.DocumentFieldValueCollection GetDocumentFieldValues ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
RuntimeFieldIdentityCollection  fieldIdentities 

Retrieves the value for the specified document fields, including pre-defined document system fields such as verified, rejected, number of pages etc. See Remarks section below for the document system fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose field values are to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty
fieldIdentitiesA collection of RuntimeFieldIdentity objects identifying the fields whose values need to be retrieved. Cannot be null
RuntimeFieldIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
Returns a collection of DocumentFieldValue objects containing the values of the fields in the same order as they were requested.
DocumentFieldValue members.
Name Type Comment
Value Object The value of the field
Security checks are used to restrict access to the field(s). Will get access if any of the following situations are met:
  1. The field is a system field.
  2. The sessionId parameter is the system session Id.
  3. The logged on user has access rights to the relevant field group(s).

The values for the Document System Fields are:

Name Type Id
TypeId String 9573A20A21AB4B3CB21137F139966C72
Type String 0AFBFAD4D6C74C9BBD809DFD6AB799AF
TypeVersion Double 5EDE5526336A438C9B1B521BC603F57D
Valid Boolean 5B83535412F142669762C8C08CFE690F
Verified Boolean 037EE38EF08F48B485DD62F0214E5C34
Name String AC1929D2A30444979E0E2205BCC5F533
InstanceID String F938266C4CC640FC8C289D1FE732CD3E
OriginalId String 43F14EB486E140B299C8679914101812
ParentID String F54574DE15514CD58572E40F8BEA6FE2
Fields RuntimeFieldDataCollection EEB1999168994F5FB9FF3B3048B4647D
Pages PageCollection 81B878806BE04AF487871A477513255D
NoOfPages Int32 2B4DDB6410E44F7DA94139788CDAECB4
Rejected Boolean A6E9047F80954F12A9F17896705012C3
ErrorDescription String D0D4F7EB416C4E91BD8A10FC805D5390
ReviewValid Boolean D735014F88744E3899D6AB8EAA84634A
ReviewForcedValid Boolean D03C74648AA54281B6DC8891BA8BAB13
RejectionReason String A852B51DCC6A47E68146B5DA8C56BD6E
IsReadOnly Boolean 9DE528380F6C4B5FBDB0825A2A3BC683
OnlineLearningOptions Enum DD30500FCB0C467193110FB8631ECAB2
OnlineLearningComments String 66A8E1BB50B94C829C9016A5D34BB608
MimeType String 7D7F45CFFD4147298DDE9651686B5E34
ClassificationConfident Boolean CBF5FD7FF3364B7AB575EC7654E15CD4
ClassificationResults ClassificationResultCollection EAFC9B1E37CF4868BEAF3E7ADFDB0039
CreatedAt DateTime 561427B7EF7745C7A0EC27FB357CA52C
LastAccessedAt DateTime 8748EB7C13414D08A777D5C73AA9CDA5
IsLocked Boolean A33EDBF33B844FD0803866894C6D18A1
LockedAt DateTime 243290C0A90B41A88558DAEBCBBBF421
LockedBy String 4089A99F008D4FB2A5B154D9FFD6ACD2
SeparationProceeded Boolean 0770B991FC034872B087884C21AE80E4
SourceFileId String B987564B78EB47829D91BFEDEE024BC2
SourceFileType String 80B73BDC5ED44EE79473E4672782EEA4
ValidateAllPerformed Boolean B56F93CF5E5A4D4189E17BCA487F4854
ReviewForcedValidReason String 63C1C23BB51F4D128FD743CA36084A3C
OriginalTypeId String 05C0B57FE10143F7B3B38E39E8CAB567
OriginalTypeIdBeforeRedirection String 1413471B0BCF4B60960D1D7277AC18ED
IsReclassified Boolean 55052E26435F466B9DC5CD92A33615F3
ExtensionNames StringCollection 62807D67F4054668BAB1B20B9EDCEF5C
FileName String 1F8220766FAF42278F5CF8081DBF6D87
VariantName String 8A2B611345804ACCB73EB50C51781558
VariantId String 274CA95D14694C5DB9F0C2586364A300
VariantVersion Double 496742CFDA58453A85D318306F3224BE

The values for OnlineLearningOptions are:

0None (no online learning)
1GenericClassification (generic classification)
2GenericExtraction (generic extraction)
4Specific (specific online learning)
8Limloc (DCX file in use for LIMLoc Unassisted Training)
If a business rule calls a CaptureDocumentService SDK API method in the context of a Classification or Extraction Activity, the API method will only have access to the document data prior to any updates made by the activity.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
Stream GetDocumentFile ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  fileType 

Gets the document file as a System.IO.Stream object.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document that needs to be retrieved as a Stream object. Cannot be null or empty.
fileTypeType of the image file e.g. "tiff", ".tiff", "png" etc. Can get file content in various formats. If the document has multiple pages, then this must be a multi-page image file type.
Returns the file as a System.IO.Stream object.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
Stream GetDocumentRenditionsFile ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
string  renditionName,
string  fileType 

Gets the document page renditions as single Stream. if a page doesnt have a rendition then its original source image will be used

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document that needs to be retrieved as a Stream object. Cannot be null or empty
renditionNameThe name of the rendition
fileTypeType of the file e.g. "tiff", ".tiff", "png" etc. Can get in various formats
Returns the file as a System.IO.Stream object.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
DocumentSortResult GetDocumentsInOrder ( string  sessionId,
string  folderId,
string  field1NameForSort,
string  field2NameForSort,
string  field3NameForSort,
bool  ascending 

Sorts the documents in a folder and returns them sorted on up to 3 fields in ascending or descending order. The sort priority is field1, field2, then field3.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
folderIdThe instance id of the folder whose documents are to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty
field1NameForSortName of the field to sort by first. Can be null or empty
field2NameForSortName of the field to sort by second. Can be null or empty
field3NameForSortName of the field to sort by third. Can be null or empty
ascendingSpecifies if the documents needs to be sorted in ascending or descending order. True indicates ascending order
A DocumentSortResult object containing the sorted documents.
Name Type Comment
AllFieldsFound Boolean Indicates if all the fields have been found or not
SortedDocuments Collection A collection of DocumentSummary objects identifying the documents in the desired order
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
System.Data.DataSet GetDocumentTableFieldValue ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
TableFieldIdentity  tableFieldIdentity 

Returns the values of the specified table field as a Dataset.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose table field value needs to be retrieved.
tableFieldIdentityA TableFieldIdentity object identifying the table field. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Returns the table field value as a System.Data.DataSet object.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
byte [] GetDocumentTypeImage ( string  sessionId,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity 

Gets the document type image.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentTypeIdentityThe document type identity.
byte data of the image
Folder GetFolder ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId 

Retrieves the details of the specified folder.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
folderIdThe folder id whose details are to be retrieved.
Returns a Folder object containing the folder details.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
Array Support within KTA Forms
APIs called from KTA Forms do not support arrays within arrays. When using instances of the array only class properties at the first level in the hierarchy are supported.
BinaryData GetFolderBinaryExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
string  name 

Gets the folder binary extension.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
folderIdThe folder identifier.
nameThe name.
Binary Data
Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.FolderFieldValue GetFolderFieldValue ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
RuntimeFieldIdentity  fieldIdentity 

Retrieves the value for the specified folder field, including pre-defined folder system fields such as verified, number of documents, review valid etc. See Remarks section below for folder system fields

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
folderIdThe id of the folder whose field value is to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty
fieldIdentityA RuntimeFieldIdentity object identifying the field whose value is to be retrieved. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Returns a FolderFieldValue object containing the value of the field.
Name Type Comment
Value Object The value of the field
Security checks are used to restrict access to the field(s).
Will get access if any of the following situations are met:
  1. The field is a system field
  2. The sessionId parameter is the system session Id
  3. The logged on user has access rights to the relevant field group(s)
The values for the Folder System Fields are:
Name Type Id
TypeId String 9573A20A21AB4B3CB21137F139966C72
Type String 0AFBFAD4D6C74C9BBD809DFD6AB799AF
Documents Object[][] 8A3DFE7947444402A4FB47BD0CA2ADD5
Folders Object[][] 977FDDF33E114A72BEADA1BA4C3A1628
Valid Boolean 5B83535412F142669762C8C08CFE690F
Verified Boolean 037EE38EF08F48B485DD62F0214E5C34
Name String AC1929D2A30444979E0E2205BCC5F533
InstanceID String F938266C4CC640FC8C289D1FE732CD3E
ParentID String F54574DE15514CD58572E40F8BEA6FE2
NoOfDocuments Int32 4709E8D71A8C43D89E45DD8CA8A1DF77
ErrorDescription String D0D4F7EB416C4E91BD8A10FC805D5390
ReviewValid Boolean D735014F88744E3899D6AB8EAA84634A
ReviewForcedValid Boolean D03C74648AA54281B6DC8891BA8BAB13
HasUnclassifiedDocument Boolean 36552A20B39F462796EA8696423C6941
HasUnconfidentlyClassifiedDocument Boolean C023A5C2DB3C43A5BB6114F0BC3677F4

The Documents folder system field is a 2-dimensional array where each document consists of the [document id, name, and type name].
The Folders folder system field is a 2-dimensional array where each folder consists of the [folder id, name, and type name, and subfolder count].
No restrictions apply.
Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.FolderFieldValueCollection GetFolderFieldValues ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
RuntimeFieldIdentityCollection  fieldIdentities 

Retrieves the values of the specified folder fields, including pre-defined folder system fields such as Verified, NoOfDocuments, ReviewValid, etc. See the Remarks section for a list of the folder system fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
folderIdThe id of the folder whose field values are to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty
fieldIdentitiesA collection of RuntimeFieldIdentity containing the field details whose values need to be retrieved. Cannot be null
RuntimeFieldIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
Returns a collection of type FolderFieldValue objects containing the values of the fields in the same order as they were requested.
FolderFieldValue members.
Name Type Comment
Value Object The value of the field
Security checks are used to restrict access to the field(s). Will get access if any of the following situations are met:
  1. The field is a system field.
  2. The sessionId parameter is the system session Id.
  3. The logged on user has access rights to the relevant field group(s).
    The values for the Folder System Fields are:
    Name Type Id
    TypeId String 9573A20A21AB4B3CB21137F139966C72
    Type String 0AFBFAD4D6C74C9BBD809DFD6AB799AF
    Documents Object[][] 8A3DFE7947444402A4FB47BD0CA2ADD5
    Folders Object[][] 977FDDF33E114A72BEADA1BA4C3A1628
    Valid Boolean 5B83535412F142669762C8C08CFE690F
    Verified Boolean 037EE38EF08F48B485DD62F0214E5C34
    Name String AC1929D2A30444979E0E2205BCC5F533
    InstanceID String F938266C4CC640FC8C289D1FE732CD3E
    ParentID String F54574DE15514CD58572E40F8BEA6FE2
    NoOfDocuments Int32 4709E8D71A8C43D89E45DD8CA8A1DF77
    ErrorDescription String D0D4F7EB416C4E91BD8A10FC805D5390
    ReviewValid Boolean D735014F88744E3899D6AB8EAA84634A
    ReviewForcedValid Boolean D03C74648AA54281B6DC8891BA8BAB13
    HasUnclassifiedDocument Boolean 36552A20B39F462796EA8696423C6941
    HasUnconfidentlyClassifiedDocument Boolean C023A5C2DB3C43A5BB6114F0BC3677F4

    The Documents folder system field is a 2-dimensional array where each item consists of the document id, name, and type name.
    The Folders folder system field is a 2-dimensional array where each item consists of the folder id, name, and type name, and subfolder count.
No restrictions apply.
string GetFolderTextExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
string  name 

Gets the folder text extension.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
folderIdThe folder identifier.
nameThe name.
Folder Text Extesnion
DocumentImage GetImage ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  imageId,
int  desiredWidth,
int  desiredHeight,
string  desiredFormat 

Retrieves the image in a particular size and format.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
imageIdThe image id. Cannot be null or empty
desiredWidthDesired width of the image.
desiredHeightDesired height of the image.
desiredFormatFile type of the image. Can be null. See the remarks for the supported types.
Returns a DocumentImage object that has the image as a byte array and the Mime type of the image.
Name Type Comment
Image byte[] The image data
MimeType String The Mime type e.g. for an image file with .tiff extension Mime type would be image/tiff
The aspect ratio of the image is preserved, regardless of the values of the desiredWidth and desiredHeight parameters. If the image is resized based on the desiredWidth and desiredHeight parameters, neither dimension will exceed the given values.

To retrieve the image as is, set the following parameters: desiredWidth = -1 (or 0) and desiredHeight = -1 (or 0) and desiredFormat = null. If desiredFormat is null and desiredWidth and desiredHeight do not equal to -1 (or 0) then method will try to return image in PNG format by default.

The desiredFormat is the image file type or file extension. The following are the supported image formats:
Supported formats
jpg, jpeg
tif, tiff
jp2, jpeg2000

This method is context aware.

Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
LockedItemCollection GetJobVariableLockStatus ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
JobIdentity  jobIdentity 

Gets the locked or delete status of the document/folder variables of a job. Statuses for unlocked documents/folders are ignored and therefore not returned.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the session for the current logged on user. If the sessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
jobIdentityA JobIdentity identity object that is used to identify the job for which the locked status of document/folder variables are retrieved. Cannot be nulll
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The job id Yes
A collection of LockedItem objects containing the locked status of document/folder variables and what type they are i.e. document or folder variable.
LockedItem members.
Name Type Comment
Identity Identity Identifies the locked item
ItemTypeName String Identifies the type of the locked item
LockedBy String Identifies the resource who locaked the item
LockedAt DateTime Indicates when the item was locked
Status Enum Indicates the status of the item
TypeId String Indicates the type id
TypeName String Indicates the type name
TypeVersion Double Indicates the type version
The values for Status are:
No restrictions apply.
BinaryData GetPageBinaryExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  pageId,
string  name 

Gets the page binary extension.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIdThe page identifier.
nameThe name.
Binary Data
This method is context aware.
Stream GetPageImage ( string  sessionId,
string  docId,
string  pageId,
int  desiredWidth,
int  desiredHeight,
string  desiredFormat 

Retrieves the image in a particular size and format.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
docIdDocument id. Cannot be null or empty
pageIdThe page id. Cannot be null or empty
desiredWidthDesired width of the image.
desiredHeightDesired height of the image.
desiredFormatFile type of the image. Can be null. See the remarks for the supported types.
Returns a page's source file image stream
The aspect ratio of the image is preserved, regardless of the values of the desiredWidth and desiredHeight parameters. If the image is resized based on the desiredWidth and desiredHeight parameters, neither dimension will exceed the given values.

To retrieve the image as is, set the following parameters: desiredWidth = -1 (or 0) and desiredHeight = -1 (or 0) and desiredFormat = null. If desiredFormat is null and desiredWidth and desiredHeight do not equal to -1 (or 0) then method will try to return image in PNG format by default.

The desiredFormat is the image file type or file extension. The following are the supported image formats:
Supported formats
jpg, jpeg
tif, tiff
jp2, jpeg2000

This method is context aware.

Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
PagePropertiesCollection GetPagePropertyValues ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
PagePropertiesIdentityCollection  pagePropertyIdentityValues 

The API Returns the Values of System properties of Pages.You have to provide the property names or System GUIDs(which are listed below) for the System Properties for the Pages.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document whose page properties are to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty
pagePropertyIdentityValuesPagePropertiesIdentityCollection A collection of PagePropertiesIdentity PagePropertiesIdentity class contains string and FieldSystemPropertyIdentityCollection as members.
FieldSystemPropertyIdentityCollection A collection of FieldSystemPropertyIdentitymembers. FieldSystemPropertyIdentity members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the System Property of Field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the System Property of FieldYes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
The GUIDs Of System Properties Of the Fields are given below:
Name Type GUID
Annotations CaptureAnnotationCollection 4F8BF8ABF72844AFB601D79F01FCD172
Barcodes BarcodeCollection C7091EE3F1764D9B830A2DCCDDE3BC66
ContentClassificationResults ClassificationResultCollection 392BB1F05CA64276BA89B3D7F69C11A7
IsFront Boolean 01FBA6D5EE40411FA435644376D8C316
HorizontalResolution Float 05D0FE805F6A4D53A7538816084C2A9E
InstanceId String F938266C4CC640FC8C289D1FE732CD3E
PageIndex Int32 57958466808145E0BD47603B0606B0E4
ImageId String D576DDE6FE3649CEB32DFD28845487C3
ImprintedText String C669842EA20A47F0A0F6D48EB0F3FBEE
LayoutClassificationResults ClassificationResultCollection 0E28C018E3294BE0A89789078EB0DE23
MimeType String EDDA201B9E9C46BD8121F24B2E72A1CE
IsRejected Boolean CD0F9328210B4DE4B9B8A306B20BF8FC
RejectionNote String 56840E9FF63F47BD83EF726E9B989A0A
RightToLeft Boolean A1EA890B8FF042BC8FD7970F0DFD2E6F
RotationType Enum D4E9F5534C484840A56CC20F0730AA92
SheetId String 9290D05F7D0F4F2786DA3DE0BBCBF891
Height Int32 0D5434EA13E643D19E84881202A74271
Width Int32 57491C9612194E639DBF85ECD794ECB2
SourceFileData Byte[] E60063B1FD624F9D989023916E21BEE8
SplitPage Boolean 1187BF2F5A2E4ADEB6ACD483296ED2DE
TdsResults ClassificationResultCollection 0EBAEBB3DC3F468694D2A49E623D63C2
TextLines TextLineCollection 7816A234B4234181B93F9E134B79C6EE
ThumbnailId String 260A3F338640445FB35F41A778C54518
VerticalResolution Float D101F18AF1FC4E848E0F08B8384066DC
VrsProcessed Boolean 9F36442A45814F48A5A140D05D7072C4
Words WordCollection D81F2877289147E4915D9168F2E53020
The values for RotationType are:
PageProperties Collection Collection collection of PageProperties PageProperties class contains string and FieldSystemPropertyCollection as members.
FieldSystemPropertyCollection FieldSystemProperty members.
Name Type Comment
Id String The id of the System Property of Field
Name String The name of the System Property of Field; it will not be populated if the Id was only populated on the input parameter of the call
Value Object The Value of the System Property of Field
This API is designed for use in custom code, as such it is not expected to be consumed within cannot be used in .NET process activities, web service activities and .NET form actions as TotalAgility does not support its class structure and thus will not provide access to some of its data elements.This API can be used in C# and VB.NET script activities.

If a business rule calls a CaptureDocumentService SDK API method in the context of a Classification or Extraction Activity, the API method will only have access to the document data prior to any updates made by the activity.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
byte [] GetPageRendition ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
string  pageId,
short  renditionNumber 

Gets the page rendition specified by its number.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null or empty.
pageIdThe id of the page which belongs to the specified document. Cannot be null or empty.
renditionNumberThe rendition number. Must be greater than zero.
Array of the bytes representing the requested rendition if it exists, otherwise it returns null.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
ImageSummary GetPageRenditionImageSummary ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
string  pageId,
short  renditionNumber 

Gets the page rendition image summary.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIdThe page identifier.
renditionNumberThe rendition number.
Returns image summary
This method is context aware.
PageSummary GetPageSummary ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
string  pageId 

Gets the page summary.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIdThe page identifier.
Returns the page summary
This method is context aware.
string GetPageTextExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  pageId,
string  name 

Gets the page text extension specified by its name.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null or empty.
pageIdThe id of the page which belongs to the specified document. Cannot be null or empty.
nameThe name of the text extension which needs to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty.
String representing the requested text extension if it exists, otherwise an error is thrown.
This method is context aware.
No restrictions apply.
RejectedPages GetRejectedPages ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId 

Check Document has rejected pages.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe document identifier.
returns RejectedPages
No restrictions apply.
DocumentSourceFile GetSourceFile ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId 

Retrieves the source file of the specified document. Note: Document source file will have valid value for example when you import PDF file in Scan activity (or in SCNJ form). At the same time when importing valid tiff images document source file will have no value.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose source file needs to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty.
Returns a DocumentSourceFile object containing the file and its Mime type.
Name Type Comment
MimeType String Indicates the Mime type of the file e.g. if a file with a .pdf file extension then the MimeType will be application/pdf
SourceFile byte[] A byte array containing the file data
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
string GetTextExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  name 

Gets the text extension of a document.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null or empty
nameThe key used to retrieve the text extension. Cannot be null or empty
The text stored in the document with the specified key (name).
Text extensions are name/value pairs that allow custom string data to be stored and retrieved by a specified key.
This method is context aware.
No restrictions apply.
ValidationExecutionContext GetValidationExecutionContext ( string  sessionId)

Returns validation execution context that allows to determine component and place within job/process where validation logic is executing.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
ValidationExecutionContext object.
WordCollection GetWordsInRectangle ( string  sessionId,
WordCollection  words,
int  top,
int  left,
int  height,
int  width 

Returns a collection of words that are fully contained within the specified rectangle.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
wordsThe collection of words
topThe top of rectangle
leftThe left of rectangle
heightThe height of rectangle
widthThe width of rectangle
A collection of contained words
This method is context aware.
void InsertTableFieldRow ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  tableFieldId,
int  rowIndex 

Inserts an empty row to the table field of the supplied document at the specified position.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose table field needs to be updated by adding a new row. Cannot be null or empty.
tableFieldIdThe id or name of the table field. Cannot be null or empty.
rowIndexIndex at which the row needs to be added. The index is zero-based, that is, the first row has index 0, the second row has index 1, and so forth.
If rowIndex is negative, then a new row will be added to the end of the table (that is, it will be the last row).
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
void InterpolateTableField ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  tableFieldId,
int  selectedIndex 

Populates the table with extracted data on a page using the data from the row at the selected index. Index is zero-based i.e. index 0 is row 1, index 1 is row 2 etc.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose table field row will be populated. Cannot be null or empty
tableFieldIdThe id of the table field that needs to be populated. Cannot be null or empty
selectedIndexIndex of the table row that needs to be populated. The index is zero-based i.e. the first row is index 0, the 2nd row is index 1 etc.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
bool IsPageRenditionDefined ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
string  pageId,
short  renditionNumber 

Determines whether the specified page rendition is defined.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null or empty.
pageIdThe id of the page which belongs to the specified document. Cannot be null or empty.
renditionNumberThe rendition number. Must be greater than zero.
Returns true if the page rendition is defined, otherwise it returns false.
This method is context aware.
void MergeDocuments ( string  sessionId,
StringCollection  documentIds 

Merges together documents identified by the supplied document ids where the first specified document is set as the merge-to document. All other documents will have their pages moved to the end of the first document in the order they appear in the documentIds collection.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdsA collection of strings identifying the documents to be merged. Cannot be null.
All documents that have their pages moved and appended to the first document will be deleted.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Merge Documents' ACL.
void MoveDocument ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  folderId,
int  insertIndex 

Moves a document either within the parent folder or to the specified folder at the specified position.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document which needs to be moved to the specified folder. Cannot be null or empty.
folderIdThe id of the folder to which the document needs to be moved. Cannot be null or empty.
insertIndexIndex location within the target folder where the document should be added. The index is zero-based so the first position is 0, the second position is 1, and so forth.
Target folder can be either parent folder of the current document or a different folder.
In case if target folder is parent forder of the current document then document will be moved within the parent folder itself.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
void MoveFolder ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
string  toFolderId,
int  insertIndex 

Moves the folder either within the parent folder or to a different folder at the specified index.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
folderIdThe id of the source folder that needs to be moved to the target folder. Cannot be null or empty.
toFolderIdThe id of the target folder to which the source folder needs to be moved. Cannot be null or empty.
insertIndexIndex at which the folder will be moved in the target folder. The index is zero-based so the first sub-folder has index 0, the second sub-folder has index 1, and so forth.
Suppose folder A needs to be moved to folder B. B has two sub-folders, C and D. The insert index is 1. The folder A will be inserted at index 1 in folder B, that is, between C and D as C has index 0, the first sub-folder.
When moving a folder to a different target folder (not within the parent folder) then folder type of the target folder must allow creating sub-folders.
When moving a folder to a different target folder and folder type of the target folder allows creating sub-folders then corresponding folder type (type of the 1st level sub-folder) will be assigned to the moved folder. Example: Suppose we have folder type FolderTypeA which allows creating sub-folders of type FolderTypeB. Folder F1 has folder type FolderTypeA, folder F2 has any other folder type. After moving folder F2 to folder F1 folder F2 will have folder type FolderTypeB.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
void MovePages ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  toDocumentId,
PageIndexCollection  pageIndexes,
int  insertIndex 

Moves pages of the source document at the specified indices either within itself or to a different document at a specified insert index.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document with pages to be moved. Cannot be null or empty.
toDocumentIdThe id of the document to which the pages will be moved. Cannot be null or empty.
pageIndexesA collection of PageIndex objects containing the indices of the pages to be moved. The indices are zero-based so the first page has index 0, the second page has index 1, and so forth. Cannot be null.
PageIndex members.
Name Type Comment Required
Index Int32 The page index Yes
insertIndexIndex at which the pages will be inserted in the target document. The index is zero-based so the first page has index 0, the second page has index 1, and so forth.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
void RejectDocument ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
string  reason 

Rejects the document with the specified reason.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe identifier of the document to be rejected. Cannot be null or empty.
reasonA string containing the reason for the rejection.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Reject Documents' ACL.
void RejectDocuments ( string  sessionId,
StringCollection  documentIds,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  reason 

Rejects the documents identified by the supplied document ids.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdsA collection of string objects identifying the documents to be rejected. Cannot be null
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
reasonA string containing the reason for the rejection.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Reject Documents' ACL.
void RejectPages ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
PageIndexCollection  pageIndexes,
string  reason 

Rejects the pages with the specified reason.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe identifier of the document containing the pages to be rejected. Cannot be null or empty.
pageIndexesA collection of PageIndex objects containing the indices of the pages to be rejected. The indices are zero-based so the first page has index 0, the second page has index 1, and so forth. Cannot be null.
PageIndex members.
Name Type Comment Required
Index Int32 The page index Yes
reasonA string containing the reason for the rejection.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Reject Pages' ACL.
bool RemoveAllPageMasks ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
int  pageIndex 

Removes all PageMask records from the specified page.

sessionIdThe session identifier.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIndexDocument's page index.
True if masks removed successfully, false if not
int RemovePageMasks ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
int  pageIndex,
int  left,
int  top,
int  right,
int  bottom 

Removes all PageMask records that intersect with or are contained in the specified rectangle

sessionIdThe session identifier.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIndexDocument's page index.
leftx coordinate of the rectangle's top-left corner.
topy coordinate of the rectangle's top-left corner.
rightx coordinate of the rectangle's bottom-right corner.
bottomy coordinate of the rectangle's bottom-right corner.
Number of masks removed
void RotatePages ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
PageIndexCollection  pageIndexes,
short  rotationAngle,
bool  preserveTextData 

Rotates page(s) source image and all its rendition images with optional preserving OCR data

sessionIdThe session identifier.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
documentIdDocument object identifier
pageIndexesCollection of page indexes within document to rotate
rotationAngleRotation angle: 0 - no rotation, 90 - Image rotated left by 90 degrees, 180 - Image rotated by 180 degrees, 270 - Image rotated right by 90 degrees.
preserveTextDatatrue to rotate and preserve OCR data
void RotatePagesRendition ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
PageIndexCollection  pageIndexes,
short  rotationAngle,
short  renditionNumber 

Rotates page(s) specific rendition. Source image and other renditions aren't affected after rotation.

sessionIdThe session identifier.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
documentIdDocument object identifier
pageIndexesCollection of page indexes within document to rotate
rotationAngleRotation angle: 0 - no rotation, 90 - Image rotated left by 90 degrees, 180 - Image rotated by 180 degrees, 270 - Image rotated right by 90 degrees.
renditionNumberthe rendition number to rotate
FieldValidationResult2Collection RunDocumentFieldsValidation ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
RuntimeFieldIdentityCollection  runtimeFields 

Run validation for document using given fields and return field validation results.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe document id.
runtimeFieldsIdentity of the field or table/complex field cell.
Field validation data
This method is context aware.
FieldValidationResult2Collection RunFolderFieldsValidation ( string  sessionId,
string  folderId,
RuntimeFieldIdentityCollection  runtimeFields 

Run validation for folder using given fields and return field validation results.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
folderIdThe folder id.
runtimeFieldsIdentity of the field or table/complex field cell.
Field validation data
This method is context aware.
void SaveBinaryExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  name,
string  mimeType,
byte[]  data 

Saves the binary extension.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
documentIdThe document identifier.
nameThe name.
mimeTypeType of the MIME.
dataThe data.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
void SaveFolderBinaryExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
string  name,
string  mimeType,
byte[]  data 

Saves the folder binary extension.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
folderIdThe folder identifier.
nameThe name.
mimeTypeType of the MIME.
dataThe data.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
void SaveFolderTextExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
string  name,
string  text 

Saves the folder text extension.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
folderIdThe folder identifier.
nameThe name.
textThe text.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
void SavePageBinaryExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  pageId,
string  name,
string  mimeType,
byte[]  data 

Saves the page binary extension.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIdThe page identifier.
nameThe name.
mimeTypeType of the MIME.
dataThe data.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
PageImageData SavePageImage ( string  sessionId,
string  batchId,
byte[]  data,
string  mimeType 

Saves the page image to the repository.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
batchIdA string that uniquely identifies the capture batch. This value can be obtained in the context of an open batch through a form action. Cannot be null or empty.
dataThe binary image data. The following formats are supported: Bitmap (BMP), Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (Dicom), Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group (Jbig2), Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Joint Photographic Experts Group 2000 (Jpeg2000), PaintBrush (PCX), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), and Windows Media Photo (WMP). Cannot be null.
mimeTypeThe Mime type of the image. Cannot be null or empty.
Instance of PageImageData
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
void SavePageRendition ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
string  pageId,
short  renditionNumber,
string  mimeType,
byte[]  imageStream 

Saves the specified page rendition.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null or empty.
pageIdThe id of the page which belongs to the specified document. Cannot be null or empty.
renditionNumberThe rendition number. Must be greater than zero.
mimeTypeThe MIME type of the image stream.
imageStreamThe byte array representation of the image stream.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
void SavePageTextExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  pageId,
string  name,
string  text 

Saves the page text extension.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIdThe page identifier.
nameThe name.
textThe text.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
void SaveTextExtension ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  name,
string  text 

Saves the text extension of a document. Giving a text extension a specific prefix makes it available in Transformation Designer script as an XValue. To do this, prefix the name parameter with “XValue.”. For example, if you call the name “XValue.MyName”, then you can use the following code in the Transformation Designer script: pXDoc.Fields(0).Text = pXDoc.XValues.ItemByName("MyName").Value

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe document instance id of the document.
nameThe key used to store the text extension.
textThe string data to store with the specified key.
Text extensions are name/value pairs that allow custom string data to be stored and retrieved by a specified key.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'All Other Batch-Editing Operations' ACL.
SearchResult SearchFuzzyDatabase ( string  sessionId,
FuzzyDatabaseIdentity  databaseIdentity,
SearchQuery  query,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity 

Searches the fuzzy database for the provided query.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
databaseIdentityA FuzzyDatabaseIdentity object containing the fuzzy database details which needs to be searched in. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Name String The name of the database identity Yes
DisplayName String The display name of the database identity Yes
queryA Model.Forms.Events.SearchQuery object containing the information related to the query that needs to be searched in the fuzzy database. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
NumberOfRowsToReturn Int32 number of rows to return No
SearchWords String[] list of words to search for No
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity object containing details of the document type. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the document type No
Name String The name of the document type No
Version Double The version of the document type No
A SearchResult object that contains results of the search.
Name Type Comment
RecordItems FuzzyRecordItemCollection array of column names
FieldMappingCollection FuzzyDatabaseFieldMappingCollection mapping of the database field name with the document type
SearchQuery.NumberOfRowsToReturn is set to 0 by default. A single result will be returned if the value is 0.
No restrictions apply.
void SetDocumentFieldStatus ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
RuntimeFieldIdentity  fieldIdentity,
short  documentFieldStatus,
string  message,
object  fieldValue 

Sets the document field status. Pre-defined document system fields are NOT supported.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose field status needs to be set. Cannot be null or empty.
fieldIdentityA RuntimeFieldIdentity object identifying the field whose status needs to be set. Cannot be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
documentFieldStatusThe field status. See Remarks section for enumeration value.
messageThe error message that will be set for the field 'Invalid' status. Can be null or empty.
fieldValueThe field value. It is required only for the “ExtractionConfident” status (documentFieldStatus of 6), in which case it should be treated as a boolean value. For other statuses, it is used for setting the value of the field.
The values for the documentFieldStatus parameter are:
2Force Valid

If the field is a table field and the TableRow and/or TableColumn properties are not set, then the following applies:

  • 'Invalid' and 'Valid' statuses are applied to all table cells as well as for the table field itself.
  • 'Force Valid' status is applied to all table cells as well as for the table field itself.
  • 'ExtractionConfident' status is applied only to the table field itself and is not propagated to the table cells.
  • 'Confirmed' status is not applicable.
  • 'Verified' and 'Unverified' statuses are not applicable.

    If the field is a table cell (for example, the field is a table field and the TableRow and TableColumn properties are 0 or greater in value), then the following applies:
  • 'Invalid' and 'Valid' statuses are applied to the specified table cell and propagated throughout the hierarchy.
  • 'Force Valid' status is applied only to the specified table cell.
  • 'ExtractionConfident' status is applied only to the specified table cell.
  • 'Confirmed' status is applied only to the specified table cell (in this case, the table cell Valid property is set to true).
  • 'Verified' and 'Unverified' statuses are not applicable.

    This method is context aware. Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Override Problems' and 'Confirm Fields' ACLs.
void SetDocumentStatus ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
short  documentStatus,
string  message 

Sets the status of the specified document.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose status needs to be set. Cannot be null or empty.
documentStatusThe document status.
0Review Invalid
1Review Valid
2Override Problem
3Restore Problem
messageThe error message that needs be set for the Review Invalid status. Can be null or empty.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Override Problems' ACL.
void SetFolderFieldStatus ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
RuntimeFieldIdentity  fieldIdentity,
short  folderFieldStatus,
string  message,
object  fieldValue 

Sets the folder field status. Pre-defined folder system fields are NOT supported.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
folderIdThe id of the folder whose field status will be set. Cannot be null or empty
fieldIdentityA RuntimeFieldIdentity object identifying the field whose status needs to be set. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
folderFieldStatusField status. See Remarks section for enumeration value
messageThe error message that will be set for field Invalid status. Can be null
fieldValueThe field value. This is required only for status of Confirmed
The values for the Field Status are:
2Force Valid
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Override Problems' and 'Confirm Fields' ACLs.
void SetFolderStatus ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
short  folderStatus,
string  message 

Sets the folder status.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
folderIdThe id of the folder whose status needs to be set. Cannot be null or empty
folderStatusThe folder status.
0Review Invalid
1Review Valid
messageThe error message that will be set for invalid/override status. Can be null otherwise
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Override Problems' ACL.
void SetPageSourceImageFromRendition ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
string  pageId,
short  renditionNumber 

Sets the page source image from the rendition with the specified number.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe document identifier. Cannot be null or empty.
pageIdThe identifier of the page which belongs to the specified document. Cannot be null or empty.
renditionNumberThe rendition number. Must be greater than zero.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
string SplitDocument ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
int  pageIndex 

Splits a document into two by creating a new document and moving the pages starting from the specified index to the new document.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document which needs to be split. Cannot be null or empty.
pageIndexThe page index at which the document needs to be split. The index is zero-based and must be greater than zero in value; this means that the document cannot be split at the first page.
The id of the new document.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Split Documents' ACL.
DocumentIdentityCollection SplitDocumentAndClassify ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
SplitDocumentInfoCollection  splitDocumentInfoCollection 

Splits a document into one or more documents using each index set in SplitDocumentInfo by creating new documents and moving the pages starting from each specified index to the new documents. Each of the newly created documents can also have properties set as specified in their respective SplitDocumentInfo data.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API.
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document which needs to be split.
splitDocumentInfoCollectionA collection of SplitDocumentInfo objects, which contain information about how to split the document. Cannot be null.
Name Type Comment Required
SplitIndex Int32 Zero-based page index from which to split the document. Must be greater than zero Yes
DocumentTypeIdentity DocumentTypeIdentity Identifies the document type containing Id, Name, Version No
ClassificationConfident Bool Whether the document should be set to classification confident No
ConfidenceLevel Double The confidence level of the document for the document type. Valid values are from 0 to 1 No
ReviewValid Bool The Review Valid flag No
A collection of the newly generated document ids from the split.
For example, a document with 20 pages that has split indexes set to 5 and 10 will create two new documents. The first newly created document will contain pages indexed at 5-9 while the second created document will contain pages indexed at 10 to the end. The source document will contain pages indexed at 0 to 4.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Split Documents' and 'Change Document Type' ACLs.
string SplitFolder ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
int  index 

Splits a folder into two by creating a new folder and moving the documents starting from the specified index to the new folder.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
folderIdThe id of the folder to be split into two. An exception will be raised if the folderId is null, empty, or not a valid GUID value. An exception will also be raised if the folder cannot be found.
indexZero-based (index 0 is the first document) index to split from. An exception will be raised if the index is negative.
The id of the new folder.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Split Documents' and 'Add Folder' ACLs.
FormattingResult TestFieldFormatter ( string  sessionId,
string  value,
FieldFormatter  fieldFormatter 

Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use TestFieldFormatter2 instead.
Tests the field formatter.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
valueThe value which needs to be tested against the formatter. Cannot be null
fieldFormatterA FieldFormatter object identifying the formatter. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
A FormattingResult object containing the result of the test.
Name Type Comment
ErrorMessage String Describes the error if vaildation fails
IsValid Boolean Indicates if value passed validation or not
FormattedValue String The formatted value if valid
FormattedText String The formatted text
No restrictions apply.
FormattingResult TestFieldFormatter2 ( string  sessionId,
string  value,
FieldFormatter  fieldFormatter,
BusinessRuleInputCollection  ruleInputs 

Tests the field formatter.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
valueThe value which needs to be tested against the formatter. Cannot be null
fieldFormatterA FieldFormatter object identifying the formatter. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
ruleInputsThe capture field.
A FormattingResult object containing the result of the test.
Name Type Comment
ErrorMessage String Describes the error if vaildation fails
IsValid Boolean Indicates if value passed validation or not
FormattedValue String The formatted value if valid
FormattedText String The formatted text
No restrictions apply.
Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.Validation.ValidationResult TestFieldValidator ( string  sessionId,
string  value,
Validator  validator 

Tests a validator on a document field's value.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
valueThe value that needs to be validated against the field validator. Cannot be null
validatorA Validator object containing the validator details. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
ValidatorIdentity Identity The validator's identity No
A ValidationResult object indicating if field value is valid or not
Name Type Comment
ErrorMessage String Describes the error if vaildation fails
IsValid Boolean Indicates if value passed validation or not
FormattedValue String The formatted value if valid
The validator parameter does not need to be populated for some types of validator e.g. StandardValidator.
For a DateValidator there is an inherited property called FormatterIdentity that must be populated to identify the required date formatter
No restrictions apply.
void UnrejectDocuments ( string  sessionId,
StringCollection  documentIds,
ReportingData  reportingData 

Unrejects the documents specified by the supplied document identifiers and clears the rejection reasons.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdsA collection of string objects identifying the documents to be unrejected. Cannot be null.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Reject Documents' ACL.
void UnrejectPages ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
PageIndexCollection  pageIndexes 

Unrejects the pages.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe document identifier.
pageIndexesThe page indexes.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Reject Pages' ACL.
void UpdateDocumentFieldPropertyValues ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
FieldPropertiesCollection  fieldProperties 

The API sets the Values of System properties of Document fields.You have to provide the System GUIDs(which are listed below) for the System Properties for the Fields.This API cannot be used in a TotalAgility process or form as TotalAgility does not support its class structure.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose field value is to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty
fieldPropertiesA Collection of type FieldProperties containing the details of the fields which needs to be updated.
FieldProperties class contains RuntimeFieldIdentity and FieldSystemPropertyCollection as members.
RuntimeFieldIdentity members.
Name Type Comment
Id String The id of the field
Name String The name of the field
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1
Value Object The value of the field
FieldSystemProperty members.
Name Type Comment
Id String The id of the System Property of Field
Name String The name of the System Property of Field
Value Object The Value of the System Property of Field
The system properties of the fields are given below:
Name GUID Type Applies to Table Cells
DateValue 7B49061284174B879EA932DB4C281B37 DateTime Yes
DoubleValue 83F76FDE24BB497FAD36D8F5A55758D0 Double Yes
ErrorDescription D0D4F7EB416C4E91BD8A10FC805D5390 String Yes
ExtractionConfident 384FA246ECF1459AADB808396B01E9A7 Boolean Yes
ForcedValid 524C9361F40F47B299F0C2D02AE388DC Boolean Yes
PageIndex 41BDC0FFE6B84814813567D39A06D883 Int32 Yes
Valid 5B83535412F142669762C8C08CFE690F Boolean Yes
Value 0B8889DC16EA4F32AFFED1A48E49A720 String Yes
Verified 037EE38EF08F48B485DD62F0214E5C34 Boolean Yes
Height 0D5434EA13E643D19E84881202A74271 Int32 Yes
Width 57491C9612194E639DBF85ECD794ECB2 Int32 Yes
Top BC0BFE7CE83D448D86EF1EBB1308415E Int32 Yes
Left 9B3664814F774B37A0E8BA94288EFF4C Int32 Yes
Confidence 079B5DD225E94E1FA058999481DE8023 Double No
ValidatedText 4184C3017CA2469284753D99A9167569 String No
StringTag 7A9D3AD5936041D7B5B7B1DA02EB6BF4 String Yes
Tag 053D85224C0941EBB6E70EBEA8B8C3C0 Int32 Yes
SuppressTraining B7F67D012FD9404889E597AD065D64AD Boolean No
TrainingNeeded 17A3BEC40D1C41F8A3B316CE01A164A6 Boolean No
UseForStatistics 95B02AA69076465391AA0E2B8846B64F Boolean No
Preserve A2D42655804F4A6EA19681438145D7D9 Boolean No

The value for Confidence must be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.88) as a percentage.
This API is designed for use in custom code, as such it is not expected to be consumed within .NET process activities, web service activities and .NET form actions as TotalAgility does not support its class structure and thus will not provide access to some of its data elements.This API can be used in C# and VB.NET script activities.
If code changes DateValue or DoubleValue, make sure that Text property is consistency updated as well otherwise incorrect behavior may happen. This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
void UpdateDocumentFieldValue ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
RuntimeField  runtimeField 

Updates the value of the specified document field, including pre-defined document system fields such as verified, rejected, number of pages, etc. See Remarks section below for document system fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose field value needs to be updated.
runtimeFieldA RuntimeField object identifying the field value to be updated. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
Security checks are used to restrict access to the field(s).
A field can be updated if any of the following situations are met:
  1. The field is a system field.
  2. The sessionId parameter is the system session Id.
  3. The logged on user has access right to the relevant field group(s).
  4. The field is not read-only.
    TableRow and TableColumn values are zero-based i.e. first row is 0, second row is 1 etc.
    The values for the Document System Fields are as follows:
    Name Type Id
    Valid Boolean 5B83535412F142669762C8C08CFE690F
    Verified Boolean 037EE38EF08F48B485DD62F0214E5C34
    Name String AC1929D2A30444979E0E2205BCC5F533
    OriginalId String 43F14EB486E140B299C8679914101812
    Rejected Boolean A6E9047F80954F12A9F17896705012C3
    RejectionReason String A852B51DCC6A47E68146B5DA8C56BD6E
    ErrorDescription String D0D4F7EB416C4E91BD8A10FC805D5390
    ReviewValid Boolean D735014F88744E3899D6AB8EAA84634A
    ReviewForcedValid Boolean D03C74648AA54281B6DC8891BA8BAB13
    OnlineLearningOptions Enum DD30500FCB0C467193110FB8631ECAB2
    OnlineLearningComments String 66A8E1BB50B94C829C9016A5D34BB608
    FileName String 1F8220766FAF42278F5CF8081DBF6D87

    The values for OnlineLearningOptions are:
    0None (no online learning)
    1GenericClassification (generic classification)
    2GenericExtraction (generic extraction)
    4Specific (specific online learning)
    8Limloc (DCX file in use for LIMLoc Unassisted Training)

This method is context aware.

Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
void UpdateDocumentFieldValues ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
RuntimeFieldCollection  runtimeFields 

Updates the values of the specified document fields, including pre-defined document system fields such as verified, rejected, number of pages, etc. See Remarks section below for document system fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
documentIdThe id of the document whose field values need to be updated.
runtimeFieldsA collection of type RuntimeField indicating the field values to be updated. Cannot be null
RuntimeField members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
Security checks are used to restrict access to the field(s).
A field can be updated if any of the following situations are met:
  1. The field is a system field.
  2. The sessionId parameter is the system session Id.
  3. The logged on user has access right to the relevant field group(s).
  4. The field is not read-only.
    TableRow and TableColumn values are zero-based i.e. first row is 0, second row is 1 etc.
    The values for the Document System Fields are as follows:
    Name Type Id
    Valid Boolean 5B83535412F142669762C8C08CFE690F
    Verified Boolean 037EE38EF08F48B485DD62F0214E5C34
    Name String AC1929D2A30444979E0E2205BCC5F533
    OriginalId String 43F14EB486E140B299C8679914101812
    Rejected Boolean A6E9047F80954F12A9F17896705012C3
    RejectionReason String A852B51DCC6A47E68146B5DA8C56BD6E
    ErrorDescription String D0D4F7EB416C4E91BD8A10FC805D5390
    ReviewValid Boolean D735014F88744E3899D6AB8EAA84634A
    ReviewForcedValid Boolean D03C74648AA54281B6DC8891BA8BAB13
    OnlineLearningOptions Enum DD30500FCB0C467193110FB8631ECAB2
    OnlineLearningComments String 66A8E1BB50B94C829C9016A5D34BB608
    FileName String 1F8220766FAF42278F5CF8081DBF6D87

    The values for OnlineLearningOptions are:
    0None (no online learning)
    1GenericClassification (generic classification)
    2GenericExtraction (generic extraction)
    4Specific (specific online learning)
    8Limloc (DCX file in use for LIMLoc Unassisted Training)

This method is context aware.

Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
void UpdateDocumentsProcessingCompleted ( string  sessionId,
StringCollection  documentIds 

Report that processing of the specified documents have completed.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdsThe document ids.
No restrictions apply.
void UpdateDocumentType ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity 

Updates the type of the document.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity object identifying the document type. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the document type Yes
Name String The name of the document type No
Version Double The version of the document type No
Document fields with the same name and type as those associated with the new document type will have their properties (including value) preserved. If a table field has the same name and type, the same column names, types, order, and count as a table field in the new document type, then its data will also be preserved. All other fields will be removed.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Change Document Type' ACL.
void UpdateDocumentType2 ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity 

Updates the type of the document.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null.
Name Type Comment Required
IsSystemChange bool Report changes as system or as manual No
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity object identifying the document type. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the document type Yes
Name String The name of the document type No
Version Double The version of the document type No
Document fields with the same name and type as those associated with the new document type will have their properties (including value) preserved. If a table field has the same name and type, the same column names, types, order, and count as a table field in the new document type, then its data will also be preserved. All other fields will be removed.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Change Document Type' ACL.
void UpdateDocumentTypeWithConfidence ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity,
double  confidenceLevel 

Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use UpdateDocumentTypeWithConfidence2 instead.
Updates the document with the specified document type and confidence for that document type.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null.
documentTypeIdentityThe document type identity, must not be null. The id of the document type identity must not be null as well.
confidenceLevelThe confidence level. A value between 0 and 1, inclusive.
Document fields with the same name and type as those associated with the new document type will have their properties (including value) preserved. If a table field has the same name and type, the same column names, types, order, and count as a table field in the new document type, then its data will also be preserved. All other fields will be removed.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Change Document Type' ACL.
void UpdateDocumentTypeWithConfidence2 ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity,
double  confidenceLevel,
bool  classificationConfident 

Updates the document with the specified document type, the confidence for that document type, and whether the classfication is confident or not.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null.
documentTypeIdentityThe document type identity, must not be null. The id of the document type identity must not be null as well.
confidenceLevelThe confidence level. A value between 0 and 1, inclusive.
classificationConfidentIf set to true, then the classification is confident.
Document fields with the same name and type as those associated with the new document type will have their properties (including value) preserved. If a table field has the same name and type, the same column names, types, order, and count as a table field in the new document type, then its data will also be preserved. All other fields will be removed.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Change Document Type' ACL.
void UpdateDocumentTypeWithConfidence3 ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity,
double  confidenceLevel,
bool  classificationConfident 

Updates the document with the specified document type, the confidence for that document type, and whether the classfication is confident or not.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null.
Name Type Comment Required
IsSystemChange bool Report changes as system or as manual No
documentIdThe id of the document. Cannot be null.
documentTypeIdentityThe document type identity, must not be null. The id of the document type identity must not be null as well.
confidenceLevelThe confidence level. A value between 0 and 1, inclusive.
classificationConfidentIf set to true, then the classification is confident.
Document fields with the same name and type as those associated with the new document type will have their properties (including value) preserved. If a table field has the same name and type, the same column names, types, order, and count as a table field in the new document type, then its data will also be preserved. All other fields will be removed.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Change Document Type' ACL.
void UpdateDocumentVariant ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
string  variantName 

Updates the document variant.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe document identifier.
variantNameName of the variant.
This method is context aware.
void UpdateFolderFieldValue ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
RuntimeField  runtimeField 

Updates the value of the specified folder field.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
folderIdThe id of the folder whose field value needs to be updated. Cannot be null or empty
runtimeFieldA RuntimeField object identifying the field whose value needs to be updated. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
Security checks are used to restrict access to the field(s).
Will get access if any of the following situations are met:
  1. The field is a system field.
  2. The sessionId parameter is the system session Id.
  3. The logged on user has access rights to the relevant field group(s).
    The values for the Folder System Fields are:
    Name Type Id
    Valid Boolean 5B83535412F142669762C8C08CFE690F
    Verified Boolean 037EE38EF08F48B485DD62F0214E5C34
    ErrorDescription String D0D4F7EB416C4E91BD8A10FC805D5390
    ReviewValid Boolean D735014F88744E3899D6AB8EAA84634A
    ReviewForcedValid Boolean D03C74648AA54281B6DC8891BA8BAB13
    This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
void UpdateFolderFieldValues ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  folderId,
RuntimeFieldCollection  runtimeFields 

Updates the values of the specified folder fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
folderIdThe id of the folder whose field values need to be updated. Cannot be null or empty
runtimeFieldsA collection of type RuntimeField identifying the fields whose values need to be updated. Cannot be null
RuntimeField members.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
Name String The name of the field Yes/No. One of Id or Name must be specified
TableRow Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
TableColumn Int32 Used if the field is a table field, otherwise -1 Yes
Value Object The value of the field Yes
Security checks are used to restrict access to the field.
Will get access if any of the following situations are met:
  1. The field is a system field.
  2. The sessionId parameter is the system session Id.
  3. The logged on user has access rights to the relevant field group(s).
    The values for the Folder System Fields are:
    Name Type Id
    Valid Boolean 5B83535412F142669762C8C08CFE690F
    Verified Boolean 037EE38EF08F48B485DD62F0214E5C34
    ErrorDescription String D0D4F7EB416C4E91BD8A10FC805D5390
    ReviewValid Boolean D735014F88744E3899D6AB8EAA84634A
    ReviewForcedValid Boolean D03C74648AA54281B6DC8891BA8BAB13
    This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
void UpdatePages ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  docId,
PageData2Collection  pageData2Collection 

Updates the pages of a specified document with the supplied page properties.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Station String The reporting station e.g. "TotalAgility" No
docIdThe id of the document whose pages need to be updated. Cannot be null or empty
pageData2CollectionA collection of type PageData2 identifying the the pages and the properties that need to be updated. Cannot be null.
PageData2 members.
Name Type Comment Required
Index Int32 The zero-based index of the page (For example, 0 is the first page, 1 is the second page, and so forth.) Yes
UseSheetId Boolean Indicates whether to use SheetId setting or not Yes
SheetId String Contains sheet Id Yes/No. Yes, if UseSheetId has value of true
UseIsFront Boolean Indicates whether to use IsFront setting or not Yes
IsFront Boolean Is front Yes/No. Yes, if UseIsFront has value of true
UseHorizontalResolution Boolean Indicates whether to use HorizontalResolution setting or not Yes
HorizontalResolution Float Horizontal resolution Yes/No. Yes, if UseHorizontalResolution has value of true
UseVerticalResolution Boolean Indicates whether to use VerticalResolution setting or not Yes
VerticalResolution Float Vertical resolution Yes/No. Yes, if UseVerticalResolution has value of true
UseRotationType Boolean Indicates whether to use RotationType setting or not Yes
RotationType Int16 Rotation type Yes/No. Yes, if UseRotationType has value of true
UseLayoutHeight Boolean Indicates whether to use LayoutHeight setting or not Yes
LayoutHeight Int32 Rotation type Yes/No. Yes, if UseLayoutHeight has value of true
UseLayoutWidth Boolean Indicates whether to use LayoutWidth setting or not Yes
LayoutWidth Int32 Layout width Yes/No. Yes, if UseLayoutWidth has value of true
UseImprintedText Boolean Indicates whether to use ImprintedText setting or not Yes
ImprintedText String Contains imprinted text Yes/No. Yes, if UseImprintedText has value of true
UseVrsProcessed Boolean Indicates whether to use VrsProcessed setting or not Yes
VrsProcessed Boolean Vrs processed or not Yes/No. Yes, if UseVrsProcessed has value of true
UseBarcodes Boolean Indicates whether to append barcodes to page (defined in Barcodes property) or not Yes
Barcodes Collection A collection of Barcode objects detailing barcodes Yes/No. Yes, if UseBarcodes has value of true
The pageData2Collection parameter must have at least 1 PageData2 object.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
void UpdateSourceFile ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
DocumentSourceFile  sourceFile 

Updates the source file.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataThe reporting data.
documentIdThe document identifier.
sourceFileThe source file.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
void UpdateWords ( string  sessionId,
ReportingData  reportingData,
string  documentId,
string  pageId,
WordUpdateCollection  wordUpdates 

This API method updates the Text property of each of the specified words in the textlines of the specified page.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
reportingDataA ReportingData object containing the reporting data. Can be null. NOT used by this API
documentIdThe id of the document whose page properties are to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty
pageIdThe id of the page whose properties are to be retrieved. Cannot be null or empty
wordUpdatesWordUpdateCollection A collection of WordUpdate
Each WordUpdate object in the WordUpdateCollection will contain the LineIndex property that indicates the line position of the textline in the page, and an IndexInTextLine property to indicate the position of the word in the textline.

This API is designed for use in custom code, as such it is not expected to be consumed within cannot be used in .NET process activities, web service activities and .NET form actions as TotalAgility does not support its class structure and thus will not provide access to some of its data elements.This API can be used in C# and VB.NET script activities.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Modify/Read Documents' ACL.
FieldValidationResult2Collection ValidateAllDocumentFields ( string  sessionId,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity,
RuntimeField2Collection  documentFields,
DocumentSystemProperties  documentSystemProperties 

Validates document fields against the field validators and formatters.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity identity object identifying the document type. Cannot be null.
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the document type Yes
Name String The name of the document type No
Version Double The version of the document type. It can be a released version or saved version. For saved versions, please specify a three-digit sub-version, for example 1.001. No
documentFieldsThe list of one or more document fields, including their values, table cells, and field properties. The properties are optional as default values will be used if these are not specified. If a field exists in the documentFields parameter but is not a member of the document type, it is simply ignored. Cannot be null.
documentSystemPropertiesThe document system properties, which are needed for multi-field rules. This is optional, as default values will be used if this parameter is not specified.
A FieldValidationResult2Collection object containing the validated field results of the fields specified in the documentFields parameter, and all remaining fields of the document type, other than tables, using their default values and properties.
If a table field is specified in the documentFields parameter, and no table cells are included, then the field is not included in the results. If some table cells of a row are specified, then the remaining cells are validated using their default values and properties.
No restrictions apply.
bool ValidateDocument ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId 

Validates a document by validating all its document fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document that is to have its fields validated. Cannot be null or empty
True if all the fields are valid, false if at least one field is invalid
This API will run the formatters first, then the single field rules, then the multi-field rules, for all of the fields in the document.
The valid status for the document's fields and the document will be updated.
Note: the valid status of the document's parent folder is not updated. ValidateFolder should be called to do this after all the folder's documents and child folders have been validated.
This method is context aware.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Confirm Fields' ACL.
ValidationResult ValidateDocumentField ( string  sessionId,
string  documentTypeId,
RuntimeFieldValue  field 

Validates the specified document field against the field validators and formatters.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentTypeIdThe id of the document type to which the field belongs. Cannot be null or empty
fieldA RuntimeFieldValue object identifying the field that needs to be validated. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Name String The name of the field Yes
Value String The value of the field Yes
A ValidationResult object indicating whether the field value is valid or not
Name Type Comment
ErrorMessage String Describes the error if vaildation fails
IsValid Boolean Indicates whether the value passed validation or not
FormattedValue String The formatted value, if valid
No restrictions apply.
ValidationResultCollection ValidateDocumentFields ( string  sessionId,
string  documentTypeId,
RuntimeFieldValueCollection  fields 

Validates the specified document fields against the fields validators and formatters.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentTypeIdThe id of the the document type that the fields belong to. Cannot be null or empty
fieldsA RuntimeFieldValueCollection collection of RuntimeFieldValue objects identifying fields to be validated. Cannot be null
RuntimeFieldValue members.
Name Type Comment Required
Name String The name of the field Yes
Value String The value of the field Yes
A collection of ValidationResult objects indicating if field values are valid or not
Name Type Comment
ErrorMessage String Describes the error if vaildation fails
IsValid Boolean Indicates if value passed validation or not
FormattedValue String The formatted value if valid
No restrictions apply.
ReviewValidationResult ValidateDocumentForReview ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId 

Validates the specified document against the document's validation rules.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document that is to be validated. Cannot be null or empty
A ReviewValidationResult object containing the result of the document validation.
Name Type Comment
ReviewValid Boolean Indicates whether the document is reviewed as valid or not
ErrorDescription String Contains a description of any document review error
This method is context aware.
No restrictions apply.
ReviewValidationResult ValidateDocumentForReviewWithType ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity 

Validates the specified document against the document's validation rules using the supplied document type.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document that needs to be validated. Cannot be null or empty
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity identity object identifying the document type. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the document type Yes
Name String The name of the document type No
Version Double The version of the document type No
A ReviewValidationResult object containing the result of the document validation.
Name Type Comment
ReviewValid Boolean Indicates if reviewed as valid or not
ErrorDescription String Contains a description of any error
If the document type specified by documentTypeIdentity has no associated validation rules, then the returned result will always be valid (with a ReviewValid property of true and an empty ErrorDescription), even if the documentId argument references a nonexistent document.
This method is context aware.
No restrictions apply.
bool ValidateDocumentWithType ( string  sessionId,
string  documentId,
DocumentTypeIdentity  documentTypeIdentity 

Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use ValidateDocument instead.
Validates a document by validating all its document fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
documentIdThe id of the document that needs it's fields validated. Cannot be null or empty
documentTypeIdentityA DocumentTypeIdentity object containing the document type information. Can NOT be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the document type No
Name String The name of the document type No
Version Double The version of the document type No
True if all the fields are valid, false if at least one field is invalid
This API will run the formatters first, then single field rules, then multi field rules for all the fields in the document.
The valid status for the document's fields and the document will be updated.
Note: the valid status of the document's parent folder is not updated. ValidateFolder should be called to do this after all the folder's documents and child folders have been validated.
No restrictions apply.
bool ValidateFolder ( string  sessionId,
string  folderId 

Validates a folder by validating all its fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
folderIdThe id of the folder whose fields need to be validated. Cannot be null or empty
True if all the fields are valid, false if at least one field is invalid
This API will run the formatters first, then single field rules, then multi field rules for all the fields in the folder.
The valid status for the folder's fields and the folder will be updated.
Note: the folder's documents and child folders are not validated.
Resource must have at least 'Has Access' access permission on 'Confirm Fields' ACL.
ValidationResult ValidateFolderField ( string  sessionId,
string  folderTypeId,
RuntimeFieldValue  field 

Validates the specified folder field against the field validators and formatters.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
folderTypeIdThe id of the folder type that the field belongs to. Cannot be null or empty
fieldA RuntimeFieldValue object identifying the field that needs to be validated. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Name String The name of the field Yes
Value String The value of the field Yes
A ValidationResult object indicating if field value is valid or not
Name Type Comment
ErrorMessage String Describes the error if vaildation fails
IsValid Boolean Indicates if value passed validation or not
FormattedValue String The formatted value if valid
No restrictions apply.
ValidationResultCollection ValidateFolderFields ( string  sessionId,
string  folderTypeId,
RuntimeFieldValueCollection  fields 

Validates the specified folder fields against the fields validators and formatters.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
folderTypeIdThe id of the folder type that the fields belong to. Cannot be null or empty
fieldsA RuntimeFieldValueCollection collection of RuntimeFieldValue objects identifying fields to be validated. Cannot be null
RuntimeFieldValue members.
Name Type Comment Required
Name String The name of the field Yes
Value String The value of the field Yes
A collection of ValidationResult objects indicating if field values are valid or not
Name Type Comment
ErrorMessage String Describes the error if vaildation fails
IsValid Boolean Indicates if value passed validation or not
FormattedValue String The formatted value if valid
No restrictions apply.
ReviewValidationResult ValidateFolderForReview ( string  sessionId,
string  folderId 

Validates the specified folder against the folder's validation rules.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
folderIdThe id of the folder that needs to be validated. Cannot be null or empty
A ReviewValidationResult object containing the result of the folder validation.
Name Type Comment
ReviewValid Boolean Indicates if reviewed as valid or not
ErrorDescription String Contains a description of any error
This method is context aware.
No restrictions apply.
ReviewValidationResult ValidateFolderForReviewWithType ( string  sessionId,
string  folderId,
FolderTypeIdentity  folderTypeIdentity 

Validates the specified folder against the folder validation rules using the specified folder type.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
folderIdThe id of the folder that needs to be validated. Cannot be null or empty
folderTypeIdentityA FolderTypeIdentity identity object identifying the folder type. Cannot be null
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the folder type Yes
Name String The name of the folder type No
Version Double The version of the folder type No
A ReviewValidationResult object containing the result of the folder validation.
Name Type Comment
ReviewValid Boolean Indicates if reviewed as valid or not
ErrorDescription String Contains a description of any error
If the folder type specified by folderTypeIdentity has no associated validation rules, then the returned result will always be valid (with a ReviewValid property of true and an empty ErrorDescription), even if the folderId argument references a nonexistent folder.
This method is context aware.
No restrictions apply.
bool ValidateFolderWithType ( string  sessionId,
string  folderId,
FolderTypeIdentity  folderTypeIdentity 

Please note that this function is deprecated. Please use ValidateFolder instead.
Validates a folder by validating all its fields.

sessionIdA string that uniquely identifies the Session for the current logged on user. If the SessionId is invalid then an exception will be raised.
folderIdThe id of the folder to be validated. Cannot be null or empty
folderTypeIdentityA FolderTypeIdentity object containing the folder type details. Can NOT be null. NOT used by this API
Name Type Comment Required
Id String The id of the folder type No
Name String The name of the folder type No
Version Double The version of the folder type No
True if all the fields are valid, false if at least one field is invalid
This API will run the formatters first, then single field rules, then multi field rules for all the fields in in the folder.
The valid status for the folder's fields and the folder will be updated.
Note: the folder's documents and child folders are not validated.
No restrictions apply.