
This action creates a repeat loop together with the Next action.

The Repeat action marks the start of the repeat loop. In a subsequent step, another iteration of the loop can be requested using a Next action. The windows, pages, and so on, at the Next step will be sent back to the Repeat step and will become the output from the Repeat step in the next iteration. If no Next step is executed in a given iteration, that iteration will be the last one, and the repeat loop will end.

Notice that a robot continues along a path with the Next step on it until the path completes. And if there are database queries, which provide results to loop through on this path, the robot loops through the results of the database query before returning to the Repeat step.

The Repeat action is particularly useful for looping through pages that are connected with next-page links, like this:

See Each Page Links to Next for examples on how to use the Repeat action.