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SPGuiAcqu.h File Reference

Detailed Description

SignWare Dynamic Development toolkit, acquire signatures.

This header includes the graphical user interface for capturing signatures on a tablet.
Signware also includes an object to capture signatures / references without native GUI, please read Comparison SPAcquire versus SPGuiAcqu for a comparison of SPAcquire and SPGuiAcqu.
The functions declared in this header are not yet implemented for Linux.


The SPGuiAcqu object captures one or more signatures from a tablet. It will either create a new window (SPGuiAcquCreate) or use an existing client window (SPGuiAcquCreateInClient) and draw all vectors inside the client window.

It supports the Standard window properties and adds capabilities to define special regions. These regions will be interpreted as clickable areas, virtual buttons. When the user clicks these regions then either a window message will be sent to the component or a callback function will be called.

The acquiry object creates a signature and a reference object. The signature object will be filled during acquiry (as long as acquire mode is active). The signature object will be appended to the reference object if SPGuiAcquAcquireDone is called with SP_IDOK. In any case, the signature object will not be accessable after calling SPGuiAcquAcquireDone. The typical usage of the signature object is to check for empty signatures and to deny accepting empty signatures. Always use the created reference object as the result of an acquire operation.

The application must differentiate several types of tablet hardware:

You may define buttons that are clickable with the tablet. Two versions of buttons are supported: Please see the provided samples for correct use of the acquiry object.

Some low-level tablet drivers use window messages to communicate with the application.
  • Wintab uses message ID's in the range WM_USER + 0x7BF0 (0x7FF0) through WM_USER + 0xFBFF (0x7FFF),
  • Kofax drivers use message ID's in the range WM_USER + 0x7BD0 (0x7FD0) through WM_USER + 0x7BDF (0x7FDF).
  • SPGuiAcqu uses message ID's in the range WM_USER + 0x7BB0 (0x7FB0) through WM_USER + 0x7BBF (0x7FBF).
Please assure that these message ID's do not conflict with message ID's in your application.

Mobile Devices

Mobile devices such as iPad are becoming popular and many people would like to use a mobile device as an input to enter the signature.
A few limitations apply due to technical limitations of these devices: The devices cannot be directly accessed from an application, Kofax has developed two access modules for such devices, which are furtheron referenced as TabletServer and RemoteTablet.
The module TabletServer is currently rated experimental, it is not recommended to access this module at this time.
The module RemoteTablet is currently rated experimental, it is not recommended to access this module at this time.

An application may need to implement some special requirements to support Tablets that communicate through the Kofax TabletServer module, please see SPTabletServer for details.

An application may need to implement some special requirements to support Tablets that communicate through the Kofax RemoteTablet module, please see SPRemoteTablet for details.

Standard window properties

SignWare GUI objects support these properties:

Supported properties

The table below lists all supported Properties.

Name Default Range Description
"BackgroundColor" 0xFFFFFF Background color, format 0xrrggbb, rr: red, gg: green, bb: blue
"ForegroundColor" 0x000000 Foreground color, format 0xrrggbb, rr: red, gg: green, bb: blue
"RectangleColor" 0x000000 Border color, format 0xrrggbb, rr: red, gg: green, bb: blue
"PenThickness" 127 1 ... 255 Pen thickness, see SPTabletSetTabletOption for details
"ScrBorder" 5 0 ... 255 Size of the border in pixel
"WindowBorder" false SPBOOL Draw a border around the window, see SP_DRAW_HWND_BORDER for details
"TabletBorder" false SPBOOL Draw a border around the tablet, see SP_DRAW_TABLET_BORDER for details
"MirrorTablet" false SPBOOL Mirror tablet, see SP_DRAW_MIRROR_TABLET for details
"NoStrokeEcho" false SPBOOL set stroke echo, see SP_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_MODE for details
"ButtonClickMode" true SPBOOL set button click mode, see SP_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_CLICK for details
"ReleaseFokus" false SPBOOL end acquiry when loosing the focus, see SP_RELEASE_FOCUS for details
"EraseBackground" false SPBOOL erase the background, see SP_ERASE_BACKGROUND for details
"EmulateCursor" false SPBOOL emulate the cursor, see SP_EMULATE_PEN_CURSOR for details
"DisableCursor" false SPBOOL disable the cursor, see SP_DISABLE_CURSOR for details
"DrawBackgroundImage" false SPBOOL display the background image, see SP_DRAW_BACKGROUND_IMAGE for details
"DrawTabletImage" false SPBOOL display the tablet background image, see SP_DRAW_TABLET_IMAGE_IN_WINDOW for details
"DrawBuffered" false SPBOOL double buffer the screen image, see SP_DRAW_BUFFERED for details

Description of parameters passed as XML strings

Virtual Buttons

Several regions on the tablet may be defined as virtual buttons. These regions are passed in a call to either SPGuiAcquRegisterRect or SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2. SPGuiAcquRegisterRect passes all parameters directly, which is a bit simpler to use, but lacks flexibility. SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2 passes an XML string that describes the position, text, font etc. to be displayed within the registered region.

A virtual button is defined by element SPSWVirtualButton. It validates to the SPSignware XML Document Type Description.

Please use the XML declaration to specify the character encoding of the XML document. Supported encodings are ASCII, UTF-8, and ISO-8859-1.

Example (C):

  void registerButton(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGA, const char *aText, RECT rcl, int *piId,
                      pSPGUIACQURECTLISTENER_T pRectListener)
      int rc;
      char szXML[8192];
      _snprintf (szXML, sizeof(szXML),
              "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
              "<!DOCTYPE SPSWObjects SYSTEM "SPSWObjects.dtd">\n"
              "<SPSWVirtualButton DrawFlags=\"%d\">\n"
              "  <SPSWCoordinate Origin=\"tablet\" Left=\"%d\" Right=\"%d\" Top=\"%d\" Bottom=\"%d\" />\n"
              "  <SPSWText Caption=\"%s\" DrawFlags=\"%d\">\n"
              "    <SPSWFont Face=\"Arial\" Size=\"12\" />\n"
              "    <SPSWCoordinate Origin=\"tablet\" Left=\"%d\" Right=\"%d\" Top=\"%d\" Bottom=\"%d\" />\n"
              "  </SPSWText>\n"
              3,          // DrawFlags
              rcl.left, rcl.right,, rcl.bottom,
              pszName,    // caption text
              rcl.left, rcl.right,, rcl.bottom
              );         // DrawFlags
      rc = SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2(pSpGA, piId, szXML, pRectListener);
      return rc;

Text fields

It may be required to dynamically draw text on the screen of a tablet. The text is passed in a call to SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundText. This function requires a string that is interpreted according to the SPSignware XML Document Type Description.

Please use the XML declaration to specify the character encoding of the XML document. Supported encodings are ASCII, UTF-8, and ISO-8859-1.

A text entry is defined by element SPSWText for a single text field, or element SPSWTextFields to define several text regions in one descriptor.

The element SPSWCoordinate is mandatory in text descriptors (although the DTD marks it optional).
If a font is defined with a size of 0, then this will be interpreted as the greatest font size allowing the text to be displayed within the given coordinates. Some restrictions may apply to alignment flags when auto word break is set.

Example (C):

  void addBackroundText(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGA, const char *aText, RECT rcl)
      char szXML[8192];
      int rc;
      _snprintf (szXML, sizeof(szXML),
              "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
              "<!DOCTYPE SPSWObjects SYSTEM "SPSWObjects.dtd">\n"
              "  <SPSWTextFields>\n"
              "    <SPSWText Caption=\"%s\" DrawFlags=\"%d\">\n"
              "      <SPSWCoordinate Origin=\"tablet\" Left=\"%d\" Top=\"%d\" Right=\"%d\" Bottom=\"%d\" />\n"
              "      <SPSWFont Face=\"Arial\" Size=\"12\" />\n"
              "    </SPSWText>\n"
              "  </SPSWTextFields>\n"
              rcl.left,, rcl.right, rcl.bottom);
      rc = SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundText(pSpGA, szXML);
      return rc;

Image fields

It may be required to dynamically draw images on the screen of a tablet. The images are passed in a call to SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundImage. This function requires a string that is interpreted according to the SPSignware XML Document Type Description.

An image is defined by element SPSWImage for a single image, or by element SPSWImageFields for several image regions in one descriptor.

The element SPSWCoordinate is mandatory in image descriptors (although the DTD marks it optional).
Example (C):
  void addBackroundImage(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGA, const char *aImage, int aImageLen, RECT rcl)
      char *pszImage = 0;
      int rc;
      int iBase64 = 0;
      char *pszBase64 = 0;
      SPBase64Encode(aImage, aImageLen, &pszBase64);
      iBase64 = strlen(pszBase64);
      pszImage = malloc(iBase64 + 1024);
      _snprintf (pszImage, iBase64 + 1024,
              "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
              "<!DOCTYPE SPSWObjects SYSTEM "SPSWObjects.dtd">\n"
              "  <SPSWImageFields>\n"
              "    <SPSWImage DrawFlags=\"%d\" Format=\"3\">\n"
              "      <SPSWCoordinate Origin=\"tablet\" Left=\"%d\" Top=\"%d\" Right=\"%d\" Bottom=\"%d\" />\n"
              "    %s\n"
              "    </SPSWImage>\n"
              "  </SPSWImageFields>\n"
              rcl.left,, rcl.right, rcl.bottom,
      rc = SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundImage(pSpGA, pszImage);
      return rc;

Image fields

It may be required to dynamically view documents on the screen of a tablet. The documents are passed in a call to SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundDocument. This function requires a string that is interpreted according to the SPSignware XML Document Type Description.

A document is defined by element SPSWDocument for a single document, or by element SPSWDocumentFields for several document in one descriptor. A document view may add vertical and horizontal sliders, and virtual buttons, predefined built-in actions are zoom-in and zoom-out.

The document descriptor may reference an empty document, the application may assign the document dynamically, see SPAcquireSetDocumentContent, SPGuiAcquSetDocumentContent). The application may add one or more virtual virtual buttons dynamically (see SPAcquireRegisterDocumentRect, SPGuiAcquRegisterDocumentRect).
A typical application will load the generic document descriptor with empty content. It will then render the document to an image and set document content. The application may register virtual buttons for all entry fields in the document.
The application may modify the visual representation of a virtual button whenever the virtual button is registered again (the button id defines which virtual button will be overwritten).
Virtual buttons in a document require an Action attribute, which must ne "none" for buttons that should invoke the registered listener or one of the predefined actions.

The element SPSWCoordinate is mandatory in document descriptors (although the DTD marks it optional).
Example (C):
  void addBackroundDocument(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGA, const char *aDocument, int aDocumentLen, RECT rcl)
      char *pszDocument = 0;
      int rc;
      int iBase64 = 0;
      char *pszBase64 = 0;
      SPBase64Encode(aDocument, aDocumentLen, &pszBase64);
      iBase64 = strlen(pszBase64);
      pszDocument = malloc(iBase64 + 1024);
      _snprintf (pszDocument, iBase64 + 1024,
              "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
              "<!DOCTYPE SPSWObjects SYSTEM "SPSWObjects.dtd">\n"
              " <SPSWDocumentFields>\n"
              "   <SPSWDocument DrawFlags=\"%d\" Format=\"3\">\n"
              "      <SPSWCoordinate Origin=\"tablet\" Left=\"%d\" Top=\"%d\" Right=\"%d\" Bottom=\"%d\" />\n"
              "    %s\n"
              "    <SPSWSlider DrawFlags=\"%d\" Clickable=\"pen-and-mouse\" orientation=\"vertical\" " 
                    " Foreground=\"0x008000\" >\n" 
              "    <SPSWSlider DrawFlags=\""%d" Clickable=\"pen-and-mouse\" orientation=\"horizontal\" " 
                   " Foreground=\"0x008000\" >" 
              "      <SPSWCoordinate Origin=\"Tablet\" Left=\"0\" Right=\"950\" Top=\"850\" Bottom=\"900\" />\n" 
              "    <SPSWVirtualButton DrawFlags=\"" + iDrawFlags + "\" Clickable=\"pen-and-mouse\" "  
                   " Foreground=\"0x008000\" Action=\"zoom-in\" Id=\"0x10000\">" 
              "      <SPSWCoordinate Origin=\"Tablet\" Left=\"100\" Right=\"150\" Top=\"0\" Bottom=\"100\" />\n" 
              "      <SPSWText DrawFlags=\"%d\" Group=\"ButtonGroup\">\n" 
              "        <SPSWFont Face=\"Helvetica\" Size=\"0\" />\n + \n" 
              "      </SPSWText>\n" 
              "    </SPSWVirtualButton>\n" 
              "    <SPSWVirtualButton DrawFlags=\"%d\" Clickable=\"pen-and-mouse\" "  
                   " Foreground=\"0x008000\" Action=\"zoom-out\" Id=\"0x10001\">" 
              "      <SPSWCoordinate Origin=\"Tablet\" Left=\"180\" Right=\"230\" Top=\"0\" Bottom=\"100\" />\n" +
              "      <SPSWText DrawFlags=\"%d\" Group=\"ButtonGroup\">\n" +
              "        <SPSWFont Face=\"Helvetica\" Size=\"0\" />\n - \n" 
              "      </SPSWText>\n" 
              "    </SPSWVirtualButton>\n" 
              "   </SPSWDocument>\n"
              " </SPSWDocumentFields>\n",
              rcl.left,, rcl.right, rcl.bottom,
              0x13 ,
              0x13 ,
              0x13 , 0x13,
              0x13 , 0x13
      rc = SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundDocument(pSpGA, pszDocument);
      return rc;

Mixed image, document and text fields

It may be required to dynamically draw images, documents, text and rectangle on the screen of a tablet. Images, Documents, Rectangles and text are passed in a call to SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundObject. This function requires a string containing an XML document that is interpreted according to SPSignware XML Document Type Description.

Please use the XML declaration to specify the character encoding of the XML document. Supported encodings are ASCII, UTF-8, and ISO-8859-1. Don't forget to use character references for '"' (&quot;), '&' (&amp;), and '<' (&lt;).

SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundObject allows SPSWRect, SPSWRectfields, SPSWVirtualButton, SPSWVirtualButtonfields, SPSWText, SPSWTextfields, SPSWImage, SPSWImageFields, SPSWDocument and SPSWDocumentFields elements. SPSWRect, SPSWRectfields are not assigned an action, these elements will only be drawn. SPSWVirtualButton, SPSWVirtualButtonfields will be assigned to an action defined by the id that must be specified.

SPSignware XML Document Type Description

All SignWare XML strings must comply with these rules (DTD):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!ENTITY % Text "I | B | U | S | Sub | Sup | Font | P | BR | Color">
<!-- Nested text formatting -->

<!ELEMENT SPSWDeviceFields (SPSWDevice+)>
<!ATTLIST SPSWDeviceFields>
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWDevice        one or more SPSWDevice elements

<!ELEMENT SPSWObjects (SPSWRect*, SPSWRectFields?, SPSWVirtualButton*, SPSWVirtualButtonFields?, SPSWText*, SPSWTextFields?, SPSWImage*, SPSWImageFields?, SPSWDocumentFields?, SPSWTabletOption?)>
<!-- Contents: one of
     SPSWRect        zero or more SPSWRect elements
     SPSWRectFields  zero or one SPSWRectFields element
     SPSWRVirtualButton zero or more SPSWVirtualButton elements
     SPSWVirtualButtonFields  zero or one SPSWVirtualButtonFields element
     SPSWText        zero or more SPSWText elements
     SPSWTextFields  zero or one SPSWTextFields element
     SPSWImage       zero or more SPSWImage elements
     SPSWImageFields zero or one SPSWImageFields element
     SPSWDocumentFields zero or one SPSWDocumentFields element
     SPSWTabletOption zero or one SPSWTabletOption element

<!ELEMENT SPSWDevice (SPSWObjects+)>
     Device     CDATA #REQUIRED
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWObjects     one or more SPSWObjects elements

     Device the name of the device:
        Apple iPad
        Apple iPhone
        Apple iPod
        HTC flyer
        Interlink ePos
        Interlink eSig
        Interlink ePad II
        Interlink ePad ID
        Interlink ePad ID Pro
        Interlink eInk
        Interlink eInk Pro
        Interlink ePad LS
        mobile touch            any mobile android device
        Olivetti zPad-B8001
        Samsung GT-N7000
        Stepover blueM III
        Stepover blueM III LCD
        Stepover blueM III LCD_320x240
        Topaz SigLite SE LCD
        Topaz SigLite SE LCD_240x64
        Topaz SigLite SE LCD_240x128
        Topaz SigLite SE LCD_320x240
        Wacom Intuos
        Wacom SIGNPAD_640x480
        Wacom SIGNPAD_396x100
        Wacom SIGNPAD_800x480
        Wacom Graphire
        Wacom PL 400
        Wacom PenPartner

<!ELEMENT SPSWRectFields (SPSWRect+)>
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWRect        one or more SPSWRect elements

<!ELEMENT SPSWVirtualButtonFields (SPSWVirtualButton+)>
<!ATTLIST SPSWVirtualButtonFields>
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWVirtualButton  one or more SPSWVirtualButton elements

<!ELEMENT SPSWTextFields (SPSWText+)>
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWText        one or more SPSWText elements

<!ELEMENT SPSWImageFields (SPSWImage+)>
<!ATTLIST SPSWImageFields>
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWImage       one or more SPSWImage elements

<!ELEMENT SPSWDocumentFields (SPSWDocument+)>
<!ATTLIST SPSWDocumentFields>
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWDocument       one or more SPSWDocument elements

<!ELEMENT SPSWTabletOption (SPSWCoordinate)>
<!ATTLIST SPSWTabletOption
     Screen          (off|on) "off"
     Tablet          (off|on) "off"
     Image           (blackwhite|optimized)  "optimized"
     PenThickness    CDATA #IMPLIED
     PenWidth        CDATA #IMPLIED
     Background      CDATA #IMPLIED
     Foreground      CDATA #IMPLIED
     StrokeEcho      (off|on|undefined) "undefined"
<!-- Contents:

     SPSWCoordinate  coordinate that defines the active signing region
     Screen           "on" to clip vectors outside the signature region on the PC 
                      screen. If screen is off then the vectors will not be rendered
                      and not be added to the signature object.
     Tablet           "on" to clip vectors outside the signature region on the
                      tablet display. Vectors may still be added to the signature if
                      screen equals "on".
     Image           Force the image type, either of the following options
                        - blackwhite: pass a black/white image, even if the
                          Tablet can display color images
                        - optimized pass a color image if the tablet supports color, else pass 
                          a black/white image
     PenThickness Width of the pen to draw pen strokes, range 1 ... 255,
                      1: thin, 255 bold pen, please see SPTabletSetOption("PenThickness") for details
     PenWidth     same as PenThickness
     Background   background color, color of the pen when the pressure is 0, 
                     format: 0x00rrggbb with bb = blue, gg = green, 
                     rr = red, each color being in the range 0x00 through 0xff,
                     specify 0xffffffff to draw transparent background,
                     default is transparent
     Foreground   foreground color, color of the pen when the pressure is maximum
                     format: 0x00rrggbb with bb = blue, gg = green, 
                     rr = red, each color being in the range 0x00 through 0xff,
                     default is 0x00 (black)
     StrokeEcho   turn on or off stroke echo on the tablet LCD, undefined will leave
                     the property unchanged
     Notes: The SPSWTabletOptions element describes a clipping region for tablet vectors.
     All vectors outside the clipping region will not be drawn. Virtual buttons
     outside the clipping region will furtheron be clickable.
     Clipping regions and PenThickness are currently only supported with SignPad STU-520

<!ELEMENT SPSWRect (SPSWCoordinate, SPSWText?, SPSWImage?)>
     Screen          (off|on|fullscreen-tablet-only) "off"
     Tablet          (off|on) "off"
     Enable          (always|external-tablet-only) "always"
     Clickable       (pen|pen-and-mouse) "pen"
     Background      CDATA #IMPLIED
     Foreground      CDATA #IMPLIED
     Penwidth        CDATA #IMPLIED
     DrawFlags       CDATA #IMPLIED
     Diameter        CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWCoordinate  one coordinate element
     SPSWText        zero or one text element
     SPSWImage       zero or one image element

     Screen          "on" to draw the rectangle in the acquiry window,
                     "fullscreen-tablet-only" to draw the rectangle in the
                     acquiry window only on full-screen tablets (Tablet PCs and
                     Wacom PL series)
     Tablet          "on" to draw the rectangle on the tablet LCD
     Enable          "always" to enable the rectangle unconditionally;
                     "external-tablet-only" to disable the rectangle (in the
                     aquiry window and on the tablet LCD) if the tablet
                     has no external LCD
     Background      background color, 0x00rrggbb with bb = blue, gg = green, 
                     rr = red, each color being in the range 0x00 through 0xff,
                     specify 0xffffffff to draw transparent background,
                     default: use current background color
     Foreground      foreground color, 0x00rrggbb with bb = blue, gg = green, 
                     rr = red, each color being in the range 0x00 through 0xff,
                     specify 0xffffffff to draw transparent, default is current pen
     Penwidth        The width of the pen in pixel, default 1 pixel
                     The border is not drawn if the width is set to 0
     DrawFlags       deprecated. A bitwise OR of these values:
         0x00000001  equivalent to Screen="on"
         0x00000002  equivalent to Tablet="on"
         0x00000004  equivalent to Screen="fullscreen-tablet-only"
         0x00000008  equivalent to Enable="external-tablet-only"
         0x00000010  equivalent to Clickable="pen-and-mouse"
     Diameter        The diameter of round edges, pass 0 to draw rectangle edges, 
                     the diameter in pixel is calculated as 
                     min(width_pixel, height_pixel) * Diameter / 100
                     default is 20

<!ELEMENT SPSWVirtualButton (SPSWCoordinate, SPSWText?, SPSWImage?)>
<!ATTLIST SPSWVirtualButton
     Screen          (off|on|fullscreen-tablet-only) "off"
     Tablet          (off|on) "off"
     Enable          (always|external-tablet-only) "always"
     Clickable       (pen|pen-and-mouse) "pen"
     Background      CDATA #IMPLIED
     Foreground      CDATA #IMPLIED
     Penwidth        CDATA #IMPLIED
     DrawFlags       CDATA #IMPLIED
     Diameter        CDATA #IMPLIED
     Id              CDATA #REQUIRED
     Action          (none|zoom-in|zoom-out) "none"
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWCoordinate  one coordinate element
     SPSWText        zero or one text element
     SPSWImage       zero or one image element

     Screen          "on" to draw the rectangle in the acquiry window,
                     "fullscreen-tablet-only" to draw the rectangle in the
                     acquiry window only on full-screen tablets (Tablet PCs and
                     Wacom PL series)
     Tablet          "on" to draw the rectangle on the tablet LCD
     Enable          "always" to enable the rectangle unconditionally;
                     "external-tablet-only" to disable the rectangle (in the
                     aquiry window and on the tablet LCD) if the tablet
                     has no external LCD
     Background      background color, 0x00rrggbb with bb = blue, gg = green, 
                     rr = red, each color being in the range 0x00 through 0xff,
                     specify 0xffffffff to draw transparent background,
                     default: use current background color
     Foreground      foreground color, 0x00rrggbb with bb = blue, gg = green, 
                     rr = red, each color being in the range 0x00 through 0xff,
                     specify 0xffffffff to draw transparent, default is current pen
     Penwidth        The width of the pen in pixel, default 1 pixel
                     The border is not drawn if the width is set to 0
     DrawFlags       deprecated. A bitwise OR of these values:
         0x00000001  equivalent to Screen="on"
         0x00000002  equivalent to Tablet="on"
         0x00000004  equivalent to Screen="fullscreen-tablet-only"
         0x00000008  equivalent to Enable="external-tablet-only"
         0x00000010  equivalent to Clickable="pen-and-mouse"
     Diameter        The diameter of round edges, pass 0 to draw rectangle edges, 
                     the diameter in pixel is calculated as 
                     min(width_pixel, height_pixel) * Diameter / 100
                     default is 20
     Id              unique identifier for the button. The application must know
                     the Id and must be able to respond to clicks on the virtual
                     button identified by this Id. Range 1 .. 65535
     Action          predefined built-in action, only if the button is embedded
                     in a document, else the action will be ignored

<!ATTLIST SPSWCoordinate
     Origin (tablet | window | absscreen | document) #REQUIRED
     Left            CDATA #REQUIRED
     Right           CDATA #REQUIRED
     Top             CDATA #REQUIRED
     Bottom          CDATA #REQUIRED
<!-- Attributes:
     Origin          origin for the coordinates:
                        tablet:    all coordinates are relative to the top
                                   left corner of the tablet
                        window:    all coordinates are relative to the top
                                   left corner of the according window
                        absscreen: all coordinates are relative to the top
                                   left corner of the PC screen
                        document:  all coordinates are relative to the top
                                   left corner of the parent document, only
                                   applicable to SPSWVirtualButton elements that
                                   are embedded in a document
     Left            the left position [in parts per thousand]
     Right           the right position [in parts per thousand]
     Top             the top position [in parts per thousand]
     Bottom          the bottom position [in parts per thousand]

     Notes: some objects do not support all origins.
     The SPImage parser maps all coordinates to the base image size

<!ELEMENT SPSWText (#PCDATA | SPSWCoordinate | SPSWFont | %Text;)* >
     Screen          (off|on|fullscreen-tablet-only) "off"
     Tablet          (off|on) "off"
     HAlign          (left|center|right) "left"
     VAlign          (top|center|bottom) "center"
     LineBreak       (off|simple) "off"
     Tabs            (space|expand) "space"
     Path            CDATA #IMPLIED
     Group           CDATA #IMPLIED
     Format          CDATA #IMPLIED
     Default         CDATA #IMPLIED
     DrawFlags       CDATA #IMPLIED
     Alignment       CDATA #IMPLIED
     Caption         CDATA #IMPLIED
     Background      CDATA #IMPLIED
     Foreground      CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWCoordinate  zero or one coordinate element, coordinate is
                     required if the text is not embedded e. g. in a SPSWRect
     SPSWFont        zero or one font element (see also the Font, B,
                     I, etc. elements). The system font will be used if no
                     SPSWFont element is specified.
     Text with formatting elements. Whitespace immediately after start tags
     and immediately before end tags is ignored. Sequences of whitespace
     characters are collapsed, the formatting attributes of the first
     whitespace character of such a sequence will be used.

     Screen          "on" to draw the text in the acquiry window,
                     "fullscreen-tablet-only" to draw the text in the
                     acquiry window only on full-screen tablets (Tablet PCs and
                     Wacom PL series)
     Tablet          "on" to draw the text on the tablet LCD
     HAlign          horizontal alignment
     VAlign          vertical alignment
     LineBreak       "simple" for simple automatic word break (multi line),
                     "off" for a single line (with truncation)
     Tabs            "space" to replace a TAB character with a single
                     space character, "expand" to expand to spaces to
                     get to move to the next multiple of 8 characters (works
                     for fixed-width fonts only); not used if the text
                     is specified inside the SPSWText element (ie, used only
                     if the text is specified by the Caption or Default
     Path            the pathname for values 1 (file-utf-8), file-xml and 
                     5 (file-latin-1) of the Format attribute
     Group           a group name, all group members share the same font size
                     when using auto font size calculation, default is no group
     Format          one of the following values:
         "base64"        the Caption attribute contains the Base64-encoded text
                         (text is UTF-8-encoded)
         "file-latin-1"  the Path attribute (or the Caption attribute, if
                         present) specifies the name of a file containing
                         Latin-1-encoded text
         "file-utf-8"    the Path attribute (or the Caption attribute, if
                         present) specifies the name of a file containing
                         UTF-8-encoded text
         "file-xml"      the Path attribute (or the Caption attribute, if
                         present) specifies the name of a file containing
                         the text with XML markup.
                         The XML document must conform to SPSWObjects.dtd and
                         must contain exactly one SPSWText element (called
                         "that SPSWText element" in this description, while
                         "this SPSWText element" is the one having the
                         Format="file-xml" attribute).
                         That SPSWText element must not have Caption, Default,
                         Format, and Path attributes; any other attributes
                         override the attributes of this SPSWText element.
                         If that SPSWText element contains SPSWCoordinate or
                         SPSWFont elements, those elements will override the
                         respective elements of this SPSWText element.
                         Apart from SPSWCoordinate and SPSWFont, this
                         SPSWText element must not contain any contents.
         "text"          the element (or the Caption attribute, if present)
                         contains the text (default)
         "zlib-base64"   the Caption attribute contains the zlib-compressed and
                         then Base64-encoded text (text is UTF-8-encoded)
         0x00000001  deprecated, equivalent to "file-utf-8"
         0x00000002  deprecated, equvialent to "text"
         0x00000003  deprecated, equvialent to "base64"
         0x00000004  deprecated, equvialent to "zlib-base64"
         0x00000005  deprecated, equvialent to "file-latin-1"
     Default         the text that will be displayed if Caption cannot be
                     resolved (empty, file not found etc)
     DrawFlags       deprecated. A bitwise OR of these values:
         0x00000001  equivalent to Screen="on"
         0x00000002  equivalent to the Tablet attribute
         0x00000004  equivalent to Screen="fullscreen-tablet-only"
     Alignment       deprecated. A bitwise OR of these values:
         0x00000000  equivalent to HAlign=left (default)
         0x00000001  equivalent to HAlign=center
         0x00000002  equivalent to HAlign=right
         0x00000000  equivalent to VAlign=top
         0x00000004  equivalent to VAlign=center (default)
         0x00000008  equivalent to VAlign=bottom
         0x00000010  equivalent to LineBreak=simple
         0x00000020  equivalent to LineBreak=off (default)
         0x00000040  equivalent to Tabs=expand
     Caption         deprecated. The text to be displayed (or the pathname
                     of the file).
                     If this attribute is present, its value will
                     be used instead of the element's contents (except for
                     SPSWCoordinate and SPSWFont) and instead of the Path
                     attribute, depending on the value of the Format
                     attribute. To use formatted text, this attribute must
                     be omitted
     Background      background color, 0x00rrggbb with bb = blue, gg = green, 
                     rr = red, each color being in the range 0x00 through 0xff,
                     specify 0xffffffff to draw transparent background,
                     default: use current text background color
     Foreground      foreground color, 0x00rrggbb with bb = blue, gg = green, 
                     rr = red, each color being in the range 0x00 through 0xff,
                     default: use current text color

If the Format-attribute specifies a file (file-latin-1, file-utf-8 or file-xml)
then this search order is used to locate the file:
    - current folder
    - executable folder
    - folder defined in USERPROFILE\SOFTPRO environment
    - folder defined in USERPROFILE environment
    - folder defined in HOMEPATH\SOFTPRO environment
    - folder defined in HOMEPATH environment
    - folder defined in ALLUSERSPROFILE\SOFTPRO environment
    - folder defined in ALLUSERSPROFILE environment
    - folder defined in APPDATA\SOFTPRO environment
    - folder defined in APPDATA environment
    - all folders defined in PATH environment
    - Windows folder
    - System folder

<!ELEMENT B (#PCDATA | %Text;)*>    <!-- bold -->
<!ELEMENT I (#PCDATA | %Text;)*>    <!-- italic -->
<!ELEMENT U (#PCDATA | %Text;)*>    <!-- underline -->
<!ELEMENT S (#PCDATA | %Text;)*>    <!-- strike-through -->
<!ELEMENT Sub (#PCDATA | %Text;)*>  <!-- subscript -->
<!ELEMENT Sup (#PCDATA | %Text;)*>  <!-- superscript -->

<!-- If U and S elements are nested, the innermost one will take

     If Sub and Sup elements are nested, the innermost one will take

<!ELEMENT BR EMPTY>  <!-- line break. Don't forget the end tag! -->

<!ELEMENT P (#PCDATA | %Text;)*>    <!-- start new paragraph -->
<!-- Attributes:
     LineSkip       Distance between baselines in points; by default, the
                    distance is controlled by font metrics.  If the value
                    starts with +, multiply the distance by the number
                    following +, if the value starts with -, divide the
                    distance by the number follwing -. Examples:
                    <P LineSkip="10">      10 points
                    <P LineSkip="+1.0">    Default
                    <P LineSkip="-1.2">    Divide distance by 1.2

<!ELEMENT Color (#PCDATA | %Text;)*>  <!-- text color -->
                Background CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Attributes:
     Foreground     The text color, format 0x00rrggbb with bb = blue, gg = green, 
                    rr = red, each color being in the range 0x00 through 0xff,
                    default is black (0x00000000)
     Backround      The background color, format 0x00rrggbb with bb = blue, gg = green, 
                    rr = red, each color being in the range 0x00 through 0xff,
                    specify 0xffffffff to draw transparent background,
                    default: use current text background color

<!ELEMENT Font (#PCDATA | %Text;)*>
               Size CDATA #IMPLIED>
  Attributes (at least one must be specified):
    Face            Face name of the font family (keep current face name one
                    if omitted)
    Size            Absolute font size in points or font magnification
                    (relative font size) if starting with + or - (keep the
                    current font size if omitted). Examples:
                      <Font Size="12">     Switch to 12 points
                      <Font Size="+1.2">   Multiply current font size with 1.2
                      <Font Size="-1.2">   Divide current font size by 1.2

<!ELEMENT SPSWImage (#PCDATA | SPSWCoordinate)*>
     Format          CDATA #REQUIRED
     Screen          (off|on|fullscreen-tablet-only) "off"
     Tablet          (off|on) "off"
     Mode            (opaque|transparent) "opaque"
     DrawFlags       CDATA #IMPLIED
     Width           CDATA #IMPLIED
     Height          CDATA #IMPLIED
     FillColor       CDATA #IMPLIED
     TransparentColor CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWCoordinate  zero or one coordinate element, coordinate is
                     required if the image is not embedded e.g. in an SPSWRect

     Format          image format, one of the following values:
         "base64"       Base64-encoded bitmap
         "binary"       binary bitmap  (it may be difficult to embed binary data
         "empty"        create an empty image (width and height must be specified)
         "file"         fully qualified file name (on the local file system,
                        http or ftp requests are not supported)
         "zlib-base64"  Base64-encoded compressed bitmap
         0x00000001     deprecated, equivalent to "file"
         0x00000002     deprecated, equivalent to "binary"
         0x00000003     deprecated, equivalent to "base64"
         0x00000004     deprecated, equivalent to "zlib-base64"
         0x00000005     deprecated, equivalent to "empty"
     Screen          "on" to draw the image in the acquiry window,
                     "fullscreen-tablet-only" to draw the image in the acquiry
                     window only on full-screen tablets (Tablet PCs and
                     Wacom PL series)
     Tablet          draw the image on the tablet LCD if "on"
     Mode            draw the image transparently (bitwise AND with background)
                     if "transparent"
     Width           image width (optional, may be 0), required for empty images
     Height          image height (optional, may be 0), required for empty images
     DrawFlags:      deprecated. A bitwise OR of these values:
         0x00000001  equivalent to Screen="on"
         0x00000002  equivalent to Tablet="on"
         0x00000004  equivalent to Screen="fullscreen-tablet-only"
         0x00000010  equivalent to Mode="transparent"
     FillColor       The image will be filled with FillColor if Format equals "empty".
                     Color format: 0xrrggbb, rr: red, gg: green, bb: blue
                     The default fill color is white (xFFFFFF)
     TransparentColor The color that should be made transparent, if transparent mode
                     is activated, 
                     Color format: 0xrrggbb, rr: red, gg: green, bb: blue
                     The default transparent color is white (0xFFFFFF) 

If the Format-attribute specifies a file (file) then this search order is used
to locate the file:
    - current folder
    - executable folder
    - folder defined in USERPROFILE\SOFTPRO environment
    - folder defined in USERPROFILE environment
    - folder defined in HOMEPATH\SOFTPRO environment
    - folder defined in HOMEPATH environment
    - folder defined in ALLUSERSPROFILE\SOFTPRO environment
    - folder defined in ALLUSERSPROFILE environment
    - folder defined in APPDATA\SOFTPRO environment
    - folder defined in APPDATA environment
    - all folders defined in PATH environment
    - Windows folder
    - System folder

<!ELEMENT SPSWSlider (SPSWCoordinate)*>
     Screen          (off|on|fullscreen-tablet-only) "off"
     Tablet          (off|on) "off"
     Enable          (always | external-tablet-only) "always"
     Clickable       (pen|pen-and-mouse) "pen"
     Background      CDATA #IMPLIED
     Foreground      CDATA #IMPLIED
     Slider          CDATA #IMPLIED
     Orientation     (vertical|horizontal) #REQUIRED
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWCoordinate  zero or one coordinate element, required if the slider is not embedded in a 
                     SPSWDocument object
                     The SPSWDocument places horizontal sliders at the bottom and
                     vertical sliders at the right side of the document

     Screen          "on" to draw the image in the acquiry window,
                     "fullscreen-tablet-only" to draw the image in the acquiry
                     window only on full-screen tablets (Tablet PCs and
                     Wacom PL series)
     Tablet          draw the image on the tablet LCD if "on"
     Enable          "always" to enable the rectangle unconditionally;
                     "external-tablet-only" to disable the rectangle (in the
                     aquiry window and on the tablet LCD) if the tablet
                     has no external LCD
     Background      background color, 0x00rrggbb with bb = blue, gg = green, 
                     rr = red, each color being in the range 0x00 through 0xff,
                     specify 0xffffffff to draw transparent background,
                     default: use current background color
     Foreground      foreground color, 0x00rrggbb with bb = blue, gg = green, 
                     rr = red, each color being in the range 0x00 through 0xff,
                     specify 0xffffffff to draw transparent, default is current pen
     DrawFlags       deprecated. A bitwise OR of these values:
         0x00000001  equivalent to Screen="on"
         0x00000002  equivalent to Tablet="on"
         0x00000004  equivalent to Screen="fullscreen-tablet-only"
         0x00000008  equivalent to Enable="external-tablet-only"
         0x00000010  equivalent to Clickable="pen-and-mouse"
    Orientation      vertical | horizontal

<!ELEMENT SPSWDocument (#PCDATA | SPSWCoordinate | SPSWSlider | SPSWVirtualButton)*>
     Format          CDATA #REQUIRED
     Screen          (off|on|fullscreen-tablet-only) "off"
     Tablet          (off|on) "off"
     Mode            (opaque|transparent) "opaque"
     DrawFlags       CDATA #IMPLIED
     Width           CDATA #IMPLIED
     Height          CDATA #IMPLIED
     FillColor       CDATA #IMPLIED
     TransparentColor CDATA #IMPLIED
     Zoom            CDATA #IMPLIED
     Id              CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- Contents:
     SPSWCoordinate  one coordinate element, coordinate is
                     required if the image is not embedded e.g. in an SPSWRect
     SPSWSlider      zero or more slider elements to scroll the document horizontally or vertically
     SPSWVirtualButton zero or more virtual buttons. The SPSWDocument object supports 
                     built-in actions zoom-in and zoom-out

     Format          image format, one of the following values:
         "base64"       Base64-encoded bitmap
         "binary"       binary bitmap  (it may be difficult to embed binary data
         "empty"        create an empty image (width and height must be specified)
         "file"         fully qualified file name (on the local file system,
                        http or ftp requests are not supported)
                        in XML)
         "zlib-base64"  Base64-encoded compressed bitmap
         0x00000001     deprecated, equivalent to "file"
         0x00000002     deprecated, equivalent to "binary"
         0x00000003     deprecated, equivalent to "base64"
         0x00000004     deprecated, equivalent to "zlib-base64"
         0x00000005     deprecated, equivalent to "empty"
     Screen          "on" to draw the image in the acquiry window,
                     "fullscreen-tablet-only" to draw the image in the acquiry
                     window only on full-screen tablets (Tablet PCs and
                     Wacom PL series)
     Tablet          draw the image on the tablet LCD if "on"
     Mode            draw the image transparently (bitwise AND with background)
                     if "transparent"
     Width           image width (optional, may be 0), required for empty images
     Height          image height (optional, may be 0), required for empty images
     DrawFlags:      deprecated. A bitwise OR of these values:
         0x00000001  equivalent to Screen="on"
         0x00000002  equivalent to Tablet="on"
         0x00000004  equivalent to Screen="fullscreen-tablet-only"
         0x00000010  equivalent to Mode="transparent"
     FillColor       The image will be filled with FillColor if Format equals "empty".
                     Color format: 0xrrggbb, rr: red, gg: green, bb: blue
                     The default fill color is white (xFFFFFF)
     TransparentColor The color that should be made transparent, if transparent mode
                     is activated, 
                     Color format: 0xrrggbb, rr: red, gg: green, bb: blue
                     The default transparent color is white (0xFFFFFF) 
     Zoom            FitWidth, FitHeight, FitAll or the zoom factor, e. g. 2.0
     Id              optional unique identifier for the document. 
                     Range 1 .. 65535

If the Format-attribute specifies a file (file) then this search order is used
to locate the file:
    - current folder
    - executable folder
    - folder defined in USERPROFILE\SOFTPRO environment
    - folder defined in USERPROFILE environment
    - folder defined in HOMEPATH\SOFTPRO environment
    - folder defined in HOMEPATH environment
    - folder defined in ALLUSERSPROFILE\SOFTPRO environment
    - folder defined in ALLUSERSPROFILE environment
    - folder defined in APPDATA\SOFTPRO environment
    - folder defined in APPDATA environment
    - all folders defined in PATH environment
    - Windows folder
    - System folder

     Face            CDATA #REQUIRED
     Size            CDATA #REQUIRED
     Flags           CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- Attributes:
     Face            the face name of the font family
     Size            the size of the font (in points)
     Flags           deprecated (use B, I, U, S, Sup, and Sub).
                     A bitwise OR of these values:
         0x00000001  Bold
         0x00000002  Italic
         0x00000004  Underline
         0x00000008  StrikeOut
         0x00000010  SuperScript (only supported in embedded formatting options)
         0x00000020  Subscript (only supported in embedded formatting options)


typedef int(_cdecl * pSPGUIACQUBUTTON_T )(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iButtonId, SPINT32 iPress)
 Callback function that is called when a hardware button is pressed on the tablet.
typedef int(_cdecl * pSPGUIACQUDOCRECTLISTENER_T )(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, SPUINT32 iDocId, SPUINT32 uRectId)
 Callback function that is called when a virtual button (registered rectangle) is 'clicked'.
typedef int(_cdecl * pSPGUIACQULINETO_T )(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iX, SPINT32 iY, SPINT32 iPress, SPINT32 iTime)
 Callback function that is called for each vector.
typedef int(_cdecl * pSPGUIACQURECTLISTENER_T )(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, SPUINT32 uId)
 Callback function that is called when a virtual button (registered rectangle) is 'clicked'.
typedef int(_cdecl * pSPGUIACQUSTATUS_T )(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, int iMajor, int iDetail)
 Callback function that is called when the tablet hardware status changes, please read tablet status change notifications for more details.
typedef int(_cdecl * pSPGUIACQUTIMEOUT2_T )(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu)
 Callback function that is called when a timeout occurs.
typedef int(_cdecl * pSPGUIACQUTIMEOUT_T )(SPVPTR ulOptParameter)
 Callback function that is called when a timeout occurs.


SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquAcquire (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu)
 Start tablet acquiry mode.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquAcquireDone (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iResult)
 Terminate tablet acquiry mode.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundDocument (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, const SPCHAR *pszXMLDocumentDescription)
 Add documents to the tablet LCD screen or the acquiry window.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundImage (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, const SPCHAR *pszXMLImageDescription)
 Add images to the tablet LCD screen or the acquiry window.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundObject (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, const SPCHAR *pszXMLDescription)
 Add images, rectangles and text fields to the tablet LCD screen or the acquiry window.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundText (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, const SPCHAR *pszXMLTextDescription)
 Add some text to the tablet LCD screen or the acquiry window.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquClearEntries (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, int iFlags)
 Clear all internal signature data of any acquiries of an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquConnect (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iDriver)
 Connect to a tablet specified by driver number.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquConnectByAlias (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, const char *pszAlias)
 Connect to a tablet specified by an alias name.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquConnectByEnum (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, pSPPROPERTYMAP_T spDescriptor)
 Connect to a tablet specified by a descriptor.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquConnectEx (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, const char *pszTabletClass, const char *pszConfig)
 Connect to a tablet specified by class name.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquCreate (pSPGUIACQU_T *ppSPGuiAcqu, SPHWND hwndParent)
 Create an SPGuiAcqu object (window).
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquCreateInClient (pSPGUIACQU_T *ppSPGuiAcqu, SPHWND hwndChild, SPHWND hwndParent)
 Create an SPGuiAcqu object inside a given window.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquCreateTablet (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iDriver)
 Create the native tablet object that is required to connect to or acquire from the tablet hardware.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquCreateTabletByAlias (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, const char *pszAlias)
 Create a new SPTablet object based on an Alias.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquCreateTabletByEnum (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, pSPPROPERTYMAP_T spDescriptor)
 Create a new SPTablet object based on an enumeration.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquCreateTabletEx (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, const char *pszTabletClass, const char *pszConfig)
 Create a native tablet object specified by class name.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquDisconnect (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu)
 Disconnect from a tablet.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquFree (pSPGUIACQU_T *ppSPGuiAcqu)
 Free all resources used by an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 SPGuiAcquGetBackgroundColor (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPINT32 *piBackgroundColor)
 Get the background color.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetBackgroundImage (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iSource, pSPIMAGE_T *ppImage)
 Get the background image as it is displayed on the tablet or the PC screen.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetBackgroundText (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iSource, SPCHAR **ppszText)
 Get the background text as it is displayed on the tablet.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetBoolProperty (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, const SPCHAR *pszName, SPBOOL *pbValue)
 Query a property.
SPINT32 SPGuiAcquGetBorder (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPINT32 *piBorder)
 Get the size of the border in an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetDrawMode (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, SPINT32 *piDrawMode)
 Get the draw mode of an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 SPGuiAcquGetForegroundColor (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPINT32 *piForegroundColor)
 Get the foreground color.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetHwnd (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPHWND *pHwnd)
 Get the window handle of the window associated with an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetHwndRect (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, RECT *pRect)
 Get the rectangle (size) of an SPGuiAcqu object's window.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetIntProperty (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, const SPCHAR *pszName, SPINT32 *piValue)
 Query a property.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetReference (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, pSPREFERENCE_T *ppReference)
 Get the reference after a signature or reference acquiry.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetSignature (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature)
 Get the signature during acquiry mode.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetTablet (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, pSPTABLET_T *ppTablet)
 Get the associated SPTablet object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetTabletRect (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, RECT *pRect)
 Get the rectangle (size) of an SPGuiAcqu object's tablet window.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetUserLong (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPVPTR *plUser)
 Get the optional user parameter of an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquNew (pSPGUIACQU_T *ppSPGuiAcqu)
 Create an SPGuiAcqu object (window).
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquRegisterComponent (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPHWND hwndComponent)
 Register a component in acquiry mode.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquRegisterDocumentRect (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, SPUINT32 aId, const SPCHAR *pszVirtualButtonDescription)
 Register a virtual button in a document.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquRegisterRect (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPUINT32 *pId, pSPRECT_T rcl, SPINT32 iFlags, const SPCHAR *pszName, pSPGUIACQURECTLISTENER_T pVirtualButtonListener)
 Register a virtual button or rectangle in acquiry mode.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2 (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPUINT32 *pId, const SPCHAR *pszVirtualButtonDescription, pSPGUIACQURECTLISTENER_T pVirtualButtonListener)
 Register a virtual button or rectangle in acquiry mode.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquRemoveBackgroundObjects (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui)
 Remove images, text and rectangle fields from the tablet LCD screen or the acquiry window.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetActive (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, SPBOOL bActive)
 Activate / deactivate the acquire window.
SPINT32 SPGuiAcquSetBackgroundColor (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iBackgroundColor)
 Set the background color.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetBackgroundImage (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, const SPUCHAR *pbImage, SPINT32 iImageLen)
 Set the background image of a tablet that includes an LCD display.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetBackgroundObjects (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, pSPBACKGROUNDOBJECTS_T pSpBackgroundObjects)
 Set images, text fields or rectangles to the tablet LCD screen or the acquiry window.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetBoolProperty (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, const SPCHAR *pszName, SPBOOL bValue)
 Set a property.
SPINT32 SPGuiAcquSetBorder (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iBorder)
 Set the size of the border in an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetButtonListener (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, pSPGUIACQURECTLISTENER_T pRectListener, pSPGUIACQUBUTTON_T pButtonListener)
 Set the tablet button listener.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetClient (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPHWND hwndChild, SPHWND hwndParent)
 Create visual components for a SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetDocumentContent (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, SPINT32 aId, const SPCHAR *pContent, SPINT32 iContent, SPINT32 aFormat)
 Set the content of a document.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetDocumentListener (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, pSPGUIACQUDOCRECTLISTENER_T pListener)
 Register a virtual button listener for buttons which are assigned to a specific document.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetDrawMode (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, SPINT32 iDrawMode)
 Set the draw mode of an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 SPGuiAcquSetForegroundColor (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iForegroundColor)
 Set the foreground color.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetIntProperty (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, const SPCHAR *pszName, SPINT32 iValue)
 Set a property.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetStatusListener (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, pSPGUIACQUSTATUS_T pNotifyStatus)
 Set the hardware status listener of an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetTicket (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, pSPTICKET_T pTicket)
 Pass a license ticket for the next signature capture(s).
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetTimeout (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGui, pSPGUIACQUTIMEOUT_T pTimeoutListener, SPVPTR ulOptParameter, SPINT32 iTimeout)
 Set the timeout of an acquiry of an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetTimeout2 (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iTimeout)
 Set the timeout of an acquiry of an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetTimeoutListener (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, pSPGUIACQUTIMEOUT2_T pNotifyTimeout)
 Set the hardware status listener of an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetUserLong (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPVPTR lUser)
 Set the optional user parameter of an SPGuiAcqu object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetVectorListener (pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, pSPGUIACQULINETO_T pNotifyVector)
 Set a vector listener of an SPAcquire object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquUnregisterAllComponents (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu)
 Unregister all components in acquiry mode.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquUnregisterAllRects (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu)
 Unregister all virtual buttons in acquiry mode.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquUnregisterComponent (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPHWND hwndComponent)
 Unregister a component in acquiry mode.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquUnregisterRect (pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu, SPUINT32 uId)
 Unregister a virtual button in acquiry mode.

Typedef Documentation

typedef int( _cdecl * pSPGUIACQUBUTTON_T)(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iButtonId, SPINT32 iPress)

Callback function that is called when a hardware button is pressed on the tablet.

A pointer to a function that is called to notify the application about a hardware tablet button being pressed during acquiry mode.

pSpGuiAcqu [i] pointer to the SPGuiAcqu object for which the callback function has been registered.
iButtonId [i] a value identifying the button that was pressed. The value depends on the tablet, see Tablet Hardware button Assignment
iPress [i] the value depends on the tablet, see Tablet Hardware button Assignment.
See also:
0 on success, else error code, error codes are not evaluated

typedef int( _cdecl * pSPGUIACQUDOCRECTLISTENER_T)(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, SPUINT32 iDocId, SPUINT32 uRectId)

Callback function that is called when a virtual button (registered rectangle) is 'clicked'.

pSpGuiAcqu [i] pointer to the associated pSPGUIACQU_T object
uDocId [i] the identifier of the document that was clicked.
uRectId [i] the identifier of the rectangle that was clicked.
0 on success, else error code, error codes are not evaluated
See also:
SPGuiAcquRegisterRect, SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2

typedef int( _cdecl * pSPGUIACQULINETO_T)(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, SPINT32 iX, SPINT32 iY, SPINT32 iPress, SPINT32 iTime)

Callback function that is called for each vector.

A pointer to a function that is called for every significant vector (sample) received from the tablet in acquiry mode.

SPAcquire handles all vectors internally, typically an application does not handle vectors.
pSpGuiAcqu [i] pointer to the SPGuiAcqu object that generated the event.
iX [i] the X coordinate (in tablet coordinates) of the vector.
iY [i] the Y coordinate (in tablet coordinates) of the vector.
iPress [i] the pressure value of the vector, normalized to 0 through 1023.
iTime [i] the time value of the vector, may be -1 if the time is not measured.
always SP_NOERR, currently ignored.

typedef int( _cdecl * pSPGUIACQURECTLISTENER_T)(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, SPUINT32 uId)

Callback function that is called when a virtual button (registered rectangle) is 'clicked'.

pSpGuiAcqu [i] pointer to the associated pSPGUIACQU_T object
uId [i] the identifier of the rectangle that was clicked.
0 on success, else error code, error codes are not evaluated
See also:
SPGuiAcquRegisterRect, SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2

typedef int( _cdecl * pSPGUIACQUSTATUS_T)(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu, int iMajor, int iDetail)

Callback function that is called when the tablet hardware status changes, please read tablet status change notifications for more details.

A pointer to a function that is called to notify the application about tablet hardware status changes.

pSpGuiAcqu [i] pointer to the associated SPGuiAcqu object
iMajor [i] major event description
iDetail detail event description
0 on success, else error code, error codes are not evaluated
See also:

typedef int( _cdecl * pSPGUIACQUTIMEOUT2_T)(pSPGUIACQU_T pSpGuiAcqu)

Callback function that is called when a timeout occurs.

A pointer to a function that is called to notify the application about a timeout condition during acquiry mode.

pSpGuiAcqu [i] pointer to the associated SPGuiAcqu object
0 on success, else error code, error codes are not evaluated
See also:
SPGuiAcquAcquire, SPGuiAcquSetTimeout

typedef int( _cdecl * pSPGUIACQUTIMEOUT_T)(SPVPTR ulOptParameter)

Callback function that is called when a timeout occurs.

A pointer to a function that is called to notify the application about a timeout condition during acquiry mode.

ulOptParameter [i] the user-defined parameter that was passed when the callback function was registered.
0 on success, else error code, error codes are not evaluated
See also:
SPGuiAcquAcquire, SPGuiAcquSetTimeout

Function Documentation

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquAcquire pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu  ) 

Start tablet acquiry mode.

Switch the tablet into acquiry mode.

SPTablet switches the tablet from pointer mode to pen entry mode during acquiry. Any registered rectangles will be notified in pen entry mode when the pen is pressed on a rectangle.

Pen entry mode is exclusive and will not send any pointer move notifications to any application.

This function enables aquiry mode and returns immediately. The actual state change of the tablet is signaled by callback functions, see SPAcquireSetStatusListener.

Further callbacks are called during aquiry mode, see SPAcquireSetTimeout, SPAcquireRegisterRect, SPAcquireRegisterRect2, SPAcquireSetButtonListener.

Events resulting in callbacks being called are stored in a queue. If the object was created by SPGuiAcquCreate or SPGuiAcquCreateInClient, or if SP_GAWW_EVENTS was set in iFlags of SPGuiAcquCreateWithoutWindow, the system's queue will be used, that is, either the Windows message queue (for Windows) or the X11 event queue (for X11, not yet implemented). If SP_GAWW_EVENTS was not set in iFlags of SPGuiAcquCreateWithoutWindow, an event queue internal to SignWare will be used.

In all cases, the queue must be read. This is done by

  • using a message loop under Windows (SP_GAWW_EVENTS was set)
  • or using an X11 event loop under Linux (SP_GAWW_EVENTS was set, not yet implemented)
  • or calling SPGuiAcquAcquireWait
  • or calling SPGuiAcquAcquireProcessMessages in a loop.
SPGuiAcquAcquireWait processes events and waits until SPGuiAcquAcquireDone is called, e. g. in response to a virtual button click notification.

Acquire mode will not be activated directly but may be delayed due to limitations caused by some drivers. This means that errors that occur while processing the state switch may not be passed to the application.
The application may set a timer to check the state of the tablet object, the state will be SP_TABLET_STATE_ACQUIRE on success. Some drivers notify the application if errors are detected while switching to acquiry mode by calling the registered status callback, see SPAcquireSetStatusListener.
pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAcquireWait, SPTabletAcquire, SPTabletAcquireDone

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquAcquireDone pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPINT32  iResult

Terminate tablet acquiry mode.

Turn off tablet aquiry mode.

This function makes SPGuiAcquAcquireWait return.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
iResult [i] command; either SP_IDOK (add signature to reference) or SP_IDCANCEL (ignore signature)
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquGetReference, SPGuiAcquGetSignature, SPTabletAcquire, SPTabletAcquireDone


SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundDocument pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,
const SPCHAR pszXMLDocumentDescription

Add documents to the tablet LCD screen or the acquiry window.

The XML string is described in Image fields, element SPSWDocumentFields must be used.

The Objects will be displayed on an (optional) LCD screen when the application calls SPGuiAcquAcquire

pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pszXMLDocumentDescription [i] string containing the XML description of the documents.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundObject, SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundImage, SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundText, SPGuiAcquRemoveBackgroundObjects

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundImage pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,
const SPCHAR pszXMLImageDescription

Add images to the tablet LCD screen or the acquiry window.

The XML string is described in Image fields, element SPSWImageFields must be used.

The Objects will be displayed on an (optional) LCD screen when the application calls SPGuiAcquAcquire

pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pszXMLImageDescription [i] string containing the XML description of the images.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundObject, SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundText, SPGuiAcquRemoveBackgroundObjects

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundObject pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,
const SPCHAR pszXMLDescription

Add images, rectangles and text fields to the tablet LCD screen or the acquiry window.

The XML string is described in Mixed image, document and text fields. Element SPSWObjects must be the root element, SPSWImageFileds, SPSWImage, SPSWRect, SPSWRectFields, SPSWTextFields and SPSWText elements will be displayed.

SPSWRect and SPSWRectFields will be displayed but cannot be clicked, use SPGuiAcquRegisterRect or SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2 to define virtual buttons.
The Objects will be displayed on an (optional) LCD screen when the application calls SPGuiAcquAcquire

pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pszXMLDescription [i] string containing the XML description of the images and texts.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundText, SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundImage, SPGuiAcquRemoveBackgroundObjects

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundText pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,
const SPCHAR pszXMLTextDescription

Add some text to the tablet LCD screen or the acquiry window.

The XML string is described in Text fields, element SPSWTextFields must be used.

The Objects will be displayed on an (optional) LCD screen when the application calls SPGuiAcquAcquire

pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pszXMLTextDescription [i] a description of the text, position and font to be included.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundObject, SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundImage, SPGuiAcquRemoveBackgroundObjects

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquClearEntries pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,
int  iFlags

Clear all internal signature data of any acquiries of an SPGuiAcqu object.

This function will clear the SPReference object that is embedded in this object; this means that all signatures that were entered so far will be deleted. This function may be required to reenter a signature / reference when the prior entry was not accepted, e.g., because the reference did not satisfy the quality criteria.

pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
iFlags [i] reserved parameter, should be 0.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquConnect pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPINT32  iDriver

Connect to a tablet specified by driver number.

Please read Tablet creation options for a list of supported drivers

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
iDriver [i] the driver number, pass SP_UNKNOWN_DRV to use any driver.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquFree


SPGuiAcquConnectEx, SPGuiAcquCreateTablet, SPTabletConnect, SPTabletDisconnect

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquConnectByAlias pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
const char *  pszAlias

Connect to a tablet specified by an alias name.

Please read Tablet creation options for resolving the Alias

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pszAlias [i] the alias name of the tablet
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPTabletCreateByAlias, SPGuiAcquConnect, SPGuiAcquConnectEx, SPGuiAcquCreateTabletByAlias

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquConnectByEnum pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
pSPPROPERTYMAP_T  spDescriptor

Connect to a tablet specified by a descriptor.

Please read Tablet creation options for resolving the enumeration

This function connects with the default tablet if spDescriptor is NULL
pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
spDescriptor [i] the enumarated tablet descriptor
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPTabletCreateByAlias, SPGuiAcquConnect, SPGuiAcquConnectEx, SPGuiAcquCreateTabletByAlias

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquConnectEx pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
const char *  pszTabletClass,
const char *  pszConfig

Connect to a tablet specified by class name.

Please read Tablet creation options for a list of supported options

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pszTabletClass [i] the class name of Kofax tablet access module.
pszConfig [i] pass optional configuration data.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquConnect, SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquFree


SPGuiAcquCreateTabletEx, SPTabletConnect, SPTabletDisconnect, SPTabletCreateEx

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquCreate pSPGUIACQU_T ppSPGuiAcqu,
SPHWND  hwndParent

Create an SPGuiAcqu object (window).

The default draw mode is set to SP_RELEASE_FOCUS | SP_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_CLICK.

SPGuiAcqu creates a native window. It sends user messages to this window with message ID's starting at WM_USER + 1000.

ppSPGuiAcqu [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPGuiAcqu object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPGuiAcquFree.
hwndParent [i] window handle of the parent window.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreateInClient, SPGuiAcquFree, SPGuiAcquSetBoolProperty SPGuiAcqu
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquCreateInClient pSPGUIACQU_T ppSPGuiAcqu,
SPHWND  hwndChild,
SPHWND  hwndParent

Create an SPGuiAcqu object inside a given window.

The default draw mode is set to SP_RELEASE_FOCUS | SP_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_CLICK.

If hwndChild is a valid window handle then SPGuiAcqu subclasses the native window identified by hwndChild. It uses this window to draw background objects and tablet strokes, and sends user messages to this window with message ID's starting at WM_USER + 1000.

If hwndChild is a not valid window handle then SPGuiAcqu creates a native window. It sends user messages to the created window with message ID's starting at WM_USER + 1000.

ppSPGuiAcqu [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPGuiAcqu object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPGuiAcquFree.
hwndParent [i] window handle of the parent window.
hwndChild [i] window handle of the child window to use.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquFree, SPGuiAcquSetBoolProperty SPGuiAcqu
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquCreateTablet pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPINT32  iDriver

Create the native tablet object that is required to connect to or acquire from the tablet hardware.

This is a convenience function provided for applications that might need to access the tablet driver before it is connected. The tablet driver object will be created when it is internally required, the application does not have to call this function.

A typical use for this function would be to select an image depending on the tablet device. Create the tablet driver object, get the device ID, pass the device-specific image, and then connect to the tablet.

Please read Tablet creation options for a list of supported drivers

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
iDriver [i] the driver number, pass SP_UNKNOWN_DRV to use any driver.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquCreateTabletByAlias pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
const char *  pszAlias

Create a new SPTablet object based on an Alias.

Please read Tablet creation options for resolving the Alias

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pszAlias [i] the alias name of the tablet
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPTabletCreateByAlias, SPGuiAcquCreateTablet, SPGuiAcquCreateTabletEx, SPGuiAcquConnectByAlias

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquCreateTabletByEnum pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
pSPPROPERTYMAP_T  spDescriptor

Create a new SPTablet object based on an enumeration.

Please read Tablet creation options for tablet enumeration.

This function creates a default tablet if spDescriptor is NULL
pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
spDescriptor [i] the descriptor of the tablet as returned from a pSPTABLETENUM object
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPTabletCreateByEnum, SPGuiAcquCreateTablet, SPGuiAcquCreateTabletEx, SPGuiAcquConnectByEnum

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquCreateTabletEx pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
const char *  pszTabletClass,
const char *  pszConfig

Create a native tablet object specified by class name.

This is a convenience function provided for applications that might need to access the tablet driver before it is connected. In most other cases the tablet driver object will be created when it is internally required, the application does not have to call this function.

A typical use for this function would be to select an image depending on the tablet device. Create the tablet driver object, get the device ID, pass the device specific image, and then connect to the tablet.

This function will not reinstantiate the tablet driver if a driver already exists.

Please read Tablet creation options for a list of supported options

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pszTabletClass [i] class name of the Kofax tablet access module.
pszConfig [i] pass optional configuration data. Configuration data depends on the detected hardware driver (see Installation and configuration of various pads).
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquConnectEx, SPGuiAcquDisconnect, SPGuiAcquAcquire, SPGuiAcquAcquireDone, SPTabletCreateEx

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquDisconnect pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu  ) 

Disconnect from a tablet.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPReferenceCreateFromGuiAcqu, SPTabletConnect, SPTabletDisconnect

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquFree pSPGUIACQU_T ppSPGuiAcqu  ) 

Free all resources used by an SPGuiAcqu object.

The SPGuiAcqu object must have been created by SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquCreateInClient.

It is an error to free an SPGuiAcqu object while processing a windows message for the window handle assigned to that SPGuiAcqu object.

ppSPGuiAcqu [io] pointer to a variable containing a pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object. The variable will be set to NULL if this function succeeds.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquCreateInClient

SPINT32 SPGuiAcquGetBackgroundColor pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPINT32 piBackgroundColor

Get the background color.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
piBackgroundColor [i] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the background color (see SPGuiAcquSetBackgroundColor for details).
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquGetForegroundColor, SPGuiAcquSetBackgroundColor
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetBackgroundImage pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPINT32  iSource,
pSPIMAGE_T ppImage

Get the background image as it is displayed on the tablet or the PC screen.

The image will not contain any partial or fully entered signature strokes.

This function returns SP_NOERR and *ppImage = NULL if no background image was passed.

This function is provided for audit purposes. The resulting image contains a gray-scale image with up to 256 gray levels or a color image.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
iSource [i] select the source of the image:
  • 1 PC screen
  • 2 Tablet LCD
ppImage [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to an SPImage object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPImageFree.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetBackgroundText pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPINT32  iSource,
SPCHAR **  ppszText

Get the background text as it is displayed on the tablet.

This function returns SP_NOERR and *ppText = NULL if no background text was passed.

This function is provided for audit purposes. The resulting text contains all text elements that is diplayed on the tablet.

This function does not analyse images for text contexts.
pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
iSource [i] select the source of the image:
  • 2 Tablet LCD
ppszText [o] pointer to a char pointer that will be filled with the displayed text. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPFreeString.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetBoolProperty pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
const SPCHAR pszName,
SPBOOL pbValue

Query a property.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pszName [i] Name of the property, see SPGuiAcqu Properties
pbValue [i] pointer to avariable that will be filled with the value of the property
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)

SPINT32 SPGuiAcquGetBorder pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPINT32 piBorder

Get the size of the border in an SPGuiAcqu object.

The border size is 5 pixels by default.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
piBorder [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the border size (in screen pixels).
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquSetBorder
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetDrawMode pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,
SPINT32 piDrawMode

Get the draw mode of an SPGuiAcqu object.

Use SPGuiAcquGetBoolProperty instead
pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
piDrawMode [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the draw mode.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:

SPINT32 SPGuiAcquGetForegroundColor pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPINT32 piForegroundColor

Get the foreground color.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
piForegroundColor [i] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the foreground color (see SPGuiAcquSetForegroundColor for details).
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquGetBackgroundColor, SPGuiAcquSetForegroundColor
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetHwnd pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,

Get the window handle of the window associated with an SPGuiAcqu object.

For an SPGuiAcqu object created with SPGuiAcquCreateInClient, this function returns the handle of the client window.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pHwnd [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the window handle of the window associated with the SPGuiAcqu object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquCreateInClient
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetHwndRect pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
RECT *  pRect

Get the rectangle (size) of an SPGuiAcqu object's window.

The returned rectangle reflects the size and position of the SPGuiAcqu window in client coordinates.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pRect [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the window rectangle of the window associated with the SPGuiAcqu object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquGetTabletRect
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetIntProperty pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
const SPCHAR pszName,
SPINT32 piValue

Query a property.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pszName [i] Name of the property, see SPGuiAcqu Properties
piValue [i] pointer to avariable that will be filled with the value of the property
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetReference pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
pSPREFERENCE_T ppReference

Get the reference after a signature or reference acquiry.

The returned reference may contain a single signature (in this case a signature was captured), or multiple signatures (when a true reference was captured). It is the responsability of the application to convert the reference to a signature if the returned object includes a single signature.

This is a convenience function which behaves exactly like SPReferenceCreateFromGuiAcqu.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
ppReference [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to an SPReference object containing the reference. The caller is responsible for destroying the new object with SPReferenceFree.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAcquireDone, SPGuiAcquGetSignature, SPReferenceCreateFromGuiAcqu, SPReferenceFree

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetSignature pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature

Get the signature during acquiry mode.

The returned SPSignature object may not contain all vectors captured so far. This function is provided to check for empty signatures before accepting the signature (see SPGuiAcquAcquireDone). Modifying the SPSignature object won't have an effect on the signature being captured.

This is a convenience function which behaves exactly like SPSignatureCreateFromGuiAcqu.

No signature object will be returned unless the SPGuiAcqu object is in acquiry mode.
pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
ppSignature [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to an SPSignature object containing the current signature. The caller is responsible for destroying the new object with SPSignatureFree.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAcquire, SPGuiAcquGetReference, SPSignatureCreateFromGuiAcqu, SPSignatureFree

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetTablet pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
pSPTABLET_T ppTablet

Get the associated SPTablet object.

SP_PARAMERR will be returned if the tablet has not yet been created. You should neither register any listeners in the returned tablet nor set any properties. The object is available to get tablet type, size etc. only.

The returned tablet object is not a copy. Do not free this object.
pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
ppTablet [o] pointer to a variable that will receive a pointer to the SPTablet object of the SPGuiAcqu object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
 int getTabletSize(pSPGUIACQU_T pGuiAcqu, SIZE *pSize)
     pSPTABLET_T pTablet = 0;
     int rc = SPGuiAcquGetTablet(pGuiAcqu, &pTablet);
     if(rc != SP_NOERR) return rc;
     int iWidth, iHeight;
     rc = SPTabletGetTabletSize(pTablet, &iWidth, &iHeight);
     if(rc != SP_NOERR) return rc;
     pSize->cx = iWidth;
     pSize->cy = iHeight;
     pTablet = 0;
     return SP_NOERR;

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetTabletRect pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
RECT *  pRect

Get the rectangle (size) of an SPGuiAcqu object's tablet window.

The returned rectangle reflects the size and position of the tablet window in client coordinates, relative to the SPGuiAcqu window. The tablet window is always smaller than the SPGuiAcqu window, as the zoom factor is calculated such that the aspect ratio of the tablet hardware is maintained and the entire tablet will be visible within the SPGuiAcqu window.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pRect [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the window rectangle of the tablet window associated with the SPGuiAcqu object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquGetHwndRect
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquGetUserLong pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,

Get the optional user parameter of an SPGuiAcqu object.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
plUser [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the user parameter of the SPGuiAcqu object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquNew pSPGUIACQU_T ppSPGuiAcqu  ) 

Create an SPGuiAcqu object (window).

SPGuiAcquNew creates the native object, but does not instantiate any visual components.
Call SPGuiAcquSetClient to create the visual components.

The calling sequence SPGuiAcquNew and SPGuiAcquSetClient equals the call SPGuiAcquCreate or SPGuiAcquCreateInClient
ppSPGuiAcqu [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPGuiAcqu object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPGuiAcquFree.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquSetClient, SPGuiAcquFree SPGuiAcqu
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquRegisterComponent pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPHWND  hwndComponent

Register a component in acquiry mode.

Any registered components will be notified in acquiry mode when the pen is pressed on a component.

Supported window classes:

  • "button", notification is sent as a BM_CLICK message
  • other classes, notification is sent as a WM_USER message, the application may need to subclass the native window
It is not useful to register buttons if the connected tablet does not send proximity vectors, as the cursor does not follow pen movements, thus you cannot see the cursor position. The alternative is to draw the buttons on the tablet for the specific application as a feedback to the user where the buttons are located.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
hwndComponent [i] the component to be registered.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAcquire, SPTabletHasProximity SPGuiAcqu
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquRegisterDocumentRect pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,
SPUINT32  aId,
const SPCHAR pszVirtualButtonDescription

Register a virtual button in a document.

The virtual button description includes an id which may not be 0. The button id should be a unique id for each button. Subsequent registrations of virtual buttons with the same id will modify the already registered virtual button, e. g. set an icon, or move the button.
pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
aId [i] the unique identifyer of the document
pszVirtualButtonDescription [i] description of the rectangle position, size, text, font etc. Please see element SPSWVirtualButton in Virtual Buttons for details
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
See also:
SPGuiAcquSetDocumentContent, SPGuiAcquSetDocumentListener


SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquRegisterRect pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
pSPRECT_T  rcl,
SPINT32  iFlags,
const SPCHAR pszName,

Register a virtual button or rectangle in acquiry mode.

This function is a simplified version of SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2, the call is actually dispatched to SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2 with a properly formatted XML description string.

Any registered virtual buttons will be notified in acquiry mode when button is pressed with the pen.

Registering a rectangle with an ID that has been already registered will be interpreted as an update on the rectangle coordinates.

You must assure that the rectangles will be updated whenever the coordinates change, such as resizing or moving a component unless you specify the flag SP_TABLET_COORDINATE.

Virtual buttons can only be drawn to an optional LCD screen on the tablet if they are registered before the tablet enters acquiry mode.

The SPGuiAcqu object should not be deleted within the registered listener. You may, e.g., post a message and delete the object in the windows procedure handling that message.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pId [io] pointer to a variable containing the identifier for the rectangle to be registered or 0 to let this function create the ID. The variable will be filled with the created ID, see SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2
rcl [i] pointer to the rectangle to be registered, all coordinates are absolute screen coordinates, ie, point 0, 0 is the upper left corner of the PC screen.
iFlags [i] drawing flags, a bitwise combination of the following:
  • SP_TABLET_COORDINATE the rectangle is passed in ppt of the tablet size, or the entry window size when using a full-screen tablet
  • SP_DRAW_ON_EXT_LCD the rectangle will be drawn on an external LCD
  • SP_DRAW_ON_SCREEN draw the rectangle on the aquiry window
  • SP_ONLY_FOR_EXT_LCD ignore this rectangle if the tablet does not have an LCD
pszName [i] string that should be displayed if the draw flags cause the rectangle to be drawn. NULL and "" are legal values, the string length is limited to 160 characters. The string is expected in UTF-8 encoding, use SPUnicodeToUtf8 to convert from Unicode.
pVirtualButtonListener [i] callback function that will be called when the rectangle is 'clicked'. The global virtual button listener (see SPGuiAcquSetButtonListener) will be called if this parameter is NULL.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAcquire, SPTabletHasProximity, SPTabletSetBoolProperty



SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2 pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
const SPCHAR pszVirtualButtonDescription,

Register a virtual button or rectangle in acquiry mode.

Any registered virtual buttons will be notified in acquiry mode when the virtual button is pressed by the pen.

Rectangles can only be drawn to an optional LCD screen on the tablet if they are registered before the tablet enters acquiry mode.

TextFields will be positioned within the rectangle (centered, excluding optional image space) if no valid coordinate is specified. Images will be positioned within the rectangle (left aligned) if no valid coordinate is specified.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pId [io] pointer to a variable theat will be filled with the identifier of the virtual button. The descriptor of the virtual button must include an id. The button will be updated if the id in the descriptor alreaady exists, or created if it does not exist.
The Id is used to identify the virtuel button in virtual button callbacks.
pszVirtualButtonDescription [i] description of the rectangle position, size, text, font etc. Please see element SPSWVirtualButton in Virtual Buttons for details.
pVirtualButtonListener [i] callback function that will be called when the rectangle is 'clicked'. The global virtual button listener (see SPGuiAcquSetButtonListener) will be called if this parameter is NULL.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAcquire, SPGuiAcquSetButtonListener, SPTabletHasProximity, SPTabletSetBoolProperty

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquRemoveBackgroundObjects pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui  ) 

Remove images, text and rectangle fields from the tablet LCD screen or the acquiry window.

The Background Objects will be updated on an (optional) LCD screen when the application calls SPGuiAcquAcquire

pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundText, SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundImage, SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundObject

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetActive pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,
SPBOOL  bActive

Activate / deactivate the acquire window.

The acquire window is normally active until SPAcquireAcquireDone is called. There are situations where the application might want to deactivate acquire mode, e.g. in multi page dialogs.

pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
bActive [i] non-zero to activate acquiry mode, zero to deactive acquiry mode.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 SPGuiAcquSetBackgroundColor pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPINT32  iBackgroundColor

Set the background color.

The background color is used to draw a pen stroke that has zero pressure. It will also be used to erase the background if SP_ERASE_BACKGROUND is set.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
iBackgroundColor [i] the new background color as integer 0xrrggbb with rr = red, gg = green, bb = blue, each color being in the range 0 through 0xff.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquGetBackgroundColor, SPGuiAcquSetForegroundColor
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetBackgroundImage pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
const SPUCHAR pbImage,
SPINT32  iImageLen

Set the background image of a tablet that includes an LCD display.

The tablet image is composed of all background images, text and rectangles (virtual buttons). The tablet image will be calculated before the tablet enters acquiry mode, that is within the method SPGuiAcquAcquire.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pbImage [i] pointer to the image data. Most standard image formats such as BMP, TIF, JPG, GIF, and CCITT4 are supported
iImageLen [i] size of the image data (in bytes) pointed to by pbImage.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetBackgroundObjects pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,

Set images, text fields or rectangles to the tablet LCD screen or the acquiry window.

Use SPBackgroundObjectsCreateFromFile or SPBackgroundObjectsCreateFromXML to create the background objects container. The proper objects will be selected based on the created tablet type, and all elements of the selected objects will be copied to the background

This object must have a vald tablet object, see SPGuiAcquCreateTablet, SPGuiAcquConnect and must not be in aquiry state.
All existing background objects will be deleted and the new objects will be added, see SPGuiAcquRemoveBackgroundObjects
pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pSpBackgroundObjects [i] pointer to an SPBackgroundObjects object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
  • SP_PARAMERR invalid parameter
  • SP_APPLERR cannot change background in acquiry mode or no tablet instantiated
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetBoolProperty pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
const SPCHAR pszName,
SPBOOL  bValue

Set a property.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pszName [i] Name of the property, see SPGuiAcqu Properties
bValue [i] the value of the property
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)

SPINT32 SPGuiAcquSetBorder pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPINT32  iBorder

Set the size of the border in an SPGuiAcqu object.

The border size is 5 pixels by default.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
iBorder [i] the new border size (in screen pixels)
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquGetBorder
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetButtonListener pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,

Set the tablet button listener.

This listener will be called when a real button (hardware button) on the tablet was pressed, but not for virtual buttons.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pRectListener [i] Callback function that will be called when a virtual button is pressed. If a rectangle is pressed then the registered listener for the rectangle will be called, see SPGuiAcquRegisterRect, SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2 or this listener will be called if no listener was registered with the virtual button (the listener is NULL).
pButtonListener [i] Callback function that will be called when a tablet button is pressed.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetClient pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPHWND  hwndChild,
SPHWND  hwndParent

Create visual components for a SPGuiAcqu object.

If hwndChild is a valid window handle then SPGuiAcqu subclasses the native window identified by hwndChild. It uses this window to draw background objects and tablet strokes, and sends user messages to this window with message ID's starting at WM_USER + 1000.

If hwndChild is a not valid window handle then SPGuiAcqu creates a native window. It sends user messages to the created window with message ID's starting at WM_USER + 1000.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] a valid SPGuiAcqu object, as created by SPGuiAcquNew.
hwndParent [i] window handle of the parent window.
hwndChild [i] window handle of the child window to use, may be NULL.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquFree, SPGuiAcquSetBoolProperty SPGuiAcqu
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetDocumentContent pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,
SPINT32  aId,
const SPCHAR pContent,
SPINT32  iContent,
SPINT32  aFormat

Set the content of a document.

Use SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundDocument or SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundObject or SPGuiAcquSetBackgroundObjects to create and layout of a document view.
Once the document is created you may:

pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
aId [i] the unique identifyer of the document
pContent [i] pointer to the document contents, may be the document data, or a file name
iContent [i] the size of the document content in bytes
aFormat [i] format specifyer of the document content:
  • 1: local file, pContent is the UTF-8 encoded FQN of the document
  • 2: document data is passed as an image, pContent is the document data in memory
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundObject, SPGuiAcquAddBackgroundDocument, SPGuiAcquRemoveBackgroundObjects


SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetDocumentListener pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,

Register a virtual button listener for buttons which are assigned to a specific document.

pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pListener [i] pointer to the listener method, may be NULL to deregister a listener
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
See also:
SPGuiAcquSetDocumentContent, SPGuiAcquRegisterDocumentRect


SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetDrawMode pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,
SPINT32  iDrawMode

Set the draw mode of an SPGuiAcqu object.

The tablet area may be smaller than the window area because the tablet area will be zoomed to maintain the aspect ratio of the tablet hardware.

SP_RELEASE_FOCUS is implemented by subclassing the parent window. The subclassing is released when acquiry mode is stopped.

SP_RELEASE_FOCUS causes SPTabletAcquireDone(SPGuiAcquGetTablet(pSpGui)) to be called when loosing focus and SPTabletAcquire(SPGuiAcquGetTablet(pSpGui), SPGuiAcquGetHwnd(pSpGui)) to be called when gaining focus.

The pen position is normally drawn as a caret. Carets cannot be used when the client window is not the topmost window. The emulated pen cursor is available for these cases. However the emulated pen cursor may not be erased in all cases - especially if the application draws on the client area.

Do not change the draw mode once acquiry mode is turned on.
Use SPGuiAcquSetBoolProperty instead
pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
iDrawMode [i] drawing mode, a combination of:
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:

SPGuiAcquSetBoolProperty, SPGuiAcquGetTablet, SPGuiAcquGetHwnd, SPTabletAcquire, SPTabletAcquireDone

SPINT32 SPGuiAcquSetForegroundColor pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPINT32  iForegroundColor

Set the foreground color.

The foreground color is used to draw a pen stroke that has maximum pressure.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
iForegroundColor [i] the new foreground color as integer 0xrrggbb with rr = red, gg = green, bb = blue, each color being in the range 0 through 0xff.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquCreate, SPGuiAcquGetForegroundColor, SPGuiAcquSetBackgroundColor
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetIntProperty pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
const SPCHAR pszName,
SPINT32  iValue

Set a property.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pszName [i] Name of the property, see SPGuiAcqu Properties
iValue [i] the value of the property
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetStatusListener pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGuiAcqu,

Set the hardware status listener of an SPGuiAcqu object.

pSpGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pNotifyStatus [i] function that is to be called when a hardware status of the tablet changes, or when the tablet driver reports errors.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetTicket pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
pSPTICKET_T  pTicket

Pass a license ticket for the next signature capture(s).

When using the ticket license model, you must pass the ticket before you connect with the tablet. This function copies the SPTicket object.

The ticket must be charged for usage SP_TICKET_CAPTURE.

Please use a license key.
pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pTicket [i] pointer to an SPTicket object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
Replaced by SPSignwareSetTicket.
See also:

SPSignwareSetTicket, SPTicketCharge

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetTimeout pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGui,
pSPGUIACQUTIMEOUT_T  pTimeoutListener,
SPVPTR  ulOptParameter,
SPINT32  iTimeout

Set the timeout of an acquiry of an SPGuiAcqu object.

The timeout handler will be called if there was no pen stroke for the duration of iTimeout milliseconds.

pSpGui [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pTimeoutListener [i] function that will be called when the timeout expires.
ulOptParameter [i] user-defined parameter that will be passed to pTimeoutListener (not used by SignWare).
iTimeout [i] timeout (in milliseconds) or 0 to disable timeout checking.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetTimeout2 pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGuiAcqu,
SPINT32  iTimeout

Set the timeout of an acquiry of an SPGuiAcqu object.

The timeout handler will be called if there was no pen stroke for the duration of iTimeout milliseconds.

pSpGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
iTimeout [i] timeout (in milliseconds) or 0 to disable timeout checking.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetTimeoutListener pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGuiAcqu,

Set the hardware status listener of an SPGuiAcqu object.

pSpGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
pNotifyTimeout [i] function that is to be called when the timeout expires
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetUserLong pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,

Set the optional user parameter of an SPGuiAcqu object.

The optional user parameter is not used inside SignWare, you may add one additional SPVPTR parameter for application purposes.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
lUser [i] application-specific parameter.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquSetVectorListener pSPGUIACQU_T  pSpGuiAcqu,

Set a vector listener of an SPAcquire object.

pSpGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPAcquire object.
pNotifyVector [i] function that is to be called when a vector was captured.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquUnregisterAllComponents pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu  ) 

Unregister all components in acquiry mode.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAcquire, SPGuiAcquRegisterComponent, SPGuiAcquUnregisterComponent
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquUnregisterAllRects pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu  ) 

Unregister all virtual buttons in acquiry mode.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAcquire, SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2, SPGuiAcquUnregisterRect

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquUnregisterComponent pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,
SPHWND  hwndComponent

Unregister a component in acquiry mode.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
hwndComponent [i] the component to be unregistered.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAcquire, SPGuiAcquRegisterComponent, SPGuiAcquUnregisterAllComponents
Implement for Linux

SPINT32 __cdecl SPGuiAcquUnregisterRect pSPGUIACQU_T  pSPGuiAcqu,

Unregister a virtual button in acquiry mode.

pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
uId [i] identifier of the rectangle to be unregistered.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPGuiAcquAcquire, SPGuiAcquRegisterRect2, SPGuiAcquUnregisterAllRects