Release Notes

19 November 2018

This file contains important information about ReadSoft PROCESS DIRECTOR 7.7.


New features and improvements

Accounts Receivable

Customer Orders

General functionality

Goods Receipts

Master Data Maintenance

Order Confirmations

Payment Approvals

Web Application



New features and improvements

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Determine default email address of customer or vendor

    Gross amount populated during determination of line item fields

    Preset for calculation of header totals

  • Customer Orders

  • Determine default email address of customer or vendor

    New check for reference document handling

    New determination for reference document handling

    Search help for "Reference document" field

    Posting the document with transferred address data

    Maintain item partner data

  • General functionality

  • Code compatibility for SAP S/4HANA 1709 certification

    New "Notes" tab in SAP GUI document detail view

    Flexible license threshold warnings

    Performance improvement in Worklist selection logic with authorization checks

    Dynamic ALV grid layout displayed below "Field catalog" settings

    Dynamic ALV grid layout in "Field catalog" settings also displays column numbers

    Predefined email addresses for external messages

    "Set/Get parameters" for selection screens

    New maintenance tool for menu and toolbar functions

    Improvements in field catalog maintenance options

    "/EBY/PDVI_TRANSLATE_OLD_MENU" program for transition of custom menu and toolbar function code settings

    Customize multiple message templates for specific communication areas

    Code compliance with SAP S/4HANA 1809

  • Goods Receipts

  • Determine workflow recipients

    Validation of goods receipt processor

    Determine material number by any field in "MARA" table

    Determine default email address of customer or vendor

  • Master Data Maintenance

  • Extend master data records

  • Order Confirmations

  • Calculate delivery date

    Determine workflow recipients

    Determine default email address of customer or vendor

  • Payment Approvals

  • Display payment amount for each invoice

  • Web Application

  • One GUI theme for the application

    Configurable "AuthnContextClassRef" parameter for authentication type

    Display of user profile detail screen directly on clicking Worklist node

    Descriptions for custom icon fields in drop-down lists

    New theme for bigger fields and buttons, as well as sharper edges

    Attachment description adjusted to table width

    Map external SNC user ID to internal SAP user ID

    Logo images with PNG as default format

    Specification of content security policy header

  • Workflows

  • "Note" section in workflow window

    Improved collective reminder email

    Accounts Receivable

    Determine default email address of customer or vendor

    For external messages, the new "Set order of Email determination" option now allows you to configure the order according to which the default email address of a customer or vendor is determined.

    Gross amount populated during determination of line item fields

    The item mapper and item proposal determinations have now been enhanced such that when they are successful, the gross amount field is also populated. However, if a gross amount already exists in the document, that existing value is not overwritten during the item mapping.

    Preset for calculation of header totals

    The new "Preset header gross/payamount from item values" preset is now available that at the header level, presets the gross amount from the sum of the item gross amount values and the payment amount from the sum of the item payment amount values. It also takes the discount into account.

    Customer Orders

    Determine default email address of customer or vendor

    For external messages, the new "Set order of Email determination" option now allows you to configure the order according to which the default email address of a customer or vendor is determined.

    New check for reference document handling

    A new check (/EBY/CL_PDSO_EVT_CHK_REFDOCITM) is now available that verifies the validity of the entered reference document and item to determine if it is possible to create the sales order item.

    New determination for reference document handling

    A new determination (/EBY/CL_PDSO_DET_REF_INIT) is now available that determines the reference documents and items by type.

    Search help for "Reference document" field

    Search help is now available for the "Reference document" field, which provides a list of all the reference items.

    Posting the document with transferred address data

    You can now use the "Merge" check box to post the address data specified in the document. If this check box is not selected, the data is only used to determine the partner number; the address itself is not transferred.

    Maintain item partner data

    The "Partner" icon that is now available at the line item level enables you to open up the partner data maintenance screen, wherein you can add or modify the item partner data.

    General functionality

    Code compatibility for SAP S/4HANA 1709 certification

    To be compliant with SAP S/4HANA 1709, in addition to the previous ones, some more required adjustments have been made to the code. (RSPDN973895)

    New "Notes" tab in SAP GUI document detail view

    A new "Notes" tab is now available in the document detail view that displays the notes that have been added to a document.

    Flexible license threshold warnings

    In the "/EBY/PD_LICENSES" transaction, an additional configuration option of adding defined threshold borders for licenses has now been added to the user data, which can replace the previously hard-coded, default values (90%, 95%, 99%).

    Performance improvement in Worklist selection logic with authorization checks

    The system performance when loading a Worklist with selection parameters and authorization objects, has now been improved. (RSPDN1107733)

    Dynamic ALV grid layout displayed below "Field catalog" settings

    On making and saving the required changes to the display of the fields, the corresponding representation is now displayed in the ALV grid layout below the "Field catalog" settings.

    Dynamic ALV grid layout in "Field catalog" settings also displays column numbers

    You can now easily re-position the fields by using the column numbers, which are displayed in the ALV grid layout. For character fields, the column number is displayed in the form of a tooltip.

    Predefined email addresses for external messages

    The search help for email addresses in the "Send message" dialog box now allows you to obtain a list of predefined emails for customer orders, payment advices, goods receipts, and order confirmations.

    "Set/Get parameters" for selection screens

    In the user profile settings, you can now maintain the corresponding Set/Get parameter ID for each selection screen field that has a parameter ID defined in the data element. The fields are then defaulted with the Set/Get parameter values that you enter.

    New maintenance tool for menu and toolbar functions

    A new maintenance tool for system and customer settings is now available for customizing the menu and toolbar functions that are displayed in the document overview list and document detail view. The "XY" generator for creating new object types and adding model levels has also been correspondingly enhanced.

    Improvements in field catalog maintenance options

    The method to add new fields and modify the existing, standard ones by using the maintenance options in the field catalog configuration process, has now been improved.

    "/EBY/PDVI_TRANSLATE_OLD_MENU" program for transition of custom menu and toolbar function code settings

    The "/EBY/PDVI_TRANSLATE_OLD_MENU" program is now available to transition the existing custom menu and toolbar function code settings to the current design tables.

    Customize multiple message templates for specific communication areas

    The "Send message" functionality has been enhanced such that you can now customize multiple message templates for specific communication areas.

    Code compliance with SAP S/4HANA 1809

    The code is now compliant with SAP S/4HANA 1809.

    Goods Receipts

    Determine workflow recipients

    The new "Determination of workflow recipients" option now allows you to configure settings that preassign the recipient of a workflow.

    Validation of goods receipt processor

    Using the new "Validate user" check, you can now validate whether a user is allowed to process a goods receipt or not.

    Determine material number by any field in "MARA" table

    You can now use the new "/EBY/CL_PDDN_DET_MAT_ANY" determination search to determine the material number by searching any field maintained in the material master data (MARA) table.

    Determine default email address of customer or vendor

    For external messages, the new "Set order of Email determination" option now allows you to configure the order according to which the default email address of a customer or vendor is determined.

    Master Data Maintenance

    Extend master data records

    It is now possible to extend the details (for example, by adding the data for an additional company code) of an existing vendor or customer who was originally created with an account group that uses internal numbering. (1157454)

    Order Confirmations

    Calculate delivery date

    The new "Delivery date calculation" option now allows you to configure settings that calculate a delivery date, based on the shipping date provided by the vendor.

    Determine workflow recipients

    The new "Determination of workflow recipients" option now allows you to configure settings that preassign the recipient of a workflow.

    Determine default email address of customer or vendor

    For external messages, the new "Set order of Email determination" option now allows you to configure the order according to which the default email address of a customer or vendor is determined.

    Payment Approvals

    Display payment amount for each invoice

    The new "Net Payment Amount in local currency" field that is now available on the item level displays the amount that needs to be paid for that line item.

    Web Application

    One GUI theme for the application

    The overall look and feel of the application is now supported by only the "theme.procdir" parameter.

    Configurable "AuthnContextClassRef" parameter for authentication type

    A new configurable parameter, "AuthnContextClassRef", is now available that the service provider uses to suggest the authentication type to the IdP.

    Display of user profile detail screen directly on clicking Worklist node

    On clicking the User profile category in the Worklist, the detail screen for that user is now directly displayed, instead of an overview first.

    Descriptions for custom icon fields in drop-down lists

    Similar to the standard icon fields, the drop-down lists for custom icon fields also have descriptions displayed now; instead of codes for the icons.

    New theme for bigger fields and buttons, as well as sharper edges

    Based on the default "themes/procdir" theme, a new one, "themes/procdir1", is now available that offers bigger buttons and input fields, as well as sharper edges.

    Attachment description adjusted to table width

    The description of an attachment is now adjusted to the table width in the "Attachments" pane such that:

    - If there is enough space, the entire description is displayed.

    - If there is not enough space to display the whole description, ellipses (...) are added at the end.

    - The tooltip is displayed if the entire description is not.

    Map external SNC user ID to internal SAP user ID

    You can now map an external SNC user ID value to an internal SAP user ID by using the "/EBY/PDBO_VUSM" transaction to access the mapping table.

    Logo images with PNG as default format

    To comply with the HTTP response headers for best practices in security, logo images now have the default format of PNG, instead of GIF.

    Specification of content security policy header

    A new default security parameter (xss_security_header.4) is now available that allows you to specify a content security policy header for HTTP responses.


    "Note" section in workflow window

    Optional and mandatory notes can now be entered directly in the corresponding workflow action window, instead of in a separate popup.

    Improved collective reminder email

    The "/EBY/PDWC_DUE_DATE_CHECK" program has now been enhanced such that one collective email containing all the relevant information, including details about overdue workflow steps, can be sent.


    If you have questions or problems, please contact Kofax Knowledge Base.