Discovering computers on the network

If you don’t know what the name of the server is, or you want to see what’s going on in your neighborhood, you can use the discover function. Select

Computer > Discover

from the menu, click on the Discover button in the toolbar, or right click on the FraudOne icon and select Discover form the popup menu:



The Discover dialog pops up and searches for computers running FraudOne servers in your neighborhood. In the default monitor configuration, the computers must be in the same network to be discovered. The Discover behavior can be changed. See Configuring the Server Monitor for more information.



The progress bar on top indicates if your monitor is still searching for computers. After the progress bar reaches the right side, the search is complete and no more computers will be found.

Computers that have been found will be displayed in the Results section. Only computers running FraudOne configured with the same port numbers as your monitor can be discovered.

Select the computer you’re interested in and click OK. The computer will be added to your tree view. You don’t have to wait for the search to finish. You can select the computer the moment it has been found. You can also select more than one computer at once. Simply mark the computers by clicking on them with the ‘Shift’ or ‘Ctrl’ key pressed. When the computers you are interested in are selected, press the OK button. The selected entries will be added to your list.