Add items to a package

You can quickly add commonly used items or specific item types from a selected artifact to the package, or search for the items as needed and add to the package.

The commonly used items include process, case, business rule, skins, extraction group, classification group, forms and category. The artifacts include user interface, capture, resources, queries, packages, system, system data and monitoring.

  1. To quickly add items to a package, do either of the following on the Package tab:
    • On the Add list, select the most commonly used item, such as, Processes, Cases or Forms.

      The Add items dialog box displays the list of processes. Select the processes to add as needed and click Done.

    • On the Add list, navigate to the artifact, such as User interface and select specific item type, such as Form templates.

      The Add items dialog box displays the list of form templates. Select the form templates to add as needed and click Done.

    The selected items are displayed on the Package tab.

  2. To search and add items to a package:
    1. Click Search.

      The Add items dialog box is displayed.

    2. On the Category list, select a category.

      By default, your working category is selected.

    3. On the Artifact list, select the artifact, such as Capture. (Default: All)

      Available artifacts are: All, Capture, Monitoring, Packages, Queries, Resources, System, System data, User interface and Workflow.

    4. On the Last modified list, select the time period to search. (Default: One week)

      You can search for all items, items modified since a specific date time, between certain dates, today (from 00.01 to current time), one week (last seven days), this month (from the first of the selected month to current date) and this year (from January 1 to current date).

    5. Click Search.

      The artifacts created during the selected period and the total number of items are displayed in the right panel. Additionally, all the items that belong to the selected artifact appear on the Type list. The total count of items are also displayed.

      Note You can filter the item by item name.
    6. By default, the Type list displays All, which means all items from the selected artifact are displayed. To display items that belong to a specific type from the selected artifact, select a specific item type on the Type list.

      For example, on the Artifact list, if Packages was selected, all the package associated items are displayed. To further filter the list, on the Type list, select Miscellaneous file to display only miscellaneous files.

    7. Select the items to add as needed, or click Add all to all items.

      The added items appear in the Selected items box.

      To delete a selected item, click for the item to delete.

    8. Click Done.

      The selected items appear on the Package tab. The total count of items and the count of items grouped by artifact type is displayed at the bottom.

      To delete an item, click for the item to delete.

  3. To protect an individual artifact, select the check box for the artifact. To protect all the items, select the Protected check box on the header.

    If the Protect all items in the package property is already selected, all the items are marked protected by default. You cannot unprotect an item.

  4. To view items selected from a specific artifact, on the Artifact list, select the artifact, such as User interface.

    All the items from the selected artifact appear.

  5. Click Save.

Additional information on adding items to a package

  • The package does not include categories associated with DLLs.

  • A package does not include the following items associated with resources: Category for all, External resources, Personas, Supervisor resource and members (worker resources and group resources) for Group resource, Supervisor, Persona, Working group, and associated groups for Worker resource. You cannot add security roles in a package.

  • The package does not include the following items associated with Capture data:

    • Currency codes

    • Resources (workers and groups) and Processes for entity

    • Resources (workers and groups) and Forms for extraction groups

    • Resources (workers and groups) and Forms for folder type

    • Cannot use server variables in definition

    • The PDF Generation, Scan/VRS, and Separation profiles are not included in the package, if "Include items associated with categories" is selected.

  • The package does not include the following items associated with Queries:

    • Resources (workers or groups) and Process for Job query and Work queue query

    • When you import a package, the Job, Work queue, and System queries are overwritten only if the Overwrite Non-versioned items option is selected.

  • A package does not include the following items associated with the System:

    • Category for all

    • Parent category and Resources (workers and groups) for Category

    • Process and Server variables for Job schedule