Account Grouping

This view is enabled only for queues that have the Account Grouping flag set in their queue type. After a GetNext all documents belonging to the same account and currently decidable in the current queue are shown. As in every other list you can scroll through the documents, select one document and see or decide it in the view "current queue". Additional to this there are some buttons for a quicker decision:





Reject All


Rejects all documents in the list with the reject reason below this button

Reject Undecided


Rejects all undecided documents in the list with the reject reason below this button

Reject Selected


Rejects all selected documents in the list with the reject reason below this button

Accept all


Accepts all documents in the list

Accept Undecided


Accepts all undecided documents in the list

Accept Selected


Accepts all selected documents in the list


Alternatively you can decide every single document by selecting a convenient action and reject reason in the last 2 columns of every row.

Generally all decisions to a document are not sent immediately to the server, but stored internally. There is only one way to send decisions in Account Grouping to the server, via the button Send to Server (shortcut CTRL-Enter). Pressing this button sends all decided documents in the list to the server. Before the last document is sent, the client asks for more documents in this queue belonging to the current account. After the last document has been sent an automatic GetNext takes place returning the next group of documents belonging to the same account, but probably a different account than before. There is no way to define the order of accounts returned by GetNext.


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