SignDoc SDK (.NET with exceptions)  5.0.0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- A template for the layout of a signature field.

     The "image-halignment" attribute specifies the horizontal
     alignment of the image. If this attribute is missing, integer
     parameter "ImageHAlignment" will be used.

     The "image-valignment" attribute specifies the vertical
     alignment of the image. If this attribute is missing, integer
     parameter "ImageVAlignment" will be used.

     The "image-margin" attribute specifies the margin for image. The
     margin will be added at all four edges of the image. If this
     attribute is missing, the value of length parameter "ImageMargin"
     will be used.

     The "image-transparency" attribute controls transparency of the
     image. If this attribute is missing, the value of integer
     parameter "ImageTransparency" will be used.

     The "text-position" attribute specifies the position of the text
     block with respect to the image. If this attribute is missing,
     integer parameter "TextPosition" will be used.

     The "font-name" attribute specifies the name of the font to be
     used for the text. If this attribute is missing or of its value
     is empty, the font specified by the "FontName" string parameter
     will be used.

     The "font-size" attribute specifies the maximum font size to be
     used for the text in lines that do not specify an explicit font
     size. The font size will be reduced to make all text lines fit
     horizontally into the signature field. If this attribute is
     missing, the font size specified by the "FontSize" length
     parameter will be used.

     The "text-hmargin" attribute specifies the horizontal margin for
     text. The margin will be added on both sides of the text. If this
     attribute is missing, the value of length parameter "TextHMargin"
     will be used.

     The "text-halignment" attribute specifies the default value for
     the "halignment" attribute of the "Line" elements, which see.  If
     this attribute is missing, integer parameter "TextHAlignment"
     will be used.

     The "text-valignment" attribute specifies the vertical alignment of
     the text.

     The "text-direction" attribute specifies the default value for the
     "direction" attribute of the "Line" elements, which see.

     The "text-color" attribute specifies the color to be used for
     text.  If this attribute is missing, color parameter "TextColor"
     will be used. The value is either gray(LEVEL) where LEVEL is an
     integer in 0 (black) through 255 (white) or rgb(RED,GREEN,BLUE)
     where RED, GREEN, and BLUE are integers in 0 (minimum) through
     255 (maxium).

     The "text-keep-empty" attribute specifies the default value for the
     "keep-empty" attribute of the "Line" elements, which see.

     The value of the "font-size", "image-margin", and "text-hmargin"
     attributes is a number (for specifying the absolute value (units
     of document coordinates), a number followed by "h" (the value
     will be multiplied by the field height), or a number followed by
     "w" (the value will be multiplied by the field width).
<!ELEMENT SignatureTemplate (Line*)>
<!ATTLIST SignatureTemplate
    image-halignment   (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
    image-valignment   (top|center|bottom) #IMPLIED
    image-margin       CDATA #IMPLIED
    image-transparency (opaque|brightest) #IMPLIED
    text-position      (overlay|underlay|below|above|left-of|right-of) #IMPLIED
    font-name          CDATA #IMPLIED
    font-size          CDATA #IMPLIED
    text-hmargin       CDATA #IMPLIED
    text-halignment    (left|center|right|justify|auto) #IMPLIED
    text-valignment    (top|center|bottom) #IMPLIED
    text-direction     (ltr|rtl|default-ltr|default-rtl) "ltr"
    text-color         CDATA #IMPLIED
    text-keep-empty    (no|yes) "no"

<!-- One line of text. The text will not be broken into lines if it is
     too long to fit the available width of the signature
     field. Instead, the font size is reduced to make the text
     fit. The element contains the text to be put into the line.

     The "font-size" attribute specifies either a font size or
     whether the line belongs to the master group or to the slave
     group.  One font size is used per group and is chosen such that
     the text fits horizontally.  The font size of the slave group
     cannot be greater than the font size of the master group, that
     is, long text in the slave group won't reduce the font size of
     the master group. There must be at least one line in the master
     group if there is a line in the slave group.
     The value of the "font-size" attributes is a number (for
     specifying the absolute value (units of document coordinates), a
     number followed by "h" (the value will be multiplied by the field
     height), a number followed by "w" (the value will be multiplied
     by the field width), "master", or "slave". The default value
     is "master".

     The "halignment" attribute specifies the horizontal alignment of the
     text in the line:
       "left"     Align left.
       "center"   Center the text in the line.
       "right"    Align right.
       "justify"  Justify (align both and right, expanding white space).
                  Note that expanding white space is not the correct way
                  to justify Arabic text.
       "auto"     Align left if the text begins with an LTR run,
                  align right if the text begins with an RTL run.
     If this attribute is missing, the default value provided by the
     "text-halignment" attribute of the "SignatureTemplate" element will
     be used.

     The "direction" attribute specifies the paragraph direction:
       "ltr"          LTR.
       "rtl"          RTL.
       "default-ltr"  Choose direction automatically, default to LTR.
                      The base direction of each paragraph (BiDi
                      paragraph level) will depend on the first strong
                      directional character in the paragraph. The
                      paragraph level will be 0 (LTR) for paragraphs
                      having no strong directional character.
       "default-rtl"  Choose direction automatically, default to RTL.
                      The base direction of each paragraph (BiDi
                      paragraph level) will depend on the first strong
                      directional character in the paragraph. The
                      paragraph level will be 1 (RTL) for paragraphs
                      having no strong directional character.
     If this attribute is missing, the default value provided by the
     "text-direction" attribute of the "SignatureTemplate" element will
     be used.

     The "keep-empty" attribute specifies whether an empty line will
     be put into the signature field if the line turns out to be empty.
     If the value is "no", the empty line will be omitted, if the value is
     "yes", the empty line will be inserted.
     If this attribute is missing, the default value provided by the
     "text-keep-empty" attribute of the "SignatureTemplate" element will
     be used.

     The "item" attribute specfies the variable to be put into the
     line. The contents of the element must be empty if the "item"
     attribute is used. <Line item="x"/> is a shortcut for
     <Line><V item="x"/></Line>.
<!ELEMENT Line (#PCDATA | V)*>
    font-size   CDATA #IMPLIED
    halignment  (left|center|right|justify|auto) #IMPLIED
    direction   (ltr|rtl|default-ltr|default-rtl) #IMPLIED
    keep-empty  (no|yes) #IMPLIED
    item        CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- Insert variable text.

     The "item" element specifies the name of the string parameter to
     be inserted. Note that SignDoc SDK provides the value for some
     string parameters if they are not set.

     The values for these names are taken directly from the string
     parameter having the same name: Adviser, ContactInfo, Location,
     Reason, and SignTime. Any newline character will be removed.

     The values for these names are taken directly from the string
     parameter having the same name: Comment, Text1, Text2, Text3,
     Text4, Text5, Text6, Text7, Text8, and Text9. Each newline
     character starts a new line.

     SignDoc SDK provides a suitable value for this string parameter
     if it is not set: Signer. 
    item    CDATA #REQUIRED