Creating PDF Files to Become Mail Attachments

This feature becomes available when you start writing a new message in Microsoft Outlook or reply to an existing one. It lets you select one or more files from your computer and have them converted to PDF and attached to the open mail. PDF files are attached without conversion; you are warned if you select an invalid file and it is skipped.

attach PDF icon

  1. choose the Attach file to mail as PDF tool in the Kofax ribbon of the Outlook Message window. A File Open dialog box appears.

  2. Browse to a desired location, select one or more suitable input files and click Open. A single PDF file is created in the background for each selected file, and attached to the message.

  3. To attach PDF files from other folders, repeat the procedure.

There is no access to settings for this process. All pages in the selected document are converted, using current PDF Create settings. No PDF file is created on your local system. If you want copies of these PDF files, use Save Attachments from Sent Mail.



If you do not see the Kofax PDF ribbon, see the Troubleshooting topic. See also Creating PDF Files from mail attachments.