It is possible to display dialogues with detailed information about the signatory via the context menu. You will get this popup menu by pressing the right mouse button for the selected signatory in the signatory list. This information includes details about the signatory, information about signatory mandates and a dialogue for the signature image.

The menu items are enabled or disabled or will not be displayed according to the signatory properties.


Menu items for the signatory:

Display instruction

Displays a popup with the signatory instruction

Display signatory

Opens the details dialog for the signatory (only display)

Edit signatory

Opens the details dialog for the signatory with the possibility to change signatory data

Delete signatory

Opens the details dialog for the signatory to confirm deletion


Menu items for the mandates of a signatory:

Display rules

Opens the dialog displaying all rules valid for this signatory

Edit rules

Opens the dialog to create, modify and delete rules for this signatory

Sign with.

Opens a dialog showing all the signatories having right together with this signatory

Display details for rule x

Opens a popup displaying the rule details for rule x. X is a placeholder standing for the xth rule in the rule list of this signatory


Menu items for the signature of a signatory:

Load signature

Loads a signature from the database if not loaded yet

Display signature

Opens a popup dialog to display the signature of the signatory

Edit signature

Opens the dialog for editing the signature image