Export and import a workflow

You can import and export your workflow between environments.

Export a workflow

  1. Navigate to the Workflow list page.
  2. On the context menu of the workflow that you want to export, click Export.

    The export option is only available for a workflow with a major version, such as 1.0.

    A prompt appears to confirm the export.

  3. Click Yes to export a copy of the latest published version of your workflow.

    A package containing all the associated items and details of the workflow is exported as a ZIP. The package includes the following items:

    • Workflow

    • Process

    • Create new job form

    • Any associated Take activity forms

    • Landing page

    • Work type

    • Work queue and Job queries

    • Any items used in the process

  4. Download the ZIP.

Import a workflow

You can import workflow files only through Quick Workflow and not through TotalAgility Designer.

  1. Navigate to the Workflow list page.
  2. Click Import.
  3. Browse to the ZIP you want to import.

    ZIP is imported along with the process/custom service/business rule exposed for use within TotalAgility Apps. You can edit or delete a workflow after importing.

    • If a workflow with the same name or ID exists, you cannot import the workflow.

    • If a workflow with the same name but a different ID exists, you cannot import the workflow as names must be unique.

    • If any of the items such as work type, already exist with the same name, an error message is displayed upon importing.