Advanced Edit tabs

The following tabs, menus and panels are available in Advanced Edit mode.

File menu

This menu has almost the same content as it does in Review mode.

Home tab

Home tab in Advanced Edit mode has many groups, some might be hidden. Click the blue outward facing arrowheads on the left or right of the ribbon area to see hidden groups

Clipboard group

Has the same tools as in Review mode. Since PDF body text has become editable, the Cut tool actually does cut selected text, in contrast to Review mode, where only comment or typewriter text can be cut.

Edit group

Undo and redo actions, select items and use a format painter. These tools can be placed in the Quick Access toolbar (on the left in the Title bar) to make them more accessible.

Text group

This provides word-processor-like tools to change font, size, attributes (bold, italic, underline...), apply bullets or numbering and set indents. Click Styles to open the Styles panel (see below).

Paragraph group

Display the Paragraph dialog box or directly set alignment, borders and shading, line spacing or character spacing (distribution).

Guides group

View rulers, grids and gridlines, turn Snap to Grid on or off.

Page Layout group

Define columns, page size and text direction.

Search group

Use a word-processor-like Find and Replace dialog box.

Insert tab

Pages group

Insert blank pages, column, section or page breaks.

Images group

Open the Clip Art or Graphics panel (see below) or browse to insert an image from your file system.

More groups

Insert links, text boxes, symbols, tables headers, footers and page numbering. Use the Table tool drop-down list to also modify tables already located in the PDF.

View tab

This provides a subset of the tools in the View tab in Review mode.

Track tab

This tab provides similar functionality as comments handling and Markup tools in Review mode, but through a word-processor-like interface tracking and reviewing changes.

Help tab

Identical to the Help tab in Review mode.