SignDoc SDK (.NET without exceptions)  5.0.0
Migrating from SignDoc SDK 4.1 to SignDoc SDK 4.2

You can extend the validity of signatures in PDF documents (long term validity, LTV) by calling de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.updateDSS() or de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.updateDSS2() and then adding a document time stamp by calling de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.createSignatureParametersForTimeStamp(), configuring an RFC 3161 time stamp server, and calling de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.addSignature().

A new class, de.softpro.doc.SignDocSignature, has been added to enable long term validation of signatures and implementation of a GUI element equivalent to Adobe Reader's signature panel. See de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.getSignature(). There is a new version of de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.verifySignature() which takes a de.softpro.doc.SignDocSignature object as input: de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.verifySignature2(). There are subtle differences between those functions.

Intermediate certificates and trusted root certificates can be added to a de.softpro.doc.SignDocVerificationParameters object by using de.softpro.doc.SignDocVerificationParameters.setBlob().

de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.addSignature() now can create certification signatures for PDF documents, see de.softpro.doc.SignDocField.getDocMDP(), de.softpro.doc.SignDocField.getSignatureType(), de.softpro.doc.SignDocField.getSeedValueMDP(), de.softpro.doc.SignDocField.setSeedValueMDP(), and integer parameter "DocMDP" of de.softpro.doc.SignDocSignatureParameters.

de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.addSignature() now performs a basic verification of the signature after signing a PDF document unless that verification is disabled by de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.setShootInFoot().

Use de.softpro.doc.SignDocVerificationResult.getModificationState() to verify if modifications of a PDF document are allowed by a signature. de.softpro.doc.SignDocRenderParameters.setModificationState() controls whether that function is called for computing decorations.

The most recently used verification time can be retrieved by passing "VerificationTime" to de.softpro.doc.SignDocVerificationResult.getSignatureString(). "Filter" now gets the Filter (rather than the SubFilter entry), "SubFilter" gets the SubFilter entry.

de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.removePermissions() no longer removes DocMDP permissions, it removes UR and UR3 permissions only. To remove all certification signatures, use new function de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.removeDocMDP().

de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.setField() and de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.applyFdf() now reject changes that would break existing signatures. de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.clearSignature() now fails if it would break other existing signatures. de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.clearAllSignatures() now fails if it would break Reader-enablement of a PDF document. To remove all approval signatures, use new function de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.clearApprovalSignatures().

de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.addField(), de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.addSignature(), de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.applyFdf(), and SIGNDOC{Document,setField()} now fail if XFA cannot be removed without breaking existing signatures.

There are new integer parameters for de.softpro.doc.SignDocSignatureParameters: "BiometricHashLocation" and "RemoveXFA".

As software-based private keys and hardware-based private keys cannot be reliably distinguished, you should always set both de.softpro.doc.SignDocSignatureParameters.csf_software and de.softpro.doc.SignDocSignatureParameters.csf_hardware in integer parameter "SelectCertificate" rather than only one of those flags.

The logical structure of a PDF document can be removed with de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.removeLogicalStructure(). XFA content of a PDF document can be removed with de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.removeXFA().

You can speed up rendering with decorations (and support LTV) by providing your own (cached) verification results via de.softpro.doc.SignDocRenderParameters.setDecorationState().

Obsolete functions de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.getDataBlock() and de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.setDataBlock() have been removed.

There is a new value, dha_sha224 for integer parameter "DetachedHashAlgorithm" of de.softpro.doc.SignDocSignatureParameters. It can be used for ECDSA signatures only and is not supported on Windows.

The default value of integer parameter "CertificateSigningAlgorithm" has been changed from de.softpro.doc.SignDocSignatureParameters.CertificateSigningAlgorithm.SHA1RSA to de.softpro.doc.SignDocSignatureParameters.CertificateSigningAlgorithm.SHA256RSA for RSA keys.

A new string parameter, "GenerateECCKeyPair", can be used for generating a self-signed certificates for ECDSA.

The certificate selection dialog has an additional column showing the key algorithm and key size.

There is a new flag for integer parameter "RenderSignature", de.softpro.doc.SignDocSignatureParameters.RenderSignatureFlags.LimitSize which prevents magnification of signatures.

You can now retrieve page labels by calling de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.getPageLabel().

You can now flatten non-widget annotations by calling de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.flattenAnnotations().

The default value of integer parameter "PDFAButtons" has been changed from de.softpro.doc.SignDocSignatureParameters.PDFAButtons.Auto to de.softpro.doc.SignDocSignatureParameters.PDFAButtons.DontFreeze.

There is a new integer parameter, "ImageDPI", which can be used to control the size of the image passed in blob parameter "Image" in PDF signature fields.