Flowchart diagrams

The Flowchart Diagrams category includes the following types:

  • Basic Flowchart Diagrams

  • Cross-Functional Diagrams

  • SDL Diagrams

The following tables describe the different shapes available for each diagram type, and the corresponding TotalAgility nodes.

Table 1. Basic Flowchart Shapes

Microsoft Visio Shape

TotalAgility Node



Start Node

The first shape in an Microsoft Visio diagram with no origin (no input) defaults to a Start node.

A start node indicates the first point in a process map and where the business process starts.


Visio - decision


A decision point in a process map indicates where a choice must be made about which path the process follows. A business rule applied to the decision point determines the execution path.

Predefined Process

Embedded Map

A predefined process is an embedded map if you link it as follows:

  1. Select Format > Behavior > Double Click.
  2. Select the Go To page option.

  3. From the dropdown list, select the page to link.

The related drawing is also exported as an embedded process map (or child map).


A predefined process is an activity that is not linked.

Parallel Mode


In a process map, the Arc tool adds a free flow line to an activity in order to produce parallel activities.

Note You need to set up dependants for the activity immediately after it.


End Node

An End Node indicates that no further action is available and defines the end of a process map or the end of a stage in a process map. A process map can have a series of end nodes.

  • Dynamic Connector

  • Line Curve Connector

  • Control Transfer


An Arc indicates where the next activity or decision will be placed.



Ignores this shape.

Table 2. Cross-Functional Flowchart Shapes

Microsoft Visio Shape

TotalAgility Node Description


Start Node

The first shape in a Microsoft Visio diagram with no origin (no input) defaults to a Start node.

  • Functional Band

  • Separator


TotalAgility ignores these shapes because they control the visual representation of the flowchart and have no other meaning.

Table 3. SDL Shapes

Microsoft Visio Shape

TotalAgility Node



Start Node

The first shape in an Microsoft Visio diagram with no origin (no input) defaults to a Start node.


Variable Start

Start Node

Same as above.

Decision 1

Decision 2


A decision point in a process map indicates where a choice must be made about which path the process follows. A business rule applied to the decision point determines the execution path.


Variable Procedure

Multi Document

Embedded Map

A predefined process is an embedded map if you link it as follows:

  1. Select Format > Behavior > Double Click.
  2. Select the Go To page option.

  3. From the dropdown list, select the page to link.

The related drawing is also exported as an embedded process map (or child map).


A predefined process is an activity that is not linked.


End Note

An End Node indicates that no further action is available and defines the end of a process map or the end of a stage in a process map. A process map can have a series of end nodes.

Dynamic Connector

Line Curve Connector


An Arc indicates where the next activity or decision will be placed.