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Atalasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Channels Namespace

Public classAdjustChannelCommand
This method may be used to adjust a channel by adding or subtracting a literal value or percentage. A negative value will reduce the amount of that channel and a positive value will increase it. A value of 0 will have no effect.
Public classAdjustHslCommand

This method may be used to adjust the hue, saturation and luminance by adding or subtracting a literal value or percentage. A negative value will reduce the amount of that channel and a positive value will increase it. A value of 0 will have no effect.

Public classCode exampleApplyLutCommand
Apply a Look-Up-Table to an image. A Look-Up-Table is an array of 256 byte values which are used to substitute for the image pixel data. This allows you to modify each pixel component value.
Public classApplyLutCommandBase
This is a base-class for creating look up table commands. This class is abstract and cannot be instantiated on its own.
Public classFlattenAlphaCommand

This command will remove the alpha information from an image by blending the transparent areas with a solid color.

Public classInvertCommand

Use this command to invert the image.

Public classReplaceChannelCommand
This command allows you to replace the channels of an existing image by substituting the channel values with those of an 8-bit grayscale image.
Public classSetAlphaColorCommand

This command will create an alpha channel for an image based on a color value. If the image already contains alpha information, the color will be blended into it.

Public classCode exampleSetAlphaFromMaskCommand

Creates an alpha channel for an image using an 8-bit grayscale mask image to control transparency.

Public classSetAlphaValueCommand

This command will create an alpha channel based on a numeric value.

Public classShiftChannelsCommand
This command will shift individual image channels.
Public classCode exampleSwapChannelsCommand
Swaps one channel with another channel within the same image.