Delete File

This action deletes a file or a directory on the local file system where the robot is executed.

Note that the action is only performed during execution in Design mode in Design Studio, if the option Execute in Design Mode has been selected.


The Delete File action can be configured using the following properties:

File or Directory

This is the file system path or a file URL for the file or directory to be deleted. This can be specified in several ways using a Value Selector. The path must be absolute, including the drive name, if any, and the directory path to the directory. Alternative it can be a file URL, e.g. file:/C:/temp/newDir, in which case it must be URL encoded. The separators / and \ may be used interchangeably.

Delete Non Empty Directories

This is an option that is only relevant if deleting a directory. If not selected the action will only delete empty directories. If selected the action will delete the directory including all files and subdirectories and it will do so recursively for all the subdirectories.

Execute in Design Mode

If this is enabled, the action will be executed even in Design Mode inside Design Studio. If this is disabled, the action will do nothing when you navigate the robot in Design Mode.