Error message information

Look at the error messages on your screen. There may be error messages, colored red, also recognizable by the 'E' for error or 'C' for critical message prefix, but there are certainly display or information messages colored blue, with 'D' for display or 'I' for information.

You will notice that those messages also contain a unique message identifier. It looks like ‘XXX1234’. The first three characters identify the component, while the number uniquely identifies the message. You can use this identifier to look the message up in the system documentation. You will find information on the most probable cause of the error, together with some possible actions you might take.

Instead of searching for the document and then looking the message up you can also take an easier way: Simply double click on the message identifier on your screen. Alternatively you can also right click on it and select Error message information from the popup menu. This menu entry will only be enabled for messages that have a message identifier. A new window will open that will show the additional error information.



When you are done reading, simply close the window.