In this section, configuration elements of type “Files” are described. These elements can be added, modified or deleted via this panel by entering into a context menu within the table Files (that displays the result of the selected filtering).


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A right mouse click on the Files table opens a pop-up menu. The pop-up menu distinguishes common and private elements and supplies add, edit, and delete entries for each of them: Add, Edit, Delete entries for the private elements and Add common, Edit common, Delete common entries for the common elements. The entries are enabled, or disabled in accordance with the (set of) selected element(s).

In general, components of FraudOne are configured from a core (common) set of properties, and customer-specific (private) set. A user must be granted with the Core Properties right in order to work with the common set of properties, otherwise the functionality is limited as follows.

The menu items Add Common, Edit Common and Delete Common are disabled in the context menu, the Import Workspace button is disabled, the Import Archive dialog (see below) is limited to import only private property elements (however, non-property elements, like .ini files, can be imported as common elements). The table Files looks then like the following:


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The Delete operation deletes a selected configuration element. Add and Edit operations open a separate configuration file editor panel.


Klicken um Größe zu verändern


On the panel you can edit the content of the file directly as well as adding a new configuration element by specifying Machine, Instance Type, Instance and the Handling Type of the element that should also reference this particular file. Open the context menu in the header part of the editor to add additional attribute groups to the file element. If any added attribute group already has an association to the same file, a new editor window is opened showing this file – this existing association is removed at the point when the new file is saved.



We have two client machines: Client-1 and Client-2; both have core If we open Client-1’s, Edit in its context menu, and add Client-2’s there (see the screenshot), then both of them will be bound to the same content. Additionally the old Client-2’s will be deleted.


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