Account Grouping

When Account Grouping is configured in workflow each get next request will load all undecided documents for the same account as the result from the get next. Account Grouping is performed Queue mode request only, not for List mode requests. A separate list is shown with all documents for a single account. The decisions can be made then on all documents and saved. Below is a sample of the Account Grouping list:



The Account Grouping list contains the following entries for each document loaded:



Document Reference No

The document number


The local amount for the document

Serial No

The serial number of the document


The current decision for made for the document

Reject reason

The selected reason for rejecting the document (if applicable)


Result Drop Down:




Awaiting the decision from the user. Appears only when no decision has been made. After the first decision was made it can not be reset to Pending.


Accept the respective document.


Reject the respective document. When selected a the reject reason list will appear. Once the reject reason has been selected the SignCheck view will reappear.


Place the respective document On Hold.


Rest the respective document to contain no decisions.


The document can be selected and shown by clicking the link (Document Reference No). The buttons Reject, Accept, Hold and Reset can be used to make a decision on the currently selected document (highlighted in gray).

The document decision can also be made by the drop down selection in the Result column of the list without selecting the document.

Once a decision has been made in the Result selector it cannot be reset to Pending, it can only be corrected to the appropriate decision if required.

When the Result action Reject is selected the identical dialogue containing the reject reasons described in Reject button will appear. Should a new or different reject reason be required then the document must be rejected again and the reject reasons list will reappear.

Once all decisions have been made the Send Decisions button must be selected to ensure that all data is saved to SignCheck.