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Kofax Process Director 7.9.0 Support Pack 4

Build Date: December 16, 2022

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This ReadMe file contains information about the Kofax Process Director 7.9.0 Support Pack 4.

Install this support pack to take advantage of enhancements made to Kofax Process Director since the release.

This support pack is cumulative and includes the features and resolved issues released in previous Kofax Process Director 7.9.0 support packs.

If you need to perform a full product installation, see the Kofax Process Director documentation for instructions.

New Features in This Support Pack

Email-based Approval

Support for OAuth authentication

Email-based Approval 7.11 supports the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication. This version is compatible with all supported versions of Process Director. To obtain OAuth credentials, you must register the application on your OAuth provider site, such as Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure. For additional information, refer to the OAuth provider documentation or customer service. For details, see the Kofax Email-based Approval Configuration Guide on the Kofax Process Director 7.11 product documentation page.

Issues Resolved in This Support Pack

Accounts Receivable

Error message during the processing of bank statement items with presets

With presets active on the bank statement item level, an error message e912(/EBY/PDBO) appeared during processing after the creation of a payment advice document for the bank statement item, but then this document was deleted. (RSPDN1839767)

Email-based Approval

Email-based Approval with multiple steps and user assignments did not function properly

If a step was approved using Email-based Approval with a follow-up step where user assignments were possible, the confirmation email was sent, but the approval failed. (RSPDN1820565)

Financial Postings

Tax code value copied to next line during FI document posting

The tax code from the posting request of an FI document was copied to all lines that followed. (RSPDN1803233)

Incorrect balance calculation in PDFIC

Incorrect balance calculation occurred in PDFIC due to tax calculation issues. (RSPDN1825498)


User search help produced short dump in Fiori PO

Initially, user search help in Fiori PO showed results, but then it produced a short dump with a runtime error message. (RSPDN1846691)

General Functionality

External filename not stored during data archiving

The external name of the document that was created by using the file upload functionality, was not stored during the data archiving. (RSPDN1821576)

Multiple tax rates mapping issue

While mapping multiple tax codes using a group ID, the mapping tool created entries for all configured group IDs, even if there was no data to map. (RSPDN1842000)

Master Data Maintenance

Error upon creating a Customer Master Document with Reference Company Code

It was prohibited to update the customer data in the target company code during the creation of a Customer Master Document with a Reference Company Code for which the Customer was not created (transaction XD01). (RSPDN1797366)

Tax data not derived in case the task switched from Create to Update

When a new Customer Master Document was created and the Customer data already existed for the destination Company Code, and the Reference Company Code was provided, the task switched to Update, but the Tax Classification data was not populated, even if it existed for the destination Company Code. (RSPDN1823940)

Error upon creating a Customer Master Document with Reference Company Code and non-empty Sales Organization field

During the creation of a Customer Master Document with a Company Code and a non-empty Sales Organization field for which the PD document already existed, the warning message did not appear, and the document was opened in Create mode. (RSPDN1798805)

Value help showed values different from SAP

The value help on the "Tolerance Group" (TOGRU) field showed values different from the standard SAP transaction. (RSPDN1842015)

Order Confirmations

Impossible to send external messages to vendors

An error message about company code data blocked the ability to send external messages to vendors. (PSPDN1818022)


HTTP_METHOD parameter for OCI catalog calls ignored in SAP GUI

When the OCI catalog supported only GET method, the OCI call parameter HTTP_METHOD was ignored in SAP GUI. (RSPDN 1788613)

Incorrect field configuration

Default system settings for the PO Requisition document type had an incorrect field configuration ("Field Name" = CREATED_BY).

Web Application

Incorrect translation of a button

The "Purchase Order history" button was incorrectly translated into French.

Several security-related issues were resolved.

Previous Support Packs

Support Pack 3

Issues Resolved

Accounts Payable

Short dump in accrual report for specific clerk

A short dump in report /EBY/ICIV_ACCRUAL_REPORT occurred if the "Clerk Abbreviation" parameter was specified and yielded too many entries. (RSPDN1795905)

Accounts Receivable

Search help missing on item level

Search help was missing for the fields "Asset" and "Asset No" on the item level although it was configured in the view model. (RSPDN1699215)

Customer Master Data Maintenance

No warning message for duplicate customer entry

If a user tried to create a Customer Master Maintenance type document that already existed and entered a reference field company code value, the system did not display a warning message that the customer already existed. (RSPDN1759072)

Customer Orders

Material number/description not transferred to search help

Material number/material description was not transferred to the search help on the item level (SALES_UNIT). (RSPDN1695664)

Base Unit not displayed correctly on item level

In the search help for Sales unit on the item level, the Base Unit was not displayed correctly. (RSPDN1695680)

Currency not updated on item level

The main currency from the PDAP document was not transferred to the customer order, which made the amount on the item level incorrect. (RSPDN1764058)

Financial Postings

Technical user ID in FI documents posted through Web Application

FI documents that were posted automatically as a result of workflow validation in Web Application contained the technical user ID instead of the real one. (RSPDN1677313)

Report that generated recurring FI documents used wrong environment

The report /EBY/PDFI_GEN_RECURRING_DOCS generated new documents using the SAP GUI environment. If a user activated the automatic posting of created documents by the process configuration, they got error messages about the unavailable environment. (RSPDN1730568)

Short dump in method CHECK_FI_FIELD_SELECTION in S/4HANA 2020

A short dump was caused by the insufficient length of the data elements FAUS1 and FAUS2 in the method CHECK_FI_FIELD_SELECTION. (RSPDN1743860)

General Functionality

Short dump during worklist generation

A short dump occurred while generating a worklist in PD configuration due to the arithmetic overflow during percentage calculation. (RSPDN1763874)

LDAP server configuration processing error

An error occurred while processing the LDAP server configuration due to a change in the LDAPSERVER table in the new versions of ECC and S4/HANA. (RSPDN1735152)

Attachments in SAP WebGUI not visualized in docking area due to network security settings

Attachments in SAP WebGUI were not visualized in the docking area because the HTML-viewer attachment area in Process Director was using a direct link to the archive. (RSPDN1734926)

Goods Receipts

Erroneous message displayed by /EBY/CL_PDDN_EVT_CHK_CREATE_ID

An error message "Enter goods receipts for vendor 1000 only - Message No. M7107" was displayed in Goods Receipts even though the vendor was correct. (RSPDN1696100)

Master Data Maintenance

Language-independent values in Vendor Master data and Customer Master data

In the Vendor Master data and Customer Master data, the values in the fields Address, Address data, and Title were treated as language-independent. (RSPDN1701445)

Data not populated after asset selection

The 'Description' field and several other fields were not populated after selection of an asset from the list of assets. (RSPDN1764238)

Order Confirmations

Short dump if posting with BAPI

In case an Order Confirmations document was posted using BAPI, a short dump "Type conflict in a function module call" occurred due to different structure types in /EBY/PDOR_BAPI_ME_PO_CONFIRM and the SAP function module ME_PO_CONFIRM. (RSPDN1740352)

Payment Approval

Payment Approval documents duplication issue

When the /EBY/PDPR_IMPORT reports were called very often (every 10-20 minutes) and overlapped each other, or when the import was called from the PD application by running refresh on the worklist, it caused duplicated Payment Approval documents creation in the system. (RSPDN1695800)

Web Application

Short dump upon Web Application document forwarding

Upon entering a value exceeding 48 characters into the Long Name field of the Forward window, there was a short dump. (RSPDN1699093)

Support Pack 2

Issues Resolved

Customer Master Data Maintenance

Customer Master for partner function Y1 displayed incorrect partner number

The Customer Master data for the partner function Y1 (Sales Representative) was not updated with the given personnel number. (RSPDN1585592)

Customer Orders

Sales orders bulk approval/posting worked improperly

Sales orders encountered an error when bulk approval/posting was done through Web Application as not all posted documents appeared during the upload process done by Repetitor. (RSPDN1643181)

Issue with currency change on item level

When the currency was changed on header level, the table column /EBY/PDSO_TITM-CURRENCY still retained the previous currency. (RSPDN1611927)

Short dump for PD history

A short dump occurred when a user switched between messages of different types in a document in web GUI. (RSPDN1680949)

Financial Postings

Issue with file upload for lines with restricted condition

While uploading a file (/EBY/PDBO_VC_FILEUP) with several lines that had different conditions, the line items for the restricted posting type were uploaded into the document along with the allowed posting type. (RSPDN1650830)

Performance issue when opening large requisitions

Requisitions with more than a hundred line items took too long to open. (RSPDN1661000)

Order Confirmations

Refresh only possible in display mode for Order confirmations

In case the PO data was changed and needed to be refreshed in Order confirmations, it was only possible in the display mode but not in the change mode. (RSPDN1666055)

Web Application

Grid keys for sublevel not displayed in view model configuration

The fields necessary to define the button for a new data level grid were not visible on the screen in a view model configuration. (RSPDN1690809)

Support Pack 1

Issues Resolved

Business Objects

Action chain configuration ignored mapping for a specific project

Project-specific chain redefinitions were ignored in the action chain configuration. (RSPDN1553892)

Internet user who was an active substitute for a SAP user could not be retrieved

The field length did not allow to retrieve an Internet user acting as an active substitute for an SAP user. (RSPDN1555041)

Excluded DAO classes affected database layer

If the Excluded DAO classes (/EBY/PDBO_CDAO) configuration table was empty, Process Director was unable to store any objects in the database. (RSPDN1562824)

Short dump when copying checks with structure as parameter

A short dump ASSIGN_TYPE_CONFLICT occurred when the Customer Orders checks were copied for duplicate documents. (RSPDN1566556)

Customer Orders

Attempt to post a sales order document caused document lock

If a sales order document was posted with an error, the document was locked and could not be processed by anyone. (RSPDN1566500)

Endless loop while using mapping function /EBY/PDBO_MAF_REPLACE

Configuring the replacement where the new value included the old value (e.g. "ST -> STK") with the mapping conversion /EBY/PDBO_MAF_REPLACE caused the endless loop. (RSPDN1609966)

Financial Postings

Some processed files not deleted by /EBY/PDBO_MASS_FILE_PROCESSING

A file with the name that contained a space was processed by the /EBY/PDBO_MASS_FILE_PROCESSING program but not deleted afterwards. (RSPDN1570209)

Error in mass file uploading program

The program EBYPDBO_MASS_FILE_PROCESSING read files excluding one last line of a CSV-file during posting. (RSPDN1588511)

Tax code 00 ignored in Financial Postings

Tax code 00 was not passed when posting a transaction in Financial Postings. (RSPDN1598634)

Tooltips added to two buttons

In Financial Postings the missing line item tooltips were added to the Insert Row and Delete Row buttons. (RSPDN1602093)

General Functionality

Project description erroneously overwritten

In the Process Director configuration download/upload transaction /EBY/PDBO_CONF_DUMP, if a user uploaded project A to project B with the default settings, the description in project B was overwritten by the description from project A. (RSPDN1553746)

Goods Receipts

Posting simulation highlights fields with errors

Fields with errors are now highlighted when the /EBY/CL_PDDN_EVT_CHK_CREATE check runs. Previously, the check only issued messages.

Serial numbers not transferred to SAP document when posting via transaction

When using the “Post via transaction” function, serial numbers in the Process Director document were not transferred to MIGO. (RSPDN1308146)

Posted goods receipt automatically created a new PO

When a user posted a goods receipt while the movement type had "Create purchase order automatically" selected, a new PO for which a user had no authorization was automatically created. (RSPDN1546743)

Performance issue with IDoc data transfer

IDoc data was transferred very slowly in case of two or more POs in the document. (RSPDN1567847)

Slow processing of large documents

The application inefficiently processed documents with many line items or with data from more than one PO. (RSPDN1567850)

Opening PO items conditions caused poor performance of Order Confirmations or Delivery Notes

The performance of the application was poor when a user opened the detail screen of an Order Confirmation or a Delivery Note of a document with many PO items. (RSPDN1571697)

Master Data Maintenance

Short dump when customizing menu and toolbar

A short dump occurred when a user clicked the “Redefine” button in /EBY/PDVI_VMMBC without first selecting an entry in the table. (RSPDN1537584)

Vendor Master data update done by posting overwrote vendor phone number

When a user updated Vendor Master data by posting, the vendor telephone number was overwritten with the number set as the preferred one. (RSPDN1580067)

Order Confirmations

Wrong PO number accepted on item level

It was possible to enter a wrong PO number on the item level, which generated duplicate PO item lines. A check identified the wrong PO number but did not highlight the erroneous item line. (RSPDN1258493)

Updated PO information not transferred to Order Confirmations

For order confirmations, when a PO was accessed and a change was made in it, that change was not reflected when going back to the /EBY/PD screen via F3. (RSPDN1579050)


Short dump when populating value fields

While using value fields, a short dump occurred when a user populated the BAPI extension structure. (RSPDN1560126)

Erroneous usage of sy-name parameter in Web Application

When the system value SY-UNAME was used as the OCI parameter, the RFC user ID showed up when operating in Web Application. (RSPDN1562988)

Incorrect field configuration

Default system settings for PO requisition document type had incorrect field configuration ("Field Name" = CREATED_BY).


Wrong worklist assignment for remote documents

Certain activities on remote documents were not properly synchronized with the Umbrella system, which caused wrong worklist assignments. (RSPDN1547834)

Workflow started through Umbrella could not be processed by its recipient

A workflow started through Umbrella could not be processed by its recipient because the account assignment data was not transferred. (RSPDN1605204)

Web Application

No error message shown for documents without mandatory notes when forwarding multiple documents

When a user tried to forward more than one document that required a note but the note was not provided, no error message was shown. (RSPDN1499190)

Session timeout with OCI catalog

The session timed out within two minutes of opening the OCI catalog in the Chrome browser.

Workflow selection not possible for MD_GLACC document type

Workflow selector (WC_SELECTOR) field was unavailable in Web Application for documents that belong to the MD_GLACC document type. (RSPDN1603329)


If you have questions or problems, refer to the Kofax Knowledge Base.