Search Cheques

In this menu, you can search for cheque corresponding to the search mask. You can combine the search criteria any way you wish. Note that in alphanumeric fields, parts of the value in the target field can also be searched for, so you do not need to enter the entire search term at this point.




You are looking for the document reference number 200.

Displayed is the following reference number: 00000000000001106200934600 !


If you are missing data from the middle of the search term, you can use the following placeholders:

% — for as many characters as you would like

_ — for one character

In the above two cases, this example would appear as follows:

You are searching for the document reference number 1106%934600 or 1106_00934600 .

In both cases, 00000000000001106200934600 is shown



You need the character \ to be able to make a search for the above-named characters '%' and '_' within a text. This backslash has the effect that characters directly following have no special meaning.



\% — the search is for a percentage sign

\_ — the search is for an underscore

\\ — the search is for one backslash