Accessibility Results - Forms, Tables and Lists

Advice on which issues can be solved automatically by clicking Fix is available in online Help.  This also provides guidance for manually resolving issues.



3-1 Are all form fields tagged?

In an accessible PDF, all form fields must be tagged as such and be part of the document structure. See Tagged PDF.

Solution: use the tool tip form field property to provide the user with information or to provide instructions.


3-2  Do all form fields have a description?

For accessibility, all form fields need a text description (displayed as a tool tip and accessible to screen readers).

Solution: to add a text description to a form field:  select one of the Form tools, and then right-click the form field. Choose Properties from the context menu. Click the General properties tab. Enter a description of the form field in the Tooltip field.


The following checks relate to tables. Because table structure can be complex, it is best practice to check them for accessibility manually.


3-3  Is the tag TR a child of Table, THead, TBody or TFoot?

This rule checks whether each table row tag (TR) in a table is a child of one of the following tags: Table, THead, TBody, or TFoot.

Solution: set correct table tags with the Tag panel.


3-4 Are all children of the tag TR of types TH or TD?

In a suitable table structure, the tags TH and TD are children of a table row tag TR.

Solution: set correct table tags with the Tag panel.


3-5  Do tables have the same number of rows and columns throughout?

To be accessible, tables must contain the same number of columns in each row, and rows in each column. If you cannot avoid having a table with merged cells, at least use alternate text to describe the table.


3-6 Do all tables have a header row and a summary?

For accessibility, all tables in a PDF must have a header. Table summaries are optional, but can improve accessibility.


The following items relate to lists.


3-7  Is the list tag LI always a child of L?

The check reports whether each LI (List Item) is a child of L (List). When this check fails, the structure of this list is incorrect.

Solution: set correct list tags with the Tag panel.


3-8  Are the list-related tags Lbl and Lbody children of LI?

Not only a List element (L) must contain List Item Elements (LI). These List Item Elements (LI) can only contain Label Elements (Lbl) and List Item Body Elements (Lbody). When this rule check fails, the structure of the list is incorrect.

Solution: set correct list tags with the Tag panel.