Linked servers

You can define a two-way link between two separate TotalAgility installations (on-premise, on-premise multi-tenancy or Azure) and move documents between the linked servers to facilitate high-speed remote scanning.

Linked servers can consist of a combination of on-premise, on-premise multi-tenancy and Azure. However, on-premise multi-tenancy to Azure and vice versa is not supported.

In a distributed environment (separate Application and Web server), the current and/or Target URLs must reference the Web server.

In an on-premise multi-tenant and Azure environments, the current and/or target URLs must reference the tenant.

  • In an on-premise multi-tenant: <tenant_name>.<WebServerFQDN>/TotalAgility
  • In Azure: <tenant_name>.<AzureServerFQDN>

For more information about License proxy installation see Kofax TotalAgility Installation Guide.

See Link the TotalAgility servers.