Working with log windows

Now that we know how to get the log information, let’s see how we can work with it.

As mentioned before, log information from enabled computers is sent to the Server Monitor and passed to all log windows on the right. Try to create a new log window:

Select Log > New log window from the menu:

Click the New log window button on the toolbar

Use the log window popup menu and select New log window



You can check if logging is turned on for a specific computer by verifying if '[Log]' is appended to the computer name in the tree view.

If you already had an opened log window, you’ll now see two. Try arranging them a bit. Do one of the following:

Select Window > Tile windows from the menu.

Click the Tile windows button on the toolbar.

Right click in one window and select Tile windows from the popup.



You’ll notice that the log windows have been resized and arranged:



Each log entry spawns one line and consists of:

The level: T for trace, I for information, E for error, C for critical error and D for display. This level also affects the color the line is drawn in.

The computer name (shortened) where the message originated.

The date the entry was written.

The time the entry was written.

The component (server) that sent the message.

In case of error messages: the cause of the message. The cause field consists of one or more characters, each standing for one possible cause (C = configuration, T = communication, D = database, etc.). The most probable cause stands left, others follow in decreasing probability order. For a list of possible causes, see the FraudOne - Administrator's Guide.

The log information.

Notice that if a new message is generated, it will now be displayed in all windows. ‘Why do I want to see the same message in different windows?’ I hear you say. The point is, that you can apply filters to each window and only display selected messages. We’ll come to that shortly. Jump to Filtering if you can’t wait.

Let’s first see what you can do with log windows.

If you submit a problem report to Kofax technical support, they will usually request it to be accompanied by a trace from the server. The easy way to do this, is to go to the log window, select the appropriate lines with the cursor (and/or with ‘Shift’ or ‘Ctrl’ pressed) and copy the information to the clipboard. From the clipboard you can then paste it into an email to submit your problem report. If nothing is selected, the whole contents of the log window will be copied.

To copy the log lines to the clipboard do one of the following:

Select Log >Copy log to clipboard from the menu.

Click the Copy log to clipboard button on the toolbar.

Right click in the log window and select Copy log to clipboard from the popup menu.



If your log window gets too cluttered, you can clear it using the Computer >Clear log menu or toolbar button:



Sometimes, while you try to read one message, a whole bunch of new ones will arrive, causing the part you were just reading to scroll off the screen. This is very probable if you have set the log level of some components to ‘trace’ causing them to generate lots of messages.

There is, however, an easy way to prevent this: you can pause a window. Do one of the following:

Select Log > Pause log from the menu.

Click the Pause log button on the toolbar.

Right click in the log window and select ‘Pause log’ from the popup menu.



The currently active log window will now stop displaying new messages. This is shown by the word ‘Paused’ in the title bar.

After you read your message, resume display by using the same procedure as above. Messages that arrived in the mean time will now be displayed.