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Atalasoft.FormsProcessing.Omr Namespace

Public classOmrAlignmentException
Thrown when the OmrEngine is unable to correctly align a document to the specified template.
Public classOmrDocument
A class which represents the aggregated results of processing a document with the OmrEngine.
Public classOmrDocumentProgressEventArgs
This class is passed to the user when OmrEngine's DocumentProgress event is fired.
Public classOmrEngine
The primary class interface for doing Optical Mark Recognition.
Public classOmrException
The base class for all OmrEngine exceptions.
Public classOmrGroup
A class which represents the results of processing a group of marks with the OmrEngine.
Public classOmrImagePreprocessedEventArgs
This class is passed to the user when OmrEngine's ImagePreprocessed event is fired.
Public classOmrImagePreprocessingEventArgs
This class is passed to the user when OmrEngine's ImagePreprocessing event is fired.
Public classOmrMark
A class which represents the results of processing a single mark with the OmrEngine.
Public classOmrMarksDetectedEventArgs
This class is passed to the user when OmrEngine's MarksDetected event is fired.
Public classOmrMarksDetectingEventArgs
This class is passed to the user when OmrEngine's MarksDetecting event is fired.
Public classOmrPage
A class representing the results of OMR on a single page.
Public classOmrPageProgressEventArgs
This class is passed to the user when OmrEngine's PageProgress event is fired.
Public classOmrTemplateAlignedEventArgs
This class is passed to the user when OmrEngine's TemplateAligned event is fired.
Public classOmrTemplateAligningEventArgs
This class is passed to the user when OmrEngine's TemplateAligning event is fired.
Public classOmrTemplateDocument
A Savable/Loadable collection of OmrTemplatePage instances.
Public classOmrTemplateGroup
This class is used to describe related groups of marks.
Public classOmrTemplateMark
This class is used to describe locations on the page where marks will be expected.
Public classOmrTemplatePage
This class is used to describe the pages on which marks will be expected.
Public interfaceIOmrEngine
An interface representation of OmrEngine. This allows you to test your implementation without an actual OmrEngine instance.
Public enumerationOmrDocumentStage
The current stage in OMR document-wide processing.
Public enumerationOmrPageStage
The current stage in OMR page-wide processing.