Lock status search

You can track locked items based on the item name, item type and the resource that locked the item. Search for a combination of items, for example, search for all the forms or processes locked by a resource.

The Lock and Unlock options enhance control and configurability for items in the TotalAgility Designer. By default, an item, such as business process is locked when created, to restrict other resources from modifying. Use the Unlock option to allow others to modify items.

You can set the access permissions for a resource that can search for locked items. See Access permissions.

Search for locked Items

  1. Navigate to System > System settings > Utilities > Lock status search.

    The Lock status search dialog box is displayed.

  2. To search for an item based on the name:
    1. In the Item name box, enter the item name.
    2. Click Search.

      The searched item appears.

  3. To search for all locked items:
    1. On the Type list, select All.
    2. Click Search.

      A list of all locked items appears.

  4. To search for items by item type:
    1. On the Type list, select the type of item, such as Form. (Default: All)

      The available item types are: Business process, Classification group, Document variant, Extraction group, Folder type, Form, Form template, Form variant, and Skin.

    2. Click Search.

      A list of items for the selected item type appears.

  5. To search for items locked by a resource:
    1. To search for all items locked by a resource, select All on the Type list, click the Down arrow in the Locked by field to select a resource and then click Search.

      By default, the resources from the working category are displayed. Click to select the resource from a specific category. You can also filter the resources by name.

      All items locked by the selected resource appear.

    2. To search for a specific item locked by a resource, select an item type on the Type list, click the Down arrow in the Locked by field to select a resource and then click Search.

      A list of items from the selected item type locked by the selected resource appears.

  6. To clear the search criteria, click Reset.

Unlock an item

You can unlock items locked by other resources. Only administrators with appropriate privileges can unlock certain items.

When you unlock an item that is not currently being modified, the item is unlocked and can be locked by other resources.

When you unlock an item that is currently being modified by another resource, the item is unlocked and can be locked by other resources. However, if you modify the unlocked item, when the resource who is modifying the same item tries to save it, a message appears informing the resource that the item is locked by some other user, and cannot be saved or released.

  1. Search for the locked items.

    The search results appear.

  2. On the context menu of the item to unlock, click Unlock.
  3. On confirmation, the item is unlocked.