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Work in teams

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Work in teams

SignDoc Standard offers that work can be organized in teams. This allows a group of users to be responsible for a certain set of packages.

SignDoc Standard enables account administrators to create teams and to assign users as team manager.

A team consists of users joining the same SignDoc Standard account. Users with team manager role can add users to their teams. A team can have more than one user with the role team manager. Changes of the team or modifications in the team settings are accepted from each user with the team manager role. This section is only available if a user has the corresponding permissions.

A user can be a member of various teams. SignDoc Standard lists the membership for users on the User information page.


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Every team member can follow up with signing packages of his team – a team member can continue creation of signing packages available for his team. That means each team member can view, edit and process packages available for the team.

If a user has the role account administrator or team manager the user can administrate the team using the Teams page. The Teams page displays information about users associated with this account.

Note A team can have multiple team managers.


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This page allows the team manager to:

search for teams
Type characters of the team name in the field and press Enter. All teams including the characters are listed.

list all teams of the account
All teams of the account are listed in alphabetical order. The number of presented items per page can be set (default setting is 20 per page).

add new teams to the account
Click the Create team button to open a page to create a new team.

delete teams
Performing this action deletes the team. Deleting a team does not delete a user.