Advanced Properties - Imprinter - Ngenuity Scanners

Kofax VRS supports basic imprinting and annotation. For production-class scanners equipped with imprinters, you can set up imprinting properties using the Imprinter panel on the Advanced Properties window. Use the panel to build a text string from a numeric counter value, dynamic content, and text, and then use the string to imprint and/or annotate pages and images. Once added to the page or image, imprinter and annotation strings are permanent.

The annotation feature works only in conjunction with the imprinting feature; to annotate images you must also imprint pages.

Imprinter Controls Group

In the Imprinter Controls group, you can select from the following:

  • Disable (default): No string is created on the scanned page or the resulting image

  • Front page prescan: Imprinting string is printed on the front of the scanned page prior to scanning the front page image.

  • Back page postscan: Imprinting string is printed on the back of the scanned page after scanning the back page image. The string does not appear on the image itself.

Text Controls

Click Text Controls to display the Text Controls window to customize imprinter and annotation string settings. The scanner's imprinter supports characters based on the Windows-1252 code page character encoding. For further information, see your scanner documentation.