SignDoc activity

Use the SignDoc activity to define a signing package to get the documents digitally signed.

To define a signing package, you need the SignDoc server to use, the documents to be signed or reviewed and the recipients and their email addresses to sign or review the documents. Additionally, you can specify a name for the signing package.

When a SignDoc server is added to TotalAgility, all the available templates within the selected SignDoc server become available for defining a signing package. When you define a signing package, you can either create a new template or use the existing template from SignDoc. A template consists of documents and signers required for digital signature. Once the signing package is created, SignDoc sends an email to the signer address specified in the configuration along with the link to the documents to be signed. For the signing ceremony, TotalAgility uses the generic names specified for the signer or reviewer during template creation. You can customize the generic names to display names so that the documents are sent with the display name. For example, configure Consultant for Doctor or manager's actual name for Manager. Once the signing ceremony is complete, SignDoc sends a notification to TotalAgility to complete the SignDoc activity.

To execute the SignDoc activity, log on to SignDoc server as Administrator and change the following settings.

Note This is applicable only for SignDoc 2.1 version.
  1. Navigate to SETTINGS > Plugins.
  2. Click Configuration.
  3. Update plugin.cfg.KTAStateChangeNotification.ktaurl (http://<KTA server>/TotalAgility).
  4. Update plugin.cfg.KTAStateChangeNotification.sesionid (<System_Session ID>).

  • All users in the administrator account can access the configured SignDoc details and settings.

  • When the SignDoc activity becomes pending at runtime, system sends emails to the addresses specified in the configuration with a link to the documents to be signed. As each user signs their documents in the package, a note is added to the TotalAgility job.

  • When the package is created, a note is added to the job with the package ID.

  • When the signing ceremony is complete, the signed PDF is updated with signed documents and audit trail details.

  • When SignDoc signing package is created and the job is terminated, the document will still exist in the package.

  • If the creation of package fails, for example, due to a communication failure with the SignDoc server, a note is added to the job and the job is suspended.

  • When SignDoc activity is restarted, existing package is deleted and signers/reviewers need to sign/review again.

See Configure a SignDoc activity.