View form associations

Use the Associations feature to view the items, controls and events used in a selected form, so you can determine the impact of changes.

You can view associations of a form and various elements in a form. For example, in a form:

  • A redirect or a hyperlink may point to an external form.

  • Several actions can be configured on one control.

  • A single action can be reused in multiple instances.

  • Actions can use form variables.

View associations for a form

You can view the list of forms, global variables, queries and processes used by the current form.

  1. Navigate to the forms list page.
  2. Open the form for which to view the associations.

    The form opens in the Design view, in a new browser tab.

  3. On the form modeling bar, click the File tab and click Associations.
    By default, the forms used by the current form are displayed. You can view the form associations for the following:
    • Forms: The names of forms being used by the current form are displayed as hyperlink. You can click the link to open the item in a new browser tab and make changes, as needed.

      • When the redirected form is renamed in the current form, you must refresh the form to view the changes under Associations.

      • The item is opened in a read-only mode if it is already locked by another user.

    • Queries: The queries that are in use within the form are displayed along with the query name and the control where the query is used.

    • Global variables: The global variables use by this form. The following are displayed: Variable name and the action name where the global variable is used, or the form name if used at the form level, for example, if used as an initialization parameter.
    • Processes: The names of processes being used by the current form are displayed as hyperlink. You can click the process name link to open the item in a new browser tab and make changes, as needed.

    • Integrations: Integrations being used by this form. Integration associations also lists the custom service groups that are in use displaying group name as the Name and custom service group as the Type.

  4. To view the associations of a specific type, on the View associations by type list, select the type of association, such as Queries. (Default: Forms)
    The queries used by the current form, if any are displayed.

View associations for an Activity form and Multiview activity form

You can view the list of forms, global variables, queries and processes used by the current Activity, and Multiview activity forms.

  1. On the File tab of an Activity form or Multiview activity form, click Associations.
    By default, the forms used by the current form are displayed. You can view the form associations for the following:
    • Forms: The names of forms being used by the current form are displayed as hyperlink. You can click the link to open the item in a new browser tab and make changes, as needed.

    • Queries: The queries that are in use within the form are displayed along with the query name and the control where the query is used.

    • Global variables: The global variables use by this form. The following are displayed: Variable name and the action name where the global variable is used, or the form name if used at the form level, for example, if used as an initialization parameter.
    • Processes: The names of processes being used by the current form are displayed as hyperlink. You can click the process name link to open the item in a new browser tab and make changes, as needed.

    • The Existing group displays the following read-only properties:

      • Process: Name of the process on which the form is generated.

      • Version: Current version of the process map.

      • Activity: Name of the selected activity on which the form is generated.

      • Node ID: The current ID of the node.

  2. The Update associated file group displays the process and activity associated with the form. To change the associated file, do the following:
    1. On the Process list, select a different process to associate.

      Activities associated with the selected process appear on the Activity list.

    2. On the Activity list, select the activity to use.
    3. Click Update.

      The form is updated with the selected process or activity.

    4. Click Save.
    Tip To view the association between the form and its activity, open the process map > select the activity > Activity Properties > Configuration >Associated file path. See Configure an ordinary activity for more information.
  3. To view the associations of a specific type, on the View associations by type list, select the type of association, such as Queries. (Default: Forms)
    The queries used by the current form, if any are displayed.

View associations for a form control

You can view the list of actions that use this control and every action that the selected control invokes.

  1. In the Properties panel of the control, click the Associations tab.

View associations for an action

You can view the list of controls that call the selected action (including form name, if the action is triggered when the page loads) and all the controls and variables that the action uses.

  1. On the Actions tab of the form, click the action to view associations for.

    The Edit action dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click the Associations tab.