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Language, Character Set and Code Page Handling Module

Language, Character Set and Code Page Handling Module. More...


  Language info. More...


#define  UNICODE_REJECTED   0x0fffd
  The rejected symbol in Unicode strings. See kRecSetRejectionSymbol and kRecGetRejectionSymbol.
#define  UNICODE_MISSING   0x0fffc
  The missing symbol in Unicode strings. See kRecSetMissingSymbol and kRecGetMissingSymbol.
#define  MAXCPNAMELEN   32
  Maximal buffer length needed for Code Page name.


  Code page types.
  Pointer to an OUTCODEPAGETYPE.


enum   CHR_FILTER {
  Recognition filters. More...
enum   LANG_ENA {
  Language enable/disable. More...
enum   MANAGE_LANG {
  SET_LANG = 0,
  Language management actions. More...
enum   LANGUAGES {
  LANG_ALL = -1024,
  LANG_ALL_LATIN = -1023,
  LANG_ALL_ASIAN = -1022,
  LANG_START = -3,
  LANG_UD = -3,
  LANG_AUTO = -2,
  LANG_NO = -1,
  LANG_ENG = 0,
  Possible languages. More...
enum   CONTINENT {
  C_EUROPE = 0x0001,
  C_ASIA = 0x0002,
  C_AFRICA = 0x0004,
  C_OCEANIA = 0x0008,
  C_LAMERICA = 0x0010,
  C_NAMERICA = 0x0020,
  Continent ID. More...
  B_OTH = 0,
  B_BAS = 1,
  B_LAT = 2,
  B_GRE = 4,
  B_CYR = 8,
  B_ASN = 16,
  B_RTL = 32
  Character set bases. More...
enum   RM_FLAGS
  Recognition Engines supporting a language. More...
  Language code type. More...
  Code page types. More...


RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetLanguages (int sid, LANG_ENA *pLanguages)
  Setting languages.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetLanguages (int sid, LANG_ENA *pLanguages)
  Getting languages.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecManageLanguages (int sid, MANAGE_LANG action, LANGUAGES language)
  Managing enabled languages.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetSingleLanguageDetection (int sid, INTBOOL bEnable)
  Automatic Single Language Detection.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetSingleLanguageDetection (int sid, INTBOOL *pbEnable)
  Getting the single language detection flag.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetPageLanguages (HPAGE hPage, LANG_ENA *pOcrLanguages)
  Getting languages of the page.
  Getting information about a language.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecFindLanguages (const LANGUAGE_INFO *pInfo, LANG_ENA *pLanguages)
  Searching for languages.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecFindLanguage (LPCTSTR pLangName, LANGUAGES *pLanguage)
  Searching for languages.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecFindLanguageEx (LANGUAGE_CODE coding, LPCTSTR pLangName, LANGUAGES *pLanguage, LANG_ENA *pLanguages)
  Searching for languages.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetLanguagesPlus (int sid, LPCWSTR pOcrLplus)
  Setting LanguagesPlus characters.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetLanguagesPlus (int sid, LPWSTR pOcrLplus, size_t iBSize)
  Getting LanguagesPlus characters.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetDefaultFilter (int sid, CHR_FILTER Glfilter)
  Changing global character set filter.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetDefaultFilter (int sid, CHR_FILTER *pGlfilter)
  Getting the global character set filter.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetFilterPlus (int sid, LPCWSTR pFilterPlus)
  Setting FilterPlus characters.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetFilterPlus (int sid, LPWSTR pFilterPlus, size_t iSize)
  Getting FilterPlus characters.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetRejectionSymbol (int sid, WCHAR wRej)
  Setting the rejection symbol character.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetRejectionSymbol (int sid, LPWCH pwRej)
  Getting the rejection symbol character.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetMissingSymbol (int sid, WCHAR wMiss)
  Setting the missing symbol character.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetMissingSymbol (int sid, LPWCH pwMiss)
  Getting missing symbol character.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetCodePage (int sid, LPCTSTR pCodePageName)
  Setting the code page.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetCodePage (int sid, LPTSTR pCodePageName, size_t buflen)
  Getting the code page name.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetCodePageInfo (LPCTSTR pCodePageName, LPTSTR pDesc, size_t size, LPOUTCODEPAGETYPE pCodePageType)
  Getting information about the code page.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecCheckCodePage (int sid, LPWSTR pMissingChrs, size_t buflen)
  Checking the code page.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetFirstCodePage (LPTSTR pCodePageName, size_t buflen)
  Starting enumeration of code pages.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetNextCodePage (LPTSTR pCodePageName, size_t buflen)
  Performing enumeration of code pages.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecConvertCodePage2Unicode (int sid, const LPBYTE pChar, size_t *pBuffLen, LPWCH pUniCode)
  Converting from the current code page to UNICODE.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecConvertUnicode2CodePage (int sid, WCHAR UniCode, LPBYTE pChar, size_t *pBuffLen)
  Converting from UNICODE to the current code page.

Detailed Description

Language, Character Set and Code Page Handling Module.

This module handles language, character set and code page related settings and their combinations.

The processing language must be specified before calling any processing function on a page. You may define one or more languages with the kRecSetLanguages or kRecManageLanguages functions. The languages specify both the set of characters to recognize and - if spell checking is enabled - the dictionaries to use. If more than one language is enabled automatic language detection is done. Automatic detection has two working modes:

CCJK and Arabic languages can be recognized one language at a time only (but English characters are automatically enabled), so only the second, Single Language Detection mode is supported when more than one CCJK languages and/or the Arabic one are enabled.

NOTE: Single Language Detection of Thai and Hebrew languages are not supported. Very clean documents in Greek, Russian and other Cyrillic languages can be processed with Single Language Detection, but making your application depend on automatic detection of these languages is not encouraged.

The current code page is specified by the setting Kernel.Chr.CodePage. Its default value is -1 meaning "Auto". Auto code page means the current code page comes from the setting Kernel.Chr.CodePage.Default. The default value of this latter setting on Windows is the code page of the current OS, on Linux and Mac it is UTF-8. See also kRecGetCodePage.

The structure LANGUAGE_INFO provides information about a selected language and particular abbreviations of its name. This module supports the CSDK internal language codes and the following language code standards: ISO/DIS 639-1, ISO/DIS 639-2/B, ISO/DIS 639-3, BCP 47 and Windows 3-letter language codes. See the list of language identifiers for details.

In the ISO 639-3 standard there are languages missing. CSDK defines additional local identifiers for them as follows:

qsl Serbian (Latin)
qbp Brazilian
qes Eskimo
qti Pirez
qcs Chinese (Simplified)
qct Chinese (Traditional)

CSDK extends the ISO 639-3 standard with the following codes coming from ISO 639-2/B:

SMI Sami languages

See the list of language identifiers for even more details about the supported standards and language identifiers.

See also:
Settings of the Character and Code Page Handling Module
Language, Character Set and Code page Handling Module related pages

Typedef Documentation

Code page types.

Each output code page is classified into one of these categories.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Character set bases.

Basic character set types of languages. See LANGUAGE_INFO.


Internal use only.


Internal use only.


Latin alphabet-based language.


Greek language.


Cyrillic alphabet-based language.


An Asian language.


Right-to-left language (Arabic, Hebrew, ..).


Recognition filters.

This enum lists available Character Set filter elements. Language environment can be narrowed down by specifying Character Set filters. The name of each filter element denotes the category of characters it validates. A filter is built from one or more filter elements by combining (binary OR-ing) them. There are five disjunct elements, a special one and some pre-defined, combined ones. The filters can have an effect either at zone level (by specifying the zone's filter field) or globally, at page level (defined by the kRecSetDefaultFilter function). Use the FILTER_ALL value to set no filtering.

Characters in the document that are not part of the specified Character Set will either be UNICODE_REJECTED or recognized as a validated character with a similar shape. For instance, if you select English only and the document contains a letter "Capital A with acute", the recognized output will be the letter "Capital A".
Filters have no effect on the 2nd, 3rd etc. choices of each LETTER.
The capabilities of the selected recognition module can also impose restrictions, e.g. the HNR module is restricted to numerals and four other characters.
Not all recognition modules support all filter elements:
To add FILTER_PLUS characters to the Character Set defined by the language environment, the filter value should be: FILTER_ALL | FILTER_PLUS.
To add FILTER_PLUS characters to the filtered Character Set, place FILTER_PLUS along with the other required filters. For example, to enable only digits and FILTER_PLUS characters, use: FILTER_DIGIT | FILTER_PLUS.
To validate FILTER_PLUS characters only, FILTER_PLUS must be the only filter element in the zone structure field. This even prevents language selection from validating letters in the current zone.

Use this value to have the zone handled globally. Do not combine this with any other filters.


[Disjunct filter] Recognition of numerals only. E.g.: "3" (Digit Three).


[Disjunct filter] Recognition of uppercase letters only, including accented ones. E.g.: "A" (Capital A).


[Disjunct filter] Recognition of lowercase letters only, including accented ones. E.g.: "a" (Lowercase a).


[Disjunct filter] Recognition of punctuation signs only. E.g.: "!" (Exclamation Mark).


[Disjunct filter] Recognition of other miscellaneous characters only. E.g.: "+" (Plus sign).


[Special, combinable filter] Enables the use of the FilterPlus characters specified by the kRecSetFilterPlus function. The FilterPlus characters are added after any kind of filtering.


[Special, combinable filter] Recognition of characters from the user dictionary.


[Pre-defined combined filter] Since all elements are enabled, there is no filtering.


[Pre-defined combined filter] Recognition of upper and lowercase letters only.


[Pre-defined combined filter] Recognition of digits and the FilterPlus characters set by the kRecSetFilterPlus function.


Number of possible combinations of the disjunct filters.


Continent ID.

This enum can be used for identifying the geographical location, where a given language is spoken. See LANGUAGE_INFO.








Australia and Oceania


Latin America


North America


Artificial languages and Latin


Language enable/disable.

This defines the possible values for the language selection in the Language environment definition. This is supplied by the enum LANGUAGES and used by the function kRecSetLanguages.

The Character Set is primarily defined by the Language environment specified by kRecSetLanguages. If no language is enabled, only the digits, language-independent punctuation and the miscellaneous characters are validated. Whenever at least one language is enabled (i.e. gets the LANG_ENABLED value), the unaccented lower and uppercase Latin-alphabet characters are validated in addition to the accented lower and uppercase letters defined for the enabled language(s). Language-specific punctuation is enabled with the language concerned. At present these only include the inverted question mark and inverted exclamation mark for Spanish.
To change the language selection, create a LANG_SIZE sized array with this LANG_ENA type. Initialize all elements to LANG_DISABLED, enable the required languages and pass the array to the kRecSetLanguages function.
To enable a single language only, use the kRecManageLanguages function. That function is useful in other cases as well; see its description.

The particular language is disabled.


The particular language is enabled.

Language code type.

One of these values can be used with the kRecFindLanguageEx function to specify the type of the language name abbreviation code to search.


Look for the language using all supported language codes.


Look for the language as an English name.


Look for the language among the CSDK internal 3-letter codes.


Look for the language in the ISO/DIS 639-1 standard.


Look for the language in the ISO/DIS 639-2/B standard.


Look for the language in the superset of the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard.


Look for the language among the Windows Three Letter Acronyms.


Look for the language in the BCP 47 standard.


Possible languages.

This enum identifies the different languages supported directly by the Engine. In the Engine these languages are used in two different places:

  • For recognition: they define the available languages to form the Language environment of the Character Set.
  • A subset of these languages can be made available to the checking module. In this case a language (the Spelling language) should be specified.
    To define the Language environment of the Character Set, these languages are to be specified as indices to a LANG_ENA array where the selection/de-selection of a language means setting the proper element of the array to LANG_ENA.LANG_ENABLED / LANG_ENA.LANG_DISABLED. Recognition modules, especially the omnifont ones (RM_OMNIFONT_MTX and RM_OMNIFONT_MOR), support the recognition of different accented letters of the languages enumerated here.
    Languages not listed here individually are supported for recognition either by combining the available languages and/or by specifying individually validated characters (the LanguagesPlus characters - kRecSetLanguagesPlus) in addition to those defined by the language selection.
    When this enum is used for specifying the Spelling language, you can only use languages supported by the current engine configuration (and delivered along with the integrating application). You can also use the LANG_AUTO and the LANG_NO values. (The OmniPage Capture SDK is delivered with support for 21 different spell languages. However, the distribution set of the integrating application may contain support for fewer dictionary languages.)
    Specifying two or more languages for recognition results in validation of a combined (OR-ed) set of the characters of these languages. While most of the modules allow any combination of languages, the RM_OMNIFONT_FRX module supports language combinations only within the same Code Page. For example, this module properly processes the English, German and Italian language combinations, since all these languages belong to the Windows ANSI (1252) Code Page. However, when specifying e.g. both the French and Czech languages, RM_OMNIFONT_FRX may fail to recognize some accented characters properly in the Czech alphabet, since these languages are not in the same Code Page.

Use with kRecManageLanguages only! See details there.


Use with kRecManageLanguages only! See details there.


Use with kRecManageLanguages only! See details there.


First 'Special' language ID


User dictionary


Automatic spell checking language selection. Use with kRecSetSpellLanguage only! See details there. (Default for spell checking)


No spell checking language selection. Use with kRecSetSpellLanguage only! See details there.


English language selection. Spelling supported! (Default for recognition). ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'eng'.


German language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'deu'.


French language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'fra'.


Dutch language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'nld'.


Norwegian language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'nor'.


Swedish language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'swe'.


Finnish language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'fin'.


Danish language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'dan'.


Icelandic language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'isl'.


Portuguese language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'por'.


Spanish language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'spa'.


Catalan language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'cat'.


Galician language selection. Alternate names are Gallegan and Gallego. Spoken in Spain and Portugal. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'glg'.


Italian language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ita'.


Maltese language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'mlt'.


Greek language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ell'.


Polish language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'pol'.


Czech language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ces'.


Slovak language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'slk'.


Hungarian language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'hun'.


Slovenian language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'slv'.


Croatian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'hrv'.


Romanian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ron'.


Albanian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'sqi'.


Turkish language selection. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tur'.


Estonian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'est'.


Latvian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'lav'.


Lithuanian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'lit'.


Esperanto language selection. Constructed language. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'epo'.


Serbian (Latin) language selection. The Serbian language's ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'srp', but the CSDK uses the 'qsl' local code for Latin Serbian writing.


Serbian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. The Serbian language's ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'srp'. The CSDK uses this code for only the Cyrillic Serbian writing.


Macedonian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'mkd'.


Moldavian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'mol'.


Bulgarian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'bul'.


Byelorussian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. Other spellings Belarusian and White Russian. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'bel'.


Ukrainian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ukr'.


Russian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. Spelling supported! ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'rus'.


Chechen language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'che'.


Kabardian language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. Alternate name is Beslenei. Spoken in Russia and Turkey. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kbd'.


Afrikaans language selection. Spoken in Sourth Africa. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'afr'.


Aymara language selection. Spoken in Bolivia and Peru. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'aym'.


Basque language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'eus'.


Bemba language selection. Alternate names are Chibemba, Ichibemba, Wemba, Chiwemba. Spoken in Zambia and Democratic Republic of Congo. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'bem'.


Blackfoot language selection. Alternate name is Blackfeet, Siksika and Pikanii. Spoken in Canada and USA. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'bla'.


Breton language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'bre'.


Portuguese (Brazilian) language selection. Spelling supported! There is no language code for the Brazilian Portuguese language in the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard. The CSDK uses the 'qbp' local code.


Bugotu language selection. Spoken in Solomon Islands. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'bgt'.


Chamorro language selection. Spoken in Guam and Northern Mariana Islands. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'cha'.


Chuana or Tswana language selection. Spoken in Botswana and South Africa. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tsn'.


Corsican language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'cos'.


Crow language selection. Spoken in USA. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'cro'.


Eskimo language selection. This language selection is a collection of Eskimo and Inuit languages. There is no language code for it in the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard. The CSDK uses the 'qes' local code.


Faroese language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'fao'.


Fijian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'fij'.


Frisian language selection. This is a macro language of three Frisian languages in Germany. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'fry'.


Friulian language selection. Spoken in Italy. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'fur'.


Gaelic Irish language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'gle'.


Gaelic Scottish language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'gla'.


Ganda or Luganda language selection. Spoken in Uganda. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'lug'.


Guarani language selection. This is a macro language of the Chiripa and some Guarani languages. Spoken in Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'grn'.


Hani language selection. Alternate names are Hanhi, Haw and Hani Proper. Spoken in China, Laos and Viet Nam. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'hni'.


Hawaiian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'haw'.


Ido language selection. Constructed language. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ido'.


Indonesian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ind'.


Interlingua language selection. Constructed language. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ina'.


Kashubian language selection. Spoken in Poland. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'csb'.


Kawa language selection. Alternate names area Wa, Va, Vo, Wa Pwo and Wakut. Spoken in China. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'wbm'.


Kikuyu language selection. Spoken in Kenya. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kik'.


Kongo language selection. This is a macro language of Laari and Kongo languages. Spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola and Congo. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kon'.


Kpelle language selection. This is a macro language of Kpelle languages. Spoken in Liberia and Guinea. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kpe'.


Kurdish language selection - if written in the latin alphabet. This is a macro language of the Kurdish languages ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kur'.


Latin language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'lat'.


Luba language selection. Alternate names are Luba-Lulua, Luba-Kasai, Tshiluba, Luva and Western Luba. Spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'lua'.


Luxembourgian language selection. Alternate names are Luxembourgeois and Letzburgish. Spoken in Luxembourg. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ltz'.


Malagasy language selection. This is a macro language of Malagasy languages. Spoken in Madagascar. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'mlg'.


Malay language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'msa'.


Malinke language selection. Alternate names are Western Maninkakan, Malinka and Maninga. Spoken in Senegal, Gambia and Mali. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'mlq'.


Maori language selection. Spoken in New Zealand. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'mri'.


Mayan language selection. This is a language collection which is not supported by ISO/DIS 639-3, so the CSDK uses the ISO/DSI-639-2 code for this: 'MYN'.


Miao language selection. This is a macro language of Hmong languages. Alternate name is Hmong. Spoken in China, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar and Viet Nam. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'hmn'.


Minankabaw language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'min'.


Mohawk language selection. Spoken in Canada and USA. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'moh'.


Nahuatl language selection. This is a language collection which is not supported by ISO/DIS 639-3, so the CSDK uses the ISO/DSI-639-2 code for this: 'NAH'.


Nyanja language selection. Alternate names are Chichewa and Chinyanja. Spoken in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabw. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'nya'.


Occidental language selection. Constructed language. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'occ'.


Ojibway language selection. This is a macro language of Ojibwa, Chippewa and Ottawa languages. Alternate names are Ojibwa and Ojibwe. Spoken in Canada and USA. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'oji'.


Papiamento language selection. Spoken in Netherlands Antilles, Aruba. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'pap'.


Pidgin English language selection. Alternate names are Tok Pisin, Naomalanesian and New Guinean Pidgin English. Spoken in Papua New Guinea. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tpi'.


Provencal language selection. Alternate name is Occitan. Spoken in France, Italy and Monaco. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'prv'.


Quechua language selection. This is a macro language of the Quechua languages. Spoken in Peru. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'que'.


Rhaetic language selection. Alternate names are Romansch and Rhaeto-Romance. Spoken in Switzerland. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'roh'.


Romany language selection. Spoken all over Europe. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'rom'.


Ruanda language selection. Alternate names are Kinyarwanda and Rwanda. Spoken in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kin'.


Rundi language selection. Spoken in Burundi and Uganda. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'run'.


Samoan language selection. Spoken in Samoa and American Samoa. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'smo'.


Sardinian language selection. This is a macro language of the Sardinian languages. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'srd'.


Shona language selection. Spoken in Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'sna'.


Sioux language selection. Alternate name is Dakota. Spoken in USA and Canada. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'dak'.


Sami language selection (Combination of the Sami language family). This is a language collection which is not supported by ISO/DIS 639-3, so the CSDK uses the ISO/DSI-639-2 code for this: 'SMI'.


Lule Sami language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'smj'.


Northern Sami language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'sme'.


Southern Sami language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'sma'.


Somali language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'som'.


Sotho, Suto or Sesuto language selection. Spoken is Lesotho and South Africa. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'sot'.


Sundanese language selection. Alternate names are Sunda and Priangan. Spoken in Java and Bali in Indonesia. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'sun'.


Swahili language selection. This is a macro language of the Swahili languages. Spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Kenya and Somalia. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'swa'.


Swazi language selection. Alternate names are Swati, Siswati and Tekela. Spoken in Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique and South Africa. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ssw'.


Tagalog language selection. Spoken in Philippines. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tgl'.


Tahitian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tah'.


Pirez language selection. There is no language code for it in the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard. The CSDK uses the 'qti' local code.


Tongan language selection. Alternate names are Tonga, Siska and Nyasa. Spoken in Malawi. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ton'.


Tun language selection. Alternate names are Tunia and Tunya. Spoken in Chad. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tug'.


Visayan language selection. The Visayan language actually consists of three languages: Cebuano, Hiligaynon and Samaran or Waray-waray. Spoken in the Philippines. There is no language code for it in the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard. The CSDK uses the 'qis' local code.


Welsh language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'cym'.


Wend or Sorbian language selection. This is a language collection which is not supported by ISO/DIS 639-3, so the CSDK uses the ISO/DSI-639-2 code for this: 'WEN'.


Wolof language selection. Spoken in Senegal and Mauritania. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'wol'.


Xhosa language selection. Spoken in South Africa and Lesotho. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'xho'.


Zapotec language selection. This is a macro language of the Zapotec languages. Spoken in Mexico. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'zap'.


Zulu language selection. Spoken in South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique and Swaziland. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'zul'.


Japanese language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'jpn'.


Simplified Chinese language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. There is no language code for this writing mode in the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard. The CSDK uses the 'qcs' local code.


Traditional Chinese language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. There is no language code for this writing mode in the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard. The CSDK uses the 'qct' local code.


Korean language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language, as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kor'.


Thai language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tha'. This language is supported on: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X.


Arabic language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ara'. This language is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.


Hebrew language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'heb'. This language is supported on: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X.


Vietnamese (Latin) language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'vie'. This language is supported on: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X.


Number of directly selectable languages.

Language management actions.

This enum defines the possible management actions for the kRecManageLanguages function.


Make the given language the single enabled language in the set.


Add the given language to the set of enabled languages.


Remove the given language from the set of enabled languages.


Invert the status of the given language in the set of enabled languages.


Return REC_OK if the given language is enabled.

Code page types.

Each output code page is classified into one of these categories.


Code Pages not classified to any further categories, e.g. Roman-8.


16-bit Code Pages, e.g. UNICODE.


Code Pages typically used by different localized DOS versions and DOS applications, e.g. Code Page 437.


Code Pages typically used by different localized Windows versions and Windows applications, e.g. Windows Greek.


Code Pages typically used by different localized Mac versions and applications, e.g. Macintosh Central European CP.


Reserved 8-bit and 16 bit Code Pages used internally by the Engine.


Multi-byte code pages for Asian languages.


Recognition Engines supporting a language.

These flags can be used to indicate the set of recognition engines supporting a given language. See LANGUAGE_INFO.

Function Documentation

RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecCheckCodePage ( int  sid,
LPWSTR  pMissingChrs,
size_t  buflen 

Checking the code page.

The kRecCheckCodePage checks whether the current Code Page setting contains all the characters of the current Language environment (language selection, the LanguagesPlus characters), and any characters listed as FilterPlus characters.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pMissingChrs Pointer of a buffer to hold any missing characters returned by the function.
[in] buflen Specifies the size of the buffer in bytes. It must be large enough to hold all the characters and the terminating double zero.
Return values:
The buffer will contain any character (in UNICODE) validated for recognition, which cannot be found in the current Code Page.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecCheckCodePage(int sid, StringBuilder pMissingChrs); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecCheckCodePage(int sid, String[] pMissingChrs) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecConvertCodePage2Unicode ( int  sid,
const LPBYTE  pChar,
size_t *  pBuffLen,
LPWCH  pUniCode 

Converting from the current code page to UNICODE.

This utility function converts a single character code from the current Code Page value to its UNICODE representation.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pChar Character code to be converted.
[in,out] pBuffLen Length of the input buffer. Upon returning it gets the exact length of the input code.
[out] pUniCode Pointer of a variable to store the result of the conversion.
Return values:
This function can be useful whenever a character or a character string should be passed to a RecAPI API function requiring the character's or string's UNICODE representation. (e.g. kRecSetRejectionSymbol).
The current Code Page can be changed by a previous kRecSetCodePage function call.
For characters that are not in the given code page this function returns with CHR_ILLEGALCODE_ERR error code.
The function checks whether the passed length is enough for representing the input character. If it is not enough, the function returns with CHR_CODELENGTH_ERR error. If it is enough, the length parameter gets the exact length of the specified input code. This is useful when a whole word or longer string is converted character-by-character, because this retrieved exact length gives the bytes to be skipped for the next character of the input string.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecConvertCodePage2Unicode(int sid, byte[] pChar, out int pBuffLen, out char pUniCode); 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecConvertUnicode2CodePage ( int  sid,
WCHAR  UniCode,
LPBYTE  pChar,
size_t *  pBuffLen 

Converting from UNICODE to the current code page.

This utility function converts a UNICODE character code to its representation in the current code page.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] UniCode Character code to be converted.
[out] pChar Pointer of a variable to store the result of the conversion.
[in,out] pBuffLen Length of the output buffer. Upon returning, it gets the exact length of the output code.
Return values:
The current Code Page can be changed by a previous kRecSetCodePage function call.
If pChar is NULL the function also gives the required length for storing the output code and the return value is CHR_CODELENGTH_ERR.
For UNICODE codes not supported by OmniPage CSDK and for characters not in the given code page, this function returns with CHR_ILLEGALCODE_ERR error code and retrieves the missing character set by calling kRecSetMissingSymbol.
If the input is UNICODE_REJECTED it retrieves the rejected symbol set by calling kRecSetRejectionSymbol. If the input is UNICODE_MISSING it retrieves the missing symbol set by calling kRecSetMissingSymbol.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecConvertUnicode2CodePage(int sid, char UniCode, out byte[] pExport); 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecFindLanguage ( LPCTSTR  pLangName,
LANGUAGES pLanguage 

Searching for languages.

The kRecFindLanguage function searches for a single language with the given name.

[in] pLangName The name of the language. It can be an English name, an ISO 639-3, ISO 639-2/B, ISO 639-1 or BCP 47 code, a Windows 3-letter code or a CSDK internal 3-letter code.
[out] pLanguage The index of the first language. If no language can be found, LANG_NO will be put in this parameter.
Return values:
CHR_MULTIPLELANG_FOUND_WARN More than one language has been found. The index of the most relevant language is put in the pLanguage parameter even in this case. Use one of the kRecFindLanguages or kRecFindLanguageEx functions to retrieve all the languages.
RECERR Other error
You might find kRecFindLanguageEx easier to use; that is the suggested function to call.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecFindLanguage(string pLangName, out LANGUAGES pLanguage); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecFindLanguage(String pLangName, int[] pLanguage) 
LPCTSTR  pLangName,
LANGUAGES pLanguage,
LANG_ENA pLanguages 

Searching for languages.

The kRecFindLanguageEx function searches for the language or languages with the given name.

[in] coding Look for the language using all or one of the language coding standards. See LANGUAGE_CODE for details.
[in] pLangName The name of the language to find.
[out] pLanguage Returns the index of the found language. If no language can be found, LANG_NO will be put in this parameter.
[out] pLanguages This parameter can be NULL. If not NULL, must point to an array having LANG_SIZE elements. All the languages matching pLangName by the required language coding are enabled in this array.
Return values:
CHR_MULTIPLELANG_FOUND_WARN More than one language has been found. The index of the most relevant language is put in the pLanguage parameter even in this case, while pLanguages (if not NULL) will contain all of them as LANG_ENABLED.
RECERR Other error
A special use of this function is when the first parameter (coding) is a Windows LangID (LCID) cast to LANGUAGE_CODE, and pLangName is NULL. In this case the language specified by the LangID will be returned in pLanguage (and pLanguages, if not NULL).
This function is the successor of the kRecFindLanguage and kRecFindLanguages functions. kRecFindLanguage(langname, &lang) is equivalent to kRecFindLanguageEx(LANGCODE_ALL, langname, &lang, NULL), while you have more control with the kRecFindLanguageEx function.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecFindLanguageEx(LANGUAGE_CODE coding, string pLangName, out LANGUAGES pLanguage, out LANG_ENA[] pLanguages);
    // or when  pLanguages is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecFindLanguageEx(LANGUAGE_CODE coding, string pLangName, out LANGUAGES pLanguage);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecFindLanguageEx(LANGUAGE_CODE coding, String pLangName, int[] pLanguage, int[] pLanguages) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecFindLanguages ( const LANGUAGE_INFO pInfo,
LANG_ENA pLanguages 

Searching for languages.

The kRecFindLanguages function collects languages according to the given language information.

[in] pInfo Pointer to a structure containing the filter information. If a field is zero or an empty string, it does not affect the filtering. If a field has some real value, the only languages defined by that value will be reported on. The EnglishName field may contain not only the English name of the language, but the language identifier for any of the following standards: ISO 639-3, ISO 639-2/B, ISO 639-1, BCP 47, Windows 3-letter code or a CSDK internal 3-letter code.
[out] pLanguages Pointer to an array having LANG_SIZE elements to give back whether a language is selected or not.
Return values:
See also kRecFindLanguage and kRecFindLanguageEx. You might find kRecFindLanguageEx easier to use; that is the suggested function to call.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecFindLanguages(LANGUAGE_INFO pInfo, out LANG_ENA[] pLanguages); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecFindLanguages(LANGUAGE_INFO pInfo, int[] pLanguages) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetCodePage ( int  sid,
LPTSTR  pCodePageName,
size_t  buflen 

Getting the code page name.

The kRecGetCodePage function will provide the current Code Page name.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pCodePageName Pointer of a buffer for the current setting.
[in] buflen Specifies the size of the buffer in bytes.
Return values:
The length of any Code Page name never exceeds MAXCPNAMELEN characters (including the terminating zero).
This function gets the value of the setting Kernel.Chr.CodePage. This setting can be changed by kRecSetCodePage. If the value of the setting is -1, the function retrieves the default code page from the setting Kernel.Chr.CodePage.Default. See also auto code page.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetCodePage(int sid, out string pCodePageName); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetCodePage(int sid, String[] pCodePageName) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetCodePageInfo ( LPCTSTR  pCodePageName,
LPTSTR  pDesc,
size_t  size,

Getting information about the code page.

The kRecGetCodePageInfo function provides information about the specified Code Page: a descriptive string and the category of the Code Page.

[in] pCodePageName Name of the Code Page inquired.
[out] pDesc Pointer of a buffer to hold the Code Page descriptor information.
[in] size Specifies the size of the buffer pDesc, in bytes. (MAXCPNAMELEN is recommended)
[out] pCodePageType Pointer of a OUTCODEPAGETYPE variable to hold basic Code Page category information.
Return values:
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetCodePageInfo(string pCodePageName, out string pDesc, out OUTCODEPAGETYPE pCodePageType); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetCodePageInfo(String pCodePageName, String[] pDesc, OUTCODEPAGETYPE[] pCodePageType) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetDefaultFilter ( int  sid,
CHR_FILTER pGlfilter 

Getting the global character set filter.

The kRecGetDefaultFilter function inquires the current Global filter setting. The result will be the binary OR-ed combination of one or more disjunct members of CHR_FILTER.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pGlfilter Pointer of a variable to get the current Global filter setting.
Return values:
This function gets the value of the setting Kernel.Chr.DefaultFilter. (This setting was not saved into a setting file in CSDK 15.)
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetDefaultFilter(int sid, out CHR_FILTER filter); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetDefaultFilter(int sid, CHR_FILTER[] pGlfilter) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetFilterPlus ( int  sid,
LPWSTR  pFilterPlus,
size_t  iSize 

Getting FilterPlus characters.

The kRecGetFilterPlus gets the FilterPlus characters setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pFilterPlus Pointer of a buffer to get the current FilterPlus character setting in UNICODE.
[in] iSize Specifies the size of the buffer in bytes. It must be large enough to hold all the characters and the terminating wide-character zero.
Return values:
This function gets the value of the setting Kernel.Chr.FilterPlus. (This setting was not saved into a setting file in CSDK 15.)
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetFilterPlus(int sid, StringBuilder pFilterPlus); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetFilterPlus(int sid, String[] pFilterPlus) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetFirstCodePage ( LPTSTR  pCodePageName,
size_t  buflen 

Starting enumeration of code pages.

The kRecGetFirstCodePage function together with the kRecGetNextCodePage creates a listing of the available Code Pages.

[out] pCodePageName Pointer of a buffer for the name of the first available Code Page.
[in] buflen Specifies the size of the buffer in bytes.
Return values:
The length of the Code Page names never exceeds MAXCPNAMELEN characters (including the terminating zero).
The Code Pages are either hard-coded in the Engine (Code Page 437, Roman 8, Greek-ELOT, Greek-MEMOTEK, all the supported Windows Code Pages and the 16-bit UNICODE and WordPerfect) or they are defined in the Code Page Definition files, *.SET. The OmniPage CSDK is shipped with the Code Page Definition file, called RECOGN.SET.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetFirstCodePage(out string pCodePageName); 
There is a non-enumerating function replacing kRecGetFirstCodePage and kRecGetNextCodePage in C#:
 RECERR kRecGetAllCodePages(out string[] codepages); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetFirstCodePage(String[] pCodePageName) 

Getting information about a language.

The kRecGetLanguageInfo function inquires information about a language.

[in] lang The ID of the inquired language.
[out] pInfo Pointer of a structure to give back information about the chosen language.
Return values:
See the list of language identifiers for details.
Language names are available in ANSI encoding. Use MultiByteToWideChar to convert to UTF-16
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetLanguageInfo(LANGUAGES lang, out LANGUAGE_INFO pInfo); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetLanguageInfo(int lang, LANGUAGE_INFO pInfo) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetLanguages ( int  sid,
LANG_ENA pLanguages 

Getting languages.

The kRecGetLanguages function inquires the current language selection.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pLanguages Pointer to an array to get the current language selection. The size of the array must be LANG_SIZE. Each element of this array represents a language from LANGUAGES.
Return values:
The Language environment is primarily determined by the language selection, optionally supplemented by the LanguagesPlus characters setting.
This function gets the value of the setting Kernel.Languages. This setting can be changed by kRecSetLanguages.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetLanguages(int sid, LANG_ENA[] pLanguages); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetLanguages(int sid, int[] pLanguages) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetLanguagesPlus ( int  sid,
LPWSTR  pOcrLplus,
size_t  iBSize 

Getting LanguagesPlus characters.

The kRecGetLanguagesPlus function inquires the current LanguagesPlus characters setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pOcrLplus Pointer to a buffer to get the current LanguagesPlus character setting in UNICODE.
[in] iBSize Specifies the size of the buffer in bytes. It must be large enough to hold all the characters and the terminating wide-character zero.
Return values:
This function gets the value of the setting Kernel.Chr.LanguagesPlus. (This setting was not saved into setting file in CSDK 15.)
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetLanguagesPlus(int sid, StringBuilder pOcrLplus); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetLanguagesPlus(int sid, String[] pOcrLplus) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetMissingSymbol ( int  sid,
LPWCH  pwMiss 

Getting missing symbol character.

The kRecGetMissingSymbol function inquires the current missing symbol setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pwMiss Pointer of a variable to get the missing symbol setting.
Return values:
This function gets the value of the setting Kernel.Chr.Missing. This setting can be changed by kRecSetMissingSymbol.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetMissingSymbol(int sid, out char wMiss); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetMissingSymbol(int sid, char[] pwMiss) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetNextCodePage ( LPTSTR  pCodePageName,
size_t  buflen 

Performing enumeration of code pages.

The kRecGetNextCodePage function together with the kRecGetFirstCodePage creates a listing of the available Code Pages.

[out] pCodePageName Pointer of a buffer for the name of the first available Code Page.
[in] buflen Specifies the size of the buffer in bytes.
Return values:
The length of the Code Page names never exceeds MAXCPNAMELEN characters (including the terminating zero).
Repeated calls to this function get a sequence of the available Code Pages and generate a return code REC_OK each time. As soon as the function finds no further item to get, it returns with CHR_NOMORE_WARN, signaling that the list is complete.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetNextCodePage(out string pCodePageName); 
There is a non-enumerating function replacing kRecGetFirstCodePage and kRecGetNextCodePage in C#:
 RECERR kRecGetAllCodePages(out string[] codepages); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetNextCodePage(String[] pCodePageName) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetPageLanguages ( HPAGE  hPage,
LANG_ENA pOcrLanguages 

Getting languages of the page.

The kRecGetPageLanguages function inquires the language selection for a given page

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[out] pOcrLanguages Pointer to an array to get the language selection. The size of the array must be LANG_SIZE. Each element of this array represents a language from LANGUAGES.
Return values:
This function could be important when Automatic Single Language Detection is used. In this case it retrieves the result of the language detection process. Usually a single language is enabled in the pLanguages array, which is found to be most typical of the page. Sometimes, when language detection was not sure, even two languages could be enabled in the array.
This function could be called only after a processing function (like kRecPreprocessImg, kRecLocateZones or kRecRecognize) has been called with the page. Otherwise an error is returned.
If the language detection process could not determine the language of the page it fills pLanguages with the language of the previous page and returns the LANGDET_INHERITED_WARN warning code.
If single language detection is disabled it returns the same array that was returned by kRecGetLanguages at the time of the last processing function.
There is no corresponding kRecSetPageLanguages function. If you want to change the language to be used for recognizing a given page (e.g. after a failed single language detection) you must do the following steps:
  1. disable automatic single language detection with kRecSetSingleLanguageDetection
  2. set the language or languages with e.g. kRecManageLanguages
  3. redo the processing functions starting with kRecPreprocessImg
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetPageLanguages(IntPtr hPage, LANG_ENA[] pLanguages); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetPageLanguages(HPAGE hPage, int[] pOcrLanguages) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetRejectionSymbol ( int  sid,
LPWCH  pwRej 

Getting the rejection symbol character.

The kRecGetRejectionSymbol function inquires the current rejection symbol setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pwRej Pointer of a variable to get the rejection symbol setting.
Return values:
This function gets the value of the setting Kernel.Chr.Rejected. This setting can be changed by kRecSetRejectionSymbol.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetRejectionSymbol(int sid, out char pwRej); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetRejectionSymbol(int sid, char[] pwRej) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetSingleLanguageDetection ( int  sid,
INTBOOL *  pbEnable 

Getting the single language detection flag.

The kRecGetSingleLanguageDetection function retrieves the value of the Automatic Single Language Detection setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pbEnable Pointer of a variable to store the single language detection flag.
Return values:
This function gets the value of the setting Kernel.OcrMgr.DetectSingleLanguage. This setting can be changed by kRecSetSingleLanguageDetection.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetSingleLanguageDetection(int sid, out bool bEnable); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetSingleLanguageDetection(int sid, int[] pbEnable) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecManageLanguages ( int  sid,
MANAGE_LANG  action,
LANGUAGES  language 

Managing enabled languages.

The kRecManageLanguages function performs some basic management actions (Set, Add, Remove, Invert, Is Enabled) on the Language environment.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] action The management action to perform. See the MANAGE_LANG enum.
[in] language The single language, or a language set, to enable, disable, or inquire. See the LANGUAGES enum.
Return values:
This function is an easy to use alternative to the kRecSetLanguages and kRecGetLanguages functions. It is especially handy when you need to work with a single language only, but can also be used very well in other cases.
Example of language selection for multi-lingual documents (e.g. English and German):
With the SET_LANG function the language parameter can be LANG_NO as well, which is equivalent to calling kRecSetLanuages with all the array elements being LANG_DISABLED.
The language parameter can be a language set identifier as well. This is only useful when automatic single language detection is used, see kRecSetSingleLanguageDetection. When automatic single language detection is enabled, the following values can be specified as well:
See also the details of CCJK, Arabic, Thai, Vietnamese and Hebrew language handling.
IS_LANG_ENABLED checks if the language is enabled or not. kRecManageLanguages returns REC_OK if the language is enabled while it returns CHR_LANG_DISABLED_WARN if disabled. If the language parameter is a language set identifier (like LANG_ALL_ASIAN) REC_OK is returned if at least one of the languages in the set is enabled.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecManageLanguages(int sid, MANAGE_LANG action, LANGUAGES language); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecManageLanguages(int sid, MANAGE_LANG action, int language) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetCodePage ( int  sid,
LPCTSTR  pCodePageName 

Setting the code page.

The kRecSetCodePage function specifies the Code Page setting of the Engine.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pCodePageName Name of the Code Page to be set. The available Code Pages can be learnt using the kRecGetFirstCodePage and kRecGetNextCodePage function-pair. Auto code page can be selected by NULL or empty string.
Return values:
The current Code Page setting is taken into account in three different cases:
For most languages you may find best to use one of the unicode codepages: "Unicode" or "UTF-8".
In order to keep the Code Page setting consistent for all processing steps, it is a good practice to specify the necessary Code Page setting BEFORE calling any Code Page related function, and not to change it until the final output document has been generated.
The selected Code Page should be able to express all characters validated for recognition (i.e. the Character Set for all the zones). Use the kRecCheckCodePage function to decide whether the current Code Page really fulfils this requirement.
When the document contains characters missing from the currently selected Code Page (those returned by the kRecCheckCodePage call), then they are recognized, but in the final output document will be replaced by the Missing symbol (see kRecSetMissingSymbol).
If this function is not called to specify the Code Page setting, the default value of this setting will be applied (Windows: code page of the current OS, Linux and Mac: UTF-8).
This function sets the value of the setting Kernel.Chr.CodePage. Note that this setting is not a string, but an integer value. Do not save this number but use its string representation as the numerical code value of a given code page may change. Its string representation can be retrieved by kRecGetCodePage. (The functions kRecSaveSettings and kRecSettingSave save its value in a safe mode.)
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetCodePage(int sid, string pCodePageName); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetCodePage(int sid, String pCodePageName) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetDefaultFilter ( int  sid,
CHR_FILTER  Glfilter 

Changing global character set filter.

The kRecSetDefaultFilter function specifies the Global filter, i.e. a Character Set filter which will be applied globally, at page level. If this function is not called by the integrating application after the Engine's initialization, the value FILTER_ALL is applied, i.e. the Language environment will not be filtered globally. The Global filter setting is applied for all zones having the FILTER_DEFAULT in their ZONE::filter field.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] Glfilter Global Character Set filter to be applied.
Return values:
This function sets the value of the setting Kernel.Chr.DefaultFilter. (This setting was not saved into a setting file in CSDK 15.)
If the Global filter is set to FILTER_DEFAULT by this function, the Global filter will reset to its default value FILTER_ALL.
All ZONE zones created by the kRecLocateZones function always have the FILTER_DEFAULT value in their ZONE::filter field.
Example for specifying a simple Language environment, in this case consisting of a language selection (English only) and no LanguagesPlus characters. Then a Global filter (Uppercase letters and digits only) is applied:
   HPAGE hPage;
   int sid = 0;         // Settings Collection ID
   . . .
   rc = kRecManageLanguages(sid, SET_LANG, LANG_ENG);
   rc = kRecLocateZones(sid, hPage, NULL);
   // The function above locates the zones and gives them the FILTER_DEFAULT
   // attribute
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetDefaultFilter(int sid, CHR_FILTER filter); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetDefaultFilter(int sid, CHR_FILTER Glfilter) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetFilterPlus ( int  sid,
LPCWSTR  pFilterPlus 

Setting FilterPlus characters.

The kRecSetFilterPlus function specifies a set of individual characters, the FilterPlus characters. The FilterPlus characters can broaden the filtered set of characters globally or on a per-zone basis. To allow the use of these FilterPlus characters, the zone's ZONE::filter field should have the FILTER_PLUS value enabled.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pFilterPlus Pointer of a UNICODE string containing the FilterPlus characters to be set. (The string is terminated with a double zero.)
Return values:
This function sets the value of the setting Kernel.Chr.FilterPlus. (This setting was not saved into setting file in CSDK 15.)
When characters to be added are contained in the ANSI (1252) Code Page, they can be defined in the string to be passed with a wide-character-string literal, L"characters". If any needed character falls outside the ANSI (1252) Code Page, you can convert all the characters one after the other with the kRecConvertCodePage2Unicode utility function, which converts a character code from the current Code Page value (kRecSetCodePage) to its UNICODE representation.
To broaden the Character Set by the defined characters, the filter value needed in the zone structure is: FILTER_ALL | FILTER_PLUS.
To add characters to a filtered language environment, the binary OR operator should be applied on FILTER_PLUS and the other filter values. The FilterPlus characters are added after the effect of the other filter elements. For example, to validate only letters and digits and the FilterPlus characters (with the punctuation and miscellaneous character categories disabled), the needed value is: FILTER_ALPHA | FILTER_DIGIT | FILTER_PLUS.
To validate only the FilterPlus characters, FILTER_PLUS must be the only filter element in the zone structure field. This disables even the letters validated by the language selection.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetFilterPlus(int sid, string pFilterPlus); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetFilterPlus(int sid, String pFilterPlus) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetLanguages ( int  sid,
LANG_ENA pLanguages 

Setting languages.

The kRecSetLanguages function defines the main part of the Language environment of the Character Set. The available languages are represented by the LANGUAGES enum.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pLanguages Address of a LANG_ENA array containing the enabled/disabled information for each language available.
Return values:
The Language environment is primarily determined by the language selection, optionally supplemented by the LanguagesPlus characters setting.
The language selection is specified through a LANG_ENA type array, where a LANG_ENABLED value means that the language represented by this element is supported. This array must have LANG_SIZE number of elements.
See also the details of CCJK, Arabic, Thai, Vietnamese and Hebrew language handling.
The recognition module selected for recognition of a zone may also impose restrictions, e.g. the RER recognition module cannot handle Greek characters.
If this function is not called to specify the language(s) to be recognized, the default value, English language, is applied.
Setting the proper Language environment before calling kRecPreprocessImg is recommended to improve the efficiency of image preprocessing. Especially for Asian languages it is essential that the language be set before kRecPreprocessImg.
For selecting a single language (or few languages) you may find only the kRecManageLanguages function handy.
Example of language selection for multi-lingual documents (e.g. English and German):
    for (int i=0; i<LANG_SIZE; i++) {
        pLang[i] = LANG_DISABLED;
    rc = kRecSetLanguages(sid, pLang);
Automatic Single Language Detection is available for cases when the page contains a single language but this language is not known. For details see also kRecSetSingleLanguageDetection.
This function sets the value of the setting Kernel.Languages. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetLanguages.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetLanguages(int sid, LANG_ENA[] pLanguages); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetLanguages(int sid, int[] pLanguages) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetLanguagesPlus ( int  sid,
LPCWSTR  pOcrLplus 

Setting LanguagesPlus characters.

The kRecSetLanguagesPlus function specifies some individual characters, the LanguagesPlus characters. The set of LanguagesPlus characters is added to the set of characters determined by the language selection (kRecSetLanguages). The resulting set of characters is called the Language environment.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pOcrLplus Pointer to a UNICODE string containing the LanguagesPlus characters to be set. (The string is terminated with a wide-character zero.) Page Characters and Code Pages collects all the character codes that can be used here.
Return values:
This function sets the value of the setting Kernel.Chr.LanguagesPlus. (This setting was not saved into setting file in CSDK 15.)
This function is useful if a client believes the accented letters validated for a given language are insufficient, or for handling texts containing foreign words.
When non-selectable languages need to be handled, it is usually best to select English only and validate the needed accented letters individually.
When characters to be added are contained in the ANSI (1252) Code Page, the easiest way to define the string to be passed is with a wide-character-string literal, L"characters". If any needed character falls outside the ANSI (1252) Code Page, you can convert all the characters one after the other with the kRecConvertCodePage2Unicode utility function which converts a character code from the current Code Page value (kRecSetCodePage) to its UNICODE representation.
Another typical use of the kRecSetLanguagesPlus function: two characters (Small E Acute and Capital E Acute) should be added to the German language:
    WCHAR *pLangPlus = L"éÉ";

    rc = kRecManageLanguages(sid, SET_LANG, LANG_GER);
    rc = kRecSetLanguagesPlus(sid, pLangPlus);
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetLanguagesPlus(int sid, string pOcrLplus); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetLanguagesPlus(int sid, String pOcrLplus) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetMissingSymbol ( int  sid,
WCHAR  wMiss 

Setting the missing symbol character.

The kRecSetMissingSymbol specifies the code of the missing symbol. The missing symbol is a special character that replaces any character that was recognized by the Engine but could not be represented in the final output document, since the character does not exist in the current Code Page.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] wMiss The missing symbol to be set.
Return values:
During the conversion to the final output document the kRecConvert2DTXT function tries to find a replacement character with a similar shape for one not supported by the current Code Page. Only if this attempt was not successful, the missing symbol will be sent into the final output document.
If this function is not called the default missing character, L"^" (the CIRCUMFLEX character) will be applied.
It is best to use a keyboard character for the missing symbol, so that it is supported by all Code Pages. If the defined missing symbol is itself missing from the selected Code Page, a character with a similar shape is set and a CHR_MISSINGEXPORT_ERR error code is returned.
If the missing symbol to be set is contained within the ANSI 1252 Code Page, you can define it with a literal string, e.g.: L"#". If it is not, a UNICODE value should be given.
This function sets the value of the setting Kernel.Chr.Missing. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetMissingSymbol.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetMissingSymbol(int sid, char wMiss); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetMissingSymbol(int sid, char wMiss) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetRejectionSymbol ( int  sid,
WCHAR  wRej 

Setting the rejection symbol character.

The kRecSetRejectionSymbol function specifies which character is to be used as a symbol for the rejected characters (i.e. unrecognized by the recognition module used in the zone) in the final output document.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] wRej The rejection symbol to be set.
Return values:
In the Engine there is a special internal code (UNICODE_REJECTED) for marking the unrecognized characters (called rejected characters). However, when exporting to the final output document, the recognition result must also contain this information. The character which will be used as a placeholder for rejected characters is the rejection symbol.
If this function is not called, the default rejection character, L"~" (the TILDE character) will be applied.
It is best to use a keyboard character for the rejection symbol, so that it is supported by all Code Pages. If the defined rejection character is missing from the selected Code Page, a character with a similar shape is set and a CHR_MISSINGEXPORT_ERR error code is returned.
If the rejection symbol to be set is contained within the ANSI 1252 Code Page, you can define it with a literal string, e.g.: L"#". If it is not, a UNICODE value should be given.
This function sets the value of the setting Kernel.Chr.Rejected. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetRejectionSymbol.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetRejectionSymbol(int sid, char wRej); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetRejectionSymbol(int sid, char wRej) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetSingleLanguageDetection ( int  sid,
INTBOOL  bEnable 

Automatic Single Language Detection.

The kRecSetSingleLanguageDetection function enables or disables Automatic Single Language Detection mode.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] bEnable Flag that indicates whether Automatic Single Language Detection is enabled or disabled.
Return values:
The default value of this setting is FALSE. In this case the language of the document must be known and specified before calling the first processing function (typically kRecPreprocessImg). More than one languages can be specified even if the document contains text written in those languages, but it is suggested to use few (fewer than 5) languages only. The recognition engine uses all those language dictionaries to recognize the words on the document.
When the language of the document is not known, automatic detection can be requested by calling this function with TRUE parameter and enabling all possible languages with the kRecSetLanguages or kRecManageLanguages functions.
When Automatic Single Language Detection is enabled, the engine works in a special mode: when the first processing function is called (typically kRecPreprocessImg) it tries to determine the language of the page by inspecting the letters and words found on it. The page may contain a single language only, but this language can be any Latin-alphabet or CCJK language or the Arabic one. Further processing in this mode uses the detected language to process the page. If the language cannot be determined, the language of the previous page will be used.
Latin-alphabet languages without dictionary are not supported. See the list of the language dictionaries of the OmniPage CSDK.
Automatic detection of Thai and Hebrew languages are not supported. Very clean documents in Greek, Russian and other Cyrillic languages can be processed with Single Language Detection, but making your application depend on automatic detection of these languages is not encouraged.
To improve detection accuracy, it is worth limiting the set of possible languages by enabling only those languages in the language array that should be considered. There are some special LANG_ALL language set identifiers to make the selection of languages easier. For example, the following code selects all Latin-alphabet and all Asian languages to be used at single language detection: You can limit the set of languages to be considered in the automatic detection even more precisely. For example, the following code enables some Western plus the Japanese and Korean languages only:
The kRecGetPageLanguages function can be used to learn the detected language of the page.
Automatic Single Language Detection is performed as a relatively fast initial processing step before character recognition, therefore its accuracy is very much dependent on the image quality and many other conditions. Use it mostly in unattended applications where the document's language is not known.
There is no individual function to detect the language of a page. If you want to learn the language, for example, to show it as a hint for the user before recognition, you must do the following steps:
  1. enable automatic single language detection with kRecSetSingleLanguageDetection
  2. set the languages to choose the single language from with e.g. kRecManageLanguages
  3. call kRecPreprocessImg
  4. learn the detected language by calling kRecGetPageLanguages
This function sets the value of the setting Kernel.OcrMgr.DetectSingleLanguage.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetSingleLanguageDetection(int sid, bool bEnable); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetSingleLanguageDetection(int sid, int bEnable)