Class: ReviewControl


new ReviewControl(containerId)

Shows review screen with the image input and toolbar with Accept & Retake buttons
Name Type Description
containerId String The ID of the DIV to display the review screen. The div container must exist, or an error will be thrown. Application developer has to properly set size & position of div. SDK doesn't check size & position or any other container css properties, this is a developer responsibility. The div container can be either empty or not. In case of not empty container the review control will hide all nested child elements till Accept or Retake is pressed.


review(imageData, acceptCallBack, retakeCallBack)

Shows review screen with the image input and toolbar with Accept & Retake buttons
Name Type Description
imageData ImageData Image to be reviewed. This image is expected to have valid dimensions
acceptCallBack function Callback to be invoked when user press accept button
retakeCallBack function Callback to be invoked when user press retake button