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Kofax Process Director 7.8.0 Support Pack 6

Build Date: December 16, 2022

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Use is subject to license terms.


This ReadMe file contains information about the Kofax Process Director 7.8.0 Support Pack 6.

Install this support pack to take advantage of enhancements made to Kofax Process Director since the release.

If you need to perform a full product installation, see the Kofax Process Director documentation for instructions.

New Features in This Support Pack

Email-based Approval

Support for OAuth authentication

Email-based Approval 7.11 supports the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication. This version is compatible with all supported versions of Process Director. To obtain OAuth credentials, you must register the application on your OAuth provider site, such as Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure. For additional information, refer to the OAuth provider documentation or customer service. For details, see the Kofax Email-based Approval Configuration Guide on the Kofax Process Director 7.11 product documentation page.

Issues Resolved in This Support Pack

Accounts Receivable

Error message during the processing of bank statement items with presets

With presets active on the bank statement item level, an error message e912(/EBY/PDBO) appeared during processing after the creation of a payment advice document for the bank statement item, but then this document was deleted. (RSPDN1839767)

Email-based Approval

Email-based Approval with multiple steps and user assignments did not function properly

If a step was approved using Email-based Approval with a follow-up step where user assignments were possible, the confirmation email was sent, but the approval failed. (RSPDN1820565)

Financial Postings

Tax code value copied to the next line during the posting of FI document

The tax code from the posting request of an FI document was copied to all lines that followed. (RSPDN1803233)


User search help produced short dump in Fiori PO

Initially, user search help in Fiori PO showed results, but then it produced a short dump with a runtime error message. (RSPDN1846691)

General Functionality

External filename not stored during data archiving

The external name of the document that was created by using the file upload functionality, was not stored during the data archiving. (RSPDN1821576)

Multiple tax rates mapping issue

While mapping multiple tax codes using a group ID, the mapping tool created entries for all configured group IDs, even if there was no data to map. (RSPDN1842000)

Master Data Maintenance

Error upon creating a Customer Master Document with Reference Company Code

It was prohibited to update the customer data in the target company code during the creation of a Customer Master Document with a Reference Company Code for which the Customer was not created (transaction XD01). (RSPDN1797366)

Tax data not derived in case the task switched from Create to Update

When a new Customer Master Document was created and the Customer data already existed for the destination Company Code, and the Reference Company Code was provided, the task switched to Update, but the Tax Classification data was not populated, even if it existed for the destination Company Code. (RSPDN1823940)

Error upon creating a Customer Master Document with Reference Company Code and non-empty Sales Organization field

During the creation of a Customer Master Document with a Company Code and a non-empty Sales Organization field for which the PD document already existed, the warning message did not appear, and the document was opened in Create mode. (RSPDN1798805)

Value help showed values different from SAP

The value help on the "Tolerance Group" (TOGRU) field showed values different from the standard SAP transaction. (RSPDN1842015)

Order Confirmations

Impossible to send external messages to vendors

An error message about company code data blocked the ability to send external messages to vendors. (PSPDN1818022)


HTTP_METHOD parameter for OCI catalog calls ignored in SAP GUI

When the OCI catalog supported only GET method, the OCI call parameter HTTP_METHOD was ignored in SAP GUI. (RSPDN 1788613)

Incorrect field configuration

Default system settings for the PO Requisition document type had an incorrect field configuration ("Field Name" = CREATED_BY).

Web Application

Incorrect translation of a button

The "Purchase Order history" button was incorrectly translated into French.

Several security-related issues were resolved.


If you have questions or problems, refer to the Kofax Knowledge Base.