/* Oxygen WebHelp Plugin Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Syncro Soft SRL, Romania. All rights reserved. */ /* * ========================================== * * Side notes. These are the oXygen review processing instructions * converted to elements. They are floating to one * side of the page. * * For the WebHelp HTML output, the review elements are converted * to 'div' and 'span's having with a class name matching the name * of the element. * * ========================================== */ @namespace oxy "http://www.oxygenxml.com/extensions/author"; @media screen { oxy-attributes, oxy-comment, oxy-delete, oxy-insert, .oxy-attributes, .oxy-comment, .oxy-delete, .oxy-insert { margin: 0.5em; width: 20%; min-width:7em; } table oxy-attributes, table oxy-comment, table oxy-delete, table oxy-insert, table .oxy-attributes, table .oxy-comment, table .oxy-delete, table .oxy-insert { margin: 0.5em; width: 50%; } } @media print, screen { /* * Main callouts properties. */ oxy-attributes, oxy-comment, oxy-delete, oxy-insert, .oxy-attributes, .oxy-comment, .oxy-delete, .oxy-insert { font-size:small; font-weight:normal !important; /* Do not take text styles from the context. */ text-decoration:none !important; font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif; position:relative; float: right; clear:right; padding: 0.5em 1em 0.5em 1em; min-height:1em; page-break-inside: avoid; border-radius: 10px; link:attr(href); -ah-link: attr(href); } /* * Style the comment replies. */ oxy-attributes oxy-comment, oxy-comment oxy-comment, oxy-delete oxy-comment, oxy-insert oxy-comment, .oxy-attributes .oxy-comment, .oxy-comment .oxy-comment, .oxy-delete .oxy-comment, .oxy-insert .oxy-comment { border-left: 2pt solid; padding-left: 0.5em; padding-right: 0; margin: 2pt 0 2pt 10%; width:90%; border-radius: 0; } /* * Hide the links from the replies. */ oxy-attributes oxy-comment:before, oxy-comment oxy-comment:before, oxy-delete oxy-comment:before, oxy-insert oxy-comment:before, .oxy-attributes .oxy-comment:before, .oxy-comment .oxy-comment:before, .oxy-delete .oxy-comment:before, .oxy-insert .oxy-comment:before { display:none; } /* * Hide some meta information. */ oxy-comment-id, oxy-comment-parent-id, oxy-mid, oxy-hour, oxy-tz, .oxy-comment-id, .oxy-comment-parent-id, .oxy-mid, .oxy-hour, .oxy-tz { display:none; } /* The ID of the change, like the number of a footnote. */ oxy-attributes[hr_id]:before, oxy-comment[hr_id]:before, oxy-delete[hr_id]:before, oxy-insert[hr_id]:before{ content:'[' attr(hr_id) '] '; } .oxy-attributes[hr_id]:before, .oxy-comment[hr_id]:before, .oxy-delete[hr_id]:before, .oxy-insert[hr_id]:before{ /* For HTML, the hr_id is missing, the link is created as an "A" element. */ content:none; } /* Author */ oxy-author, .oxy-author { font-weight:bold; } oxy-author:after, .oxy-author:after { content:':'; } /* Comment */ oxy-comment-text, .oxy-comment-text{ display:block; margin-top:0.5em; margin-bottom:0.5em; } oxy-comment-text:before, .oxy-comment-text:before { content:'\201C'; } oxy-comment-text:after, .oxy-comment-text:after { content:'\201D'; } /* Content of the change */ oxy-content, .oxy-content{ display:block; margin-top:0.5em; margin-bottom:0.5em; } oxy-content:before, .oxy-content:before { content:'\201C'; } oxy-content:after, .oxy-content:after{ content:'\201D'; } oxy-delete > oxy-content, .oxy-delete > .oxy-content { text-decoration:line-through; } oxy-insert > oxy-content, .oxy-insert > .oxy-content { font-style:italic; } oxy-insert > oxy-content:before, .oxy-insert > .oxy-content:before { content:"<<"; } oxy-insert > oxy-content:after, .oxy-insert > .oxy-content:after { content:">>"; } /* Date */ oxy-date, .oxy-date { display:block; margin-top:0.5em; margin-bottom:0.5em; text-align:right; font-size:0.8em; } /* Old and cuattribute value */ oxy-old-value, .oxy-old-value { display:block; } oxy-old-value:before, .oxy-old-value:before, oxy-current-value:before, .oxy-current-value:before { display:block; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; } oxy-old-value:before, .oxy-old-value:before{ content: "Was:"; } oxy-current-value[unknown='true']:before, .oxy-current-value[unknown='true']:before{ content:"<< Cannot determine the current value >>"; color:red; } oxy-current-value, .oxy-current-value { display:block; } oxy-attribute-change:before, .oxy-attribute-change:before{ display:block; content: " @" attr(name) "\A" attr(type)" by \A"; font-weight:bold; } oxy-range-start, .oxy-range-start, oxy-range-end, .oxy-range-end { display:inline; text-decoration: none; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } /* * This is the link to the floated comment. * This remains in the main content flow. */ oxy-range-start:before, .oxy-range-start:before { display:inline; content:'[' attr(hr_id) ']'; } /* * This marks the end of the range. */ oxy-range-end:before, .oxy-range-end:before { display:inline ; content:'[/' attr(hr_id) ']'; } /* * Between an insert range start and end, underline the text. */ oxy-insert-hl, .oxy-insert-hl { display:inline; text-decoration:underline; } /* * Between an delete range start and end, underline the text. */ oxy-delete-hl, .oxy-delete-hl { display:inline; text-decoration:line-through; } /* * Between an comment range start and end, highlight the text. */ oxy-comment-hl, .oxy-comment-hl{ display:inline; } /* * Between an highlight range start and end, highlight the text. */ oxy-color-hl[color], .oxy-color-hl[color]{ display:inline; background-color:attr(color, color); } } @media print { oxy-attributes, oxy-comment, oxy-delete, oxy-insert, .oxy-attributes, .oxy-comment, .oxy-delete, .oxy-insert { font-size:0.8rem; margin: 0.5em -0.7in 0.5em 0.5em; /* This should be correlated with the page margin from the p-page-size.css */ width: 1.5in; } } /* * * Colors * */ oxy-attributes, oxy-comment, oxy-delete, oxy-insert, .oxy-attributes, .oxy-comment, .oxy-delete, .oxy-insert { background-color: #FFFFAA; color:black; } /* * The marked as done changes should be grayed out. */ oxy-attributes[flag~="done"], oxy-comment[flag~="done"], oxy-delete[flag~="done"], oxy-insert[flag~="done"], .oxy-attributes[flag~="done"], .oxy-comment[flag~="done"], .oxy-delete[flag~="done"], .oxy-insert[flag~="done"] { color:gray; } oxy-attributes, .oxy-attributes{ border-color:black; } oxy-comment, .oxy-comment{ border-color:transparent; } oxy-delete, .oxy-delete{ border-color:red; } oxy-insert, .oxy-insert{ border-color:blue; } oxy-range-start, .oxy-range-start, oxy-range-end, .oxy-range-end { background-color: yellow; } oxy-insert-hl, .oxy-insert-hl{ color:blue; } oxy-delete-hl, .oxy-delete-hl { color:red; } oxy-comment-hl, .oxy-comment-hl{ background-color:yellow; } oxy-attributes oxy-comment, oxy-comment oxy-comment, oxy-delete oxy-comment, oxy-insert oxy-comment, .oxy-attributes .oxy-comment, .oxy-comment .oxy-comment, .oxy-delete .oxy-comment, .oxy-insert .oxy-comment { border-left-color: orange; }