
This menu can only be selected when a scanner driver is installed on the system. The following settings for the scanning process can be made:


Scanner driver

To select, install and activate a scanner in FraudOne.


Paper format

Set the paper size for the embedded scanner driver. When selecting a standardized size, such as A4, the lower and right edges cannot be changed. If this is desired, select the Custom setting from the Paper size pull-down menu. Automatic feed can be selected if the scanner driver supports this option.


Color depth

In the setting for colour depth, only black-and-white and 8-bit grey can currently be selected. If black-and-white is selected, the B/W threshold can be used to set the degree at which conversion to white or black takes place. You should note that, for automatic forgery detection, 8-bit grey processing is absolutely necessary. Resolution must be at least 200 dpi, but 300 dpi is optimal.