Convert Pages

You may start this dialog box in Power PDF, using any buttons (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, XPS Document, Word Form, WordPerfect Document, MRC PDF or Searchable PDF) in the Convert group and in its Other sub-group on the Home ribbon.

Do the following to convert the active Power PDF document to the selected editable format:

  1. Define which pages to convert by choosing an option (Whole document, Current Page, Range or Selected Pages). If you selected Range, then you may specify the starting and ending page numbers in the From and to boxes.
  2. Optionally, select a Document Management System in the DMS list if you want to upload the converted document. Select Keep local copy if you want to save the file to your computer or local network.
  3. Optionally, click Settings to launch the conversion settings dialog applicable to the selected format. One of the following dialog boxes launches:

  4. Click OK to proceed with the conversion.