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Gestures on mobile devices

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Support of gestures on mobile devices

The basic gestures Swipe (change page) and PinchSpread (zoom) are implemented.

PinchSpread can be done with two fingers and is available on iPad, Android and Windows devices.

1-finger Swipe can be done with one finger on iPad and Android > 4.0 devices.

3-finger Swipe can be done on Windows and Android < 4.1 devices (1-finger swipe is technically not possible on these devices). For compatibility reasons a 3-finger Swipe can also be done on iPad and Android > 4.0 devices.

To differ a swipe gesture from a scrolling gesture the swipe gesture has these characteristics:

If image width is larger than the screen width, the current scroll position has to be either 0 or the maximum possible position (this characteristic is only available for 1-finger swipe)

The duration of the gesture is below a configured threshold

The pixel distance between the gesture start and the gesture end position is above a configured threshold factor

Per default PinchSpread gestures and Swipe gestures are disabled via configuration.

PinchSpread configuration in mobile_configuration.xml

PinchSpread is enabled by adding it to the zoom list and setting it as default:

<component id="Lists">
<element id="ZoomList">
<parameter key="Keys" value="PINCH_SPREAD"/>
<parameter key="Default" value="PINCH_SPREAD"/>
<component id="Miscellaneous">
<element id="Zoomfactor">
The maximal allowed zoomfactor as provided in sdweb_config.groovy (sdweb.gui.zoom.max, default=300).
NOTE: should only be changed by Softpro!
<parameter key="Max.Value" value="300"/>
<parameter key="Min.Value" value="75"/>
<!-- This factor is multiplied with the initial zoomfactor (1.5 * 100% = 150%) when pages are requested.
A higher value results in a better image quality when scaling.
This setting is only used if the default zoomlist entry is set to PINCH_SPREAD.
<parameter key="PinchSpread.Factor" value="1.5"/>

Swipe configuration in mobile_configuration.xml

<component id="Miscellaneous">
<element id="Swipe.Gesture">
<!-- Specify if the swipe gesture for changing pages should be enabled. -->
<parameter key="Enabled" value="false"/>
<!-- The maximum duration in milliseconds between touch start and touch end to identify a swipe event
when using 1-finger swipe (IPad, Android > 4.0). -->
<parameter key="Duration.Threshold" value="600"/>
<!-- The maximum duration in milliseconds between touch start and touch end to identify a swipe event
when using 3-finger swipe (Windows, Android < 4.1). -->
<parameter key="Duration.Threshold.3Finger" value="600"/>
<!-- The minimum distance factor between touch start and touch end event to identify a swipe event when
using 1-finger swipe (IPad, Android > 4.0).
The specified factor is multiplied with the available screen width to get the minimal distance in pixel which
is needed to identify the swipe gesture. If the current image width is less than the screen width the specified
factor is multiplied with the current image width.-->
<parameter key="Distance.Threshold.Factor" value="0.1"/>
<!-- The minimum distance factor between touch start and touch end event to identify a swipe event when using
3-finger swipe (Windows, Android < 4.1).
The specified factor is multiplied with the available screen width to get the minimal distance in pixel which
is needed to identify the swipe gesture. If the current image width is less than the screen width the specified
factor is multiplied with the current image width.-->
<parameter key="Distance.Threshold.Factor.3Finger" value="0.1"/>


NOTE PinchSpread is only possible if the current touch position is not in conflict with editable fields.

Swipe and PinchSpread gestures are also available when adding new capture fields.

The default zoom factor of PinchSpread is FIT_TO_WIDTH. This default is always used when:

First page is initially displayed

Page is changed

Pages are pre-fetched

Screen is rotated

Scaling the page via PinchSpread normally doesn't reload the page from the server.

The page is only reloaded if the user changes a field and scales the page afterwards (therefore the actual user changes are not visible in the scale view).

When PinchSpread is enabled the toolbar actions ZoomIn and ZoomOut can't be used any more (they are disabled) and should be removed from toolbar configuration.

Toolbar action

A new toolbar action FIT_TO_WIDTH has been added. This action can be used to reset the current zoom factor to FIT_TO_WIDTH. It is not visible per default.

Toolbar configuration in mobile_configuration.xml

<component id="Toolbar">
<element id="TA_ZoomToWidth">
<parameter key="Visible" value="false"/>
<parameter key="Tooltip" propertyFile="language" propertyKey="Toolbar.TA_ZoomToWidth.Tooltip"/>
<parameter key="Label" propertyFile="language" propertyKey="Toolbar.TA_ZoomToWidth.Label"/>
<parameter key="Description" propertyFile="language" propertyKey="Toolbar.TA_ZoomToWidth.Mobile.Description"/>
<parameter key="Description.Android" propertyFile="language" propertyKey="Toolbar.TA_ZoomToWidth.Mobile.Description"/>