INVOICES 5-8 Database Upgrade Information

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About the upgrade procedure

Before you upgrade from a previous version of INVOICES, we highly recommend that you interpret, verify and transfer all existing invoices until there are no more invoices in the system. Failure to do so can result in data corruption and invoices can be deleted from the system.

After you interpret, verify and transfer all existing invoices, back up your INVOICES database. Then, after you upgrade INVOICES, start the Manager module, which will initiate a database upgrade (the Database upgrade dialog is displayed).

Warning: It is essential that you back up the database before allowing the upgrade to proceed.

Note: The current database user must have DBO access rights to perform the upgrade.

Click Start to start the upgrade process. The Database upgrade dialog keeps you informed of the progress.

Note: Upgrading the database can take a few minutes, or even several hours, depending on the size of your database.

The size of the database and the number of objects being upgraded are key factors in determining how long it will take to upgrade INVOICES’ database. Usually an upgrade consists of updating the database tables and database objects, such as invoice definitions. Each object’s integrity is analyzed and repaired, if necessary, during the upgrade process. Therefore, the more objects you have in your database, the longer the upgrade can take. As a general rule, invoice definitions are upgraded at a rate of 1,000 per hour.

Upgrading the database consists of these stages:

Additional maintenance operations may also be performed during the upgrade procedure.

When the database upgrade is complete, you can click View log file to view the results.

If you have problems upgrading the database, it may be because the database user that INVOICES uses does not have sufficient privileges to drop the stored procedures.