TC/Web Access is an internet application providing access to the Kofax Communication Server via a web browser. Because it is an internet application, no installation of a TC/Web client is necessary. It is immediately accessible from a web browser.
TC/Web is a multifunctional tool, intended to be used by both end-users and administrators of Kofax Communication Server services.
TC/Web enables end users to send and receive messages in a variety of media including email, fax, voice, and SMS. Users can create and edit recipient entries with multiple addresses, as well as lists of recipients.
As an interface to TC/Broadcast product, TC/Web enables users to send, manage and monitor broadcasts of up to 30,000 messages.
The Metamail feature saves storage space on mail systems. Large attachments are stored on the Kofax Communication Server rather than the mail server. The messages sent to the user include an internet hyperlink instead of the actual fax image or voicemail attachment. Clicking on the hyperlink opens a TC/Web message in a web browser, allowing access to the attachment stored on the Kofax Communication Server.
TC/Web enables administrators to view a list of users on the Kofax Communication Server. Administrators can change the basic properties of a user such as their name, company, and password, as well as lock and unlock a user account.
To assist in user support, a feature called “UserSwitch” enables an administrative user to view and edit some of the data of another user.
The Kofax Communication Server and its components formerly used the name TOPCALL. Some screen shots and texts in this manual may still use the former name.