Configure the Output management distribution mechanism

  1. On the Distribute mechanism list, select Output management.
  2. For Request reference, select a process or server variable, or click and enter an inline value. (Maximum: 100 characters)
  3. For Correspondence reference list, select a process or server variable, or enter an inline value. (Maximum: 100 characters)
  4. Optional. For Brand, select a process or server variable, or enter an inline value (Maximum: 250 characters)

    The Brand attribute is used by communication rules specified in the output management and is used in certain distribution scenarios for styling where an HTML file needs to be generated from a non-HTML source.

  5. Configure the recipients that will receive the pack. You must specify at least one recipient and the recipient type should be unique for each recipient.
    1. Click for Recipients.

      The Contact items dialog box is displayed.

    2. For Type, select a process or server variable, or enter an inline value.

      Note The recipient type specified should match the recipient type defined in the KCM Rules engine.

    3. To add the contact items, click .
    4. Enter a Name for the contact item.

      The name cannot be more than 50 characters, and must consist following characters: 0-9, a-z, A-Z, _ (Latin alphanumeric underscore) and - (minus).

      Note The contact item name specified should match the name defined in the KCM Rules engine.
    5. For Value, select a process or server variable, or enter an inline value.
    6. Click Add.

      The name-value pair appears in the table.

    7. Add more contact items as needed.
    8. Click Save.
    9. Configure more recipients as needed.
  6. Optional. To define the Sender of the pack, do the following:
    1. Click for Sender.
    2. Enter a Name for the sender.

      The sender name cannot be more than 50 characters, and must consist following characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, _ (Latin alphanumeric underscore) and - (minus).

    3. For Value, select a process or server variable, or enter an inline value.
    4. Click Add. The name-value pair appears in the table.

      Note You can define only one sender.

  7. Click Save.