Product documentation

The Kofax SignDoc product documentation set consists of guides and help systems to assist you with installing, configuring, and using the product.

Offline documentation

If the security policy for your organization restricts Internet access, you can access the documentation in offline mode. If you require offline documentation while using the product, download from the Kofax Fulfillment Site.

Help for Kofax SignDoc Standard

The following steps describe how to make the offline help accessible in SignDoc Standard (Administration Center, Manage Client, and Signing Client) by copying the help to the internal webserver (Tomcat) for the installation.

Note Before proceeding, you must install SignDoc Standard in the folder <INSTALLDIR> and set the <SERVICE_EXTERNAL_HOST_URL> as described in the Kofax SignDoc Standard Installation Guide.
  1. From the Kofax Fulfillment site, download
  2. Extract the contents of the .zip file to any folder <EXTRACTDIR>.
  3. Copy <EXTRACTDIR>/help to the folder <INSTALLDIR>/service/webapp.
  4. Start SignDoc Standard and configure the help links in the "System settings" of the Administration Center.
    1. Manage Client

      Open subcategory Client/Manage and edit "Manage Client online help URL" by entering the URL <SERVICE_EXTERNAL_HOST_URL>/help/Standard/index.html for all languages.

    2. Signing Client

      Open subcategory Client/Signing and edit "Signing Client online help URL" by entering the URL <SERVICE_EXTERNAL_HOST_URL>/help/StandardSigningDocuments/index.html for all languages.

    3. Administration Center

      Open subcategory Client/Administration and edit "Administration Center online help URL" by entering the URL <SERVICE_EXTERNAL_HOST_URL>/help/StandardAdministrationCenter/index.html for all languages.

  5. Test the configured links by clicking the Help link in the header of Administration Center, Manage Client and Signing Client. Each help system should display in a new browser tab.

Guides for Kofax SignDoc Standard

From the folder <EXTRACTDIR>/print, you can access the following guides:

  • Kofax SignDoc Standard Administrator's Guide


  • Kofax SignDoc Standard Developer's Guide


  • Kofax SignDoc Standard Installation Guide


Help for Kofax SignDoc Web

To open and use the SignDoc Web documentation, follow these steps:

  1. From the Kofax Fulfillment site, download
  2. Extract the contents of the .zip file to any folder <EXTRACTDIR>.
  3. Navigate to <EXTRACTDIR>/help/web and then click index.html to start "Help for Kofax SignDoc Web".

Guides for Kofax SignDoc Web

From the folder <EXTRACTDIR>/print, you can access the following guides:

  • Kofax SignDoc Web Administrator's Guide


  • Kofax SignDoc Web Developer's Guide


SignDoc Software Developer Kit documentation

According to the functionality and the programming language, the offline documentation .zip file contains documentation for the SignDoc Software Developer Kit.

To open and use the SignDoc Software Developer Kit documentation, follow these steps:

  1. From the Kofax Fulfillment site, download
  2. Extract the contents of the .zip file to any folder <EXTRACTDIR>.
  3. Navigate to <EXTRACTDIR>/help or <EXTRACTDIR>/print to access the SignDoc Software Developer Kit documentation.