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Atalasoft.FormsProcessing.Alignment Namespace

Public classAlignmentRejector
This class is used to validate the results of DocumentAligner. It does this by compairing the similarity of PageFingerprints in various ways.
Public classAlignmentRejectorResult
This class is used by the AlignmentRejector class to report its results.
Public classAlignmentResult
This class is used by the DocumentAligner class to report its results.
Public classBadAlignmentException
This type of Exception is thrown when the AlignmentRejector class rejects a document with poor alignment.
Public classDocumentAligner
The DocumentAligner class attempts to find the best possible alignment transform between two images.
Public classIntermediateResultFoundEventArgs
This class is used by DocumentAligner's IntermediateResultFound event to report the result of each alignment step.
Public classPageFingerprint
The data used to represent the structural layout of a specific document. Implementation details are hidden as they may change in the future.
Public classPageFingerprintGenerator
This class is used to generate PageFingerprint.
Public classPageFingerprintGeneratorException
Thrown when something has gone wrong generating a PageFingerprint with PageFingerprintGenerator.
Public interfaceIAlignmentRejector
An interface representation of AlignmentRejector. This allows you to test your implementation without an actual AlignmentRejector instance.
Public interfaceIDocumentAligner
An interface representation of DocumentAligner. This allows you to test your implementation without an actual DocumentAligner instance.
Public enumerationAlignmentRejectionHeuristics
This is an enumeration of the heuristics used by the AlignmentRejector class.