
This action emulates a mouse click on the found tag.

This is the most common action to use for navigation such as following links, submitting forms, etc. It can be used when the robot should perform the same action as the browser when clicking on something. Depending on the found tag, the Click action will perform the necessary page loading, form submissions, JavaScript execution, and so on.

To emulate a mouse movement instead of a click, use the Move Mouse To and Move Mouse From actions.



Specify whether to emulate a double-click or a single click.


Specify whether to emulate a right-click or a left click.


When set to Automatic, the browser will select relevant coordinates to click. Alternatively, you can specify exactly which coordinates to click. These are specified in pixels relative to the upper left of the component (such as an image or button) clicked.

Continue when
Add a wait criterion for the step. If you have several wait criteria, execution stops when any wait criterion is met. You can have several met wait criteria such as if you are waiting for two HTML elements that appear on the same load, or if you are waiting for an element on the main frame, and Initial Page Load Completes is set. For more information, see Use Wait Criteria.

The robot's options can be overridden with the step's own options. An option that is marked with an asterisk in the Options Dialog will override the one from the robot's configuration. All other options will be the same as specified for the robot.