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SPSignature.h File Reference

Detailed Description

SignWare Dynamic Development toolkit, signature object.

An SPSignature object contains a dynamic signature, ie, biometric data. and information about the tablet used for capturing the signature.

Use SPSignatureCreate, SPSignatureCreateFromFlatFile, SPSignatureCreateFromFlatFile3, SPSignatureCreateFromGuiAcqu, SPSignatureCreateFromGuiDisp SPSignatureCreateFromReference, SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPSignatureCreateFromTellerImage, or SPSignatureCreateFromTemplate to create an SPSignature object.

If you intend to fill a signature object with data derived from a customized tablet driver then please consider these rules:

Creation of a signature object according to the above rules does not necessarily imply good comparison results, the characteristics of the device (resolution, sample rate, linearity, pressure levels) have an important impact on the comparison quality.


#define SP_SIGNATURE_MIN_HEIGHT   "SPSignatureMinHeight"
 Check signature minimum height.
#define SP_SIGNATURE_MIN_PRESSURE_LEVELS   "SPSignatureMinPressureLevels"
 Check signature minimum pressure levels.
#define SP_SIGNATURE_MIN_STATIC_QUALITY   "SPSignatureMinStaticQuality"
 Check signature minimum static quality.
#define SP_SIGNATURE_MIN_VECTORS   "SPSignatureMinVectors"
 Check the signature minimum number of vectors with pressure.
#define SP_SIGNATURE_MIN_WIDTH   "SPSignatureMinWidth"
 Check signature minimum width.


SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureAddVector (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 iX, SPINT32 iY, SPINT32 iPress)
 Add a tablet vector (sample) to an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureAddVector2 (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 iX, SPINT32 iY, SPINT32 iPress, SPINT32 iTime)
 Add a tablet vector (sample) to an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCheck (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, pSPPROPERTYMAP_T pParams)
 Check a signature.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureClearVectors (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature)
 Remove all tablet vectors (samples) from an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureClone (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature)
 Create a copy of an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreate (pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature)
 Create a new SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromAcquire (pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature, pSPACQUIRE_T pSPAcquire)
 Get the signature during acquiry mode.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromFlatFile (pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature, const SPUCHAR *pbFlatFile, SPINT32 iFlatFileLength)
 Create a new SPSignature object from a flat file object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromFlatFile3 (pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature, const SPUCHAR *pbFlatFile, SPINT32 iFlatFileLength, SPINT32 iFlags)
 Create a new SPSignature object from a flat file object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromGuiAcqu (pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature, pSPGUIACQU_T pSPGuiAcqu)
 Get the signature during acquiry mode.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromGuiDisp (pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature, pSPGUIDISP_T pSPGuiDisp)
 Create a new SPSignature object from an SPGuiDisp object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromReference (pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature, pSPREFERENCE_T pReference, SPINT32 iIndex)
 Create a new SPSignature object from a signature of an SPReference object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromTablet (pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature, pSPTABLET_T pTablet)
 Create a new SPSignature object using device parameters of an SPTablet object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromTellerImage (pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature, pSPTELLERIMAGE_T pTellerImage)
 Create an SPSignature object from an SPTellerImage object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromTemplate (pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature, pSPTEMPLATE_T pTemplate)
 Create a new SPSignature object from a an SPTemplate object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureFree (pSPSIGNATURE_T *ppSignature)
 Deallocate an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureFreeImage (SPUCHAR **ppImage)
 Deallocate a bitmap created by SPSignatureGetImage.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetComplexity (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 *piComplexity)
 Get the complexity of an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetDevice (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 *piDevice)
 Get the tablet device ID from an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetImage (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPDOUBLE dZoom, SPINT32 iImageFormat, SPUCHAR **ppbImage, SPINT32 *piImageLength)
 Create a bitmap from the signature contained in an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetImageSize (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 *piWidth, SPINT32 *piHeight)
 Get the size of an image for the signature contained in an SPReference object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetImageWithDPI (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPDOUBLE dDPI, SPINT32 iImageFormat, SPUCHAR **ppbImage, SPINT32 *piImageLength)
 Create a bitmap from the signature contained in an SPSignature object with a certain resolution.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetMaxPressure (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 *piMaxPressure)
 Get the pressure range of an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetNrVectors (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 *piNrVectors)
 Get the number of tablet vectors (samples) contained in an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetPadSerial (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPUCHAR *pbPadSerial, SPINT32 *piPadSerialLength)
 Get the tablet serial ID of an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetResolution (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 *piResolution)
 Get the resolution of an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetSampleRate (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 *piSampleRate)
 Get the sample rate of an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetTimeStamp (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPUINT32 *puTimeStamp)
 Get the timestamp of an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetVector (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 iIndex, SPINT32 *piX, SPINT32 *piY, SPINT32 *piPress)
 Get the values of a tablet vector (sample) contained in an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetVector2 (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 iIndex, SPINT32 *piX, SPINT32 *piY, SPINT32 *piPress, SPINT32 *piTime)
 Get the values of a tablet vector (sample) contained in an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureMirrorY (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature)
 Mirror a signature vertically.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetDevice (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 iDevice)
 Set the tablet device ID of an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetMaxPressure (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 iMaxPressure)
 Set the pressure range of an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetPadSerial (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, const SPUCHAR *pbPadSerial, SPINT32 iPadSerialLength)
 Set the tablet serial ID of an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetResolution (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 iResolution)
 Set the resolution of an SPIgnature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetSampleRate (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 iSampleRate)
 Set the sample rate of an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetStaticGrayAlias (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPBOOL bGrayAlias)
 Calculate gray levels in a static signature either from pressure levels of the vectors or from aliasing.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetStaticPenWidth (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPDOUBLE dWidth)
 Set the width of the pen used by an SPSignature object.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetTicket (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, pSPTICKET_T pTicket)
 Pass a license ticket to an SPSignature object to enable rendering.
SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetTimeStamp (pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPUINT32 uTimeStamp)
 Set the timestamp of an SPSignature object.

Define Documentation

#define SP_SIGNATURE_MIN_HEIGHT   "SPSignatureMinHeight"

Check signature minimum height.

See also:

#define SP_SIGNATURE_MIN_PRESSURE_LEVELS   "SPSignatureMinPressureLevels"

Check signature minimum pressure levels.

See also:

#define SP_SIGNATURE_MIN_STATIC_QUALITY   "SPSignatureMinStaticQuality"

Check signature minimum static quality.

See also:

#define SP_SIGNATURE_MIN_VECTORS   "SPSignatureMinVectors"

Check the signature minimum number of vectors with pressure.

See also:

#define SP_SIGNATURE_MIN_WIDTH   "SPSignatureMinWidth"

Check signature minimum width.

See also:

Function Documentation

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureAddVector pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32  iX,
SPINT32  iY,
SPINT32  iPress

Add a tablet vector (sample) to an SPSignature object.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
iX [i] X value (in tablet coordinates) of the sample.
iY [i] Y value (in tablet coordinates) of the sample.
iPress [i] pressure value of the sample, normalized to the range 0 through 1023, independent of the maximum pressure value of the tablet used to capture the signature.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureGetVector, SPSignatureGetNrVectors

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureAddVector2 pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32  iX,
SPINT32  iY,
SPINT32  iPress,
SPINT32  iTime

Add a tablet vector (sample) to an SPSignature object.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
iX [i] X value (in tablet coordinates) of the sample.
iY [i] Y value (in tablet coordinates) of the sample.
iPress [i] pressure value of the sample, normalized to the range 0 through 1023, independent of the maximum pressure value of the tablet used to capture the signature.
iTime [i] Time stamp of the vector in milli seconds since start capturing the signature.
may be -1 to indicate that timestamps are not supported for this device
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureGetVector, SPSignatureGetNrVectors

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCheck pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,

Check a signature.

Signature plausibility check. A signature should exceed a certain size and contain a pressure level range.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
pParams [i] Parameters, may be NULL
int result, SP_NOERR on success, SP_INVALIDERR if check failed, else error code
  • SP_PARAMERR an invalid parameter was passed
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a)
See also:

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureClearVectors pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature  ) 

Remove all tablet vectors (samples) from an SPSignature object.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureClone pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature

Create a copy of an SPSignature object.

pSignature [i] pointer to the SPSignature object to be copied.
ppSignature [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPSignature object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPSignatureFree.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreate, SPSignatureFree

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreate pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature  ) 

Create a new SPSignature object.

An SPSignature object created by this function does not contain a signature.

ppSignature [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPSignature object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPSignatureFree.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
See also:
SPSignatureCreateFromReference , SPSignatureCreateFromTablet


SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromAcquire pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature,

Get the signature during acquiry mode.

The returned SPSignature object may not contain all vectors captured so far. This function is provided to check for empty signatures before accepting the signature (see SPGuiAcquAcquireDone). Modifying the SPSignature object won't have an effect on the signature being captured.

This function behaves exactly like SPGuiAcquGetSignature.

ppSignature [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPSignature object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPSignatureFree.
pSPAcquire [i] pointer to an SPAcquire object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPSignatureCreate, SPSignatureFree, SPAcquireGetSignature

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromFlatFile pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature,
const SPUCHAR pbFlatFile,
SPINT32  iFlatFileLength

Create a new SPSignature object from a flat file object.

This function deserializes an SPSignature object serialized by SPFlatFileCreateFromSignature.

SPSignatureCreateFromFlatFile() is equivalent to SPSignatureCreateFromFlatFile3() with a value of zero for iFlags unless overridden by environment variable SIGNWARE_ISO_LOAD.

The value of that environment variable is either a decimal number or a hexadecimal number (prefixed by "0x"). The number will be shifted left 20 bits, that is, the following values (and combinations thereof) are defined:

ppSignature [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPSignature object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPSignatureFree.
pbFlatFile [i] pointer to an array of bytes containing a serialized SPSignature object.
iFlatFileLength [i] length (in bytes) of the serialized data pointed to by pbFlatFile.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreate, SPSignatureCreateFromFlatFile3, SPSignatureFree, SPFlatFileCreateFromSignature

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromFlatFile3 pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature,
const SPUCHAR pbFlatFile,
SPINT32  iFlatFileLength,
SPINT32  iFlags

Create a new SPSignature object from a flat file object.

This function deserializes an SPSignature object serialized by SPFlatFileCreateFromSignature.

This function does not use environment variable SIGNWARE_ISO_LOAD.

ppSignature [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPSignature object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPSignatureFree.
pbFlatFile [i] pointer to an array of bytes containing a serialized SPSignature object.
iFlatFileLength [i] length (in bytes) of the serialized data pointed to by pbFlatFile.
iFlags [i] flags modifying the behavior of this function:
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreate, SPSignatureCreateFromFlatFile, SPSignatureFree, SPFlatFileCreateFromSignature

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromGuiAcqu pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature,

Get the signature during acquiry mode.

The returned SPSignature object may not contain all vectors captured so far. This function is provided to check for empty signatures before accepting the signature (see SPGuiAcquAcquireDone). Modifying the SPSignature object won't have an effect on the signature being captured.

This function behaves exactly like SPGuiAcquGetSignature.

ppSignature [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPSignature object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPSignatureFree.
pSPGuiAcqu [i] pointer to an SPGuiAcqu object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPSignatureCreate, SPSignatureFree, SPGuiAcquGetSignature

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromGuiDisp pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature,

Create a new SPSignature object from an SPGuiDisp object.

ppSignature [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPSignature object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPSignatureFree.
pSPGuiDisp [i] pointer to an SPGuiDisp object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPSignatureCreate, SPSignatureFree, SPGuiDispGetSignature

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromReference pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature,
pSPREFERENCE_T  pReference,
SPINT32  iIndex

Create a new SPSignature object from a signature of an SPReference object.

ppSignature [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPSignature object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPSignatureFree.
pReference [i] pointer to an SPReference object.
iIndex [i] zero-based index of the signature within the reference.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreate, SPSignatureFree, SPReferenceAddSignature

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromTablet pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature,
pSPTABLET_T  pTablet

Create a new SPSignature object using device parameters of an SPTablet object.

These device-specific parameters of the SPSignature object will be initialized with properties of the tablet:

  • device ID
  • resolution
  • sample rate
  • maximum pressure value
  • timestamp
However, the SPSignature object won't contain a signature.

ppSignature [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPSignature object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPSignatureFree.
pTablet [i] pointer to an SPTablet object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM)
See also:
SPSignatureCreate, SPSignatureFree

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromTellerImage pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature,

Create an SPSignature object from an SPTellerImage object.

ppSignature [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPSignature object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPSignatureFree.
pTellerImage [i] pointer to an SPTellerImage object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32)
See also:
SPSignatureCreate, SPSignatureFree, SPTellerImageCreateFromSignature

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureCreateFromTemplate pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature,
pSPTEMPLATE_T  pTemplate

Create a new SPSignature object from a an SPTemplate object.

ppSignature [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to a new SPSignature object. The caller is responsible for deallocating the new object by calling SPSignatureFree.
pTemplate [i] pointer to an SPTemplate object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreate, SPSignatureFree, SPTemplateCreateFromReference, SPTemplateGetSignature

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureFree pSPSIGNATURE_T ppSignature  ) 

Deallocate an SPSignature object.

The SPSignature object must have been created by SPSignatureClone, SPSignatureCreate, SPSignatureCreateFromFlatFile, SPSignatureCreateFromFlatFile3, SPSignatureCreateFromGuiAcqu, SPSignatureCreateFromGuiDisp SPSignatureCreateFromReference, SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPSignatureCreateFromTellerImage, SPSignatureCreateFromTemplate, or SPGuiDispGetSignature.

ppSignature [io] pointer to a variable containing a pointer to an SPSignature object. The variable will be set to NULL if this function succeeds.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureClone, SPSignatureCreate

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureFreeImage SPUCHAR **  ppImage  ) 

Deallocate a bitmap created by SPSignatureGetImage.

ppImage [io] pointer to a variable containing a pointer to a bitmap. The bitmap must have been created by SPSignatureGetImage. The variable will be set to NULL if this function succeeds.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetComplexity pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32 piComplexity

Get the complexity of an SPSignature object.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
piComplexity [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the calculated complexity of the signature The complexity has a range of 0 .. 100, where 0 equals a most simple signature.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a)
Version 3.2.2

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetDevice pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32 piDevice

Get the tablet device ID from an SPSignature object.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
piDevice [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the device ID from the SPSignature object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPSignatureSetDevice

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetImage pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32  iImageFormat,
SPUCHAR **  ppbImage,
SPINT32 piImageLength

Create a bitmap from the signature contained in an SPSignature object.

There is no inverse function for SPSignatureGetImage because the created image represents a static signature and does not contain dynamic (biometric) features.

This is a license-restricted function. Please pass a charged ticket when using a ticket license model, see SPSignwareSetTicket and SPSignatureSetTicket. The ticket must be charged for action SP_TICKET_RENDER.

The created image is a BW or gray image. Please use SPImageSetSignature and SPImageSetBitsPerPixel2 to convert the image to a color image.

the resolution of the resulting image is limited to 300 DPI. If a higher resolution than 300 DPI is required, use SPSignatureGetImageWithDPI
pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
dZoom [i] the zoom factor (must be positive).
iImageFormat [i] desired format of the bitmap: Flags that can be added with the `|' operator:
ppbImage [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to an array of bytes containing the bitmap. The caller is responsible for deallocating that array of bytes by calling SPSignatureFreeImage.
piImageLength [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the length (in bytes) of the bitmap returned via ppbImage.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureFreeImage, SPSignatureGetImageSize, SPSignatureSetStaticPenWidth, SPSignatureSetStaticGrayAlias

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetImageSize pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32 piWidth,
SPINT32 piHeight

Get the size of an image for the signature contained in an SPReference object.

The actual image might be slightly bigger than predicted by this function.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
piWidth [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the width (in pixels) of the image.
piHeight [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the height (in pixels) of the image.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
Compute the exact size of the image.

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetImageWithDPI pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32  iImageFormat,
SPUCHAR **  ppbImage,
SPINT32 piImageLength

Create a bitmap from the signature contained in an SPSignature object with a certain resolution.

There is no inverse function for SPSignatureGetImage because the created image represents a static signature and does not contain dynamic (biometric) features.

This is a license-restricted function. Please pass a charged ticket when using a ticket license model, see SPSignwareSetTicket and SPSignatureSetTicket. The ticket must be charged for action SP_TICKET_RENDER.

The created image is a BW or gray image. Please use SPImageSetSignature and SPImageSetBitsPerPixel2 to convert the image to a color image.

The result image may have a slightly different resolution

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
dDPI [i] resolution in DPI (must be positive).
iImageFormat [i] desired format of the bitmap: Flags that can be added with the `|' operator:
ppbImage [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with a pointer to an array of bytes containing the bitmap. The caller is responsible for deallocating that array of bytes by calling SPSignatureFreeImage.
piImageLength [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the length (in bytes) of the bitmap returned via ppbImage.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureGetImage, SPSignatureFreeImage, SPSignatureGetImageSize, SPSignatureSetStaticPenWidth, SPSignatureSetStaticGrayAlias

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetMaxPressure pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32 piMaxPressure

Get the pressure range of an SPSignature object.

The maximum pressure is read from the capabilities of the tablet used for capturing the signature. The pressure values of the signature data are normalized to the range 0 through 1023.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
piMaxPressure [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the maximum pressure value of the tablet used for capturing the signature stored in the SPSignature object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPSignatureSetMaxPressure

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetNrVectors pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32 piNrVectors

Get the number of tablet vectors (samples) contained in an SPSignature object.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
piNrVectors [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the number of tablet vectors (samples) in the signature contained in the SPSignature object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureAddVector, SPSignatureAddVector2, SPSignatureGetVector, SPSignatureGetVector2

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetPadSerial pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPUCHAR pbPadSerial,
SPINT32 piPadSerialLength

Get the tablet serial ID of an SPSignature object.

This function is provided for future use, currently no tablets support tablet serial ID's.

The size of a tablet serial ID is limited to 20 bytes.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
pbPadSerial [o] pointer to an array of bytes that will be filled with the serial ID of the tablet used to capture the signature contained in the SPSignature object.
piPadSerialLength [io] pointer to a variable that contains the size (in bytes) of the buffer pointed to by pbPadSerial. That variable will be filled with the number of bytes written to the buffer.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPTabletGetPadSerial

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetResolution pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32 piResolution

Get the resolution of an SPSignature object.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
piResolution [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the resolution (in DPI) of the signature contained in the SPSignature object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPSignatureSetResolution

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetSampleRate pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32 piSampleRate

Get the sample rate of an SPSignature object.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
piSampleRate [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the sample rate (in samples per second) of the signature contained in the SPSignature object.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPSignatureSetResolution

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetTimeStamp pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPUINT32 puTimeStamp

Get the timestamp of an SPSignature object.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
puTimeStamp [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the timestamp (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) of the signature contained in the SPSignature object. The value will be zero if the signature does not have a timestamp.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPSignatureSetTimeStamp, SPSignwareGetCurrentTime

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetVector pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32  iIndex,
SPINT32 piX,
SPINT32 piY,
SPINT32 piPress

Get the values of a tablet vector (sample) contained in an SPSignature object.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
iIndex [i] Zero-based index of the requested tablet vector (sample).
piX [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the X value (in tablet coordinates) of the specified sample.
piY [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the Y value (in tablet coordinates) of the specified sample.
piPress [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the pressure value (normalized to 0 through 1023) of the specified sample.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureAddVector, SPSignatureGetNrVectors

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureGetVector2 pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32  iIndex,
SPINT32 piX,
SPINT32 piY,
SPINT32 piPress,
SPINT32 piTime

Get the values of a tablet vector (sample) contained in an SPSignature object.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
iIndex [i] Zero-based index of the requested tablet vector (sample).
piX [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the X value (in tablet coordinates) of the specified sample.
piY [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the Y value (in tablet coordinates) of the specified sample.
piPress [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the pressure value (normalized to 0 through 1023) of the specified sample.
piTime [o] pointer to a variable that will be filled with the relative time of the vector in milliseconds since signature capture start, may be -1 if the capture device did not support time stamps, or timestamps were not saved
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureAddVector2, SPSignatureGetNrVectors

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureMirrorY pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature  ) 

Mirror a signature vertically.

The signature is mirrored such that the range of Y coordinates is not changed.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
int result, SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
  • SP_PARAMERR an invalid parameter was passed
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a)

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetDevice pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32  iDevice

Set the tablet device ID of an SPSignature object.

You should not overwrite the device ID unless you know what you are doing.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
iDevice [i] new tablet device ID.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPSignatureGetDevice

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetMaxPressure pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32  iMaxPressure

Set the pressure range of an SPSignature object.

You should not overwrite the maximum pressure unless you know what you are doing.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
iMaxPressure [i] new maximum pressure value.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPSignatureGetMaxPressure

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetPadSerial pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
const SPUCHAR pbPadSerial,
SPINT32  iPadSerialLength

Set the tablet serial ID of an SPSignature object.

This function is provided for future use, currently no tablets support tablet serial ID's.

The size of a tablet serial ID is limited to 20 bytes.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
pbPadSerial [i] pointer to an array of bytes that contains the tablet serial ID.
iPadSerialLength [i] the size (in bytes) of the tablet serial ID pointed to by pbPadSerial.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureSetPadSerial, SPTabletGetPadSerial

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetResolution pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32  iResolution

Set the resolution of an SPIgnature object.

This function just changes the resolution attribut of the signature, the signature will not be resampled to the new resolution.

You should not overwrite the resolution unless you know what you are doing.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
iResolution [i] new resolution (in DPI).
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPSignatureGetResolution

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetSampleRate pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPINT32  iSampleRate

Set the sample rate of an SPSignature object.

This function just changes the sample rate attribut of the signature, the signature will not be resampled to the new sample rate.

This function is provided to overwrite the sample rate when using Wacom tablets. Wacom tablets always return a sample rate of 100 Hz though the real sample rate may differ. SPTabletAcquireDone attempts to compute the real sample rate; you should set the sample rate of the captured signature to the computed sample rate (see SPTabletGetSampleRate). SPGuiAcquAcquireDone does this automatically.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
iSampleRate [i] new sample rate (in samples per second).
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPSignatureGetSampleRate, SPTabletGetSampleRate, SPTabletAcquireDone

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetStaticGrayAlias pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPBOOL  bGrayAlias

Calculate gray levels in a static signature either from pressure levels of the vectors or from aliasing.

By default, the gray level is based on the pressure level of a vector.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
bGrayAlias [i] SPTRUE: calculate the gray level from aliasing, else calculate the gray level from the pressure.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
Version 3.0

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetStaticPenWidth pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,

Set the width of the pen used by an SPSignature object.

The pen is used for creating a static image from the signature contained in the SPSignature object.

By default, the width of the pen is 0.5mm.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
dWidth [i] pen width in mm
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetTicket pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
pSPTICKET_T  pTicket

Pass a license ticket to an SPSignature object to enable rendering.

When using a ticket license, you must pass at least one ticket charged for action SP_TICKET_RENDER if you want to convert a dynamic signature to a static image. This function copies the SPTicket object.

Please use a license key.
pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
pTicket [i] pointer to an SPTicket object. The ticket must have been charged for action SP_TICKET_RENDER.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code.
Replaced by SPSignwareSetTicket.
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a)
See also:
SPSignatureGetImage, SPSignwareSetTicket, SP_TICKET_RENDER

SPINT32 __cdecl SPSignatureSetTimeStamp pSPSIGNATURE_T  pSignature,
SPUINT32  uTimeStamp

Set the timestamp of an SPSignature object.

This function is provided to add a timestamp to a signature.

pSignature [i] pointer to an SPSignature object.
uTimeStamp [i] new timestamp (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) for the signature.
SP_NOERR on success, else error code:
Operating Systems:
Windows (Win32), Linux (i386), Linux (x86_64), Linux (ARM), Android (ARMv7a), Darwin (x86_64)
See also:
SPSignatureCreateFromTablet, SPTabletGetTimeStamp, SPSignwareGetCurrentTime